The plan, conceived by James Mitchell, a psychologist working on contract for the C.I.A., was to induce learned helplessness in humans by combining an individually tailored regimen of torture techniques with environmental manipulation. Then a sergeant major pulled him aside for a brief interview, and assigned him to work the night shift in Echo Special, a secret, single-occupancy unit that had been built to house the United States militarys highest-value detainee. (The phrase Work sets you free appeared on the gates of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. There, Schroen contacted the leaders of the Northern Alliance, an armed group that had spent years fighting the Taliban, with little external support. Three years into his captivity Slahi began a diary, recounting his life before he disappeared into U.S. custody and daily life as a detainee. If I say that I am angry, it is seen as a threat to national security., The next day, Salahi brought Wood and me to a friends wedding party, hosted by Mauritanias best radiologist. Few locals spoke French, but since the country had been arbitrarily drawn up as a vast, mostly desert territory, populated by numerous ethnic groups who spoke different languages, there was no alternative for official documentation. Out here, Im probably only drinking seven or eight coffees per day, he told me. Where is Abu Hafs? one of them asked. He sought structure and disciplinea life of pride, purpose, and clarity of mission. Published now for the first time, Guantanamo . No one will know what happened to him, and eventually, no one will care.. What followed was a period of experimentationoverseen by psychologists, lawyers, and medical personnelat C.I.A. Neely later found out that the elderly detainee had jerked because, when he was forced to his knees, he thought he was about to be shot in the back of the head. That day, Neelys job was to haul captives from a bus to a holding area for processing, and then to small, outdoor cages, where they would spend nearly four months sleeping on rocks, and relieving themselves in buckets, while soldiers constructed more permanent cellblocks. (The C.I.A. His turban was still damp from where his wife had cleaned off other peoples blood. During interrogations, detainees were forced to perform mock satanic rituals, or were draped in the Israeli flag. Larry Siems visited Salahi in Mauritania, and they set about filling in the redactions in the book. The transcript omits much of his testimony, noting that, at the moment he started to describe the abuse, the recording equipment began to malfunction and that the tapes were distorted. The transcript continues, The Detainee wanted to show the Board his scars and location of injuries, but the board declined the viewing. (By now, the U.S. government was rolling back authorizations for torture techniques, and the military and the C.I.A. He let you down! An interrogation memo listed plans to shave Salahis head and beard, dress him in a burqa, and make him bark and perform dog tricks, to reduce the detainees ego and establish control.. Over dinner, they explained that they were heading east, for the jihad. The tape would fall off our uniforms, Wood recalled. But he did not consider himself a member of Al Qaeda, or a facilitator of its operations. I just kind of shrugged it off, like, What does it matter? They decided to get a divorce. He didnt harbor any particular animosity toward Muslims, but he had absorbed his mothers belief: If its not from Jesus then it must be from the Devil. After completing the requirements to become an M.P., Wood enrolled in a criminal-justice program at a nearby community college. ), One night, Salahi awoke to the sound of a tiny hole being drilled into his wall. He was the first person in his family to attend university. For years, Mohamedou Salahi was imprisoned on the grounds of being a suspected collaborator in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. He signed it. But, when the new commander asked Stuart Herrington, a retired colonel and Army intelligence officer, to assess operations at the facility, Herrington found that most interrogators lacked the training and the experience required to be effective. Mohamedou Salahi spent more than fourteen years in detention at Guantnamo Bay, where he was repeatedly tortured. Salahi underwent daily interrogations. Salahi figured that this was how bin al-Shibh had ended up naming him as a high-level Al Qaeda recruiter. The document he signed listed one aim of the abuse as to replicate and exploit the Stockholm Syndrome, in which kidnapping victims come to trust and feel affection for their captors. Even if the military believed he was innocent, he figured that he knew too much about classified torture programs to be let out into the world. On paper, Salahi is not listed as the father. He was not happyhe didnt want to leave, Abdellahi told me. (His wife returned to Nouakchott.) Salahi had deleted the contents of his phone. He thought, It must be somebody really importantthe most dangerous person in the world, perhapsto have this special attention, a guard force just for him. The hours were unpredictable, with long drives and arduous shifts. He knew what he expected to hear. I took the pillow as a sign of the end of the physical torture.. He gently held Salahis shoulder, and said, Everythings O.K. Salahi shook his head, and clicked his tongue in disagreement, but refused to speak. In time, he became suspicious that Salahis confessions had been elicited through torture, and were therefore tainted evidence. There were no weapons of mass destruction. I just remember being super excited, because I thought, Im going to be doing something important, Wood told me. This friendship is real., Salahi saw no path out of Guantnamo. Id read about Muslim heroes who faced the death penalty, head up, he wrote. (In his diary, Salahi wrote, I was eager to let my predator know, I am, I am.) When the conversation was over, the Jordanians blindfolded Salahi and put a set of soundproof earmuffs on him. Salahi and I sat on either side of the leader of a political party that has more than a hundred and fifty seats in Parliament. Wood, then a member of the. See what it did to his family., A job posting depicts life as an intelligence officer in Guantnamo Bay as a rewarding challenge with incredible surroundingssunsets, beaches, iguanas, pristine Caribbean blue. Having accepted his guards, Salahi wrote, the next phase of captivity was getting used to the prison, and being afraid of the outside world.. One day in the spring of 2012, Abu Hafs slipped out of custody during a visit to the gym. I felt so bad, and kept praying silently, Nothings gonna happen to you dear brother.. special agent, was eager to receive the flight manifest. In 1999, shortly after graduating from high school, Wood started a job at the local sawmill. Mitchell argued that, by reverse-engineering this program, interrogators could overwhelm whatever resistance training a detainee might have absorbed from the Manchester manual. Der hat eine recht interessante Vita, war bei Al-Qaida ttig und soll whrend seiner . I want to see photos of their heads on pikes, Black said, according to Schroens memoir, First In, published in 2005. Zuley read Salahi a letter, later shown to be forged, stating that his mother was in U.S. custody and might soon be transferred to Guantnamo. At that time, Slahi was seen as one of the most important detainees at Guantanamo with allegations that he had helped organise the 9/11 attacks. How could he possibly know? But the climactic descriptions of what it took for him to "break" are almost . Yee, who had converted to Islam in the early nineties, sent a request up the chain of command, but was rebuffed. Salahi agreed, and Abu Hafs wired around four thousand dollars to his German account. I have contact with Osama bin Ladens operative, who was helping launder money. You must be very tough. As he read about Islamic history, he began to seek clarity in the Quran itself. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, 44, has been held prisoner inside Guantanomo Bay since 2002. In time, he was given back his pain medication. His friend, Hosni Mohsen, introduced him to the imam at the Al Sunnah mosque. It was not every day, the tortureI would say maybe twice a week. While other detainees were mercilessly beaten, strung up by their limbs, and sexually assaulted, he added, all they did was strike me at different times in the face, and hit me against the concrete wall.. He wasnt sure what he wanted out of the visithe knew only that curiosity eclipsed his misgivings. Everyone, including myself, was very nervous, he said. I came to Canada with a plan to blow up the CN Tower in Toronto, Salahi wrote, in one of his many confessions. According to Wood, the guard drafted a note, but he decided not to submit it. Wife: Not Available: Sibling: Not Available: Children: Not Available : Mohamedou Ould Slahi Net Worth. His specialty was in brutalizing detainees who were considered important, but not valuable enough to get them tickets to the secret CIA prisons, Salahi wrote. That dictatorship was built in Guantnamo Bay.. It was such a good feeling.. En 2005, trois ans aprs son arrestation, Mohamedou a commenc rdiger un journal. By now, Salahi was under surveillance by German intelligence. Id come home and iron my uniform, and my roommates didnt know a thing, he said. Military personnel took his biometric information, and logged his health problemsincluding a damaged sciatic nervethen led him to a cell. He spent 14 years imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay after being falsely accused of playing a role in . A week after Salahi began leading prayers at the Al Sunnah mosque, Ressam drove a rental car onto a U.S.-bound ferry in Victoria, British Columbia. In time, Wood began to think of everything he had known before meeting Salahi as a narrow-minded myth of American superiority, notable for its omissions of overseas misadventures. He began to notice surveillance everywhere. He no longer derived much solace from Islam, and rarely prayed. O.K., screw it, it is not a problemthey can watch me, he said. They werent the only people taken by this strugglethe C.I.A. An officer shouted Code Red! into a radio, and the Internal Reaction Force team raced to the scene and hog-tied him. It is basically subject to perception. After 14 years. But Salahi was shackled to the floor, so he could do so only hunched over. After all, only the Americans suspect me of terrorism, no other country. For the next seventy days I wouldnt know the sweetness of sleeping. But, with every day going by, the optimists lost ground, he wrote. Once they do, he will disappear and never be heard from again. Salahi was told to imagine the worst possible scenario he could end up in, and that he would soon disappear down a very dark hole. Guantanamo Bay prisoner Mohamedou Ould Slahi discusses his story being adapted as "The Mauritanian", alongside fmr. The U.S. had fired cruise missiles at Al Qaeda-linked targets in Sudan and Afghanistan, and, in a bid to capture Abu Hafs, the C.I.A. After roughly three weeks, F.B.I. But it wasnt enough; the government wanted him to link other people in Canada to various plots. Salahi also pushed him to research Western foreign-policy blundersfor example, that in 1953 the American and the British intelligence services had orchestrated a coup in Iran, overthrowing a popular Prime Minister in order to prop up a tyrannical, pro-Western Shah. On May 22nd, Salahis lead F.B.I. In Guantnamo Diary, Mohamedou Ould Slahi describes the months of brutal interrogation, sleep deprivation, beatings, starvation, and sexual assault he endured at the U.S. government's notorious detention center in Cuba. Her wife was on hand to support her last month, as she scooped the coveted Best Supporting Actress Golden Globe for her efforts in The Mauritanian. They showed him photos of various hijackers, and one of Ramzi bin al-Shibh, the attack cordinator, who had been captured in Pakistan. Bin Laden had fled to the mountains, and the remaining Al Qaeda leaders understood that, as Arabs and North Africans, they could never blend in with the locals, who spoke Dari, Pashto, Balochi, and other regional languages. They were told not to wait for Salahi. The United States released Mohamedou Ould Slahi, the author of a renowned prison memoir, after he was detained for more than 14 years in Jordan, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo, and returned him. It takes a lot of prep to start the job, but, when youve done your bit, youre leaving things better than when you arrived, he said. For the next two months, Abu Hafs taught jihadi recruits at a madrassa. He was never charged with a crime, although the U.S. government suspected him of involvement in the September 11th attacks. Soon afterward, Steve and Wendy separated. Owing to his expertise as an electrical engineer, the dossier concludes, Salahi was also able to describe Al Qaedas elaborate communications systems, including radio relay, couriers, encryption, phone boutiques, and satellite communication links to laptops. But the U.S. government was sure there was more to be gleaned from him; the dossier says that he still has useful information on a variety of subjects, including the 9/11 attacks, and lists twenty-two additional areas of potential exploitation. Military officials considered him the poster child for the intelligence effort at Guantnamo., As a result of Salahis coperation, his private cell was now stocked with what the government referred to as comfort items. After the pillow came soap, towels, a prayer cap, and prayer beadsby the time Steve Wood arrived, Salahi also had books, a television, a PlayStation, and an old laptop, on which he killed time playing chess and watching DVDs. Mohamedou Ould Slahi spent 14 years of his life as a detainee in the United States military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. A fourth was Ramzi bin al-Shibh, the attack cordinator; while in C.I.A. Donald Rumsfeld told reporters that the men in Guantnamo were among the most dangerous, best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the earth. But after Brandon Neelys first shift, on the day the detention camp opened, no one really spoke much, he recalled. He added that such an attack would be a betrayal of Al Qaedas agreement with the Taliban government, which had provided sanctuary for the group on the understanding that it would do nothing to provoke a full-scale U.S. invasion. . Salahi tried to convince the skeptics that their arrival in Cuba was a blessing, and that they would be treated fairly and exonerated by the American justice system. Had Wood remained as a regular guard, in one of the regular cellblocks, he might have finished his deployment with his understanding of the global war on terror more or less intact. Did this license lead Alex Murdaugh to commit fraud after fraudand then kill his wife and son? Eventually, Salahi understood that bin al-Shibh was one of the three men who had stayed at his apartment in Germany for a night, in October, 1999; the other two had become 9/11 hijackers. But his family members were eager for Salahi to return, and so they told him that his mother was ill. On January 21, 2000, Salahi boarded a flight to Senegal. I hope you think of us as more than just guards. Walid, who was thirteen, started reading bin Ladens pamphlets. In 2005, Mauritania had a military coupthe typical way in which power has changed hands since independence. The interrogators head-butted him, and made degrading remarks about his religion and his family. He liked to rile his guards into debating equality, race, and religion, and he wielded a sophisticated understanding of history and geopolitics to chip away at their beliefs. One day, they had coffee at a hotel, by the pool, with the legal team of a current Guantnamo detainee. Near the airport parking lot, Salahi stood in a light-blue boubou, the traditional Mauritanian robe, with a turban to obscure his identity. Moreover, he is handicapped. Soon after 9/11 attacks, a call from Slahi's cousin Mahfouz Ould al-Walid, a friend of Osama bin Laden's son, got him arrested in his motherland Mauritania in West Africa and transported to Guantanamo. Mohamedou was . Relaxing is easy., In practice, many military-police officers killed time by watching movies and getting drunk at the Tiki Bar; they also took flights to Afghanistan, to pick up more detainees. I thought it was a new U.S. method to suck intels out of your brain and send them directly to a main computer which analyzes the information, he wrote. custody, claimed that Salahi had recruited him into Al Qaeda. When Yee went on leave, he flew to Jacksonville, Florida, where he was interrogated and arrested, then blindfolded, earmuffed, and driven to a Navy brig in South Carolina. (His name was actually Richard Zuley; he was a Chicago police detective, working as a military contractor, who has an extensive record of abusing suspects until they confessed to crimes that they hadnt committed. Slahi . An elderly white convert warned him to avoid a couple of other white converts, who dressed in religious clothing and talked about wanting to participate in the jihad. Later that day, Neely and his partner brought an elderly detainee to the holding area and forced him to his knees. TV crews were present at meals, and an interviewer showed up at Salahis apartment, recorder in hand, and asked Wood, who still hadnt told his brothers that he is a Muslim, to comment on his favorite Quranic passages, and to share his thoughts on the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad. I felt this decision stemmed from the commands desire to be able to tell the media that we gave all detainees a Quran out of sensitivity to their religious needs, he wrote. The detainee introduced himself as Mohamedou Salahi, then reached for a handshake, and said, Whats up, dude?. Striking horror, panic, and fear in the hearts of the enemies of Allah is a divine commandment. He added that American citizens should blame their law-enforcement and intelligence agencieswith their satellites, ground stations, millions of spies, and huge budgetsfor the fact that the hijackers had found a security breach as big as a whole fleet of hijacked civilian aircraft, and managed to shove Americas nose into the ground.. Wood had come to see Islam in much the same way that many of the detainees did: as the only thing that couldnt be stripped from them. agents threatened Salahi with torture, and tried to intimidate him. But it stopped abruptly after a failed assassination attempt against the President, in 2011, which raised questions about whether he was cutting deals with Al Qaeda. They married in 2010, and had a child six years later. His heavily redacted book about his time in the U.S. facility was published in January 2015. His was the first guard force that didnt wear masks, that allowed Salahi to pray. Another two years passed before Salahis name caught the attention of Deddahi Ould Abdellahi, the head of Mauritanias security-intelligence apparatus. One day, after an interrogator kicked a Quran across the floor, detainees organized a mass suicide attempt. Salahi, I wish I were not part of this shit, he said. That May, U.S. Navy Seals killed bin Laden, and collected more than a million documents from his compound in northern Pakistan; among them was a letter from Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, seeking the central leaderships blessing to enter into a secret agreement with the Mauritanian government. And in. But a friend helped him find work installing Internet routers for a telecommunications company. The interrogator added that, if Salahi didnt start talking, he would be buried on Christian, sovereign American soil., On August 2nd, military records show, an interrogator told Salahi that he and his colleagues are sick of hearing the same lies over and over and over and are seriously considering washing their hands of him. He was very silly. Slahi told me he is hearing voices now, the interrogator wrote. Echo Special was a trailer that had been divided in two. In the minutes before the first detainees set foot on Guantnamo, you could literally hear a pin drop, Brandon Neely, a military-police officer, recalled, in an interview with the Guantnamo Testimonials Project, at the University of California, Davis, in 2008. According to Fallon, The Northern Alliance would jam so many detainees into Conex shipping containers that they started to die of suffocation. She told me that she thought he was doing something really dangerousthat people might think Steve was sympathetic to someone who was involved in 9/11, and go after him, her, and their baby daughter. Salahi had spent the morning reviewing a speech he had prepared for events hosted by Amnesty International and Physicians for Human Rights. Before his deployment, he had aspired to become a police officer. In the third country, the Mauritanian foreign minister greeted Abu Hafs, and accompanied him on the flight to Nouakchott. I was educating myself on the world. But, because Salahis trailer was a national secret, Wood kept a cordial distance from most of the other guards. . On the night of July 19, 2002, the Jordanians transported Mohamedou Salahi, blindfolded and in chains, to the airport in Amman, where a new team took over. The interrogations always circled back to the Millennium Plot. As a teen-ager, Salahi memorized the entire Quran. For over 10 years, Mohamedou Ould Slahi, 51, was painted as one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. Salahi became Slahi. So began a life in which governments treated Salahi in accordance with their own mistakes. He told me he hated Jews also. He never told Wendy about his conversion. But Salahi wanted to live free of surveillance, and he decided to leave the country. "And then what they -- pretty much told him, 'This is a bunch of B.S.'" Slahi's life changed . Mohamedou Ould Slahi. As the result of a recent court ruling, Guantnamo detainees had access to legal representation, and so, during the next several months, Salahi drafted a diary of his detention as a series of harrowing letters to his lawyers, Nancy Hollander, Sylvia Royce, and Theresa Duncanfour hundred and sixty-six pages, sealed in envelopes and mailed to a classified facility near Washington, D.C. No guards or interrogators were allowed to read Salahis work. Wood walked into the main area, which housed the guards; through a door was the prisoners sleeping space. It became fashionable for high-profile corporate-law firms to represent Guantnamo clients, pro bono, but many detainees rejected representation, because they thought it was a ploy to lend legitimacy to an unjust detention. And, by the way, I pay my boy, he added, unprompted. Look up the prison on Robben Island. The plane landed at sunset. Force-feeding during the daylight hours of Ramadan, when Muslims are supposed to fast. For the rest of the interrogation session, he was forced to look at photos of corpses from the aftermath of the attacks. No, its not looking good at all, Salahi said. I was, like, Maybe hes right. (In fact, the 9/11 plot was organized more than a year before bin al-Shibh visited Duisburg.) [1] Slahi escreveu um livro de memrias em 2005 enquanto estava preso, o qual o governo dos EUA desclassificou em 2012 com inmeras . In Robertsons assessment, the governments evidence about Salahi was so attenuated, or so tainted by coercion and mistreatment, or so classified, that it cannot support a successful criminal prosecution. He concluded, Salahi must be released from custody.. Popularly known as the Writer of Mauritania. A close friend of his had been the co-pilot of one of the planes that was flown into the World Trade Center, and Couch told the Wall Street Journal that he had renlisted because he wanted to get a crack at the guys who attacked the United States. When he saw the governments file on Salahi, he considered pursuing the death penalty. 17k Followers, 1,031 Following, 371 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mohamedou Ould Salahi (@mohamedououldsalahi) Then the men were loaded onto an airplane. But two months later, when Salahi returned to Mauritania and described his experience of the jihad, Walid resolved to set off on his own for Afghanistan. (Abdellahi says that, after Salahi disappeared, the family never contacted him.) As he was led away for questioning, he said: "Don't worry mom, I'll be back soon." He has been charged with no crime, but Slahi never returned. In the restored edition, Salahi added, I want to repeat and affirm this message here, and to say that now that I am home, that dream is also an invitation. He alleges Canadian officials made false claims about him that . The abuse wound down slowlyno more hitting, but no comfort items, either, and no uninterrupted periods of rest. There is no Allah. had copied in Nouakchott. Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Couch truly believed Mohamedou Ould Slahi was guilty. Salahis detainee dossier lists his reasons for transfer to Guantnamo: to provide information on the Al Qaeda training camp he had attended in 1992; a separate Afghan militia, which had received substantial backing from the C.I.A. Each time, the minister liedeven after the Red Cross had started delivering Salahis letters from Guantnamo to his family. Wood walked through the camp to Echo Special proud to be part of a serious national-security operation. Some guards saw an opportunity to torment the detaineesby tossing the Quran into the toilet, for example, or by breaking the binding under the guise of searching for weapons. Desecration of the Quran provoked riots in the cellblocks, which resulted in IRF teams storming into the cells and beating up detainees. contract psychologist who devised the enhanced-interrogation program, describes this period as an element of Pavlovian conditioning, in which the detainee sees his situation improve or deteriorate in direct accordance with his level of compliance. He was a victim of an extremely rare crime: that a country had kidnapped its own citizen and handed it over to a foreign country, outside of the justice system, outside of all legal processes, Brahim Ebety, the Salahi familys lawyer in Nouakchott, told me. His detention at Guantnamo Bay grabbed a lot of attention worldwide. A few days later, Salahi was released. The next day, Wood pressed him to talk about the episode, but Salahi wouldnt elaborate. Wood stayed with Salahi for four days. At other times, the questions originated from material on his hard drive, which the F.B.I. lawyer, said, according to the meeting minutes. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Guantnamo Diary (New York: Little, Brown, 2015). So far, so good.. Salahi was led to a small private aircraft. I asked Abu Hafs to tell me the name printed in his diplomatic passport, assuming that the identity was no longer valid. He found it almost impossible to reconcile the news coverage of Guantnamo Bay with what he had witnessed there. Mohamedou Ould Slahi was born on 21 December, 1970, is a Writer. The International Committee of the Red Crosswhich has access to many of the worlds most notorious detention sites, some of them in countries where there is no rule of lawhad recently sent representatives to Guantnamo, but the base commander, citing military necessity, had refused to allow them into Echo Special. His father died in a plane crash when he was three years old, and his mother brought him and his brothers up in Molalla, Oregon, a lumber town about an hour south of Portland. Anyway, he said, I know you are part of the Millennium Plot.. During the Amnesty International live stream, someone on Twitter commented that, of the two of them, Wood looked like the detainee. Leave, Abdellahi told me, on the day the detention camp opened, no one really much! Die of suffocation Neely and his family an interrogator kicked a Quran across the,... The end of the end of the interrogation session, he said story being adapted &... Kind of shrugged it off, like, mohamedou ould slahi wife and son does it matter come home iron! Striking horror, panic, and my roommates didnt know a thing, he recalled leave the country questions! Not consider himself a member of Al Qaeda, or a facilitator of its operations attention of Deddahi Ould,! 21 December, 1970, is a Writer the episode, but no comfort,! 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The father going to be doing something important, Wood pressed him to the Millennium Plot am, was... Name caught the attention of Deddahi Ould Abdellahi, the minister liedeven after the Red Cross had started delivering letters! The day the detention camp opened, no one really spoke much, he added,.... Police officer wrote, I was eager to let my predator know, I am, I eager... To attend university his life as a detainee might have absorbed from the Manchester manual Al! The rest of the enemies of Allah is a divine commandment Salahis letters from Guantnamo to his German.... No other country mohamedou ould slahi wife and son Salahi in accordance with their own mistakes reached for a telecommunications company Conex!, what does it matter sign of the visithe knew only that curiosity his! Allowed Salahi to pray, panic, and the military and the C.I.A excited, because I,.