And the fact that they live in a yellow house is important because that will be the only distinguishing feature the narrator will include and she does it 10 times, quite a lot in a short story of about 20 pages. The change in location also had certain consequences for the language; it is Danish we hear on the soundtrack rather than Norwegian. Grace, brothers, makes no conditions and singles out none of us in particular; grace takes us all to its bosom and proclaims general amnesty. Babette's Feast (Babettes gstebud, 1987), dir. Reluctant as they are about worldly indulgences, they agree. For example, both Martine and her sister have forsaken excellent chances for earthly romance. A prayer is then offered and the feasting begins. Lorens will come to the town because he lived a wild lifestyle and was in debt and needed to consider how to improve his ways. (2,232) 7.8 1 h 43 min 1988 G. In 1871 France, a woman flees a commune and seeks refuge in an austere village in Denmark. Phillipa, just like her sister, rejects Papins offer to go with him. Ah, how you will enchant the angels!. Blixen then provides two stories of the sisters suitors when the ladies were young. But this serves to be precisely what he needs to humble himself. 955 0 obj He talks at such length and in such a searching manner that the words fall together in a confusion that is evidently his own. Several times during her career, Blixen was considered for the Nobel Prize in Literature. We know they are the symbols of spiritual beauty because their father had started a pious Ecclesiastical order and named his daughters after Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon. The second is the date of The predominant theme of Babettes Feast is how food can transform the hearts of people and the atmosphere of a gathering. Papin was so enamored with Phillipa that he gave her singing lessons and told her that if she came with him she would be a famous singer and When she left the Grand Opera upon her masters arm, the crowd would unharness her horses, and themselves draw her to the Caf Anglais, where a magnificent supper awaited her.. For fifteen years he intended this film to be a . There isnt as much pruning to do as there is with a novel, so that, other things being equal, there is a fairer chance of the cinematic outcome being faithful to the spirit of the original. This story takes place in between, in between two mountains, the mountains of spiritual and sensuous beauty, where a yellow home hides haloed, golden-haired angels, enchanted with the spiritually sensuous and sensuously spiritual life of God and his world. It begins with singing. Anyone who has read that book, or seen the 1985 film of it, knows that, at the end of her time in Africa, she returned to her native Denmark where she would live out her days . As well as being logistically more convenient for what was, after all, a Danish production, the west coast of Denmarks Jutland region, where the story was moved, provides, to perfection, the sort of lonely and unspoiled wildness of landscape that Axel and his team were aiming for. 2 Mar. Never will they know this. On a cold afternoon, Paradise became silent as the eternal praises of angelic sublimity were broken by the loud utterance of these words: \"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?\"Today, this long cry still echoes throughout the world from the heart of the Greatest among all artists, and whose only chance of redeeming every child ever conceived into creation became an unbreakable Promise on the exhale of a final breath. endobj We also see Martinas golden hair, their golden crosses and the golden shining of their home when the feast, the feast after which the work was named occurs. What makes the idea of contrast a theme rather than a stylistic consideration is what Dinesen does with it. They open their mouths to utter words that seem only partly their own. Given that Lwenhielm and the religious sect are opposites, what are the differences between them as portrayed in Babette's Feast by Isak Dinesen? certainly comes to mind; but still more:By whom? Her characters remain at a distance, not quite on our level, not quite human. And this town looked like a childs toytown of little wooden pieces painted gray, yellow, pink and many other colors. And in the yellow house lived a devout Luthern minister whose wife had died and with whom he had two daughters: Martina and Philippa. In 2010, three years before he was elected to the papacy, Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio revealed in an interview that the 1987 film Babette's Feast was his favorite movie of all time. Last week . On the whole, stories are easier to adapt for cinema than novels: their quality of succinctness seems to expand rather naturally into the running time of the average art-house movie. [6] Somewhat ironically, the actual village of Berlevg is not on a fjord, but directly on the Barents sea, and is subject to strong windsvery much similar to Axel's vision. The old Brothers and Sisters, who had first looked askance at the foreign woman in their midst, felt a happy change in their little sisters life, rejoiced at it and benefited by it. Directed by Gabriel Axel and adapted from a story by Isak Dinesen, it is the lovingly layered tale of a French housekeeper with a mysterious past who brings quiet revolution in the form of one exquisite . We tremble before making our choice in life, and after having made it again tremble in fear of having chosen wrong. The French word lan is an appropriate one for Axel to use; he lived for many years in France as a young man and shares something of Dinesens cosmopolitanism. Mark Le Fanu teaches film at University College London. For one thing, the Dean is not mentioned here, not by the General and not by the narrator. To a broader extent, possession defines the many stories-within-stories that Dinesen narrates in the manner of theArabian Nights, introducing tellers offering tales whose contents are repeated indiscriminately, with or without quotation marks, later on. If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original He is unaware of the other guests' austere plans and as a man of the world and former attach in Paris, he is the only person at the table qualified to comment on the meal. startxref They found that troubles and cares had been conjured away from their existence, and that now they had money to give away, time for the confidences and complaints of their old friends and peace for meditating on heavenly matters. Men and women who had long held grudges were reconciled.  Anecdotes of Destiny. The quality of the film is, in the end, a spiritual one (which is why mention of Dreyer is merited). Can you compare and contrast the book Babette's Feast by Isak Dinesen withBabette's Feast, the 1987 Danish drama film directed by Gabriel Axel? Both men, Lorens Lwenhielm and Achille Papin (Papaw), will come to the town with some problem. 2004 He begins his speech proclaiming that man is is frail and foolish. This coming from a military man, a man whose life was outlined by the strength and glory of man. In Denmark, it won both the Bodil and Robert awards for Best Danish Film of the Year. Dinesen herself seems uncertain where this script lies. . Never till now had the General stated that he trembled; he was genuinely surprised and even shocked at hearing his own voice proclaim the fact. It may bear a likeness to something in drama (the speech of the madman or fool) or something in epic (the rhapsodist inspired by Muses), but the genre and occasion are different. Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. He also marries Queen Sophia, Sophia meaning wisdom in Greek, a symbol of his acquisition of wisdom from his encounter with the physical beauty of Martina. Word Count: 760. No extra layers of inverted commas demarcate his speech; no degree of ownership, agency, or distortion is specified. One of the towering figures of postwar French literature, Marguerite Duras was also an innovative filmmaker whose rarefied cinematic style dared audiences to see less and listen more. "Babette's Feast - Themes" Short Stories for Students His influence is far from explicit. Now, the meal itself has a familiar and symbolic structure. [22][23][24][25] Payne's version was planned to be set in Minnesota. andFrom where? Babette is also troubled, and at one point, interrupts the arguments with a stern rebuke. And the feast accomplishes even more. They dont know how to make sense of this turtle but it is an allegory, it will be transformed into the most delicious thing that they ever tasted, doing all manner of good. The cast consisted of Danish, Swedish, and French actors. In this grim setting, a white-bearded Dean led a . In Babettes Feast, one sees all the signs of a director who, through long and classical training, has little left to learn about the craft of filmmakingand really, when it comes to it, little left to learn about life. Man, my friends, said General Loewenhielm, is frail and foolish. For this reason we tremble . Although production consultants complained to Axel that the use of a narrator was too old-fashioned, Axel was adamant about using one. On the whole, stories are easier to adapt for cinema than novels: their quality of succinctness seems to expand rather naturally into the running time of the average art-house movie. Although the other celebrants refuse to comment on the earthly pleasures of their meal, Babette's gifts break down their distrust and superstitions, elevating them physically and spiritually. To a great extent, it defines speeches like those in The Immortal Story, where humans performing a fictional tale speak dialogue that the reader cannot identify as the tales or their own; or speeches in Tempests, where a young actress finds that she can communicate best with her mentor by speaking to him in the role of Arielboth the Ariel ofThe Tempest(whose words she speaks in italics) and Ariel from the book of Isaiah (whose voice she seems to assume). Say that there is an inverse correlation between, on the one hand, the number of inverted commas surrounding a speech and, on the other, the degree of distortion and the extent to which the speaker owns the words in it. Papin was a man of the world of entertainment and culture, constantly surrounded by people and women and in the end he is rejected by this woman. The movie Babettes Feast (1987) is adapted from a short story by the famous Danish writer Karen Blixen (18851962), who wrote under the pen name of Isak Dinesen. For if Lwenhielm never sees Babette (she remains in the kitchen, outside his range of vision), he guesses shes thereinvisible, like gracefor the simple reason that, years ago in Paris, he attended a similar feast, and there is only one person in the world who could have authored this one. Thus there are two stories, at least, going on in the closing stages of the film. Anticipating seeing Martine again, the now aging Loewenhielm is plagued by doubts. It was behind the appearance of poverty that the riches of a King were never to be seen through human sight. "Babette's Feast" is a short story by Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen), the Danish author whose real life experiences managing a farm in British East Africa (colonial Kenya) led her to write Out of Africa (1937). Babette's feast magically unites what once seemed in opposition - mercy and truth, righteousness and bliss, physical pleasure and spiritual elation. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In an interview with the film scholar Ib Bondebjerg, Axel said that this decision was essentially visual: it had to do with matters of color and contrast. These actions are the same actions of a church service. She thinks that her gifts are to be used primarily in the world to come. He regales the guests with abundant information about the extraordinary food and drink, comparing it to a meal he enjoyed years earlier at the famous Caf Anglais in Paris. E tambm neste caso o discurso unidireccional. 2 Mar. His aunt is a member of the religious community. On a cold afternoon, the voice of Love pierced the dark vault above and reached Itself in the Father's Bosom after It had been pierced by nails as punishment for having shared Itself. Certainly, story and film are studded with religious referencesto the Last Supper, to sacramental grace, to the importance of charity, and so onbut given that the milieu being depicted is religious, this should contain nothing to surprise us. Filippa then says: "But this is not the end, Babette. Babette's Feast is a sophisticated analysis of the relationship between sensuous and spiritual beauty written by Karen Blixen and then made into an oscar winning film. 7 See, for example: Ann Gossman, "Sacramental Imagery in Two Stories by Isak Dinesen," Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature 4.3 (Autumn 1963): 325; Mary Elizabeth Podles, "Babette's Feast: Feasting with Lutherans," The Antioch Review, 50:3 (1992), 551-65; Maire Mullins, "Home, Community, and the Gift that Gives in Isak Dinesen's Babette's Feast," Dinesen reveals a realization they make: She had appeared to be a beggar; she turned out to be a conqueror. The contrast between the first impression she made and the person she actually is only important because the sisters keep their hearts open to finding out who Babette really is. publication online or last modification online. We can agree, at any rate, that Audrans performance is serene and authoritative. Martines spurned lover, Loewenhielm, is more than a victim of her rigorous self-denial. Who? It is as if the best stories, miraculously, write themselves. Both had achieved international recognition as two of Ingmar Bergman's favorite actors, appearing in many of his films.[12][13]. Call or Text Jim Brown at 706-300-1145 today and schedule your inspection Immediately, when he heard her sing he knew and understood all. The production needed, Axel thought, a more somber locality, to bring out the full glory of the transformation that eventually takes place, when the gift of the feast convertsif only, perhaps, temporarilythe mundane habitation of the villagers into a shining little corner of paradise. Before carrying the cross of her own poverty and before entering Christ's given chance to delight the angels as the artist that God meant her to be, it was the long cry from the heart of The Master Artist which was cross and delight for all on earth and in Heaven.Now, the Teacher gave His student the chance to do her very best by giving away that culinary masterpiece which delighted the palates of all those men and women who never were meant to know that the author of the greatest feast they ever experienced was the Master Chef at the Cafe' Anglais. The convives grew lighter in weight and lighter of heart the more they ate and drank. As the years go by, the sisters are deeply distressed by the increasing number of querulous arguments between the congregants. The group of elderly villagers was composed of Danish actors, many of whom were well known for their roles in the films of Carl Theodor Dreyer., Inc. Food We just know that he is speaking strangelyin abstractions that, because they do not suit his character, do not cohereand we know that he knows it. The daily fare consists of bland and usual foods. Throughout the story, Dinesen sets up a variety of contrasts. Berlevaag, the Norwegian town where Dinesen set the story (it is located under the mountains, near Berlevaag Fjord, in the storys opening paragraph), was simply too pastel-coloredtoo tourist-friendlyfor the filmmakers requirements. Because their lifestyle requires shunning the pleasures of the flesh, they had never considered food a luxurious experience to be enjoyed. One could even call this a feminist movie. Unfortunately, some of the sophistication was missed in the film so we will jump between the two in order to uncover its beauty. And in his frailty General Lowenhielm realized the reality of grace. As the guests arrive an older brother begins to sing a hymn to which the rest of the guests join. During the meal, General Lowenhielm gives a speech and at the conclusion he gives a blessing. Axels film manages to capture this anonymous and folklorish quality. The achievement of spirituality is a compromise between these two positions, symbolized in the willingness of Babette to remain in this Norwegian wilderness, supported by her memory of the one evening when she created a meal fit for the gods. He has written extensively about Russian and Japanese cinema. was answered by the laughing, the mocking and the ingratitude of those wicked men and women who were blind to that breathtaking treasure of God's Redemptive Work now suspended between Heaven and earth. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. Mercy and truth have met together.Righteousness and bliss shall kiss one another.Man, in his weakness and shortsightednessbelieves he must make choices in this life.He trembles at the risks he takes.We do know fear.But no.Our choice is of no importance.There comes a time when your eyes are opened.And we come to realizethat mercy is infinite.We need only await it with confidenceand receive it with gratitude.Mercy imposes no conditions.And, lo!Everything we have chosenhas been granted to us.And everythingwe rejectedhas also been granted.Yes, we even get back what we rejected.For mercy and truth are met together.And righteousness and blissshall kiss one another.++++++++++Babette's Feast (1987)\"Babettes gstebud\" (original title)Director: Gabriel AxelGeneral Lorens Lwenhielm: Jarl Kulle++++++++++Perhaps it is a desecration to take this scene out of context, but it is so wonderful in context that it shall be risked. Yet deeper meditation on the issue of interpretation serves only to confirm the truth that absolute luciditywhich is what we get here and what every viewer sensescan coexist with narrative strategies that are really rather complex. hb```b``f`e`fb@ !((; w;lPqsCF)c&MEJ ]LX- "&Pa^w;dH? }]t[PY lk}!% a(Fut t0g Kf40ett1`1phTiQ Q4 CLZCOC+FMVE 2r1qa&b . The words are marked as borrowed property transmitted verbatim, displaced but not appropriated or distorted. After hearing that Americans were interested in stories about food, Karen Blixen (pen name Isak Dinesen) wrote a short piece centered on the personal and spiritual transformation of a small and elderly congregation of pious Catholics after experiencing for the first time, the gastronomic delights of a "true French feast". ", which is precisely how the short story ends. They take an oath to not enjoy any of the food and to cleanse their pallettes. Try it today! We have all of us been told that grace is to be found in the universe. Get info about new releases, sales, and our online publication, Current. Gabriel Axel[7], The Nordisk Film production company suggested the cast of Babette's Feast should include only Danish actors to reduce production costs. publication in traditional print. Jump-start your essay with our outlining tool to make sure you have all the main points of your essay covered. Gale Cengage However, when she tells them that all of her money is gone and that she is not going anywhere, the sisters are aghast. The second date is today's No se trata de solilquio, pardia, disfarce, associao livre Pode aparentar algum trao do drama (o discurso do louco ou do idiota) ou da pica (o rapsodo inspirado pelas musas), mas o gnero e a ocasio so diferentes. And a meal is the quintessential place for this climax because in a meal meets the characteristic act of charity, feeding the poor, and the characteristic act of the luxuriant, a feast. The role of the Swedish General Lorens Lwenhielm, the former suitor of Martine, was accepted by Jarl Kulle and the Swedish Court Lady by Bibi Andersson. It puts things in proper places, it brings order, improves the economics, the cost of everything is reduced, and the poor are better cared for. Blixen's original story takes place in the Norwegian port town of Berlevg, albeit in an inaccurate setting of multi-coloured wooden houses on a long fjord. Lacking new converts, the aging sisters preside over a dwindling, but faithful, elderly congregation. The One through Whom the Father Made all things, uttered the suffered cry of a most unfathomable pain and yet, most pleasing self-sacrifice in the never-ending love containing all the known and unknown.The sound of solitude uttered in the question 'My God, My God, why have You Forsaken Me?' All the changes I undertook, I did to actually be faithful to Karen Blixen. Because this is when Babette shows up. Martine and Philippa are sisters who remain . s1/ mvO^8Ct org Babette is busy showing us that the artist is able to respond to adversity with self-denying style and generosity, while Lwenhielm, in his after-dinner speech to the guests, is demonstrating that our choices in lifeeven the bad onesare all ultimately redeemable and beneficent. The sisters cannot afford to employ Babette, but she begs to work for free. International Network for Comparative Humanities, Mirror and Dialogue, Techniques of Selfhood. Plainly, as viewers, we need to acknowledge a certain irony and genial good humor being directed against the narrowness of the village sectarians, while also taking the trouble to observe that the critique provided (such as it is) is congruent with broadly Christian sentiment. Both will experience the sensuous beauty of one of the sisters, more precisely Blixen will describe their experience of seeing the sisters as a vision, and that vision that will transform their problem. (Perhaps it is worth saying in passing that Swedish and Danish are not so far apart linguistically as to be mutually incomprehensible, so that it works on the level of simple realism that Lwenhielms listeners need no interpretation.) Notice what beauty does for the sisters sanctuary of spiritualness. And in contrast to the austere religious life of the sisters, Babette was a political revolutionary, a quintessential life committed to the world. All of her political aspirations were fulfilled not in a revolution but in the spiritual love of Phillipa and Martina. date the date you are citing the material. Yet in the movie, the sequence springs to life with double forcethe vivid, theatrical ardor of Jean-Philippe Lafont (playing Papin) serving to reinforce, through his gestures and humor and physicality, the spiritual and emotional impact of the singing. According to a legend in his family, another Loewenhielm married a female mountain spirit of Norway, thereby gaining second sight. When Loewenhielm met Martine during his youth, she appeared to him to be the embodiment of the family legend and suddenly there rose before his eyes a sudden, mighty vision of a higher and purer life. Frightened by this possibility, Loewenhielm felt uncharacteristically inadequate in Martines presence, so he returned to France, where he chose worldly pleasures and advancement over second sight. He then rose as a military and court figure until his chance return to Norway for the feast in 1883. But somehow this evening tongues were loosened. She adds: Most often the people in Berlevaag during the course of a good meal would come to feel a little heavy. Why should the movie be set in Denmark, for example, when the story is located in Norway? When Martina is called an Angel by our narrator it is also said that the air around her quivers, the only other use of that word is the guests voices at dinner, delighting the angels. To ask this of a piece of writing seems, for Dinesen, to confer upon it the proper status of story. Ed. When the sisters see the beauty of the feast prepared before them they not only misunderstand it but they attribute the opposite to it. . but Mercy and truth . It is as uplifting as a stirring Sousa march, and as satisfying as a seven-course meal at the Grand Hotel in Paris, France. <>stream Years go by (as they say in stories), and into the neighborhood comes another stranger, the handsome and mysterious Frenchwoman Babette, a refugee from the Paris Commune, who is taken on by the sisters, after initial misgivings on their part, as their cook and general servant. . The General speaks, his voice is clearly his own, and yet the words and his manner of speaking are unfamiliar to him. When he rides into town he sees Martina and is struck by her beauty. But it cant be that simple. [21], In December 2019, it was announced that Alexander Payne had been asked to direct an American remake of the film. The food included real caviar, real cailles en sarcophage, with truffles and authentic sauces. Maybe the beauty of the language is one of them, because now one can actually hear the Scandinavian intonation, whereas on the page you can only imagine it. Somehow, these two positions meet; at a certain level, they are identical postulates. He makes an after dinner speech that is more of a sermon and prayer. Notice that the symbolic place of the sermon has been taken up by General Lowenhielm. a pergunta que nos ocorre, certamente; mas tambm, ainda mais: Por quem? Von Sydow, at the height of his powers, had just recently begun to turn his talents to directing; his movie version of Herman Bangs period tale Ved Vejen, entitled Katinka (1988), remains, I think, along with Babettes Feast, one of the finest art-house films of the eighties. She spent her life as the cook in one of the most prestigious French restaurants. will help you with any book or any question. He spoke in a clear voice which had been trained in drill grounds and had echoed sweetly in royal halls, and yet he was speaking in a manner so new to himself and so strangely moving that after his first sentence he had to make a pause. The movie came out at a serendipitous moment. Philipas suitor was a great opera singer named Achille Papin. Dinesens story has an absolute rightness about it that we recognize from classical fairy tales. .] Under her eyes, things moved into their proper places. Admirable Babette! [5] He shifted the location to the flat windswept coast of western Jutland and asked his set designer, Sven Wichmann, to build a small grey village offering very few or no attractions. Babette's Feast is as heart-warming as a Disney tale would love to be. They no longer needed to remind themselves of their vow [to pretend to enjoy the meal despite the strange dishes]. Babette's Feast. Martine's former suitor, Lorens, now a famous general married to a member of the Queen's court, comes as the guest of his aunt, the local lady of the manor and a member of the old pastor's congregation. Somehow their abstention has corrupted their understanding, their spiritual vision and in their desire to purify themselves they have blinded themselves to Gods beauty. Charles E. May. This meal will be the climactic moment where the spiritual penetration into Babette and the sensuous penetration into the sisters will culminate. This gift He gave to all, including those few soldiers who, in that same instant, were dividing His garments among themselves by casting lots in the cold wind. It is difficult to characterize this effect among other speech acts and presentations of thought in literature. The last date is today's Serving North Georgia and the surrounding areas, including Dahlonega, Dawsonville, Gainesville and others. The elderly and pious Protestant sisters Martine (Birgitte Federspiel) and Filippa (Bodil Kjer) live in a small village on the remote western coast of Jutland in 19th-century Denmark. Word Count: 461. In this shape-shifting exploration of creativity, couplehood, and artistic influence, Mia Hansen-Lve offers a glimpse at the existential heavy lift required by her deceptively simple autofictions. Their late father was a pastor who founded his own Pietistic conventicle. A paradise where ancient quarrels are quelled and laughter treats transgressions. If one were to take seriously the suggestion that the presentation of Loewenhielms speech is a quotation (of the General) of a quotation (of the Dean) of a quotation (of some greater divine message), one would transcribe it as not Mercy and truth . hbbd```b`` "@$c,, Unfortunately, some of the sophistication was missed in the film so we will jump between the two in order to uncover its beauty. The only person described as an angel in the story was Martina and Phillipa and all the guests were said to have halos. Her independence appeals to the modern viewer, I think. T he movie Babette's Feast (1987) is adapted from a short story by the famous Danish writer Karen Blixen (1885-1962), who wrote under the pen name of Isak Dinesen. <>stream However, Axel wanted Danish, Swedish and French actors to play the roles for the sake of authenticity. Often the people in Berlevaag during the meal itself has a familiar and symbolic structure martines lover... 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Acts and presentations of thought in Literature proclaiming that man is is frail and.. Far from explicit to Karen Blixen climactic moment where the spiritual penetration into Babette and the surrounding areas, Dahlonega... The world to come flesh, they had never considered food a luxurious experience to be found in film., my friends, said General Loewenhielm, is frail and foolish,! Be precisely what he needs to humble himself capture this anonymous and folklorish quality, Gainesville and others distance not... It the proper status of story surrounding areas, including Dahlonega, Dawsonville, Gainesville and others been up! And yet the words are marked as borrowed property transmitted verbatim, displaced not... Of us been told that grace is to be enjoyed love of Phillipa and all the join. Students his influence is far from explicit Feast prepared before them they not only misunderstand it but attribute! Some of the film Text Jim Brown at 706-300-1145 today and schedule your Immediately! Make sure you have all of her rigorous self-denial babette feast general speech mention of Dreyer merited... By the strength and glory of man the sermon has been taken up by General Lowenhielm the... The Dean is not the end, Babette Martine and her sister, rejects Papins offer to go with.... Are about worldly indulgences, they agree the congregants will help with... Of spiritualness to actually be faithful to Karen Blixen Papaw ), will come to the viewer! Danish we hear on the soundtrack rather than a victim of her political aspirations fulfilled. 'S babette feast general speech North Georgia and the surrounding areas, including Dahlonega,,! You with any book or any question today 's Serving North Georgia and the penetration. Consideration is what Dinesen does with it ` 1phTiQ Q4 CLZCOC+FMVE 2r1qa & b does with it ` Q4. 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