secret, or mysterious; understood by few. Well, that was a long chapter, Moody grunted. Ive had detention for a month for less than that! Harry and Ron exchanged glances. Sending an owl? Harry is so often seen as James Potter's son, but he is also Lily Evans'. Get into the clouds, quickly, Percy advised. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Figured either my ear would go through signalling it was open again, or I might be able to hear something from the other side.. Now he would find out exactly why the two dunderheads had decided it would be a good idea to fly a car to Hogwarts rather than simply take the train. Kids dont exactly think things through at the best of times, which this isnt. How did the fireworks not burn anything if you set them off inside? Sirius wondered in confusion. If it makes you feel better, I did make Dobby promise not to save my life again, Harry told him. It was a hectic morning, Fred offered with a shrug. I've had a few comments recently so I'm just going to say this now: if you want a Slytherin/Snape bashing story in which they are all irredeemably evil then you've got the wrong story. While heading out the Aurors shared a few looks hoping that this wouldn't cause more problems. He hadnt reckoned on magic. The common room to Gryffindor tower was hidden behind this picture, and the password changed every few times per year, and they had yet to hear the current one. I dont think its dad you had to worry about, Fred pointed out. Wicked. Sirius whistled. After Amelia came out three more came out right behind her. Harry found his fingers gripping the edges of his seat as the car passed over the lake. Thats another matter entirely.. Especially as you still have to load all your stuff onto the train, Bill agreed. It really was hot. Im sure the novelty will wear off sooner or later.. Abused Harry Potter; Harry Potter Needs a Hug; Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . Dumbledore didnt question it, so Harry finished his tale. Unfortunately, yes, Arthur sighed. Woah. Dean-Ron I really hope those charms hold, Remus muttered. Probably thought it would encourage the children, Sirius muttered to Remus who fought to hide a smile. Even if the barrier was still blocked, we would have simply apparated to the car, Arthur told his son. Several of the adults rolled their eyes, muttering about teenagers and bottomless stomachs. Involving missing What if Natasha Romanoff didn't die in Endgame? So, you thought wed just go home and leave the car there until next summer? Arthur raised an eyebrow. Harry noted the tricky part was getting onto the platform which wasnt visible to the muggle eye, which had to be done carefully so muggles didnt notice you vanishing. After hours of this though, the thrill began to wear off. Even better than Hogwarts? Ron asked quietly. His teacher stared down at him for a long moment, and Harry was quite sure she was resisting the urge to smile. Which he probably should since the rest of the team were all really close, they were basically Harry's older brothers and sisters. Ron began defending themselves again, but once again Snape told them to be silent. She agreed not to take points but stated they would both have detention. Ron said they should hurry so they could follow the Hogwarts Express. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. But after he runs away after blowing up aunt marge, he sees him and a boy who looks exactly like him appear. Now, was that deliberate or not? Sirius wondered with a glance towards his old head of house. Ron begged her not to lecture them as they'd already heard the lot of it, then asked for the password. It would be much more efficient than trying to complete all of those tasks at the same time, Tonks wondered. He found it difficult not to be jealous of Ron when he considered the kind of welcome he would get from his relatives next summer. Albus Dumbledore prided himself on being a patient and calm man. I agree the system needs looking into, Minerva sighed. Although, it could have been passed off as an oddly shaped plane with a bit of luck.. You were far enough away from the tree, right? Remus double checked. Ron blushed. The muggles all had their memories modified, that was the easy bit. Ron told Harry to check no one was watching as he started the ignition. And with the exception of the forest detention, Id rather have Hogwarts punishing Harry than getting the Dursleys involved, Remus pointed out. She leant down and picked the other 6 books up, reading their spines quickly. She told them to sit, which they did at once, then she commanded they explain themselves, which they began at once. Mrs Weasley was in a bad mood and people kept colliding on the stairs, half dressed with bits of toast in their hands. Honestly, he wished he had a chance to study the car and the various enchantments on it and to see the effects of its personality. 6. This is a overdone plot but it has twist Harry Potter has a twin. Arthur nodded. Harems. At least the steering still worked, Bill heaved a sigh of relief. One more and then I think we should stop for this evening, Molly suggested glancing at the time. An owl, the Knight Bus which Im sure Mr. Weasley knew how to summon, waiting for your parents.. instead he was locked in a cubrt starved and abused untill one day he was teleported to a world where there were. What? Imagine how the rest of us feel living there all the time, especially when theyre mad at you.. Which were? Boys, Hermione muttered, shaking her head. Harry began stammering that he hadn't thought, and McGonagall curtly replied that this was obvious. Read Acknowledgments from the story The Dream Trilogy Book One: To Dwell On Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction) by HelenJay (The Dream Trilogy) with 5,583 reads. Youre welcome in your own house, arent treated like a house-elf. Anything could have happened to them in the time it would take for an owl to get to Hogwarts. Harry worried about how much trouble Rons dad would get into when people found out he'd been bewitching a car. The matter might have been dropped as it was difficult to prove it was his without the car, but Lucius Malfoy had pressed the matter, probably as revenge for the book shop. Assuming Mr. Weasley even knew how to fly the car, Filius reminded them. When they got there he started walking with the team to the end of the table when he felt someone grab his arm, he looked behind him and saw that it was Ron, "Where are you going to mate? There was a terrible sound of metal being smashed against wood as the car finally landed at the base of a giant tree. Umbridge stood up from her seat. And it also happens to be from the future? The twins were looking at them and seemed to be mad at what they were seeing. Ron and Harry made busy of themselves getting ready for bed as the rest of their dormmates came up and congratulated them one last time. If they were eating dessert when Professor Dumbledore left, it would probably be pointless to go anyway. And its probably a lot more comfortable, Charlie pointed out, looking unsympathetic. Ron bemoaned their luck as he went to fetch Scabbers' cage and his luggage, grumbling that of all the trees they could have hit, they just had to pick the one that hit back. Ron yelped and swung the steering wheel, hard. We know that, Charlie soothed. Actually, that doesnt. Well, you did only use the cloak a total of, what, four or five times? Sirius pointed out with a pout. Not to mention, it would likely have been forgotten in the aftermath of Ron and Harrys exploits. But then, I suspect the boys would know better than me, Arthur gave the twins an amused look while his wife glowered at them. The boy is named Harry Potter and his twin sister is named Riona Potter. A hardcore Harry Potter fan ends up in the body of Severus Snape, the day before Harry arrives at Hogwarts. Everyone winced, even those who had already known. That was a useful addition that wouldnt get you in trouble with the law. The twins exchanged envious looks. They gave you any ever? Neville wondered. Along with several other charms that allowed them to pass through traffic easily. A Hero is from Dudley's POV. In which, Fem!Harry Potter, Amaryllis Lilith Potter is the doppelgnger of the Petrova line. He wasnt the only one. What? Several people stared at the two in astonishment. Not all people in the Ministry agreed to this idea after all. He knew his mum loved Harry like another son, so hed always felt like he was sharing his family with his best friend, who then also had money and fame and everything else Ron had always wanted. The tree was attacking them. Having inherited Snape's knowledge and memories, the self-insert resolves to be the best teacher ever, while simultaneously having fun and trolling the Wizarding World in the process. Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. So, late enough to be quite noticeable when you enter, Sirius grinned. What if she and Yelena left and moved to London? Honestly, they might well be safer inside. And one of those boys was Harry Potter. You spent a whole year with a broken wand? # 13. jack dalani and the phlopier stoan by the weird weirdo. I wouldnt curse my students, Minerva stated with a frown. The problem was that it was required in the first place, Amelia stated. I lost count of how often I had to fix the hangings around my bed after you or James accidentally set off fireworks in the dorm.. Harry stated the Dursleys hadnt given him pocket money in about six years. We had to hop on while it started moving, Fred admitted. Ron and Harry glared at the twins for forgetting stuff and making them go back several times. Harry wondered how Rons parents would get home. It had taken quite the beating, as steam was still coming out of its hood. It would be attracted by the movement, Neville shook his head. She raised her wand the moment she entered; Harry and Ron both flinched. start of the 1976 school year. ImaMonster, WinterCrow, Cinnie, Yoggypuccie1, PrincessDark20920, xxdemonlovexx, Jennybot_19, Blueshifting, leothephantom, Itsswa, Almiruz_Roman1, Glfrax, emeralds01, Gryffindorlove_1, Terranoktor, QueenieDear, Bluelibrarybookworm, Remembrance_1640, cjab1234, Unknown_Reader13, Livamaria99, Byebyenowregigna, Wednesday_Addams, Toby_LJW, Ambertink, mirellaaraujo, A_killer_kat, Chaoticassidy, EeveeLover21, Kattana7, BlossomInTheNight, Agn330077, AmichelleYT, MightyUnicorn, Atinygracie, BasiliskQueen21, CSP2708, Arkham459serpent, Grinbirdd, Shadow_Wizard, Mimi3934, Arunadindan3, o0Lithium0o, Kuroma, queenofwoldrans, amelkaexe, aceinthetrashhole, Mistilla, jed11303, Wasserschlange, and 318 more users He would also be writing home to their families and informing them of what happened. 303 pages Completed December 9, 2021 MultiFandom Check. Harry instead began inspecting the other teachers, easily picking out the Headmaster Dumbledore, the newest teacher Lockhart, Hagridas Harry did a tally he realized that one was missing, Snape. Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. Just as the wood slammed down on the hood once more, the car burst back into life. No wonder you guys had to jump onto the train while it was taking off, Charlie whistled. The guard could have at least checked you were alright, Molly huffed. How? Arthur wondered in surprise. How do you know about airplanes, but cant use a telephone? Harry wanted to know. Im sure well manage, Minerva said, though her head pounded at the idea of how much work she would have once they were out of the time bubble. The staff were a bit distracted that year, Harry muttered. pleasevote. But constantly commenting on all the evil things they have done isn't going to change my mind or this story. What were you doing anywhere near that tree?. I was so worried when I couldnt find either of you on the train. Hed heard the story, of course, but he hadnt realised just how much danger his little brother had been in. Flitwick did as asked and the book opened, ready to begin. 4. Hogwarts students and staff, Madame Maxime . Ron checked the compass and said the train was heading north, then he shot back into the clouds. Harry was feeling slightly panicky as he asked what to do now, and Ron said they still had to find the train. Yes, the adults are judgemental and biased. Thankfully the notice-me-not charms help a lot with that, Kingsley said. Harry was fixing to reassure him that he was sure someone at the school could fix it, but never even got started. Took longer than I would have expected, Filius muttered, making Pomona smile in amusement. Chapter 1 I thought you had broken it whenwell, at the end of the year.. adjective But Dumbledore cut him off, reminding that they were in McGonagall's house, so she would decide the punishment. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. It was so rare for their father to be truly angry that it was then worse than their mothers wrath which they faced on a regular basis. The Whomping Willow. I didnt want to write back for a new one. And I doubt Ron did either, Harry pointed out. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Er, we were fine. Harry shrugged. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. Then Snape randomly jumped to his earlier search of the grounds, and the damage he'd noticed upon the Whomping Willow. She got up from her desk and walked over to the floo. Harry caught sight of a tree right in their path, and tried to go for the wheel himself, but too late. Without any prompting it shot itself backwards, clear of the tree which was now nearly ripping itself out of the ground as it continued trying to lash out at them. Please tell me you reinforced the glass? Molly begged her husband. Of course, he was Ron, Hermione sighed. Its a time bubble. Where you get introduced to the millions of ideas that Percy and his friends are brought to Olympus to read the PJO/HoO books as a way to get Athena to finally accept Percy You were jealous? If you waited by the car for five minutes or so, Im sure your parents would have turned up., There were many other options instead of running the risk of breaking the Statue of Secrecy and endangering your own lives, Minerva told them. Although, with the car gone wherever, could it be proven that the car was Arthurs? Ted wondered. Yes Draco and Snape in particular did/said terrible things and I won't be excusing that, but the point of the readings is character growth. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,491 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 616 - Follows: 210 - Published: Jun 12, 2011 - Harry P., Remus L. - Complete. MJ and Violet might also have Harry getting mad at them but they care about him and didn't mean to let him be harmed. Smiling in a way that suggested they were in deep trouble, he commanded that they follow him, and the two boys did without protest. This is a story of how the Marauders, enemies and acquaintances read the Harry Potter books, but with some changes. 80 7 2. Heavens only knows where he would have ended up.. That's when Fudge and Umbridge came in holding what looked like books, both smiling as they had just won the lottery. I respect your right to your views but this isn't a story that will reflect that particular viewpoint. Abbzeh - Reading at Hogwarts: 1,2,3,4 books, 4 incomplete till after the graveyard. They had never taken the car out for any long trip. Ron whispered back they were going to miss the train, and Harry watched the clock tick down to eleven, pushing on the barrier which refused to give. Youd never do anything to deliberately hurt Hedwig.. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. How many times did you nearly lose the train? Remus wondered. It sounded like you got beaten around quite a bit, Bill said in concern. You do realise the train can go quite far in half an hour, maybe in a different direction. Mrs Weasley went with Ginny. He felt a hand on his shoulder as he started freaking out "relax Harry as long as he stays in his animagus form no one will know"Angelina whispered into his ear. Ron laughed. Wish wed had those. He wondered what other prank items had changed since his incarceration. The willow? Remus looked sharply at Harry. Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Young Lily Evans Potter. Either way, the barrier shouldnt have closed yet, so why couldnt you two get through? Emmeline wanted to know. One that hadnt even chosen you? Remus asked. Especially when one is Harry Potter and neither of them have much experience in muggle London.. Harry felt his jaw beginning to slack open, of course now she said it, it seemed the obvious thing to do. Harry asked Ron why they couldnt get through, but he had no idea. However, that issue has already been dealt with, there is nothing more to be done.. They cant stay there forever, either way. They were saved though by someone coming up behind them, Hermione. My apologies Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley. That hadnt been his finest moment. He hadn't been spending much time with them this year. 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