Supervise the installation, operation, deployment, provisioning, and maintenance of electronic switching assemblages or systems. Serves as the Senior Switch Operator of a Node Center in a Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) platoon in support of the Basic Officer Leadership Course III (BOLC); maintains serviceability and accountability of _____ M1037 tactical vehicles, ___ switch assemblages, and ___ PU-798 power generating units including all associated equipment valued over $___________; responsible for the health, welfare, training, morale and professional development of ___ Soldiers. Visit your transition assistance office or the family services and . Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS. Briefs staff and operations personnel on matters pertaining to information systems. Develops and implements unit level signal maintenance programs. Maintains contact with military and civilian agency for the request and deconfliction of frequency use within the areas of responsibility. Assisting Development, Implementation and Maintenance of Software and Server Resources. Casualty Affairs NCOIC Prepares and implements Signal operations orders and reports. This document is a provisional outline of responsibilities and duties for S6 Department Staff. It is their duty to take care of and observe the conduct of soldiers. Coordinates Signal activities with higher, lower, and adjacent headquarters. You can help the units achieve training goals and ensure that the entire battalion functions effectively. He is responsible for planning, coordinating, and staff operation facets of the battalion's missions. Introduction: This position is for the Assistant S4/S6 NCO assigned to HHD, Group . Platoon sergeants carry the rank of sergeant first class. An NCO's Responsibilities. Serves as a Section Chief in a forward deployed Internment and Resettlement Military Police Battalion; responsible for the health, welfare, safety, and personal and professional development of two Soldiers; performs duties as a communications liaison to the Afghan National Army in support of train, advise, and assist mission; ensures proper Communications Security (COMSEC) fills are maintained for three camps; supports the Northwestern Joint Regional Correctional Facility with communications and automations support; assists with the planning, coordination, and execution of communications projects with outside contractors and agencies. The course then covered some of the systems and technical aspects of the S6 job including Mission Command Systems, Client and Server Operations, networking, WIN-T, Spectrum Management, Combat Net . The S6 is the center of gravity for the Signal Corps and it is our responsibility to ensure that . ZAGAN, Poland Cpl. The S6 NCOIC is responsible for maintaining communication and reporting within and between departments as well as facilitate as a point of contact for external matters. Review, consolidate and forward final written input for the COOP. Direct or assist in conducting PMCS procedures on assigned vehicles, power generators, combat net radios and all other associated internal nodal communications systems. Perform system studies using established techniques to develop new or revised system applications and programs. Supervise the installation, operation and maintenance of high frequency (HF) radios. 25U Signal Support Systems Specialist Performing duties as given by OIC, IMO OIC or general staff. Interpret, disseminate and implement network changes/reconfigurations affecting nodal network architecture operations. Medical NCOIC S6 OIC is authorized to oversee and implement administration of electronic and information systems not limited to Game Servers, Website, Database and Network Security of the 7th Cavalry Organization. The signal support systems specialist must possess the following qualifications: (1) Physical Demands Rating: moderately heavy Oversight of non-S6 personnel with special access to servers or resources within their responsibilities. Assistant Task Force Training NCO: Assistant Training NCOIC for a forward deployed task force assigned to the _____; responsible for development, coordination and execution of in-service Afghanistan Police sustainment instruction and train-the-trainer program; accountable for the organization and supervision of a ___ man Provincial SWAT team and four team leaders to include combat readiness . Responsible for the health, welfare and morale of 5 soldiers and their families. Coordinate logistical support for subordinate teams. o Skill Level 2 MOSC 25U2O. Compiles production report data and quality control information. Interpret orders and compile system statistics for the shift and node. Control production operations in support of command or agency priorities. Specifically, the S-4: (1) Plans, coordinates, and supervises the storage, issue and recovery of all supplies, ordnance, and equipment. Consults with staff on Policies and Procedures in accordance with department guidelines. Control and use Signal Operating Instructions (SOI). They are responsible for the men and women in their unit, their equipment, appearance and personal conduct. Participate in development of the continuity of operations plan (COOP), information systems plans (ISP), information management plan (IMP) and information management master plan (IMMP). (5) A security clearance of SECRET. Maintains selected electronic devices. Serves as a Forward Signal Support NCO in a 155mm (Paladin) Battalion; performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment; and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers. Assist users in obtaining spectrum supportability through appropriate federal and host nation agencies. Information provided in this document does not explicitly cover all as titled and is subject to change. Write final operational manuals, procedures and requirements documents. Supervises direct support maintenance on associated equipment and unit level maintenance on COMSEC devices. Maintaining communications with subordinates and other S-Departments. Each NCO rank takes charge of specific areas of military organization. Contact Disclaimer. Provides technical advice and assistance to commanders and subordinate units. Helping maintain and develop documentation, software and equipment owned or controlled by the 7th Cavalry. Perform duties of COMSEC custodian in accordance with appropriate regulations. We developed draft lists based on existing Army doctrine and past studies of officer competencies and duty requirements, Supervises and performs complex and multifaceted nodal operations functions. Estimates time, supplies, personnel and equipment required to construct cable and wire communications systems. Perform network management functions in support of maintaining, troubleshooting and reengineering of nodal assets as needed in support of operational requirements. Directs restoration and alternate routing of circuits, trunks, links, and systems. Implement COMSEC, operation security (OPSEC) and physical security policies. Provides advice and technical assistance to commanders and subordinate units/elements. Providing department reports and After Action Reports to OIC. Performs or supervises quality control and technical evaluation inspections. Ensures PMCS and maintenance functions are performed in accordance with published schedules. This level is predominantly direct and face-to-face and focused on Can't find yours or want to donate. Plans and requests Signal logistics support for unit level operations and maintenance. Performs as a Communication NCO for an M777A2 Field Artillery Battery organic to the ___________________ with the mission of providing timely and accurate 155mm fires in direct support of brigade operations; responsible for advising and assisting the battery commander on all communication equipment, capabilities, and integration; responsible for the professional development of ___ NCO and _____ Soldiers; responsible for the maintenance and accountability for all battery and installation communication equipment over $___________. Corporals are responsible for a team, squad, or unit. Disseminate network orders, compile and submit operational statistics reports and processes requests for logistic support. Need to understand the duties and responsibilities of their staff NCOs during the military decision-making process (MDMP). Plans, programs, and supervises personnel performing visual information support for Army, Joint, and Combined operations; manages documentation/production, multimedia illustration, television production and distribution, and VI equipment repair operations and facilities supporting combat documentation, psychological operations, military intelligence, public affairs, training, and special functions; supervises PMCS on assigned vehicles and power generators. Determine requirement, assign duties, coordinates activities of personnel engaged in information system analysis and maintenance. These levels apply across the entire spectrum of the enlisted force structure. Supervises and trains 12 soldiers who are performing repairs and modifications on computers and other data devices, single channel ground and airborne radio systems, tacfire radar, telephone and wire equipment, night vision sights, and other special electronic devices, responsible for training and directing the set-up and operation of mobile facilities in combat and training environments. Develops and conducts training for subordinate personnel. leadership methods differ based on the level of leadership and duties. Identifies and reports electronic jamming and deception, and applies appropriate Electronic Counter-measures (ECCM). Maintaining communication with OIC and subordinates. Tactical Expertise. Serves as the S6 for the Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 25th ID comprised of over 900 personnel; responsible for the morale, welfare, training and professional development of a Battalion S6 section comprised of one NCO and six Soldiers; Senior advisor to the BN Commander for all signal related matters; supervises the tactical communications and automated Help Desk support to the Battalion Command team, Staff sections and six Divisional General Staff sections; accountable for the security, care and maintenance of sub-handreceipted and tactical communications equipment valued in excess of $2,000,000. The department staff must function as a single, cohesive unit, and professional team. The S6 OIC responsibilities vary according to the general Staff and IMO OIC Desires, but normally include: The S6 XO responsibilities are identical to the S6 OIC with some exceptions. Squad Leader and Health Care NCOIC 11B Knowledge Manager Manage Signal Security (SIGCEC), ECCM and COMSEC procedures. Supervises, plans, and executes the installation, operation, and maintenance of Signal support systems and network integration using radio, wire, and battlefield automated systems (BAS). Recognize electronic countermeasures (ECM) and implement electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM). Provide technical and tactical advice to command and staff concerning all aspects of information processing system operations, maintenance and logistical support. DUTY: A duty is something you must do by virtue of your position and is a legal or moral obligation. The S6 NCOIC is responsible for maintaining communication and reporting within and between departments as well as facilitate as a point of contact for external matters. Advise superiors on capabilities and limitations of HF radio equipment. Perform analyst and information assurance functions and conducts data system studies and prepare documentation and specifications for proposals. Prepares maintenance and supply requests for unit level signal support. Plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for user owned and operated signal equipment. Draft program operation manuals and technical program requirements documents. We need more examples. Supervises, install, operate, and perform unit level maintenance on multichannel line of site and tropospheric scatter communications systems, communications security (COMSEC) devices, and associated equipment. Coordinate external signal support mission requirements. Checks and performs PMCS and unit level maintenance on wire and cable systems and associated communications equipment. Operate manual or automated communications systems. Provides communications and information technology (IT) support to Observer Coach Trainers (OCT); maintains all communications assets for the Brigade to include ABCS & radio systems including CIDNE, SINCGARS, LMR, Harris Radio systems and Large Area Network (LAN) communications; responsible for the training, health and welfare of _#_ NCOs; accountable for equipment valued in excess of $_________. Validate subordinate Army units electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) request using Standard Frequency Action Format (SFAF). Provide leadership and supervision as Platoon Sergeant in tactical satellite (TACSAT) platoon. Assist in staff supervision of information services. Performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers. Supervise, install, operate, perform preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) and organizational level maintenance on assigned amplitude modulation (AM) radios, Enhanced Position Location and Reporting System (EPLRS) net control stations, Army Special Operations communications systems, to include communication security (COMSEC) devices and associated equipment. The primary duties of the cadet battalion XO are to: (a) Organize the cadet battalion staff properly and ensure that it works as a team. (b) Inspect the work of the cadet battalion staff and make other inspections as directed by the cadet battalion commander. Serve as advisor, for EMS management, to the commander. These Soldiers and their roles within this framework are the S4 OIC (O-3, 11A) with duties as the sustainment planner and billing official (BO); the senior supply sergeant (E-7, 92Y) with duties as the S4 NCOIC, supervisor of all property book activity, manager for requisition, and alternate billing official (ABO); one supply Proactively identifies issues and provides feedback on processes or, implementations or, resources used by the department and the 7th cavalry. Primary Mission Requirements of a Battalion-Level Personnel Assistance Center (PAC) The Battalion S1 (AKA PAC) has about six primary mission requirements and additional duties (categorized under miscellaneous) that can often be very time consuming The NCOIC must keep a good balance between the daily operations and additional duties in order for the PAC to function successfully . Operates and performs preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on assigned communications equipment, vehicles and power generators. Direct the installation of radios and antennas. But also, like many before me who earned that privilege, I had to do something else first: in my case, serve as a staff officer at the division, brigade, and eventually . S6 Staff are continually alert for opportunities to streamline cumbersome or time-consuming procedures. Executing policies and standards concerning S6 Staff performance, training, and conduct. Served as the Casualty Affairs NCOIC for the Regimental Casualty Affairs Cell (RCAC); responsible for receiving, tracking, and coordinating DA directed notifications for all killed in action, wounded in action, and non-battle injuries from the forward deployed Regiment; responsible for training and guiding the Regimental command group in proper handling of DA notifications; responsible for coordinating and arranging for proper funeral arrangements with the utmost dignity and respect for the Regiment's killed in action; responsible for the health, welfare and discipline of three NCOs. Request logistical support. Find your MOS, click on the link to zip right to it instead of scrolling. Chapter 4 RESPONSIBILITIES 9 4.1. . Conduct quality assurance of information systems operations. Supervises and prepares work schedules for subordinate personnel engaged in the installation, operation, and unit level maintenance of multichannel and tropospheric scatter radio systems. (6) A U.S. citizen. S6 XO duties are to assist the OIC with administrative and professional duties as well as provide consultation and oversight of subordinates. Operated heavy equipment and vehicles in all types of terrain and weather conditions. Supervises operations and assists team members in the installation and operation of multichannel line of site and tropospheric scatter communications systems. Supervise development of the ISP, IMP and the IMMP. They are also familiar with the responsibilities and duties of other staff members. Duties are to monitor and execute tasks that are outlined in S6 Department Guidelines. - Filled DMS NCOIC posit; coord'd section SAPR trn'g/IMR updates/wrote 2 awd pkg/1 dec--oversaw 10 NCO's/Amn. Supervises and provides technical guidance to subordinate documentation/production team members; monitors, operates and performs unit level maintenance on master control systems; aligns and adjusts video cameras; prepares video reports for review by commanders and planning staff; operates and performs unit level maintenance on still and video transmission systems. S6 XO is authorized to implement and oversee administrative tasks within S6 purview. Administration Monitor NCO, Duties and Responsibilities 14-15 Warehouse Monitor NCO, Duties and Responsibilities 16-17 . Conduct briefings on the status, relationship and interface of information processing systems within assigned area of interest. A non-commissioned officer In charge (NCOIC) occupies a position of responsibility and respect in the military chain of command. Assist less experienced Soldiers in the installation, operation, and maintenance of information processing equipment. Forward Signal Support NCO For ARNGUS AGR Soldiers assigned as Readiness NCO or Training NCO, enter both the NCO's TOE or TDA assignment and the full-time support titles such as Chief or Firing Battery/Readiness NCO. Organize work schedules and ensure compliance with directives and policies on operations security (OPSEC), signal security (SIGSEC), COMSEC and physical security. Performs duties as defined by Department Guidelines. To contribute examples, enter them below and click Submit. Conduct technical evaluations of equipment and facilities. Ensure that governing regulations on accountability, maintenance, and TEMPEST standards are complied with. The brigade combat team S6 job is the most challenging major position in the Signal branch, but it is the most rewarding Signal job because the communications services that are provided are so critical that no one in a Brigade TOC can conduct their duties without the services and technical expertise that is provided from the Brigade S6 shop. Prepare work schedules and allocates equipment for net operations or special missions. A Security Forces Officer is a leader equipped with the physical and mental capabilities to manage the security on a base. Daily syncs utilizing the battalion's communications plan, or PACE, will validate these systems initially, but communications checks at range and technical rehearsals will solidify the C2 relationships before the bullets . Senior Information Systems Specialist for the ________, with the ability for world-wide contingency deployment mission; plans, supervises, coordinates and provides technical assistance for the installation, operation, system analyst functions, unit level maintenance and management of multi-user information processing systems; maintains, operates and accounts for __ tactical servers, ___ Army Battle Command systems and over ____ users; maintains accountability and serviceability of automation equipment in excess of $__________. Two factors determine the operational reach of fighting formations: communications and logistics. Provide technical advice and assistance to subordinates. Operate and perform preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on assigned vehicles and power generators. For example, it is the supply sergeant's duty to issue equipment and keep records of the unit's supplies. Supervise the installation, operation, deployment, provisioning, maintenance of electronic IP based nodal assemblages, combat net radios and all related COMSEC devices. Provide technical advice to commanders and assistance to subordinates. Performs Signal staff functions, and develops Signal policies and battlefield integration plans in support of Division, Brigade, and Battalion Signal operations. Serves as principle or subordinate spectrum manager in JTF/CJTF or on the staff of a Joint, Combined, or Coalition activity who develops Joint Spectrum Use Plan, maintains, assigns, and deconflicts EMS information in JTF/CJTF database and resolves EMS interference in a JTF/CJTF. Develop Staff information services policy and procedures. They may also assist with security . Uses computers to process operational and administrative information. Configure information processing equipment into required operating configurations. Staff sergeants attain their rank because they have experience and have demonstrated an ability to successfully complete missions and assignments. To contribute examples, enter them below and click Submit. Directs unit signal training and provides technical advice and assistance to commanders. Provides oversight of staff tasks and objectives. Coordinates and supervises team member activities in the construction, installation and recovery of cable and wire communications systems and auxiliary equipment. As an NCO, you are accountable for your personal conduct and that of your soldiers. S6 Developer staff is a provisional billet where duties or responsibilities may change at a given notice. (3) Normal color vision. Shop Foreman of a Forward Direct Support Communications Electronics repair facility. Attendance of CSC as per Regimental Requirements. Responsibilities are defined per individual by OIC and XO and may differ between other staff within the billet. Plans, coordinates, and supervises installation, operation, maintenance, and management of telecommunications systems and networks, including radio, switching, cable, and automation equipment. Provides technical assistance and unit level training for automation, communication and user owned and operated automated telecommunications computer systems, to include local area networks and routers; signal communications support electronic equipment; and satellite radio communications equipment. Meets with OIC/XO/NCOIC monthly as per department guidelines. Serves as the _____ Brigade S6 NCOIC, consisting of a . Prepares and maintains reports, records, and operational databases used to conduct Signal support functions in both tactical and strategic environments. Providing advice and recommendations to the IMO OIC and general staff in matters of a technical nature. Duties are to assist both the OIC and XO with administrative and professional tasks . The S-4 exercises responsibility for logistics, supply, and maintenance management activities of the battalion. Take a few minutes to create or upgrade your resume. Serves as an Information Systems and Communications NCO for _unit_ Brigade Headquarters, supporting ten BNs and a Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment; responsible for the integration, installation, operation and maintenance of the Brigade's users on NIPR and SIPR networks; assists with information systems planning and maintenance, including hardware and software upgrades; plans and executes communications requirements for the Commander; ensures positive reliable command and control communications between the commander, senior civilians, and military leaders; responsible for technical support of _#_ Brigade VTC Suites. Plans and provides unit level training for automated telecommunications systems, to include local area networks, wide area networks and routers; signal communications and support electronic equipment; and satellite radio communications equipment. Receives requests for frequency use authorization, nominates frequency(s) from frequency database, makes assignments in the database, and notifies the requestor of the assignment. Maintains accountability and documentation on tasks. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 188TH BRIGADE SUPPORT BATTALION 2175 REILLY ROAD, STOP A FORT BRAGG, NC 28310-5000 AFVC-FCH-IM 27 FEB 2015 MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: S6 Duties and Responsibilities 1. The privates and corporals that make up the bulk of a field force report directly to them. Serves as a Forward Signal Support NCO in a 155mm (Paladin) Battalion; performs senior operator duties and unit level maintenance functions; resposnsible for training personnel in the installation, operation, and maintenance of SINGARS, ASIP and associated line of site equipment; and BFT Command and Control systems; accountable for the supervision, health and welfare of five Soldiers. Go to our comment section on the right sidebar. Executes telecommunications service orders (TSO). duties and responsibilities and contract compliance. Installs, operates and performs PMCS on power generators. Perform COMSEC management functions and ISSO/Systems Administrator (SA) duties for the certification authority workstation. Disseminate TSO to subordinate shifts, assemblages, or stations. Directs unit Signal training and provides technical advice and assistance to commanders. Ensures contingency operations plans and routing subsystems are correctly maintained in the database to reflect current operational scenario. Establishes and maintains files, COMSEC material and other signal administration functions. Installs, operates, and maintains designated radio and data distribution systems. Plans, supervises and integrates the installation, operation and maintenance of signal support systems, to include radio, wire, cable and battlefield automated systems. Provide technical assistance, resolve problems for information services support personnel, functional users and functional staff. Supervise and perform authorized maintenance on assigned equipment. Interpret operations orders affecting switching operations. Performs Signal support functions, to include providing technical assistance and training for user owned and operated automation and communications equipment. Plans and provide unit level training for automation and communications systems and Signal support equipment. S6 Serves as the rear detachment NCOIC for a 90 man light headquarters company over a 9-12 month deployment; responsible for the safety, discipline, training, combat readiness, and morale of 25 Soldiers assigned and attached personnel; responsible for administrative actions, property management, and training preparation for operations; maintains Soldier readiness in all areas to ensure they are either ready to deploy or fully prepared for their transition into the civilian work force. Performs as team leader of combat camera documentation teams; determines documentation/production equipment and systems mission support requirements; coordinates and directs personnel and operational requirements to produce audiovisual, audio and television productions in both fixed and tactical environments. Plans, supervises and executes unit level maintenance programs for Signal equipment. 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