Hassan Bokhari, a Twitch staff member, accused of sexual assault here. I was wondering if this would make its way to LSF, LSF usually only cares about certain 10-15 streamers at a time. 4 https://streamable.com/g2wt9q, He also made this child heil hitler on justin.tv https://streamable.com/9n023a, Kill all internet trolls. Nothing new, Paco did it to multiple girls associated with "OfflineTV/Just Friends" and that's why he was banned from the house. Pt 1 of how I got an adult actress to fall for me. Yeah that video with his dog was cringe. and. She also had multiple chances to get away from WitWix and didn't; if a girl is at a house party and wants to go home alone, all she has to do is find another person and say, "So and so is making me uncomfortable," and that person will make sure that they get home safely. As we all know, this drama happens on Twitter. I'm surprised, but morbidly impressed that nobody has ended up dead yet. Fedmyster statement apologizing here. Some people are truly sick and want to make everything about them. That sounded almost grandiose as if it was a George RR Martin book. Is it me? Other Dota 2 esports personalities have also made allegations of sexual harassment. They are mostly known for their Parodies of Music Videos. Oh yeah, she hasn't got anything against him now cause of that evidence. He literally slept on the couch for two weeks because the bedroom was too far away from his computer and he needed to climb. She doesn't have a perfect track record on this stuff, and I even have a personal instance where she tried to get me perm banned from twitch (she didn't know that I was a twitch partner, or that I was on a smurf acc streaming) for sexual harassment in like 2013 or something because she totally and purposely misunderstood what I said in game chat and then ranted about it on stream for like 30 minutes and tried to get her stream to brigade me. Wouldn't that be something that haunts you for the rest of your life? Most of them are just doing it for the social media analytics. What do you mean the NEXT TIME?!?!?! Bungie also knew about it, but didn't speak about it for the same reason. Suicide after being falsely accused of something like this isn't that uncommon. sleepyk asked to have sex with me at age 14. I've watched them for a long time and never even noticed something like that might be wrong. They are often used by big companies legal teams as intimidation even when they have no case as you said, but theyre not inherently bad or scummy. He also sued the yellow press for compensation (he won ~400k). On the 28th January 1944, the USS Grayback with her 80 strong crew, left on their 10th Combat Mission from Pearl Harbour. How about being a little bit responsible and try to tread lightly around this matter? I would absolutely never do this to someone. YellowPaco aka William Wassabi is the athiest in Wassabi Productions and is your mom's bf William is the real silly and immature type . I just remember this video where he explained he got the house from youtube money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvuL_BFXUSs, As well as tweeting that he bought it: https://twitter.com/Whiteboy7thst/status/255750500727795712. he held me down while i was crying and begging him to stop. Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to this accusation here. https://www.twitch.tv/witwix Witwix is addressing the allegations against him atm. Step on me. Now anyone can call out anyone without the need of evidence. We should just be patient and wait for whatever evidence comes to light. About Grant. Video Game Attorney also being accused here. How about we only add allegations to this list, that are fucking worthy mentioning? I just saw this too https://i.redd.it/9x16d750iq651.png. Go fuck yourself. You have no more power over me anymore. maybe?) I wont tolerate Libel & Fiction. EDIT - Additional allegations against him by exes: https://twitter.com/fieldyfieldy/status/1275256281918435329 https://twitter.com/gumpsterly/status/1274891013241225217, Here's accusation against Badger: https://twitter.com/ChicaDeAwesome/status/1274608540917719040?s=20, And his reply with a Google drive with a lot of evidence against it: https://twitter.com/TVGBadger/status/1274882296726917123?s=20. Mr. Fishbein, right, Mr. Hernandez's lawyer, in Supreme Court in December during the . Title and the way he writes it makes it seem as if all of them are accused of straight up rape. So she is most likely asking for it to be removed because she has no proof? Sounds like something she could go to prison for too. I guess the 2nd time was fine, but that first time was a no no. Next to the people saying how dare people in power attract people. An interesting tweet from one of his teammates about him here. After that night, he texted her twice and she never responded so he left her alone. Well, I've dabbled in the esports industry for a few years. @itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? Protect your Passwords or your account gets hacked, Make sure you save every social media interaction or else it can be used against you, Im sure more and more people do this after the recent years. Valentine's Day workout. The only way Mixer ever takes over any marketshare of worth, is if Twitch just shuts down tomorrow. My experience with Co-CEO of Method, Sascha. Also, the Yogscast stuff happened almost a year ago and both of the accused are no longer with them, or even active as content creators. I never knew it was a racist term. Here's the (unconfirmed!) al. Why would I ask a habitual liar and someone I never talked to about her grooming guys 10 years younger than her? Yeah they're making a joke out of the serious issues by lumping dumb ones in there too. fuck all that. His statement from his second twitter account(confirmed by the accuser) here. This mother fucker owns a house and has voice activated electronic garbage cans.and he couldn't pay his staff?? Women play more mind games than men do, and no one is patting men on the back for being strong. And yet, if you look at the most recent tweet of the second accuser you posted somewhere above, people are legitimately trying to use him defending himself to prove he is guilty, you just can't make this shit up. Although this is just a theory, there's apparently another girl accusing him as well. His apology here. Always wondered that. I dunno, I doubt really anyone has used it that way since I've been alive. You don't think he uses all that League rage in the bedroom? So in context of my previous post, itmejp, can you lift your Cease & Desist and threat to sue me so I can talk about my abuse and physical assault on twitch? kids are fuckin stupid? An interesting tweet from one of his teammates about him here. the badger girl What happens if he doesn't have all the convos and shit? As usual, we have a ton of valid accusations and terrible actions bundled up with opportunists who are accusing streamers/youtubers of misconduct. They knew what had happened but waited for the victims to share their story. It's even lower if they're within 5 years of each other. I'm sure me even just explaining this common sense stuff is going to have someone take it badly. iAmSp00n accused of being an abuser here and here. And this made me terrified to come forward. Him and TB, man, it still hurts. Important thing to note, however you can believe victims while still holding judgement until all of the evidence is provided. Power and fame is attractive too. His response here. I dont get a malicious vibe from her at all, she is pretty upfront about her flaws on stream. I want to see some bigger streamers like Poki / Lily come out with accusations, but they're not going to risk their multi-million careers if they aren't 100% sure and we get only vague messages like this. Most fans from back then knows that JP did creepy shit. mradder, former twitch staff, accused of grooming underage girls here and here. \_()_/. For some reason I thought I remembered his parents leaving him a big house when they passed. Now put yourselves in his shoes and imagine how life was for those 2-3 years where everyone thinks you are some abusive pig and friends are cutting you off left and right. Where are Bully Hunters when you need them? Theres a lot of blame to go around for the contribution to this atmosphere. How could he. Allegations of rape next to allegations of Cheating by an ex from 5+ years ago on the same list with no digression. I skimmed it and it's actually him taking a girl (who has a boyfriend) out for dinner.. Then stopping at his hotel randomly, inviting her to his room so he could shower, and inviting her into the shower with him while she stood waiting for him to finish so they could go. Liked. Sexual assault is contact or attempt to contact on a sexual manor, depending on the state rape can fall under sexual assault. Is anything sexual harassment now? This is unlike WingsOfRedemption who complains about money, says he won't upload because "it gets no views," and is a general cry baby and uses his surgery donation money to buy a mustang/truck. Her entire story is based around the idea he asked her on a date and she said yes, but didn't want to actually be there. I pretended to like him to advance my career but when that didn't happen I felt ashamed, even though I always gave consent and never tried communicating how I felt because I thought this was my shot. My story. And the followup by ChrisChanTO here. You told me that it was a small industry very relationship based. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. damn if those texts were after she should be sued for libel. Im glad he is being completely barred like he was meant to from the beginning. Literally nothing happened in the whole fucking post, other than whoever wrote it being unable to open her fucking mouth. Pretty sure he was perma playing games when he screwed his ex gf with Macaiyla though. People really didn't learn from Johnny Depp. look jericho clip : https://clips.twitch.tv/SullenWittyCheetahCmonBruh. Video Game Attorney also being accused here. it reads like she just lead him on and didnt let him know she wasnt interested before they went through like 3 venues?? I remembering him casting starcraft 2 tournaments and always wondered how he got those gigs despite how terrible he was at it. I was so naive to think he would keep that promise. The "evidence" reads as a sjw's wet dream vilifying someone for nothing. Fedmyster has been removed from OfflineTV. How old is Lauren riihimaki? yeah idk why its formatted like this, this is just people leaving opg. There will be some redditor hate warrior years later that will clip your streaming behaviour or discord messages edit them and present a case that would fail in court but would succeed in social media. I wouldn't trust anything unless there is some kinda of proof that it happened. Some cases seem to be descriptions of toxic relationships and cheating, which is shitty and traumatizing but not quite the same as rape/sexual assault. If someone is persistently making accusations against you (assuming they are false), a cease and desist is the proper legal way of asking them to stop before you sue for defamation. Nothing he did was illegal but damn was that a gross story from start to finish. (the robberies), He plays the stock market and appears to be doing rather well. He says that he shouldve announced earlier but didnt feel the need to and regrets not doing so Watch his vods on twitch or go to r/Nigahiga for more info <3. When I was 19 I was talking to multiple girls online at the same time being a dumb fucking kid. That would also explain her "simping" for this dude and . Seriously used to watch his mw2 commentaries, remember he was broke as shit for a while and got robbed multiple times, hope his situation got better. just stuff that he has talked about in the past few years already according to him. Go fuck yourself. For Lorien: They hung out for 8 hours and he thought she was flirting with him because they kept making out the whole night. Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. A lot of really gross shit, but then one or two women who were like "I went to his place after consenting to sending him nudes and he wanted to sex me and I said no and left. This is going to be juicy because Anne can be ruthless towards bullshit. It's so scary that can happen to anyone and usually the majority of people don't wait to ssee proof. Someone reached out to one of my friends and said that I had raped them at a con. Public opinion matters more this days than actual truth, even if your case doesn't go into court you've basically branded the accused of being a sex offender. I think I need to speak with a lawyer. LilyPichu update here. He says the person is lying. I can't believe you would forget the date of the day you were raped on. Dont jump to attack; dont jump to defense, investigate and draw a conclusion. She explicitly states she's lying to him and stringing him along in her own accusation, so I don't know what she wanted to accomplish with that. With all he has uhh I mean he could possibly pursue legal action. Telling a girl you could get blacklisted for not having sex is some dirty Weinstien shit, saying you had blacklisted ppl before, then to push hard for a threesome after saying that is fucked up. https://streamable.com/10a55j, Make fun of gay people and lie about streaming. (I'm talking about Takarita, first Swifty allegation). Hassan Bokhari, a Twitch staff member, accused of sexual assault here. Watch him be treated like a criminal even though no one has anything against him. Not joking. Smart move by syndicate to stfu, I forgot he existed. most of them are so weirdly written it almost feels like it was all preplanned. (updated), Spreadsheet by macaiyla here. I mean you know one of them is a stick that spends so many hours a day on his bus chair that he might get fused to it if he didn't take the occasional coke break. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, Dethridge, FauxFreedom, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Tigerwritertv, SilentSentryTV and many more. BaconDonutTV response here. https://twitter.com/gumpsterly/status/1274891013241225217, Yeah i remember that time too, i didn't think it was this bad though, sad and disappointing to learn all of this about a streamer i really liked (even tho i haven't watched him in so long), he seems extremely mentally unstable and i hope he gets help. Imagine having a twitch/youtube/whatever career that you love, your actual dream, you hit the jackpot playing vidya games for a living or something, then out of the blue you wake up one day and there's someone you know telling the world that you're a rapist, and they're listening. A ton of valid accusations and terrible actions bundled up with opportunists who are accusing of... 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