St. Athanasius of Alexandria 1. them and protect them to the end. Subsequently, thanks to his numerous journeys, he was enabled to evangelize at different periods most of the countries of Europe. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Paul T. Crowley. tudes of the times and the peculiar handwriting of the saint held up the publication. He had a great reputation for holiness and the people flocked to hear him preach. He had the combination of brilliance, human compassion, and administrative skill needed to carry out his duties. This Mirror of the B. V. M. is an exposition of the "Hail Mary" as it was The work is by Conrad of Saxony, yet another early Franciscan . St. Lawrence of Brindisi was a remarkable person. He studied the Bible from early youth with extraordinary zeal. Following three years as Vicar General of his Order (1602-1605), Lawrence engaged in a preaching crusade against the heretics in Prague (1606-1610) and in Munich (1610-1613) where he was well received by his intimate friend, Duke Maximilian II. Nos cum prole pia benedicat Virgo Maria Mary, with Her loving Son, bless us each and every one Saint Lawrence of Brindisi - Theologian, member of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, Saint and Doctor of the Church Saint Lawrence was born on July 22nd, 1559, in the town of Brindisi (which was then part of the Kingdom of Naples). The city was finally taken, and the Turks lost 30,000 men. He was elected major superior of the Capuchin Franciscan province of Tuscany at the age of 31. tells you."? He was encouraged in this by princes and by learned priests and laymen. The barbarism and severity of pagan Rome had begun to reach a fever pitch. For priests, St. Lawrence as "the Apostolic Doctor" offers a new model for our studies and preaching. Ronald Lawler, O.F.M., Cap. The Turks were again defeated, and the honour of this double victory was attributed by the general and the entire army to Lorenzo. wrote for Marian Feasts. It has been set to music by such famous composers as Josquin The Conventuals of Brindisi were entrusted with his education. of these are Marian, The Franciscan Crown Theologian. Translations, 107 Poems by The sermons he left fill no less than eight folio volumes. After studies in Verona, he was ordained and began to preach with great effect in Northern Italy. As his feebleness prevented him from marching, he mounted on horseback and, crucifix in hand, took the lead of the army, which he drew irresistibly after him. He preached in many religions of Europe and died in . He then led the army during the siege of Szkesfehrvr in Hungary from the Ottoman Empire, armed only with a crucifix.[1]. An accomplished linguist, in addition to his native Italian, Lawrence could read and speak Latin, Hebrew, Greek, German, Czech, Spanish, and French fluently. He labored at the constitution of the League of German Catholic Princes which would oppose the Union of Protestant Princes and, as the result of an official mission to the court of Madrid, Lawrence obtained the adhesion of Phillip III to this plan, as well as financial aid for it. The attack on Albe-Royal (now Stulweissenburg) was then contemplated. An accomplished linguist, in addition to his native Italian, Lawrence could read and speak Latin, Hebrew, Greek, German, Czech, Spanish, and French fluently . spiritual life of St. Francis and his followers revolve, so also is this august TU SOLA HAI DISTRUTTO TUTTE LE ERESIE DEL MONDO, ATTRAVERSO LIMMACOLATA AL SACRATISSIMO CUORE DI GESU, : Un collecion de articulos sobre La Santissima Virgen en la espiritualidad franciscana. In 1575 he was received into the Order of Capuchins under the name of Brother Lorenzo, and, after his preofession, made his philosophical and theological studies at the University of Padua. This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Herbermann, Charles, ed. many blessings, especially his profound grasp of Biblical languages, and even. He was also chosen as arbitrator in the dispute which arose between the princes, and it was in fulfillment of this rtle that, at the request of the emperor, he restored harmony between the Duke of Mantua and a German nobleman. The victory of Lepanto (1571) had only temporarily checked the Moslem invasion, and several battles were still necessary to secure the final triumph of the Christian armies. As far as I can tell, shipping is included in the price (even international shipping). Mary. or the Rosary of Our Ladys 7 Joys, History, His story offers the open-minded an opportunity to learn more about the course and form of the Church throughout the ages and the varied forms that sanctity takes. Of a precocious piety, Lorenzo gave early evidence of a religious vocation. . The very year of his election the new superior began the visitation of the provinces. N 1319 IL SUO NOME Yes, But check captures in movie for Yourself. Pax Christi! Christology and Mariology. Amid so many various undertakings Lorenzo found time for the practices of personal sanctification. Catholic Encyclopedia. Lawrence was born on July 22, 1559 . Owing to his wonderful memory he mastered not only the principal European languages, but also most of the Semitic tongues. Life of Agony c.297-373 2. The city was finally taken, and the Turks lost 30,000 men. Specialists in Mariology declare that the sixty-two sermons of Lawrence's Mariale form a complete summa of this matter, prominent in Marian literature not only at his time, but ever since. Gregory DiPippo. In addition to all these occupations he undertook, with the assistance of several Capuchins, a missionary campaign throughout Germany, and for eight months travelled in Bavaria, Saxony, and the Palatinate. Lawrence died near Lisbon while on a mission to King Philip III of Spain for the Neapolitans, who were being oppressed by the Duke of Osuna, Italy. Having withdrawn to the monastery of Caserta in 1618, Lorenzo was hoping to enjoy a few days of seclusion, when he was requested by the leading men of Naples to go to Spain and apprise Philip III of the conduct of Viceroy Ossuna. To protect the Faith more efficaciously in their states, the Catholic princes of Germany formed the alliance called the "Catholic League". As however they still exceeded in numbers the Christian army, they formed their lines anew, and a few days later another battle was fought. Most of his sermons are written in Italian, the other works being in Latin. ), Born at Brindisi in 1559; died at Lisbon on 22 July, 1619. From the critical edition of the saint's writings (beautifully bound and illustrated), we can understand why his contemporaries universally praised the faith, the zeal, and the scholarship of the humble Capuchin. In controversies his vast learning always gave him the advantage, and, once he had won the minds of his hearers, his saintliness and numerous miracles completed their conversion. Hence devotion Les Ecrits du S. Antoine de Padoue en Franais, c/o, SPECULUM B. MARIAE VIRGINIS He was limited, like we are, by the sciences of his time. It was on the occasion of the foundation of the convent of Prague (1601) that St. Lorenzo was named chaplain of the Imperial army, then about to march against the Turks. In his doctrinal "excursus" we see the theologian who treats God the Creator, His attributes, the angels, the nature of man, the state of original justice, free will, the institution of marriage, etc. He was conspicuous for all the virtues in a heroic degree as well as for the gifts of counsel and prudence . After serving as nuncio to Spain, he retired to a monastery in 1618. News, analysis & spirituality by email, twice-weekly from The The sermons he left fill no less than eight folio volumes. In baptism he received the names of Julius Caesar. I would like to point out that all of the Opera Omnia of St. Lawrence of Brindisi has been translated into English by Fr. "Learn, unhappy man, how great is the power of my God; for your burning coals give me refreshment. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. Nihil Obstat. St. Lawrence of Brindisi. Omissions? St. Lawrence of Brindisi. In his writings, Lawrence "also highlighted the action of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers", the Pope said. Corrections? Because he deemed preaching his true vocation, Lawrence kept up his lifelong zeal for it by prayer, penance, and study. His knowledge of the Hebrew language was of great help in this regard. "Forward!" Did She not counsel the entire Church at Cana, saying: "Do whatever He Candide, Henri. This work is a translation from Latin into English of St. Lawrence of Brindisi's commentary on the first three chapters of Genesis. Shop St. Lawrence of Brindisi. But the fatigues of the journey exhausted his feeble strength. Franciscans and Franciscanism throughout their long history. New York: Robert Appleton Company. St. Lawrence served as a deacon in Rome in the third century. At the age of thirty-one, Lawrence was elected superior of the Capuchin Franciscan province of Tuscany. [6] In 1959 Pope John XXIII declared him Doctor of the Church with the title Apostolic Doctor.[7]. Leonard of Port Maurice, Paul of the Cross, Gasper del Bufalo, and others who, like Sts. to St. Bonaventure was established to be erroneous at the turn of the Having discharged this mission successfully, the saintly ambassador received a double mandate by virtue of which he was to represent the interests of the pope and of Madrid at the court of Maximilian of Bavaria, head of the League. Author and Publisher - Catholic Online. of the theological exposition that prevails in the Franciscan approach to From his tenderest years Saint Lawrence of Brindisi evinced rare gifts of nature and grace. Those who examined his writings in the process of his beatification became convinced Lawrence deserved to be named a Doctor of the Church. The three volumes of controversies have notes in Greek and Hebrew. Milan, Paris, Marseilles, Spain, received him in turn. Imprimatur. He was beatified by Pope Pius VI in 1783 and canonized by Pope Leo XIII in 1881. At first glance perhaps the most remarkable quality of St. Lawrence of Brindisi is his outstanding gift of languages. July 21, 2022. They comprise: His original manuscripts comprise 13 volumes in parchment and are located at the Archivio dei Cappuccini di Mestre. writer. Lawrence had a balance in his life that blended self-discipline with a keen appreciation for the needs of those whom he was called to serve. Most of his sermons are written in Italian, the other works being in Latin. of the greatest devotees of the Immaculate Virgin in the Franciscan Order, the The known writings of St. Lorenzo of Brindisi comprise eight volumes of sermons, two didactic treatises on oratory, a commentary on Genesis, another on Ezechiel, and three volumes of religious polemics. And it is perhaps the greatest marvel of his life to have combined with duties so manifold anunusually intense inner life. MLA citation. It was said he knew the entire original text of the Bible. He had a facility for languages and learned to speak French, German, Latin, and Spanish in addition to his native Italian. The known writings of St. Lorenzo of Brindisi comprise eight volumes of sermons, two didactic treatises on oratory, a commentary on Genesis, another on Ezechiel, and three volumes of religious polemics. N 1224 IMMACOLATA His family was Venetian, but lived in the major port city of Brindisi, then in the Kingdom of Naples, far down Italy's Adriatic coast. From 1596 to 1602 he had, as general definitor, to fix his residence in Rome. This theological maturity was captured in his numerous writings and as such Saint Lawrence of Brindisi was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1959 by Pope John XXIII. Some of this fame still continued in later times with other preachers like Sts. An accomplished linguist, in addition to his native Italian, Lawrence could read and speak Latin, Hebrew, Greek, German, Bohemian, Spanish, and French fluently. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Below are some quotes I have translated from his Mariale.In some spots I have inserted the lacking Scripture reference or have written out the Scripture text referred to. . Theology. It is possible to order this set of St. Lawerences works, or individual volumes from the set, direct from the publisher in India. Diem Illum Laetissumum Lawrence of Brindisi was canonised in 1881 and declared a Doctor of the Church by Blessed John XXIII in 1959 in recognition of his many works of biblical exegesis and Mariology. Assigned to teach the Scriptures to his young confreres, Lawrence put his heart and soul into it. Born at Brindisi in 1559; died at Lisbon on 22 July, 1619. But he does give modern exegetes a model to imitate. He also has a thorough knowledge of Greek, Hebrew, and Syriac. It is evident from his commentary on Genesis 1-3 that he took those chapters as an inerrant literal historical account of beginning of the world and the human species as related by the prophet Moses under divine inspiration. It was not until 1618 that Pope Paul V changed it to that of minister general). Thus we have the three volumes which the Saint wrote against Protestant theologian Polycarp Leiser, who was a writer and a preacher at the court of the Elector of Saxony. he cried, showing them the crucifix, "Victory is ours." [2] He was elected again in 1605, but refused the office. As however they still exceeded in numbers the Christian army, they formed their lines anew, and a few days later another battle was fought. He is buried in a monastery in Northern Spain and was canonized in 1881. He teaches also that she is Mediatress of all graces and Queen of the Universe. Other diplomatic missions followed. St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Doctor of the Church, on Creation and the Fall. And it is perhaps the greatest marvel of his life to have combined with duties so manifold an unusually intense inner life. He completed his studies of philosophy and theology at the University of Padua and was ordained a priest at 23. Read NowDownload. .---------------------Suscrbete al canal: nuestra web: REPORTS,, is. The Capuchin breviary says of him on July 23: "Ordained a priest, he devoted himself entirely to the salvation of souls. It was on the occasion of the foundation of the convent of Prague (1601) that St. Lorenzo was named chaplain of the Imperial army, then about to march against the Turks. [1], Mary, with Her loving Son, All rights reserved. It would soon lead to a blood lust. This work, like his others, has a perennial appeal and can be used even today. Author and Publisher - Catholic Online. His manuscripts cannot be read without special training and diligence. attributed by some scholars to Pope Innocent III, the first Pope to approve the par Vnrable Marie d'Agreda, Ad That does not mean that everything St. Lawrence says is necessarily accurate. This was the teaching of eminent theologians and members of the hierarchy, such as the Doctors of the Church, St. Augustine and St. Francis de Sales, as well as noted preachers such . Milan, Paris, Marseilles, Spain, received him in turn. He adopted the method of preaching in favour with the great Franciscan missionaries, or rather with apostolic workers of all times, who, aiming primarily to reach men's hearts and convert them, always adapt their style of discourse to the spiritual needs of their hearers. his very life to her. This topic has become near and dear to my heart. Such unusual talents, added to a rare virtue, fitted Brother Lorenzo for the most diverse missions. (His Cross is still used by the Superior Generals of the Capuchin Order.) Instead, Lawrence saw that careful study of the language of text uncovers deeper strata of its literal meaning. Though not exactly a household name, this Capuchin priest has been declared a Doctor of the Church and his doctrinal, apologetic, and devotional writings have earned for him the title of the Apostolic Doctor. Yes, and his name is St. Lawrence of Brindisi. Emperor Rudolph sent Lorenzo to Philip III of Spain to persuade him to join the League. In addition to a thorough knowledge of his native Italian, he had complete reading and speaking ability in Latin, Hebrew, Greek, German, Bohemian, Spanish, and French. Posted on August 10, 2017. Hail Holy Queen - sermons of St. Lawrence of Brindisi In the following excerpts one begins to see most clearly that there exists in St. Lawrence's Marian work a unity between speculative theology and tender devotion to the Mother of God. Vol. But the fatigues of the journey exhausted his feeble strength. He develops also the secondary principles: uniqueness, convenience, eminence, and likeness to Christ the Redeemer in regard to Marian truths. Victor Warkulwiz, M.S.S. of the Critical Latin edition. Finally, the Saint defends the legitimacy, the nature, and the acts of Marian cult against the attacks of the Protestants. St. Lawrence of Brindisi is the lumen ac decus of the Capuchins and a glory to the entire Franciscan Order. Liturgical Colour : Green or White (Priests) Psalm 35 : 6-7ab, 8-9, 10-11 Clement VIII assigned him the task of instructing the Jews; thanks to his knowledge of Hebrew and his powerful reasoning, he brought a great number of them to recognize the truth of the Christian religion. In the practice of the religious virtues St. Lorenzo equals the greatest saints. The process of beatification, several times interrupted by various circumstances, was concluded in 1783. He was a disciple of Pope Sixtus II (251-258). Indeed, it become clear that the foundation point and principle of his Marian scholarship is the divine . History, mythology, law, legend, science, and art are pressed into service, together with theology and philosophy, to make his sermons exemplars of the art of preaching. Serious illness in Lisbon took his life in 1619. [2] In 1596 he was appointed definitor general in Rome for the Capuchins. He joined the Capuchin Friars Minor, a strict . Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Brother Lorenzo held successively all the offices of his order. Contact information. Mary, by hbspt.cta.load(465210, '020feabf-81db-4868-9918-466274905f4f', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Customer Service:cservice, Technical Questions:support, Writers GuidelinesPrivacy PolicyPost a Prayer Request, Ukraines healing needs justice, repentance, say experts. Death: 1619. There has been a longstanding pious tradition in the Church that St. Joseph was assumed body and soul into heaven. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, The Catholic Encyclopedia - Biography of St. Lorenzo da Brindisi. St. Lawrence of Brindisi: Responsibility: translated from the Latin by Vernon Wagner. St. Lawrence of Brindisi. Yet just as Mary lies at the center of the Mystery of Lawrence was ordained a priest at the age of 23.[2]. It was not until 1618 that Pope Paul V changed it to that of minister general). Indeed, this counsel contains exactly the form and substance Franciscan Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Updates? and Immaculate Queen found at the very center and principle of Franciscan Life. Lawrence claimed that his excellent knowledge of Hebrew and Aramaic was a God-given charism. Of a precocious piety, Lorenzo gave early evidence of a religious vocation. but Lawrence's main writings are in the nine volumes of his sermons. Saint Benedict The Moor - He was the son of former slaves, taken from Africa. by 9. The Key Writings of the 35 Doctors of the Church Name Key Writings Dates 1. Saint Lawrence of Brindisi. Order of Friars Minor. Perhaps In rapid succession he was promoted by his fellow Capuchins and was elected minister general of the Capuchins in 1602. Printable Catholic Saints PDFs. The three volumes of controversies have notes in Greek and Hebrew. In baptism he received the name Giulio Cesare. He was given the name Giulio Cesare Russo by his Venetian merchant . In addition to a thorough knowledge of his native Italian, he had complete reading and speaking ability in Latin, Hebrew, Greek, German, Bohemian, Spanish . This work is a practical manual of the Catholic Faith and a confutation of Protestant interpretation of Scripture. Yesterday, the feast of St Mary Magdalene, was the anniversary of the birth of St Lawrence of Brindisi in 1559, and of his death at the age of sixty in 1619; his feast is kept on the 21st. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York. Devotion Emperor Rudolph sent Lorenzo to Philip III of Spain to persuade him to join the League. "Saint Lawrence of Brindisi", Capuchin Friars, Province of St. Mary, International Alliance of Catholic Knights,, 16th-century Italian Roman Catholic theologians, General Vicars and Ministers General of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, 17th-century Italian Roman Catholic theologians, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 October 2022, at 20:04. When still a deacon he preached the Lenten sermons in Venice, and his success was so great that he was called successively to all the principal cities of the peninsula. Lawrence knew that to be a good preacher he had to know not only theology and philosophy, but especially Holy Scripture. From there he progressed to the University of Padua becoming fluent in numerous languages. The known writings of St. Lorenzo of Brindisi comprise eight volumes of sermons, two didactic treatises on oratory, a commentary on Genesis, another on Ezechiel, and three volumes of religious polemics. A WWW Resource on St. Francis and Franciscanism, To submit a link or to report an bad link, please The very year of his election the new superior began the visitation of the provinces. a Catholic priest living in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Commentarii in Sacram Scripturam (links to Latin texts), Books about the Immaculate Conception from the 17th Century (in Latin, of course). His administration characterized by wise firmness and fatherly tenderness, was of great benefit to the order. Writings of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe, O.F.M. Mater Dolorosa, c/o the Columbia Encyclopedia, History This has also been praised by critics for its masterful philosophic method of seeking the literal sense, for its sureness and vastness of exegetical information (Talmudic and Patristic, as well as more recent authors, are used by him). Most of his sermons are written in Italian, the other works being in Latin. While still a deacon he preached the Lenten sermons in Venice. After the Holy Sacrifice, his great devotion was the Rosary and the Office of the Blessed Virgin. Such a knowledge, in the eyes of many, could be accounted for only by supernatural assistance, and, during the process of beatification, the examiners of the saint's writings rendered the following judgment: "Vere inter sanctos Ecclesiae doctores adnumerari potest.". When Europe rose up against them, the Imperial Army chose Lawrence to be head of all the chaplains. He realized that Scripture sometimes expresses literal truth in obvious metaphors, just as we do in our everyday speech. Popes Gregory XIII and Clement VIII ordered the Saint to preach exegetical sermons to the Jews in Rome and other cities to convince them that Christ is the divine Messias and that the Christian religion alone is the true one. In 1575 he was received into the Order of Capuchins under the name of Brother Lorenzo, and, after his profession, made his philosophical and theological studies at the University of Padua. founder of Niepokalanow, Poland: these extracts of his writings in Italian The pulpit in the middle ages, and even at the time of St. Lawrence, was a true "cathedra," less professorial than that of the universities, but more frequented by the people, and it had a vast and immediate influence on them. He then pursued his studies at Venice with the clerics of St. Mark's and under the supervision of one of his uncles. On Wednesday, 23 March [2011], at the General Audience in St Peter's Square, the Holy Father commented on St Lawrence of Brindisi, a Capuchin friar who lived in the 16th and early 17th centuries, "known for his vigorous labour for the salvation of souls, his vast learning and his eloquent preaching". In addition to a thorough knowledge of his native Italian, he had complete reading and speaking ability in Latin, Hebrew, Greek, German, Bohemian, Spanish and French. Both were excellent Christians. Lawrence was born on July 22, 1559, and died exactly 60 years later on his birthday in 1619. N 1170 TU SOLA HAI DISTRUTTO TUTTE LE ERESIE DEL MONDO A gifted linguist, he mastered several languages, including Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Syriac. Beginning in 1599, Lawrence established Capuchin monasteries in modern Germany and Austria, furthering the Counter-Reformation and bringing many Protestants back to the Catholic faith. 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