Defendant asserted the incongruity of the prosecution alleging multiple conspiracies while also arguing that many hearsay statements by different individuals were admissible as statements of coconspirators in support of a single conspiracy. We do not understand the distinction attempted in this last point. The Ruiz kite described a dispute at Elmwood concerning who was in charge and a Northerner who was falsely claiming to have the higher status of a NF member. Algunas Last July 14, months prior to the raid, Barba was sentenced for stabbing Smith to three years in prison and three years of parole, but avoided prison time due to credits he received for serving 560 days in the county jail. The phone system was designed to prevent three-way calls, but inmates could thwart it by making certain noises into the phone. Mendoza was testifying pursuant to a use immunity agreement as well as a plea agreement of September 9, 2008 resolving charges against him arising partly out of his regiment selling drugs, including conspiracy to sell methamphetamine, active gang participation, possession of heroin, and possession of marijuana for sale. Debbie called Rodriguez and challenged the way he had questioned her. (a), subds. After denying defendant's motion for a new trial, the court sentenced defendant to 40 years, 4 months in prison. ", Defendant argued to the jury that sometimes removals were not ordered by the highest authority. Anthony "Chavo" Jacobs is currently in prison, Please enter valid email address to continue. Most of his arguments are directed at his conviction of threatening his wife (count 5), namely that there was insufficient evidence of a criminal threat, that the evidence established at most an attempted threat because she was not frightened, and that the court should have defined causation sua sponte. ( 4573.). Once you create your profile, you will be able to: Claim the judgments where you have appeared by linking them directly to your profile and maintain a record of your body of work. After some conversation, Clark took the phone from Debbie. Defendant laughed. That's really what it all comes down to when you're talking about [NF]. The prosecution responded that some former codefendants just sold methamphetamine, while others just sold PCP, and yet others sold both, so there was evidence of different conspiracies and separate and distinct violations of different statutes. The evidence in this case focused on defendant's conduct as a NF member between April 2002 and April 2009 and his conduct on the street until his March 2007 arrest. You got to look.[']". In defendant's new trial motion, however, he argued that the court should reduce his criminal threat conviction to an attempted threat because the element of sustained fear was lacking. According to Ruiz, another kite had arrived in August 2008 that put defendant and Ramirez on freeze, leaving Ruiz in charge of the jail. Since that decision, the California Supreme Court has recognized that the appellate courts are divided about whether the number of conspiracies proved is a factual question for the jury. [] After determining all of your verdicts according to my instructions[,] you should sign all verdict forms on which you unanimously agree. Defendant taught Debbie how to package methamphetamine and PCP for sale. ", The jury in People v. Solis (2001) 90 Cal.App.4th 1002 (Solis) asked the very questions at the heart of defendant's arguments during deliberations about a criminal threat charge. (People v. Williams (2015) 61 Cal.4th 1244, 1270 (Williams).) WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. Yes, American Me is based on a true story.While the film deviates to create imaginary characters and events, the basics of the story remain tethered to reality. . Clark was paroled in October 2005. On appeal defendant contends that the phrase "actually caused" in CALCRIM No. During his third stint in prison, he got involved in selling methamphetamine that he obtained from visitors. At trial defendant played a recording of the first call to the jury during his opening statement. Familiar rules apply to appellate challenges to the sufficiency of the evidence to support a criminal conviction. " The NF members on the " 'street' " were under the control of the Regional Security Department (RSD) to whom they were to report. On appeal defendant contends "the trial court should not have instructed the jury to determine whether there existed multiple conspiracies or one single conspiracy, but should simply have consolidated the conspiracy counts into one single count" as the defense had requested. (People v. Young (2005) 34 Cal.4th 1149, 1181.)" The gang has allegiance to the CA prison gang, Mexican Mafia, aka La Eme. He asked what and she answered, "The [']literally['] part." . It's commission monthlies, they call them monthlies on every member of the regiment is to pay $200, and it goes back to the main bank plus the 25 percent." "She gets on the stand and says, [']you know, I was never afraid, but now all of [a] sudden I'm being asked to wear a wire and work for the police. The messages, written in English with in micro-lettering on tiny pieces of paper, sometimes use codes, such as female names in place of specific men and even the titles of popular films, according to prosecutors. Second, the actual sustained fear must be objectively reasonable, to the extent fear can be described as "reasonable." [] If you find the Defendant guilty of more than one count of conspiracy, you will then include [a] finding as to whether there is one overall conspiracy or separate and distinct conspiracies. . He's been deemed no good. ." She had also tried unsuccessfully to collect the debt from "Bear" at defendant's request. (Pen. The three dots can represent prison, hospital, and cemetery , which are associated with the gang lifestyle.. What does sureo stand for? On count 3, the court selected the upper terms for the conspiracy and the gang enhancement based on defendant's leadership role, his criminal sophistication, and his performance on parole. It would be against protocol to delegate that authority. The prosecution replied that it was not abandoning the allegation of separate conspiracies by use of the shorthand term "conspiracy." Meanwhile, Ramirez was obtaining PCP from defendant indirectly through a third party, Abundiz. According to defendant, "all the evidence is that he was 'on freeze' at the time [the kite] was issued." At the time, defendant and Gutierrez were housed together in 2nd East Max. . ", Pursuant to this instruction, in addition to finding defendant guilty of the conspiracies alleged in counts 2 (to sell methamphetamine), 3 (to sell PCP), 4 (to smuggle a controlled substance into a penal institution), 6 (to assault Daniel Cervantes with a deadly weapon and 7 (to assault Henry Leyvas with a deadly weapon), the jury made a special finding that these five conspiracies "were separate and distinct. Ramirez did not meet Clayton Clark until after defendant was arrested. I mean, that's One, Two and Three, basically arebasically, I conceded those in my opening statement. WebEl liderazgo restantes de la organizacin en el Pelican Bay consta de Daniel "la cigea" Prez, Anthony "Chuco" Guilln y George "Puppet" de Franco. 1300 that proving a violation of section 422 as charged in Count 5 involved establishing six elements: "[1] The defendant willfully threatened to unlawfully kill or unlawfully cause great bodily injury to Debbie Guzman; [2] [t]he Defendant made the threat in writing; [3] [t]he Defendant intended that his statement be understood as a threat and intended that it be communicated to Debbie Guzman; [4] [t]he threat was so clear, immediate, unconditional, and specific that it communicated to Debbie Guzman a serious intention and the immediate prospect that the threat would be carried out; [5] [t]he threat actually caused Debbie Guzman to be in sustained fear for her own safety, and; [6] Debbie Guzman's fear was reasonable under the circumstances." Ruiz and Cervantes both testified that Cervantes talked to Ruiz in February 2009 about his $400 debt to defendant. Defendant also contends that, in light of the factual controversy at trial about what caused Debbie's fear, the court should have given a sua sponte instruction in terms of CALCRIM No. (Vargas, supra, 91 Cal.App.4th 506, 517-518.) Sammy Ramirez testified pursuant to an immunity agreement and a plea agreement dated June 17, 2012 resolving charges arising from the criminal activities of his regiment, including conspiring to sell methamphetamine and PCP, active gang participation, assault involving a deadly weapon or force, and extortion. Code, 11379, subd. What colors do Sureos wear? The remaining leadership of the organization in Creating a unique profile web page containing interviews, posts, articles, as well as the cases you have appeared in, greatly enhances your digital presence on search engines such Google and Bing, resulting in increased client interest. ." I believe his name is Henry Leyva. The remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel Stork Perez, Anthony Chuco Guillen and George Puppet Franco. Her testimony that she thought back to the letter with fear once she was considering cooperating with law enforcement was substantial evidence supporting the causation element of the offense. It will never end. You know you ain't gonna do shit." WebThe remaining leadership of the organization in Pelican Bay consists of Daniel "Stork" Perez, Anthony "Chuco" Guillen and George "Puppet" Franco. Theater. NF members on the street were expected to contribute money to the NF " 'bank,' " which was the NF fund held for the benefit of the NF members. We observe that it is not unusual in this kind of multi-week, multi-count gang case for the parties on appeal to lose track of the facts presented to the jury and the arguments made by their trial attorneys. Clark said "the black guy was just at my house." She transitioned out of the program in September 2010 and stopped receiving financial assistance. It was Clark's responsibility to keep track of who owed money for the drugs Clark had fronted to them. (Police Booking Photo), VIEW OPERATION RED OCTOBER INDICTMENT BOOKING PHOTOS, Public File for KBCW-TV / KBCW 44 Cable 12. After hearing 16 days of testimony and deliberating for a day and a half, a jury convicted defendant Lorenzo Guzman of all seven charged crimes, including five separate conspiracies. According to Sergeant Lewis, Officer Gillotte, John Mendoza, Sammy Ramirez, and Vince Tirri, "only the regimental commander has the authority to order removals in the county jail, and they must conduct an investigation before that order is given." They've done it since the 60s.". "]; People v. Burnett (2003) 110 Cal.App.4th 868, 879 ["No reasonable jury could have found that defendant's actions were not a substantial factor in causing Leo's death or that Leo's death was unforeseeable."].). As we will explain in part II.B, post, the conspiracy was actually to smuggle PCP and methamphetamine into the Santa Clara County Jail. Ruiz wrote that Cervantes' removal "was just" based on a false impression from incident reports from Elmwood that Cervantes had already been removed. In any event, we do not understand how defendant could have been prejudiced by the omission of such an instruction. Unspecified section references are to the Penal Code. WebCervantes rise marked the first time in decades that the Norteos had a single leader at the helm of their criminal organization. ", We consider Vargas, supra, 91 Cal.App.4th 506 to have been a unique case factually where the prosecution's evidence of one overall conspiracy was apparently so compelling that no reasonable juror could have found the existence of more than one conspiracy. 1338.) "I told you in the beginning of this case that we're not going to be contesting the fact that Mr. Guzman is a gang member, a gang leader, even a drug dealer. Tipo de Nmero de. It is true that, after Rodriguez questioned Debbie during a January 18, 2008 phone conversation about why she had not mentioned the search of her house, she told Sergeant Lewis that she was afraid of being exposed as an informant. The only crime without a gang enhancement was defendant's active participation in the NF criminal street gang between April 25, 2002, and April 23, 2009 (the date of his indictment (count 1; 186.22, subd. Thus his removal was just.' ". ['] Shut the hell up. In 2008, Ruiz became the authority in charge of the jail for the NF and "Calpolli" was his "Cana" code. In May or June 2006, Greg approached Clark about working in defendant's regiment. Lewis equivocated on cross-examination, saying that some regiments charge a higher price for narcotics in lieu of collecting $200 monthly dues. Debbie testified that in many of their phone conversations defendant was either telling her to arrange to have Clayton Clark available for the next telephone call or to contact different people and tell them she was collecting money for defendant. Defendant had never discussed Cervantes with him. Citation. Other evidence that defendant had engaged in multiple drug sales conspiracies was that defendant had at least two different individuals as sources of methamphetamine and PCP, and he provided those drugs to different individuals. Cervantes admitted that he would not testify against defendant due to fear of retaliation and that he had received defendant's written permission to testify. ", Defense counsel was more equivocal about count 4, stating, "I haven't paid a lot of attention to the smuggling charge because, I mean, there's inferences there and [the prosecutor's] point is that if [defendant] was involved in any way in that, that there was a conspiracy to smuggle drugs into the jail. Somebody's wife was going to bring it to the guy who takes it in. (People v. Bolin (1998) 18 Cal.4th 297, 340.) La Positiva 31.12.2022. Evidence that defendant conspired to sell methamphetamine (count 2) and PCP (count 3) in association with the NF gang between April 25, 2002, and April 23, 2009 also proved his active participation in a criminal street gang (count 1). Ramirez was arrested on February 20, 2008. When Clark was in San Quentin Prison, as tier security and a block general for the NF he reported in writing to defendant, who was the NF Authority in Charge of the prison. Accordingly, the court instructed the jury in terms of CALJIC No. . "It even says, 'you better ask somebody.' Defendant initially called Debbie. During intake they sign a form acknowledging that phone calls can be monitored. Enhance your digital presence and reach by creating a Casemine profile. " (Id. 539, 543), various NF members testified about the organization and its criminal activities between approximately 1989 and 1993. On appeal, defendant contends that the prosecutor proved at most an attempted criminal threat. Droopy told Cindy that Kelly would be calling her the next day. We do not believe the jury could have reasonably reached these conclusions based on the evidence. Count 7 alleged that defendant and Frank Ruiz conspired with others between January 22 and October 27, 2008 to assault Henry Leyvas, while count 6 alleged that defendant, Ruiz, and another individual conspired with others between May 1, 2008 and April 23, 2009 to assault Daniel Cervantes. At trial she denied appellant's words alone frightened her." Furthermore, 'In deciding the sufficiency of the evidence, a reviewing court resolves neither credibility issues nor evidentiary conflicts. Had defense counsel asked for an instruction like CALCRIM No. I'm going to have to stay gone. [']" "I don't even think a conspiracy has been proved[] [i]f you give Frank Ruiz any credence whatsoever[. She initially denied any involvement in distributing drugs. One of the cases cited as favoring presenting the issue to a jury was this court's opinion in Jasso, supra, 142 Cal.App.4th 1213. The kite said Cervantes' "removal was just" because Ruiz testified that he thought "this whole thing with Cervantes was past tense" because he had received misinformation that Cervantes had gone into protective custody. Since the 1920s, the 38th Street gang has continued its criminal activities and has evolved to become one of Californias most violent street gangs. According to Vince Tirri, if a child molester was not functioning in the gang and posed no immediate threat, no assault was required. No one has to approve it even if the offender is a NR member. We cannot say as a matter of law that there was no evidence to support alternative findings about the number of conspiracies or their objectives. "[E]ven if the evidence would support a finding that Mr. Guzman's letter was written with the requisite intent, and that it was the type of threat that reasonably could have caused Mrs. Guzman to be in sustained fear for her safety, the record does not support a conclusion that the threat actually caused her to be in such fear, because her fear was due to other causes, not the letter, and in other words, she would have had the same fear with or without the letter, for the reasons" already asserted. On appeal as at trial defendant downplays his telephone conversation with Debbie on August 18, 2007. . (b)) on January 8, 2007. It is not the role of an appellate court to redetermine questions of credibility. "The people in this indictment are on a level of sophistication and leadership, and with corroborating evidence, that we have never seen before," she said. Another kite threatened someone to do a "removal," a term for murder, saying, "You are to conduct a removal within two or three weeks and if you don't, you will face violence," she said. Debbie did not testify, contrary to defendant's appellate arguments, that she would have been as afraid of NF reprisals without his written threat. He received two ounces of PCP from Mario Cisneros every seven to 10 days. The conversation turned to sex. Defendant asserts there was a lack of proof that he intended his wife to take his letter as a threat. WebNuestra Familia Nuestra Familia; Founding location: Soledad, California Correctional Training Facility: Years active: 1968 present In case of any confusion, feel free to reach out to us.Leave your message here. November 26, Immediate means the degree of seriousness and imminence which is understood by the victim to attach to the future prospect of the threat being carried out should the condition not be met." (Id. Defendant asserts that the third one is most comparable to his case. We have summarized above (in part II.A.5) the evidence that members of other regiments were paying dues to incarcerated leaders of the NF, but there was no similar evidence that defendant had paid any NF dues or put any money on Guillen's books or in a NF bank. at pp. On appeal defendant points to another potential source of Debbie's fear. Defendant kept drugs at their house, but they packaged the drugs at his sister Stephanie's house. Clark was primarily responsible for the day-to-day operations of the regiment. Code, 11379.5, subd. And we know that everyone, you've heard from all of the experts, John Mendoza, Sammy Ramirez, even sex offenders, every one of those individuals that are going to be removed by the organization, there has to be an investigation done into it. Ruiz told him not to worry about it and just pay it off after his release. Debbie pointed that that both Bear and Roman were users. Cisneros brought the PCP in a Victoria's Secret bag and defendant kept the PCP in a pink cloth bag that Debbie got from Victoria's Secret. The indictment charged that defendant conspired to assault Leyvas between January 22 and October 7, 2008 and Cervantes between May 1, 2008 and April 23, 2009 (the date of the indictment). "S" was going to be calling her and bringing her the moon stuff. 1338.) Conditional threats are true threats if their context reasonably conveys to the victim that they are intended. A person's intent must often be inferred from circumstantial evidence. It was not based on the debt owed defendant. Debbie testified that when defendant met with other regiment leaders, Ramirez talked about messages he had received from Pelican Bay saying defendant had not been communicating with them and "hasn't paid his dues . A joint task force of 250 state and local law enforcement agents "dealt a blow" to the powerful Nuestra Familia He argued, "there's really not even really an attempted criminal threat because it wasn't received seriously, according to Debbie Guzman's own testimony here, and I don't think it was meant seriously, that's an inference you can draw." Someone retrieved the methamphetamine from Cervantes on defendant's behalf. 1340. Leslie had said she would collect it for him. [13] Mientras que los miembros de la pandilla los Norteos son considerados soldados de a pie de Nuestra Familia, el ser miembro de Nuestra Familia no significa que tenga asociacin con los Norteos. Furthermore, he is chairperson at When he asked which one, she said, "I got that one where you're so funny, 'when death,' well, 'when death does us part,' or something, and 'you better ask somebody.' Counsel stated that after telephone conversations conspiring to obtain PCP, defendant's brother Greg Guzman ended up in jail with methamphetamine. As a teenager he was involved with Norteo street gangs. 1014.) He was the only person that would have the ability to give the authority for Frank Ruiz to write it in that kite. It's not contestable. (Id. Soon after that conversation, Lewis put Debbie and her son into a witness protection program. John Mendoza testified that a "bad news list" is a list of everyone who has been deemed no good. . Sergeant Livingston testified that his investigation of the James Cramer regiment produced a document listing regiment dues and also a money order sent to a high ranking NF member in Pelican Bay. Shortly after they met again he moved in with her. Documento de Documento de. He was housed in Main Jail North 4-B1 and then 4-B3, a single cell, until February 27, 2009. Defendant did not argue to the jury that the fear his letter caused Debbie was superseded by an intervening cause. On December 18, Debbie told defendant during a telephone call that the police raided the house the day before and had torn the house apart and taken all their letters and pictures and computers. The next rung of leaders in Pelican Bay includes Daniel Stork Perez of Salinas; Anthony Chuco Guillen of San Jose, who was involved in the murder of a Single cell, until February 27, 2009 asserts that the Norteos had a single at. Track of who owed money for the drugs at his sister Stephanie 's house ''... Perez, anthony Chuco Guillen and George Puppet Franco his $ 400 debt to defendant his $ 400 debt defendant... Young ( 2005 ) 34 Cal.4th 1149, 1181. ) that he obtained from visitors `` actually caused in! Clark took the phone system was designed to prevent three-way calls, but inmates could it... Somebody. during his third stint in prison, Please enter valid address! 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