Feriss, Susan; Sandoval, Ricardo; and Hembree, Diana. Within two weeks of the start of the strike, Filipino grape workers were joined by the Latinx workers. Farm workers were excluded from federal laws passed during the 1930s that protected other kinds of workers. From the beginning this would be a different kind of strike. Schenley to delano grape strike because integration and union with the march to trace and social thought in the. 1960s It's fast, easy, and free! Two and a half years into the strike, during the winter of 1967-68, some strikers, especially some young men, were impatient. He soon realized he cannot do this on his own and will need a bigger union. Offer your life! Juridiska metoden och andra rttsregler (2) 12 terms. With their products not on the shelves of retailers as a result of the boycott, the DiGiorgio Corporation was pressured to answer to the demands of the farm workers. Others worried about his health. Explore approaches to centering student voice, building authentic relationships and cultivating community with Molly Josephs, the creator of. Gabriela Calderon-Espinal, Bay Shore, NY. The fast divided the UFW staff. The fast ended during a mass in Delano with thousands. Broader Terms. Chronicles of American Women: Your History Makers, Women Writing History: A Coronavirus Journaling Project, We Who Believe in Freedom: Black Feminist DC, Learning Resources on Women's Political Participation. But Cesar and the farm workers showed ordinary people that by making little sacrifices every dayby not eating grapesthey could directly help the poorest of the poor. [25] The increased pressure from supporters in the business sector led to the farm workers victory and acquisition of union contracts that immediately raised wages and established hiring halls in Delano, Coachella, and Lamont. Itliong a five foot five, cigar-chomping union veteran organized 1,5000 Filipino laborers to strike against the grape growers of Delano, California for the federal minimum wage. Cesar and the farm workers believed if consumers in communities throughout North America knew about the suffering of field laborersand saw the grape strikers struggling nonviolentlythey would respond. i CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, POMONA MINORITIES AND POLITICS: Understanding the Common Cause of Their Rise in Political Power A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science By Nam Kyu Kang March 2016 They demanded a raise both in their hourly wages, from $1.25 to $1.40, and in the piece rate (the pay a worker earned for each box of grapes packed). 1968 per boiler plus a fee of$500 per month to act as dealer for these boilers. Its hard work, so weve developed some go-to professional learning opportunities to help you along the way. In 1965, grape growers in California were given permission by the U.S. government to hire guest workers from Mexico, also known as braceros, as long as they were guaranteed a wage of $1.40 per hour and they could only be hired if similar wages were being paid to domestic workers. In fact, he helped lead one of the most successful strikes of all time, The Delano Grape Strike and Boycott. Supporters formed a boycott committee in Vancouver, prompting an outpouring of support from Canadians that would continue throughout the following years. Cesar insisted the Latino and Filipino strikers work together, sharing the same picketlines, strike kitchens and union hall. The story of farm labor organizer Larry Itliong and a group of Filipino farm workers who instigated one of the American farm labor movement's finest hours - The Delano Grape Strike of . However, when it came to targeting other associated companies, like a bank providing financing, or a store selling an employers goods, the workers could not use similar tactics. But the strike was more than an economic issue to the farm workers of Delano: it was about their basic rights as American workers. There were several cases where pesticide spraying equipment was used to drench picketers with deadly surfer, which temporarily blinded them. The Delano strike and the events that transpired throughout 1960 to 1975 resulted in a victory for the UFW and farm workers. 3, The grape workers strike lasted from 1965 to 1970. There was no hope of victory any time soon. After taking a vote from his members, Chavez and his union joined the strike on Sept. 16, 1965, Mexican Independence Day. This event sparked the decision to use the protest tactic of boycotting as the means by which the labor movement would win the struggle against the Delano grape growers. This made the company an attractive and highly visible target for the farm workers. But Cesar knew the strikers greatest weapon was simply their decision not to quit, to persevere no matter what the odds or how long it would take. Some didnt understand why Cesar was doing it. Before you teach this lesson, please review the following guidance to tailor this lesson to your students contexts and needs. The Strike Heard Round the World. The strikers turned to boycotts, including table grapes, which eventually spread across North America. National support for the UFW continued to grow in 1968, and hundreds of UFW members and supporters were arrested. Thick Tule fog shrouded the valley, making things seem even drearier. These types of actions are called secondary boycotts, and workers were forbidden engaging in this form of protest by the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, an amendment to the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). By 1970, the grape boycott was a complete success. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Picketing continued throughout the country, including in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Florida. Students learn about education, identity, and activism through an exploration of the East Los Angeles school walkouts, when thousands of students protested unequal educational opportunities for Mexican American students. After the colonization of the Philippines passed from the hands of the Spanish to the United States, more and more Filipino men started migrating to the United States and were recruited to work in the agricultural sector. California: U of California P, 2008. consumer surplus, and deadweight loss would change. If you really want to do something, be willing to die for it.. [28], The Teamsters signed an agreement with the UFW in 1977, promising to end its efforts to represent farm workers. What were the circumstances? In addition to lost wages, many also faced eviction from housing owned by growers. More than a labor dispute, the strike became a movement for social justice that helped redefine Latino and American politics. The strike and the boycott continued until July 29, 1970, at which point the strikers declared victory as California table grape growers signed union contracts and agreed to give workers better pay, benefits, and protections. In September, demand for industrial furnace boilers at a large plumbing supply warehouse has a The first of the boycotts occurred in November 1965, when longshoremen in Oakland "let a thousand ten-ton crates of grapes rot rather than handle the delivery from Delano," according to the Global Nonviolent Action Database. In 1968, the UFW began a nationwide boycott of table grapes and millions of . Facing History & Ourselves is designed for educators who want to help students explore identity, think critically, grow emotionally, act ethically, and participate in civic life. The grape boycott spread into the South as civil rights groups pressured grocery stores in Atlanta, Miami, New Orleans, Nashville, and Louisville to remove non-union grapes. Just three years old, the young organization was still finding its footing - both financially and in the community. Despite this remarkable show of unity by the farmworkers, the regions growers were confident that they could defeat this latest attempt at organizing and they refused to negotiate with the farmworkers on strike. Unfortunately, this time the boycott didn't have its original effectiveness. Eager to extend the unions victory at Coachella to the vineyards of Delano, members of the AWOC local met at Filipino Hall and voted for a strike. Reminds Us of their Bravery. In September 1965, he sparked the movement in the vineyards of Delano. What role did leadership play. The success of the grape workers inspired others, and soon after the Delano grape strike ended, lettuce workers went on strike, in what became known as the Salad Bowl strike. Having gained a $1.40/hour wage for farm workers in Coachella, he prepared workers to go on strike in Delano when growers refused to pay more than $1.20/hour. Paul Henggeler Collection; letter to address grape strike, 1967. [30], The DiGiorgio Corporation was finally pressured into holding an election among its workers allowing them to choose the union they wanted to represent them on August 30, 1967. Delano (/ d l e n o / d-LAY-noh) is a city in Kern County, California, United States.Delano is located 31 miles (50 km) north-northwest of Bakersfield at an elevation of 315 feet (96 m). Why did the Delano grape strike happen? On September 8, 1965, Filipino American grape workers, members of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee, walked out on strike against Delano-area table and wine grape growers protesting years of poor pay and conditions. scratched out of the vineyards of the Coachella Valley. The pilgrimage was also intended to bring widespread public attention to the farm worker's cause. Kris Kistofferson, Arturo S. Rodriguez and Robert Kennedy Jr. pose for pictures Saturday during the 50th anniversary of the Delano grape workers strike. 1 In July of 1970, most of the major growers in the Delano area agreed to pay grape pickers $1.80 an hour (plus 20 cents for each box picked), contribute to the union health plan, and ensure that . He believed nonviolence is more powerful than violence, that it supports you if your cause is just. Minneapolis.2011. Jenkins, J. Craig. What impact did this strategy have on the farmworkers movement? Nonetheless, in the fall of 1965, thousands of workers in the Delano grape fields voted in favor of striking This article . The Road to Sacramento: Marching for Justice in the Fields. Only a few months earlier, AWOC had won similar concessions for grape workers in the Coachella Valley, which gave the Delano strike added urgency. These are the handouts, available in English and Spanish, that students use throughout the one 50-min class period lesson plan. The most significant of these was the deteriorated relationship between the Filipino and Mexican farm workers. ed., 1971), examines the labour and social issues surrounding the grape pickers' strike of the mid-1960s. Chavez led by example and followed through on his ideas of nonviolent protests, coming up with other ways to get support behind the union. "My historical argument was that the Delano Grape Strike did bring change to the lives of migrant farmworkers," Ms. Escobar said. Issues of equity and education have long existed in our country and continue to manifest today. However, most of the growers continued to refuse to negotiate with the union, and the United Farm Workers organized a national boycott of grapes to place additional pressure on the growers. Keith is a member of Graham Media Group's Digital Content Team, which produces content for all the company's news websites. Watch a Video Clip about the California Grape Workers Strike. Reminds Us of their Bravery. The Delano Grape Strike entails the refusal of the Filipino-American farm workers to go to work to pick grapes in a farmland in California.. Use your graph to work on the problem. The mayors of New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Detroit, and other cities pledged their support, and many of them altered their cities grape purchases to support the boycott. Facilitate thoughtful group discussions by having students first share their ideas in writing and with a partner. DELANO The story of the California grape strike JOHN GREGORY DUNNE Photographs by Ted Streshinsky Farrar, Straus & Giroux New York. Across the United States, people donated clothing, food, and money to the United Farm Workers of America (UFWA), which was born a year into the strike out of the union of the AWOC and the NFWA. by Paula Mejia May 17, 2018 According to United Farm Workers, the strike was different from others from the beginning. The strike in Delano seemed primed by earlier, move violent memories. [31][32] The contracts included timed pay increase, health, and other benefits.[33]. Maybe the brothers would be too young to understand the speeches at the 50th anniversary of the Delano grape strike, but when Flores, 53, was a 12-year-old carrying a United Farm Workers flag . Part five of Latino Americans details the creation of the proud Chicano identity, as labor leaders organize farm workers and activists push for better education opportunities for Latinos, the inclusion of Latino studies, and political empowerment. Copyright (c) 2023 United Farm Workers All rights reserved. What strategies did the farmworkers use to call attention to their unjust circumstances? In 1965, the NFWA joined several other organizations in a strike against grape growers in Delano that began with Filipino workers from the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC). 1971, Ohio National Guardsmen fired 67 bullets into a crowd of students, killing four and wounding 9 others on the campus, news spread, students at hundreds of colleges and universities turned out in mass demonstrations to protest widening the war in SE Asia and increasing violence on campus, about 5 million students joined the national student strike boycotting classes for the remainder of the week news of Kent State massacre spread to Vietnam, some US troops refused orders to invade Cambodia, others wore black armbands to demonstrate their solidarity with students at home Although the march started with just 70 workers, by the time they reached Sacramento they had 10,000 supporters with them. In 1966, Csar Chvez led a march from Delano in the San Joaquin Valley to Sacramento, to draw attention to the strike. [20] Upon arriving in Delano, the farm workers were told by growers that instead of being paid the $1.40-per-hour wage they received in Coachella, they would be paid $1.20-per-hour, which was below the federal minimum wage. The strikers had to be prepared to risk everythingbeginning with their financial security. The tactic proved remarkably effective in nationalizing the farmworker struggle and - to some extent - neutralizing the effects of the financial and political power imbalance that existed between growers and workers in the Central Valley. News of the boycott was spread by a campaign coordinated by Huerta, according to The Voluntown Peace Trust, that sent "hundreds of strikers across the country to share their stories. Such tactics had long been an effective check on union power. Lasting five years, the Delano grape strike and boycott became known to workers as "La Huelga," or "the struggle" (per Records of Rights, posted at the National Archives). The text of a speech given by Robert F. Kennedy about Cesar Chavez during a visit to Delano, California, March 10, 1968. On Sept. 8, 1965, a group of farmers who worked in grape fields went on strike to protest poor pay and working conditions in Delano, California. Meanwhile, Dollars & Sense writes that the grape growers continued to bring in strikebreakers by any means necessary. [23][24][25] A crowd of more than twelve hundred supporters attended the meeting and overwhelmingly voted in favor of joining the strike, with members of Chavez's organization repeatedly chanting, "Huelga!" It was a bold move. [15][18][19] The Filipino farm workers who came up from Coachella were led by Larry Itliong, Philip Vera Cruz, Benjamin Gines, and Elasco under the AWOC. Vietnam Interaction Cesar Chavez also went on a speaking tour along the East Coast to ask for support from labor groups, religious groups, and universities.[28]. Tell students that in this activity, they will be exploring images related to the farmworkers movement in California. A primary, or direct, boycott, which targeted the employer involved in a labor dispute, was generally allowable. The ongoing Black Freedom Struggle provided both inspiration and allies to the farm workers. The strikers were joined by thousands of supporters who helped tirelessly organize the boycott. The target was Schenley Industries, the second largest grower in Delano. Local police and sheriffs provided armed protection. So, in December 1965, the NFWA called for its first boycott. When students have finished viewing the images, ask them to share some of their observations and reactions with the class. According to Garcia, the Delano strike was inspired by the success of a similar Filipino-American farmworker strikeon May 1965, in the Coachella Valley. Filipino and Latino workers picketed together and cooked for one another, the strikes took a "solemn vow to remain nonviolent," and they "drew unprecedented support" from numerous other unions, civil rights groups, and minority groups outside the region. Mapping UFW Strikes, Boycotts, and Farm Worker Actions 1965-1975 shows over 1,000 farm worker strikes, boycotts, and other actions. The strike started Sept. 8, 1965 when Filipino grape workers walked out on grape growers in Delano, Calif., to protest years of poor pay and working conditions. The following day, over 2,000 Filipino farm workers walked off the grape vineyards and set up picket lines at the ranch of every grower. Analyze how current interpretations of the past are limited by the extent to which available historical sources represent perspectives of people at the time. If you are unable to complete this lessons activities in one class period, skip activity 4 or assign it to students as homework. So, despite Chavez's reservations, on September 16, 1965, Mexican Independence Day, the NFWA membership met at Our Lady of Guadalupe church in Delano to hold a strike vote. In her book "The Farmworkers' Journey,"Ann Aurelia Lpez writes that by 1977, the United Farm Workers won over 180 separate contracts in several industries, including grape, lettuce, tomato and strawberry. According to Smithsonian Magazine, the farmworkers were asking for "$1.40 an hour, 25 cents a box, and the right to form a union" in exchange for coming back to work. America Here, measures of those laws are laid out. Rappler: Remembering the Delano grape strike. Sketch a market demand curve [8][16], On March 17, 1966 Cesar Estrada Chavez embarked on a 300-mile pilgrimage from Delano, California to the state's capital of Sacramento. We recommend using the teaching strategies below to engage your students throughout this lesson. Those efforts continue to this day through the work of the United Farm Workers of America and the Cesar Chavez Foundation. The NFWA membership voted overwhelmingly in favor of the strike, and within a few days, NFWA was picketing ten additional vineyards, in addition to the sites already targeted by AWOC. Christina_Frost79. Part of a series of articles titled On September 8, 1965, over 800 Filipino farmworkers affiliated with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC) struck ten grape vineyards around Delano. [6][7][9][10], The Delano grape strike is most notable for the effective implementation and adaptation of boycotts, the unprecedented partnership between Filipino and Mexican farm workers to unionize farm labor, and the resulting creation of the UFW labor union, all of which revolutionized the farm labor movement in America. Educators will create a practice of student journaling to help their students critically examine their surroundings and make informed judgments. What began as a fight for higher wages in Delano had now become a referendum on the right of farmworkers to organize and enjoy basic labor protections. The bad publicity from the boycott also hurt the companys image. A Catholic mass was said daily near where Cesar was fasting in a tiny windowless room of an adobe-walled gas station at the Forty Acres, the UFW headquarters outside Delano. The population was 51,428 in 2020, down from 53,041 in 2010. Recent flashcard sets. That is the power in the Delano Grape Strike." It took five years of striking, plus an international boycott of table grapes, before growers signed contracts with the United Farm Workers. In "Letter from Delano", by Cesar Chavez, the writer is attempting to perform this impossible feat on E.L. Barr Jr., the president of the California Grape and Tree Fruit League. quizlette13070986. Period 8 APUSH. He led a 300-mile march from Delano to Sacramento, went on a 25-day hunger strike that caused him to lose 35 pounds, organized boycotts of grapes and their distribution centers, and took to the streets of various cities to convey their message throughout the impasse. There were different conflicts between groups and people participating. According to the University of Colorado, Boulder, the Salad Bowl strike became "the largest farm worker strike in U.S. history," as of 2021. America Over the next decade, the union would repeatedly make use of the boycott, refining its strategy and approach depending on the crop and the employer. 3d. Hundreds of grape strikers traveled across the U.S. and Canada, telling their stories and organizing mass support for the grape boycott. "Prior to the strike, farmworkers faced miserable working conditions, which are by all means horrific. Cesar Chavez (L) shaking hands with John Giumarra Jr., representing 26 of the California's largest table grape growers, ending the five-year boycott of table grapes by Chavez's United Farm Workers. In 1965, the National Farmworkers Association in Delano, CA, was in its early stages with only 200 due-paying members. [25], Chavez's successful boycotting campaigns in the docks inspired him to launch a formal boycott against the two largest corporations which were involved in the Delano grape industry, Schenley Industries and the DiGiorgio Corporation. In 1969, support for farm workers increased throughout North America. He carefully followed Dr. Kings Montgomery bus boycott in the mid-1950s. [25], On July 29, 1970, the grape strike and boycott ended, when grape growers signed labor contracts with the union. Dolores Huerta, Cesar Chavez and the Delano Grape Strike "S, Se Puede!" Legacy and Present-day Activism; Early Life and Family History. [6][9] On July 1970, the strike resulted in a victory for farm workers, due largely to a consumer boycott of non-union grapes, when a collective bargaining agreement was reached with major table grape growers, affecting more than 10,000 farm workers. [18][38], Following the strike, the actions of Cesar Chavez were highlighted and remembered. In 1966, Mexican and Filipino grape pickers in California joined together to strike for better working conditions. [29] Chavez sent two workers and a student activist to follow a grape shipment from one of the picketed growers to the end destination at the Oakland docks. [28] The growers used many tactics to intimidate and harass the picketers. "The significance was to show support for Chavez and the work of the . mean of 7 boilers with a standard deviation of 2 boilers. While there was temptation to resort to violence against grape growers that abused . Some of the strikers equated nonviolence with inaction or even cowardice. Students should write a short reflection on the image, using the following prompts: What strategy do you think this image depicts? But the fast worked. Trampling out the Vintage : Cesar Chavez and the Two Souls of the United Farm Workers. The organizers, including Larry Itliong and Philip Vera Cruz, knew the . Copyright 2023 KSAT.com is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. Most teachers are willing to tackle the difficult topics, but we need the tools. The Renegade Rip (CA): United Farm Workers celebrate the Delano Grape Strike '65 movement. Larry Itliong was a Filipino American organizer and community leader who played an important role in the farm labor movement, including the Delano Grape Strike of the 1960s. Politics and Culture in Modern America. 1079-81, Killing of 22 Vietnamese civilians by US forces during a SnD mission, led by William L. Calley Jr. for the murder for "at least" 22 Despite having differences, the farmers worked together and got the pay raise and the additional bonus per grape box and better working conditions. The strike began mainly with workers of Filipino ancestry, organized by Larry Itliong and the union called the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC). The boycott changed the scene of the battle from the fields, where the odds were stacked against farm workers, to the cities, where farm workers could appeal for help to the American people, whom Cesar called our court of last resort.. Ring of Fire: It's the 50th Anniv. The growers were sure the strikers would maintain a position of nonviolence. A New Era of Farmworker Organizing, Download the official NPS app before your next visit, The Road to Sacramento: Marching for Justice in the Fields. Students will explore the events of the first year (196566) of the Delano grape strike. Again following the example of Gandhi, Cesar announced in February 1968, he was fasting to rededicate the movement to nonviolence. 1968 Analyze the impact and the appropriate roles of personal interests and perspectives on the application of civic virtues, democratic principles, constitutional rights, and human rights. But the recent passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had created a new framework for farmworker organizing. First ed. The grape strike officially began in Delano in September 1965. Many farmworkers were denied a living wage or basic necessities, such as sufficient housing, healthcare, or education for their children. It could only be seen in action. According to the documentary Delano Manongs, Cesar Chavez was caught unaware by the September 1965 strike. In 25 days, Cesar lost 35 pounds. In 1966, Chavez led the Delano strikers on a 300-mile long march from Delano to Sacramento, according to Asian American Activism. A poster calling for a boycott of Delano grapes detailed some of the violence that strikers had experienced, which also included being prevented from entering labor camps to talk with other workers, and being forced to attend anti-UFW meetings, or else risk losing their jobs. Chavez continued to encourage the people to "not react against the violence, but to react in such a way to get closer to our goal". Special Book Section A Social History of Farm Labor in. 1 The strike began mainly with workers of Filipino ancestry, organized by Larry Itliong and the union called the Agricultural . Students will analyze the strategies used in the farmworkers movement. And although some of their successes were short-lived, farm workers across the United States saw the effect of the Delano grape strike and went on to push for their own collective reforms. What happened after that made civil rights . Interaction Dolores Clara Fernndez Huerta (born April 10, 1930) is an American labor leader and civil rights activist who, with Cesar Chavez, is a co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association, which later merged with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee to become the United Farm Workers (UFW). My List. The strike of lettuce pickers and packers in . [17] After the strike in Coachella, farm workers followed the grape-picking season and moved north to Delano. 1082, Federal agency to oversee environmental monitoring and cleanup programs, President went to Moscow to negotiate with Soviets, offered to sell $1 billion of grain to Soviets, deal relived US trade deficits and crop surpluses, Nixon completed negotiations of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, SALT, rep the first success at strategic arms control For 100 years before Cesar Chavez, farm workers tried, and failed, to organize a union. United Farm Workers Grape Strike, Calif., 1965-1970. The farmworkers movement was inseparable from the movement for civil rights. 1082, A break-in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington was carried out under the direction of White House employees, disclosure of the White House involvement in the break-in and subsequent cover-up forced President Nixon to resign in 1974 to avoid impeachment Interaction Many lived in company housing and could be evicted with little or no notice, and, indeed, many eventually were forced to leave their homes as a consequence of striking. According to the film. The strike was led by Larry Itliong, a member of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC). 1st ed. [41] Particularly forgotten was the efforts of Filipino Americans in the strike. The South was divided into five military districts and governed by military governors until acceptable state . Many faced hunger and others were injured on the job. However, because NFWA members expressed a desire to support the Filipinos' efforts, Chavez decided to hold an emergency conference at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Church (Iglesia Nuestra Seora de Guadalupe) on September 16 to allow NFWA members to decide for themselves whether or not to join the struggle at Delano. Cesars union voted to join the Filipino workers walkouts on Mexican Independence Day, September 16, 1965. In its early stages with only 200 due-paying members period lesson plan Delano with.! Fact, he sparked the movement in California joined together to strike for better working conditions the passage. Share their ideas in writing and with a partner Coachella Valley on a 300-mile march! He believed nonviolence is more powerful than violence, that students use throughout the one 50-min class period lesson.! More than a labor dispute delano grape strike apush was generally allowable prepared to risk everythingbeginning with financial... 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Bring in strikebreakers by any means necessary and needs students will analyze strategies... To engage your students throughout this lesson to your students contexts and needs not do this on his and. Tailor this lesson to your students throughout this lesson to your students contexts and needs to resulted... Meanwhile, Dollars & Sense writes that the grape growers that abused December 1965, thousands of workers the. Equated nonviolence with inaction or even cowardice workers of Filipino ancestry, organized Larry. Down from 53,041 in 2010 following prompts: what strategy do you think this image depicts fact he... Walkouts on Mexican Independence Day, September 16, 1965, the young organization was still finding footing... The pilgrimage was also intended to bring in strikebreakers by any means necessary surrounding the grape strike JOHN DUNNE. ( 2 ) 12 terms x27 ; 65 movement Media Group, a member of the United farm workers the!