In December 2016, 4chan users ironically suggested the . The online discussion was quickly followed by media attention. [36][37][b] The CNRS report summarized the Bogdanovs' theses thusly: "Ces thses nont pas de valeur scientifique. Grichka and Igor Bogdanoff, who were known as the Bogdanoff twins, have passed away at the age of 72. [3] Soon after, Freidel denied writing any such remarks, telling the press that he had forwarded a message containing that text to a friend. Filed to: Scary. One episode after the heyday of the affair involved the participation of an unidentified "Professor Yang". (The Bogdanov Equation: The Secret of the Origin of the Universe? [49] According to former education minister Luc Ferry, a friend of the brothers, they had both received botox injections for cosmetic treatment. According to . [9] That journal ceased publication in 2005. Physics bitten by reverse Alan Sokal hoax? The Bogdanov affair was an academic dispute regarding the legitimacy of a series of theoretical physics papers written by French twins Igor and Grichka Bogdanov (alternatively spelled Bogdanoff). The statement read, in part, Regrettably, despite the best efforts, the refereeing process cannot be 100% effective. A number of English Wikipedia users, including Igor Bogdanov himself, were explicitly named in this ban. Yesterday it was reported that Igor Bogdanoff, one half of the popular crypto meme duo, has passed away only days after his twin brother, Grichka. The hard part is identifying the quantum system to which the condition should be applied, which is not done in this paper. Igor Yourievitch Bogdanoff and Grichka Yourievitch Bogdanoff who since the 1970s, the twin brothers have presented numerous issues in science . [68] One retrospective commented, Several sources have referred to the Bogdanov affair as a "reverse Sokal" hoax, drawing a comparison with the Sokal affair, where the physicist Alan Sokal published a deliberately fraudulent and indeed nonsensical article in the humanities journal Social Text. And I want to know the answers to many questions that are opened in their paper. They had no connection to, or . Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff were identical twin brothers born to Maria "Maya" Dolores Franzyska Kolowrat-Krakowsk (19261982), of Bohemian and Polish descent, and Yuri Mikhalovitch Bogdanoff (19282012),[2] an itinerant Russian farm worker, later a painter. [42] The Bogdanoffs also sued the CNRS for 1.2 million in damages, claiming that the CNRS report had "port atteinte leur honneur, leur rputation et leur crdit" ("undermined their honor, reputation and credit") and calling the report committee a "Stasi scientifique", but a tribunal ruled against them in 2015 and ordered them to pay 2,000. Now they look like crazy . Yet this rephrasing is itself equivalent to the statement, If this was the essence of the statement, Baez noted, it cannot be very useful in "explaining the origin of inertia".[27]. Prior to the controversy, the reports on the Bogdanov theses and most of the journal referees' reports spoke favorably of their work, describing it as original and containing interesting ideas. "[14], Others compared the quality of the Bogdanov papers with that seen over a wider arena. They have the right to have their work recognized with a diploma, which is nothing much these days. [56] The Bogdanovs also sued the CNRS for 1.2 million euros in damages, claiming that the CNRS report had "port atteinte leur honneur, leur rputation et leur crdit" ("undermined their honor, reputation and credit") and calling the report committee a "Stasi scientifique", but a tribunal ruled against them in 2015 and ordered them to pay 2,000 euros. The magazine was eventually ordered to pay 64,000 in damages, much less than the 800,000 each which the Bogdanoffs had originally demanded. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff are fraternal twin brothers who are famous French TV producers and scientific essayists. He posted an unpublished version of Grichka Bogdanov's PhD thesis on his personal website, along with his critical analysis. 10 hours agoFrench celebrity twins Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff have died within six days of each other after contracting COVID-19. [15], In 2002, the Bogdanoffs launched a new weekly television show, Rayons X (X Rays), on the French public channel France 2. [25], Both Baez and, later, Peter Woit noted that content was largely repeated from one Bogdanov paper to another.[12][26]. Since then several steps have been taken to further improve the peer review process in order to improve the quality assessment on articles submitted to the journal and reduce the likelihood that this could happen again. Igor, 72, has died in hospital reportedly from Covid jus [28][50][51] The twins "went along with their meme fame", according to Business Insider, and said they predicted cryptocurrency in the 1980s on Temps X. 05 January 2022. The Bogdanovs' background in entertainment lent some plausibility to the idea that they were attempting a deliberate hoax, but Igor Bogdanov quickly denied the accusation. "[20][21], Copies of the email reached American mathematical physicist John C. Baez, and on 23 October he created a discussion thread about the Bogdanoffs' work on the Usenet newsgroup sci.physics.research, titled "Physics bitten by reverse Alan Sokal hoax? [26] On the other hand, George Johnson's report in The New York Times concludes that physicists have generally decided the papers are "probably just the result of fuzzy thinking, bad writing and journal referees more comfortable with correcting typos than challenging thoughts. 126.89K. [61], In 2008, Presses de la Renaissance[fr] published L'quation Bogdanov: le secret de l'origine de l'univers? 1 min read. While the papers were full of rather abstruse prose about a wide variety of technical areas, it was easy to identify outright nonsense in the areas about which I had some expertise. Grichka, the younger twin, died in the intensive care unit on Dec. 28. The papers were published in reputable scientific journals, and were alleged by their authors to culminate in a theory for describing what occurred before and at the Big Bang. He posted an unpublished version of Grichka Bogdanoff's Ph.D. thesis on his personal website, along with his critical analysis. Yikes. [a] Moreover, Die Zeit quoted Nicolai as saying that had the paper reached his desk, he would have immediately rejected it. Their book "Before the Big Bang" (2004), which encapsulated their research for a general audience, was a swift seller . The Bogdanoff family decided against disclosing the cause of Grichka's death, too. Artiste-peintre, il s'tait tabli Saint-Lary avec son pouse Maya, avant la naissance de leurs premiers enfants, Igor et Grichka. [40], In 2014, the Bogdanoffs sued the weekly magazine Marianne for defamation, on account of reporting the magazine had published in 2010[41] which had brought the CNRS report to light. "[3], At the start of the controversy in the moderated group sci.physics.research, Igor Bogdanov denied that their published papers were a hoax,[16] but when asked precise questions from physicists Steve Carlip and John Baez regarding mathematical details in the papers, failed to convince any other participants that these papers had any real scientific value. He came to trial and was convicted in March 2012. And then the dinosaurs came, but they got too big and fat, so they all died and they turned into oil. Grichka Bogdanoff and Igor Bogdanoff (L-R) photographed in Paris, France in November 2019. In one sentence, the English word "interesting" was translated as the French "important". The Bogdanovs have claimed that the "domain name '' was owned by Hong Kong University. I couldn't believe it. [54], In 2014, the Bogdanovs sued the weekly magazine Marianne for defamation, on account of reporting the magazine had published in 2010[55] which had brought the CNRS report to light. They were both (could still be, I dunno) TV presenters and producers, and scientific essayists. I first learned of the relevant papers in a posting on the internet by Dr. John Baez. [15], In October 2002, the Bogdanovs released an email containing apparently supportive statements by Laurent Freidel, then a visiting professor at the Perimeter Institute. Igor and Grichka gained popularity as television presenters, producers and . The Register reported on the dispute on November 1, 2002,[17] and stories in The Chronicle of Higher Education,[3] Nature,[11] The New York Times, and other publications appeared soon after. [25], The Chinese Journal of Physics published Igor Bogdanoff's "The KMS state of spacetime at the Planck scale", while Nuovo Cimento published "KMS space-time at the Planck scale". A "draft [mathematical] construction" became "la premire construction [mathmatique]" ("the first [mathematical] construction"). With revisions I expect the paper to be suitable for publication. Since then several steps have been taken to further improve the peer review process in order to improve the quality assessment on articles submitted to the journal and reduce the likelihood that this could happen again. Surely you've seen bad papers published in good journals before this! They were 72. [53], The Bogdanoff twins were both hospitalized, at the Georges Pompidou European Hospital in Paris,[54] in critical condition on 15 December 2021, after contracting COVID-19. The controversy began in 2002, with an allegation that the twins, popular celebrities in France for hosting science-themed TV shows, had obtained PhDs with nonsensical work. Their mother Maya Kolowrat Bogdanoff was a result of an affair between Austrian grandmother Bertha Kolowrat-Krakowsk and African American Tenor Roland Hayes in 1925. Eli Hawkins, acting as a referee on behalf of the Journal of Physics A, suggested rejecting one of the Bogdanoffs' papers: "It would take up too much space to enumerate all the mistakes: indeed it is difficult to say where one error ends and the next begins. Reddit. On Tuesday, December 28, Grichka Bogdanoff, one of the two renowned Bogdanoff twins, passed away at the age of 72. It showed some originality and some familiarity with the jargon. Antoniadis told Le Monde: I had given a favorable opinion for Grichka's defense, based on a rapid and indulgent reading of the thesis text. Bogdanoff Twins Before and After Surgery - Grichka Bogdanoff Plastic Surgery Update. "[44] Later, Majid claimed in a Usenet post that, in an addendum to Avant Le Big Bang, Grichka intentionally misquoted Majid's opinion on the way this interview had been transcribed. "[40] This was not confirmed officially by HKU and no Prof. Yang existed on the roster of the HKU physics department; nor did the university have an "International Institute of Mathematical Physics". One of the scientists who approved Igor Bogdanoff's thesis, Roman Jackiw of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, spoke to The New York Times reporter Dennis Overbye. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff, French twin brothers and TV presenters, are the embodiment of plastic surgeries gone TVwrong. In August 2004, they presented a 90-minute special cosmology program. [53], The verdict outraged many scientists, who felt that the police and courts should have no say in a discussion of the scientific merits of a piece of work. [46] This scandal, combined with the presence of the Bogdanoffs, contributed to an atmosphere of controversy surrounding Megatrend. [39][57], In 2005, the Bogdanovs became professors at Megatrend University in Belgrade where they were appointed Chairs of Cosmology and said to direct the Megatrend Laboratory of Cosmology. ",, "Comments on Grichka Bogdanov's unpublished preprint", "Quand Charpak parlait de son Nobel (et faisait le mariole)", "Un document accablant pour les Bogdanov", "Rapport sur l'article "Topological field theory of the initial singularity of spacetime", "Les jumeaux Bogdanov trills par le CNRS", "Les Bogdanov rclamaient un million, ils sont condamns payer 2000 euros",, " DNS information for", "Sminaires sur la thorie du point zro des bogdanoff",,, "Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Regarding the Bogdanov Affair", "Un curieux jugement pour les frres Bogdanov", "Les chercheurs et la menace Bogdanov (Researchers and the Bogdanov threat)", "Frres Bogdanov: 170 scientifiques rclament le droit de les critiquer", "Les frres Bogdanov font condamner "Marianne", "Igor et Grichka Bogdanov, 40 ans d'affaires et de succs populaires", "Prof. Grichka Bogdanoff, PhD & Prof. Igor Bogdanoff, PhD", "The minister, his mentor and the fight against a suspect system in Serbia", "Bogus academic claims tarnish Serbia's ivory tower",, "Prestigious Science Journals Struggle to Reach Even Average Reliability", Mathematical Center of Riemannian Cosmology. Grichka Bogdanoff, who according to a popular crypto meme was - like his brother Igor - capable of changing the market with a single phone call, has died at the age of 72 following a period of illness. [34], Motl's measured support for "Topological field theory of the initial singularity of spacetime", however, stands in stark contrast to Robert Oeckl's official MathSciNet review, which states that the paper is "rife with nonsensical or meaningless statements and suffers from a serious lack of coherence," follows up with several examples to illustrate his point, and concludes that the paper "falls short of scientific standards and appears to have no meaningful content. Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff were previously the talks of the town due to their post-surgery facial appearance. In particular the sentences "it does not meet the standards expected of articles in this journal" and "The paper was discussed extensively at the annual Editorial Board meeting and there was general agreement that it should not have been published" were removed. Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Frstliche Huser XIX. Sometimes a referee makes a mistake. [11] Niedermaier suggested that the Bogdanovs' PhD theses and papers were "spoof[s]", created by throwing together instances of theoretical-physics jargon, including terminology from string theory: "The abstracts are delightfully meaningless combinations of buzzwords which apparently have been taken seriously. News of Bogdanoff's death comes just days after his twin brother, Grichka, passed away. The Bogdanoff Twins commonly appeared as part of crypto memes dating back several years, making them familiar faces with the community. According to a popular crypto meme, the Bogdanoff brothers were capable of changing markets with a single phone call. YouTube videos featuring Bogdanoff Bitcoin memes have racked up millions of views. [38], The police detained and interrogated Riazuelo. "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander", he said. The main result of this paper is that this thermodynamic equilibrium should be a KMS state. Guillaumin noted that "the twins totally deny this sad odyssey. Having found a copy of one of the relevant papers available online, I posted that "the referee clearly didn't even glance at it." However, after the publication of the article and the publicity surrounding the controversy, mathematician Greg Kuperberg posted to Usenet a statement written by the journal's senior publisher, Andrew Wray, and its co-editor, Hermann Nicolai. She tried to sustain her episodic relationship with Hayes after her divorce and his return to the United States, but declined his offer to legally adopt and raise their daughter, Maria, who became Igor and Grichka's mother. C.A. "[4] String theorist Aaron Bergman riposted in a review of Not Even Wrong that Woit's conclusion, is undermined by a number of important elisions in the telling of the story, the most important of which is that the writings of the Bogdanovs, to the extent that one can make sense of them, have almost nothing to do with string theory. "[28], Eventually, the controversy attracted mainstream media attention, opening new avenues for physicists' comments to be disseminated. Elsewhere, an added word demonstrated, according to Majid, that "Bogdanov does not understand his own draft results." [19], The story spread in public media, prompting Niedermaier to offer an apology to the Bogdanoffs, admitting that he had not read the papers himself. Antoniadis told Le Monde, I had given a favorable opinion for Grichka's defense, based on a rapid and indulgent reading of the thesis text. [75], Media reports and comments from scientists, Pre- and post-publication official commentary on the journal articles, Disputes on French and English Wikipedias. [3], Grichka Bogdanov was given a PhD by the University of Burgundy (Dijon) in 1999,[7] though this doctorate is sometimes erroneously described as having been granted by the cole Polytechnique. Both unfortunately succumbed to complications related to COVID. [2] Both of the brothers received the lowest passing grade of "honorable", which is seldom given, as Daniel Sternheimer told The New York Times science reporter Dennis Overbye. [44][45] Mia Jovanovi, the rector and owner of Megatrend University, wrote a preface for the Serbian edition of Avant le Big Bang. During the twins' early days, their mother allegedly translates for German forces occupying the region. French TV star Igor Bogdanoff has died of Covid-19, six days after his twin brother Grichka died due to . [11] Nobel laureate Georges Charpak later stated on a French talk show that the Bogdanoffs' presence in the scientific community was "nonexistent". But before his tragic death, . Then they got addicted to plastic surgery. [36] In September 2006, the case was dismissed after the Bogdanoffs missed court deadlines; they were ordered to pay 2,500 to the magazine's publisher to cover its legal costs. [15], In October 2004, a journalist from Ciel et Espace interviewed Shahn Majid of Queen Mary, University of London about his report on Grichka Bogdanov's thesis. I recommend the paper for publication but in a revised form. [51], Alain Riazuelo, an astrophysicist at the Institut d'astrophysique de Paris, participated in many of the online discussions of the Bogdanovs' work. [21] Later, the editor-in-chief of the journal issued a slightly different statement on behalf of the Institute of Physics, which owns the journal, in which he insisted on the fact that their usual peer-review procedures had been followed, but no longer commented on the value of the paper. This individual wrote to physicists John Baez, Jacques Distler and Peter Woit; to The New York Times journalist Dennis Overbye; and on numerous physics blogs and forums, signing his name "Professor L. YangTheoretical Physics Laboratory, International Institute of Mathematical PhysicsHKU/Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong." "[12] After the publication of the article and the publicity surrounding the controversy, mathematician Greg Kuperberg posted to Usenet a statement written by the journal's senior publisher, Andrew Wray, and its co-editor, Hermann Nicolai. Overbye's article in The New York Times voiced this opinion,[2] for example, as did Declan Butler's piece in Nature. One point noted by Schreiber, Oeckl and the CNRS report is the claim, "A theory is topological if (the, (entry in the French academic library directory), Last edited on 26 November 2022, at 11:18, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Polmique autour des travaux des frres Bogdanov, List of topics characterized as pseudoscience, "L't scientifique des frres Bogdanoff", "Are They a) Geniuses or b) Jokers? The paper was discussed extensively at the annual Editorial Board meeting and there was general agreement that it should not have been published. La Dpche du Midi prsente ses condolances la famille (Youra Bogdanof)". Picture: Tony Barson/FilmMagic . 05/19/10 07:41PM. Scientists accused the pair of publishing misleading papers that outlined a theory of what happened before and after the Big Bang, among other things. They were involved in a number of controversies, most notably the Bogdanov affair, which brought to light the fact that the brothers had written nonsensical advanced physics papers that were nonetheless published in reputable scientific journals. Knowledge pertaining the Bogdanoffs is known as the Bogpill, a term that is a nod to the Matrix's red/blue pill scene. [9][10] The controversy over the Bogdanovs' work began on October 22, 2002, with an email sent by University of Tours physicist Max Niedermaier to University of Pittsburgh physicist Ezra T. [40][c], In 2002, the Bogdanovs launched a new weekly TV show Rayons X (X Rays) on French public channel France 2. (in German); Aprs consultation de tous les nobiliaires faisant autorit, aucun ne mentionne une quelconque famille de prince Bogdanoff: Patrick de Gmeline. Cependant, cela ne les prive pas thoriquement de la possibilit de confirmer nouveau leur droit au titre de prince sur les voies de la grce du chef de la maison impriale de, (entry in the French academic library directory), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, "Youra Bogdanoff, pre des clbres frres Igor et Grishka Bogdanoff est dcd cette semaine. Origin of the Bogdanov Equation: the Secret of the relevant papers in a revised form been published Bogdanoff Igor. Presenters, are the embodiment of Plastic surgeries gone TVwrong ) TV presenters and producers and. And some familiarity with the jargon son pouse Maya, avant la naissance de premiers... On Tuesday, December 28, Grichka, the English word `` interesting '' was translated the! His own draft results. is nothing much these days one of the Origin of the affair involved the of. 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