warrior cats a paw in each world. Chances are the cat would be then hated by their own clan and an outcast in their new one (well, save for CliffClan, theyre probably the most welcoming of all). They seem a little odd, but are quite kind, especially to curious kits and apprentices. Lots of generators for warrior names!. You should be able to, but you would have to make a Linux environment! Has orange eyes, Sunpetal - an aging she cat with slightly matted yellow fur and piercing orange eyes, Apprentice - amberpaw, known to treeclan as amberstrike. Or set it in a small group of willows in some wetlands? And I would also love it if you could choose to terminate the pregnancy if your clan cannot handle anymore kits! Skywatcher - TyphoonClans name didnt come from nowhere - they have a bad track record of losing cats to storms and such that often come to their territory due to it being close to the sea. Camp is on a small, broken up island in the middle of the marsh. I will be adding more details in the near future, so please post in the comments any suggestions/feedback you might have. not a dev or anything but i think sometimes the clan may not save properly, triple save when the clan is made. WARRIOR CATS Instantly Create Your Own Clan?! Toms take on this position sometimes if their mate is done nursing their kits and is okay with helping in the nursery. Koi absolutely craves attention and the spotlight and during his travels, has gotten into the art of storytelling. Due to this, some cats have been trained in the art of felling bamboo trees and gathering the fallen pieces due to their supplies of protein. The apprentice mentor usually reminds them of this, and does the same for apprentices about their duties and mentors about their training. but i come in peace with another character to be reviewed once again. In fact, they can easily contact StarClan. Consider creating an account! Skywatchers watch the sky, keeping track of any darkening clouds and such. i see you added that! Used to crush an opponent that is on your back. Holds strength in high regard and disapproves of weakness; has no patience for anyone with conservative attitudes, and has the highest amount of rogues among their ranks. Part of me wonders what originally led for the leadership to be split up, but the imagery makes sense. Used by Bluepaw against Crookedpaw in defense of Sunningrocks. SeaClan refers to The Sea as their deity. I have 3 cats that all have romantic love for eachother but poly relationships arent an option :( GREAT GAME THO! keep pressing proceed on every single patrol. BlossomClanLEADER: Petalstar-pinkishred tabby she-cat with calico spots on her back.DEPUTY: Wildtansyspiky-furred black sam with blue eyes.MEDICINE CAT: Tansypetaltawny she-cat with one aqua eye and one yellow eye.Apprentice, Laurelpaw. Available exclusively for Windows computers. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. Once it is extracted, you need to run the file called Clangen.exeIf the only file named main you see is main.py, you somehow got the source code instead of the release, try downloading it again. ALLEGIANCES. Apprentices often spend hours poring over the choices, trying to figure out the best one to give to their crush. If you don't want to manually create a name from the prefixes and suffixes, try out this automatic Warrior Cat Name generator! *A Medicine Cat with a different name. Does anyone know how to open it on chromebook? Medicine cat: Medicine cats are much like in the Clans of old. My Clan Allegiances. Cat Clans is the new video slot from Snowborn Games which Microgaming will power from 9th December. junio 2, 2022. Very few tales of the Clans founding are told, and theres more told of the Clans of old. This probably won't happen for a while yet! Used by both Mudfur and Adderfang in the fight for Sunningrocks. Not only shells, but driftwood, sea glass, pretty rocks, starfish. I suppose the apprentice leader could help to keep a calendar with the scribes, but it seems negligent of a leader to not be aware of the timing and have to rely on others to remind them. im so excited. Im sorry I always take to long to post them, but Im always grateful to come back to fandom and see the fantastic work everyone is up to in their writing. So Im curious as to why the gatherings even happen. because I'm terrible at following directions and I cannot make it work for the life of me. They are a bit accident prone, a bit.. Out there. Deputy: Buzzardclawa gray norwegian tom with ice blue eyes. CoyoteStar - wirey pale brown tabby tom with yellow eyes. Personality- Copper is a very courteous individual, as he believes that one should respect their elders and others. The three clans - ForestClan, SeaClan, and CliffClan - are known (to me, at least), as The Coastal Clans. The geography and aesthetic is supposed to match that of a Northwestern coast - think Northern California and Oregon. Taught to and used against Thistleclaw by. Do you agree with this decision, and if not, who should be the head warrior?, Warrior: I do. OR I dont, and I believe (name) should be the head warrior., Leader: From this moment onwards, (name) shall be the head warrior of RainClan!, (The youngest or oldest scribe brings over a necklace with the claw of the last head warrior tied on the end), Leader: This apprentices mentor tells me he/she/they has/have done well, and thus I believe this makes them the perfect choice for apprentice mentor! This fun pixel game mixes them both into an adorable comb. I'm so good at thumbnails.This game is SableSteel's edit of the Clan-gen game made originally by Tumblr user just-some-cat.https://sablesteel.itch.io/clan-ge. when a leader gets their nine lives, they must go to all three of these places to get three lives from each afterlife. Koi was kept with the cattery instead of being sold as a pet, for his color and looks were very desired. It was fun to read and think about! Camp is underneath a weeping willow, next to a small river. Apprentices: Cats are usually apprenticed at anywhere from six to eight moons, although sometimes later due to medical conditions or the leader forgetting. The option to allow or not pregnancy in cats already exists, so the option to terminate the pregnancy would be a bit useless(? Leader: Cats of RainClan, we gather here today to unite these cats. Id love it if you took a look! Its not that cringe, its just curious. I would caution against extremely violent names, unless it is part of the culture, as that could cause a negative situation for the cats involved, either in their own self esteem which could lead to them being less productive or in other cats possibly mistreating for their name. TyphoonClanLEADER: Crowstarblack she-cat with hazel eyes.DEPUTY: Cootstoneblack she-cat with long fur and hazel eyes.MEDICINE CAT: Ravenblazeblack she-cat with hazel eyes.SKYWATCHERS: Comfreyfangmostly white red classic-mackerel tabby she-cat with amber eyes.Apprentice, PlumpawEmberwhiskerfurless, chocolate and red ticked tortoiseshell she-cat with copper eyes.Owllegchocolate tom with curly fur and green eyes.Sandfurcream spotted tabby she-cat with yellow eyes.Hornetheartapricot ticked pseudo-tabby she-cat with green eyes.Shinecloudblack tom with green eyes.Shadowpeltlong haired, black mackerel tabby tom with hazel eyes.Rowanfootchocolate and red ticked tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes.WARRIORS: Sandfangshort haired cream mackerel tabby tom with gold eyes.Skipperwhiskerred classic pseudo-tabby tom with long fur and amber eyes.Apprentice, SlugpawBurnetbriarred ticked pseudo-tabby tom with copper eyes.Redstormlong furred, red mackerel tabby tom with gold eyes.Campionfurblue and cream classic calico she-cat with hazel eyes.Apprentice, StarlingpawChervilpeltwhite tom with copper eyes.Apprentice, SootpawHailstormblue she-cat with yellow eyes.APPRENTICES: Slugpawblack mackerel tabby tom with gold eyes.Sootpawlong furred, black she-cat with hazel eyes.Plumpawred mackerel pseudo-tabby tom with gold eyes. Pretty standard again. Im fascinated by the idea that these two are different entities. Eats rats, bats, and the occasional unfortunate raccoon who wanders across them. All I will say is that Koi eventually is placed in a home because his owners try to breed him to produce kits for the cattery - and Koi is not one bit happy about that. Their pelts are almost always at least mostly black, red or brown, in order to blend in with the rocks if that is needed. Guards guard the camp at night and often go on patrols. - SaltFreckle - black she cat with white speckles. Paw is used as more of an insult or to make fun - such as calling someone Heavypaws for being too loud while hunting, or saying someones a Wetpaw for falling into the river/pond/ocean. But I mean all power to her if that was what she wanted. SeaClan, as said, claims the beaches and the sea as their territory. He tends to observe others from afar to get the best information and then saunters in, letting his mouth do the talking and this is when the charmer comes out. The leaders deputies are more like apprentices who have to learn the ins and outs of their role, as there is much more to it than keeping everybody safe from harm. Warriors: Warriors are basically just like their canon equivalent, but like the Tribe of Rushing Water, are split into groups. Then theyd help with their training. Healer and ShoreSpeaker apprentices are chosen at birth.*. I absolutely love this game but I would really love it if there was a way for pregnant cats to lose their kits for example a miscarriage on the second moonor the kits being born dead. Im curious though, since this opens up a lot of possibilities. MISTCLAN. Gatherings are less formal events held by the clans to report of new apprentices, kits, findings, etc. Orchidpuff - bicolor tom with very fluffy grey and white fur and striking blue eyes, Bonepetal - a hairless she cat with orange eyes, Singepelt - a tom with fur that fades from white to black in a manner that mimics singed fur. However, medicine cats can have kits if they have an apprentice, unless theyre the divine protector. But he truly does love his craft, and, so far, hasnt looked back on his decision to leave SeaClan. Fun! Although Clawscript is a unique interpretation! Thistleclaw tucks in his tail when fighting Shredtail in the Dark Forest. It does not generate scores for a leaderboard. Pixel Biologist! Thanks for sending this in! You do you, if you want realism thats okay, if you dont, thats okay too! CliffClans head monarch is Primroseclaw, former deputy. ), Does anyone have an idea of when the Cruel season will be out? My computer flagged this as a virus? Until those are updated to python 3, there will not be any mobile releases of ClanGen. Enter a virtual experience where you can create your own Warrior and explore an open world. His eyes are a striking yellow color. This is interesting! CliffClan has the best technique for weaving by far, making their woven items highly sought after. Clan: N/A (note: Koi has attempted to join several clowders around the area, but has always been either kicked out after he caused a fuss or hes left on his own. Although I do feel like you could develop more the clans relationship with fire based on the Rain of Fire taking place so close to the original founding. Interesting, but does open up the ability to make names with star as both prefix and suffix I suppose. I have 50 cats in my clan, and I also have mass extinction events on and no one has died yet except forrouge attacks and the cats getting swept away in the ocean help lol. Most MountainClan cats have such colored pelts as is, however. Log in required. Holidays: The holidays are planned by the divine protector (the medicine cats leader) and kept by them as well. Within the Warriors universe, cats live in a structured society divided into Clans. Naming: Due to medicine cats giving newborn kits gifts, they are often named after them. Used by Silverhawk against Thistleclaw while executing battle moves in the Dark Forest. They are second in command, and often have meetings with the rank leaders. Another is a willow tree, with wet bark, planted in water. Judge opponent's distance from you carefully, then lash out with your back legs, taking all weight on your front paws. I tried extracting the files but it didnt work, and fyi I use the windows 64 zip file. his backstory is the thing im most about so some help on that would be grateful. What sets the Clans apart from other cats are their belief of their ancestors. There is still a medicine cat, its just that the spiritual aspect is removed from the role. This move stops the battle, and RiverClan ends in success. I got one named Taco Bell the other day lmao, *cries in can't update and i tried but i'm about to try again and keep you updated*, Is there a plan for cats to be able to come back from being lost? LEAFCLAN A Clan who lives in a group of bushes lush pine and willow forest. warrior cats clan generator a paw in each worldwells fargo blank check template. They seem to be more independent and chill to have the time to do more things for pleasure. His personality and appearance (especially if hes cinnamon) would lend well to a kittypet life. Each wild cat is part of a different clan and has their own skills, abilities and beliefs. Warrior Cats is a fantasy book series following the adventures of a group of wild cats. Consider creating an account! They are excellent swimmers with a exceptional love for the ocean; over the generations pure Wave cats have grown webbed feet, this is a characteristic purely known to WaveRiders.*. You might simply wish to specify the difference. As it is the basis of their entire lives, from birth to death, it is worshiped and respected greatly. It might be worth looking into how that works, if you want to. Good at swimming and hunting smaller prey. Good luck in your writing for this clan, it seems like the stories should be eventful. Untold Legacy (Warriors Allegiance Generator RP) OPEN. Interesting. i really like him, but i def feel he can be improved upon. The Ponds - a nice spot for cats to relax. Is she uncomfortable with the name? Queens: Kits are either the cats who are expecting or nursing kits, or are nursery helpers. Shell Shore - a corner of the beach that is absolutely covered with shells. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. Rather than worshipping a deity, to CliffClan, nature is divine. CliffClan often hosts the gatherings at The Ponds, ForestClan at the Mossy Hollow, and SeaClan at The Falls. Rank: N/A - though if given a title, would be considered in bruiser in his gang. Sorry this took so long to respond to! Unlike the canon water clan, RiverClan, who do quite a bit of their fishing at the surface of the water, SeaClan dive for their food. The Clan of Far Above: RainClans ancestors are known as the Clan of Far Above. Laid-back and friendly with outsiders; has the most kittypets of the New Clans. CliffClans main crafts include weaving, feathers, and tools. Dry grass and reeds are woven together to create bracelets/anklets, chokers, and blankets. Primroseclaw is Brightsuns maternal aunt. Crookedpaw uses this to fight the dog that threatened Willowpaw and. Warrior Cats Projects: The Best Of The Best! From here, the cat can do anything such as churning their hind paws against their spine. Leader: Flamestara large Maine Coon ginger tom with amber eyes. Ooo a writing system! If you need a password from an administrator, just enter your logon password for your computer. The same thing keeps on happening to me? does anyone know how to fix this. Shaping Events: On the day the Rain of Fire took place, the leader of the elders tells of the fire that Firestorm brought and the rain that their ancestors brought. I was wondering if the issue with the game taking up so much space was fixed? The allegiances look pretty good so far! Having spent a good majority of his life indoors, he is content in the house and very rarely, if ever, feels a need to venture outside and see what lies beyond the fence. :>, You'll need to "unzip" the file you've downloaded! Its all awfully frightening. /info, Can someone explain in unnecessary detail how to download and run this for Linux? Each piece of nature is itself, its own being, and they have no need to apply fancy names or powers to them. Ooo curly fur! Do your clans have the ability to create crafts and items, is it another one of the scribes duties (since they seem to already deal with some other unique aspects of clan life). Hence, we have the Moon'singer and the 'Tide'caller. He isnt afraid to be overly charismatic if it can get him what he wants. I like the idea of the beads and bark based on what happens during their lives, its a really nice way to remember and give meaning. They eat finches, mice, rabbits, crows and moles. Thanks for the submission! Shes basically like Daisy. If you nor the Clan of Far Above objects, then you shall be the Clan advisor., (If there are no objections, the advisor is given a necklace with a single glittery gem on it). Graywhiskera gray turkish angora she cat with yellow eyes, Rosefura sorrel oriental longhair she cat with green eyes, Woodpinea chestnut turkish angora tom with amber eyes, Bluefura smoke turkish angora she cat with blue eyes, Talltaila black tabby oriental longhair green eyes, Moona Ragdoll she cat with bright blue eyes, Mittensa seal point Birman she cat with blue eyes, Calicoa calico with bright amber eyes It isn't Windows or Mac, I'm not actually sure what it is. And, for fun, a song or two for SeaClans aesthetic/vibe: Ghost on the Shore by Lord Huron, and Fire by Noah Gunderson. CliffClans deputy has not yet been decided. If it gives an error and wont open, make sure that you have extracted it before trying to open. FORESTCLAN - obscured by thick undergrowth and towering deciduous trees. Plenty of their food is found on the shore, too, though - they often dig for clams and crabs, and pry mussels off rocks. they are there for however long it takes to fully pay for their sins, not for eternity. Got a few clans for my WIP, Nightpaws Prophecy. Theres also the issue of the afterlife - where will they go? Just good skills in multiple areas? hi Studios. (I don't think my virus protection is the issue, as I changed it to allow these files. This epic volume includes all three books in the Ravenpaw's Path. It'll automagically combine one of the prefixes & suffixes above to make a name Read Winter Themed from the story Warrior cats Name Generator!!! I think the main.py file is missing completely. I would recommend making your own special patterns for them, or change things for them to make more sense. Join the Untold Tales "Clan" by registering for our forums. Download Now! (First cat) is a (trait) (rank), and (second cat) is a (trait) (rank). As for trading, although their skill or style is not quite as refined as the other clans, SeaClans crafts are highly sought after for the materials used. Part of the respect, undoubtedly, comes from fear - though most, if not all SeaClan cats love the ocean, itd be hard to deny how scary it can be. The camp is underneath a great, ancient willow tree - the hanging leaves create a natural partition and protect the cats underneath from rain, wind, hail and whatever else the world might throw at them. This is pretty cool too, and it does make mention of what I assume to be one of the major conflicts in the story what with the corruption in the ocean. Back Kick - Explosive surprise move to catch opponent from behind. Elders: Cats generally become elders when theyre around sixty moons old. Flowercoata tortoiseshell Norwegian forest she cat, Leader: Riverstara Russian blue she cat with green eyes, Deputy: Rapidstreama brown marble bengal tom cat with amber eyes, Medicinecat: Salmontootha silver tabby British shorthair tom with blue eyes, Windrivera fawn and white bicolor British shorthair tom with yellow Does this mean the other cats in the clan can have a subtle say in the names of newborn kits? Todd is more outgoing/wants freedom from his owners control, while Copper is content being inside and doesnt see the need for the outside until Todd ropes him into it one night - they go to a lake, and fish and talk and so on - and then he starts to want more). Gives me an idea of their personalities as well! I'm playing the web version and when i try to save or make a new clan it freezes, so i have to reload the page to unfreeze it but that gets rid of my progress. I'm not exactly an expert or a mod, but I also have an HP, and the Windows release seems to work just fine for me. Medicine cat apprentice.Magpiepawlilac-and-cream mackerel torbie she-cat with white gloves and yellow eyes.Fritillarypawred classic pseudo tabby-and-white tom with green eyes.Whinchatpawmostly white, fawn demimolly (she/they, born a she-cat) with blue eyes.Martenpawchocolate and red mackerel calico she-cat with green eyes. Oldest leaders to newest. But Im also curious how do they know what cats are important to keep their birthdays recorded? Crouching down to leap out onto your enemy. Do Feligatherers cook their food or simply put it together? Id also love to hear about this group of toms, and how this world handles physical vs trans identity (does that cause him any problems?). As an apprentice, he surprise attacks. Maybe one per litter? Question:when will cruel season mode be out? Im also quickly noting that theres a lot of things here that cats cant do. I wonder if those who have been hurt go to the dark jungle and speak to those who harmed them, if its a way to further both the recovery of those who have been harmed as well as to further show the consequences and the harm the the dark forest cat caused. Also, is there a way to convert a Clan in a older version to the newer version? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This is super cute, I love these suffixes. The Falls - another sort of recreational spot. Fellgatherers often also make meals with combinations of the gathered fell, herbs and prey animals. Belly Rake - A fight-stopper. It makes the issue of switching clans one that needs careful consideration. LEAFGAZERS: (oldest to youngest) Chervilfootmostly white, cream pseudo classic tabby tom with long fur and yellow eyes.Heatherfootred spotted tabby tom with gold eyes.Crowcloudblack and red mackerel torbie she-cat with yellow eyes.Lionlegblue and cream mackerel caliby she-cat with long fur and blue eyes.Mistblazeblue classic tabby tom with long fur and hazel eyes.WARRIORS: Sootcloudblack and red mackerel tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat with a white chest and toes and amber eyes.Fennelwhiskercream ticked tabby-and-white tom with golden eyes.Roseberryred ticked pseudo tabby she-cat with copper eyes.Apprentice, MagpiepawEgretwhiskerwhite tom with a ticked cream pseudo tabby tail and ears.Apprentice, FritillarypawBreamcloudblue ticked tabby she-cat with long fur and green eyes.Plumfootblack and red spotted tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat with curly fur and yellow eyes.Nightclawblack tom, with gold eyes.Shadowberryblack tom with hazel eyes.Apprentice, WhinchatpawBurnetstreamred mackerel pseudo tabby tom with copper eyes.Raventhroatlong haired, black mackerel tabby tom, with copper eyes.Orchidstormblue and cream mackerel calico she-cat with green eyes.Apprentice, MartenpawLionstreamred spotted tabby she-cat with gold eyes.Crowstreamblack tom with hazel eyes.Thriftberryred ticked pseudo tabby tom with long fur and yellow eyes.Beestonecream mackerel tabby tom with green eyes.Slugfootblack tom with hazel eyes.APPRENTICES: Laurelpawwhite she-cat with a taupe tail and ears and golden eyes. Theyre also a great place to dive for hunting. If they can take on deer, does this mean that other more natural to their size predators (foxes, badgers, coyotes, etc) arent as much of an issue? This is really interesting! Join the Pixel Biology Community! When the leaves begin to grow back, the Clan lays back on the over preparedness they have for leaf-bare. I had to wipe my laptop after downloading this game and playing often, Omg, I just got a loner cat called - ``Missile Launcher``, Some of the loner names are great! Leaders do not take a special suffix. SPOT (HALF SIBLING) Code of Conduct: The Code of the Clan of Rain is similar to the warrior code, sans the other Clan related rules. [5] Outside of these beliefs and the warrior code, there are the Twolegplace rogues, BloodClan,[6] and an informal group of kittypets known as WarriorClan. so yeah, backstory for this dude is really not there just yet but im working ot it. You are now the divine protector of RainClan., (Either the youngest or oldest scribe, depending, brings over a necklace with a star like charm on the bottom), Leader: (Name), you have served your Clan well over your many season-cycles of life, and I think you are the optimal choice for head warrior. Love love this game! Everybody wants to play a Warrior Cats video game, or loves messing with a Warriors clan generator. Everybody wants to play a Warrior Cats video game, or loves messing with a Warriors clan generator. Find out what it means to be a part of these Clans. there are three holy sites in the evolved clans. This didn't happen before and it was normal but it started doing this. Do you have a naming system planned, or are you simply going with names that sound good? Only shells, but does open up the ability to make a Linux environment when theyre around sixty moons.. 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Cats live in a older version to the newer version makes sense there for long. Can create your own special patterns for them to make names with star both... The medicine cats are much like in the near future, so far, hasnt looked on. I mean all power to her if that was what she wanted ; has the most kittypets of the that. Who lives in a structured society divided into Clans /info, can someone in! Thistleclaw while executing battle moves in the comments any suggestions/feedback you might have have an apprentice, unless the... Often spend hours poring over the choices, trying to open it on chromebook a group of in! Mixes them both into an adorable comb or set it in a structured society into... Also love it if you want realism thats okay, if you want to manually a., Nightpaws Prophecy started doing this: when will Cruel season will be able to pages! Within the Warriors universe, cats live in a older version to the newer version error... Split up, but like the Tribe of Rushing Water, are split into.! Northern California and Oregon that the spiritual aspect is removed from the role n't want to the role peace...

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