30 unusual signs of high intelligence in a person

Longjumping_Sleep_12 , pexels Report, *Chuckles nervously*Soo, I'mma head out now. My grandfather was an electrician and althouth she loved him I almost wondered if he was intimidated by her. How very nice of you, to be able to look beyond his initial short comings knowing that you could help him grow in confidence, My Partner is Polish. Creating an account means you agree with Bored Panda's, We and our trusted partners use technology such as cookies on our site to personalize content and ads, provide, social media features, and analyze our traffic. can fix anything, hes a prolific reader and people just gravitate to him. Andi Simon, Ph.D., a corporate anthropologist and an author of Rethink: Smashing the Myths of Women in Business, added that quick-witted people dont ask questions for the sake of asking. Get the best of Bored Panda in your inbox. Please enter your email to complete registration. We didnt teach them or observe them - we were all learning together. Waiting a few seconds to ponder a question before answering instead of blurting out the first thing that comes to mind. They tend to be good at reading nonverbal cues, handling difficult situations, and maintaining relationships. Ok": Employee Leaves Work During An Emergency Because Manager Wouldn't Approve His Overtime, Guy Puts In His "Notice Of Immediate Resignation" After Boss Disregards Their Verbal Agreement, Warns Others To Always Write Things Down, Woman Buys Ex-Hoarder's Home With All Of Their Belongings, Spends 4 Years Cleaning When Relatives Start Demanding Heirlooms They Didn't Want, Clueless Director Calls For A Meeting Over Mass Resignation After Company Cancels WFH, Employee Explains It In A Way He Would Understand, "An Entitled Mother Insists That I 'Share' My Nintendo Switch With Her Child On My Flight", "You Are So Beaut-OHGOD! One of the most common is they stumble over words and/or have bad handwriting. Its been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes. A lot of the answers here come off like I like it when smart people make it clear that they dont think theyre better than me, which isnt the same thing as intelligence. Spitting golden nuggets This may be a bit of an over-romanticized take on intelligence and/or wisdom but they mostly listen during a conversation involving many When I was in uni, I took part in a project called Inside Out where we would go in a prison and have criminology lessons with the inmates whom we called inside students. You can easily end up over-analyzing things and getting mired in perfectionism.. He always got good grades in school, often without studying much at all. This should be higher. A former CIA agent was asked this question and his answer was this because he said the quietest person in the room is listening to everything thats being said which makes them the smartest and most dangerous. At best, IQ tests test only one type of intelligence (aptitude), and at worst, they emphasize fast problem-solving. I'd say the same two things . What was your experience with them? And the responses started rolling in. They may be quite intelligent, but not in a way that expresses itself well within the standard framework of education.The same thing happens on the EQ/social level. 30 unusual signs of high intelligence It has long been believed that intelligence is primarily a matter of cognitive ability. Being taller is one of many signs of intelligence, research finds. This is because they are constantly trying to expand their knowledge and understanding. 30 unusual signs of high intelligence She was raised in a poor abusive family and left school very early to escape. I was worried about asking him because I wasn't sure how he'd manage and didn't want to put pressure on him, but he was keen to do it. Reddit user thejamessmarianooo decided to learn more about such brainiacs, so they asked: Have you ever met a really intelligent person who didnt really know how smart they were? Note: this post originally had 68 images. This way he was able to finish his expensive licenses and became a pilot. Not only did he revitalize thier systems and saves them tons of money each year by being so meticulous, he has this wonderful ability to EXPLAIN stuff so you can understand and also not feel stupid. School is supposed to be a very basic foundation. My Partner is Polish. All Rights Reserved. WebHere are 10 high-intelligence signs: 1. More often than not, we notice the not-so-bright people walking around us, blaring their extreme opinions while being completely uninformed on the subject. WebSome unusual signs of high intelligence in a person can include being able to focus on details, remember names and numbers, multitask efficiently, think logically, learn and In Quatar I watched as a very poor looking construction worker from the Philippines solved a Rubix cube while on his break. The Bored Panda iOS app is live! The ability to change their mind when presented with new information. Seeing things from multiple perspectives allows smart people to avoid the common pitfalls those with optimism bias fall into., As a general rule of thumb, many people with lower intelligence tend to vastly overestimate their abilities. Perhaps they are wearing glasses and seem a bit socially awkward. It's hard to quantify, but you know it when you see it. In addition, people who have a good working memory-that is, they can remember and use the information immediately after hearing it-tend to be more successful in school and at work than those with poor working memory. Intelligence is all about taking the information the present moment gives you and projecting it into the past (figuring out causation) or into the future (making predictions).. But he would just come up with it from personal experience. Especially as children, one unusual side effect of being very intelligent is laziness. I read once - smart people make others feel smart. The kid that had "difficulties making friends" just made a new best friend faster than anyone else there. I guess its one of the reasons people saying "well I wasn't taught that n school" annoys me. No, because just as what most answers also mentioned, honesty is all about a person's conscious integrity, and it certainly displays a mature character in a person. However, being too honest all the time DOES mean that a person is displaying a sign of low intelligence. Why is it so? Because that person is being careless. Webjurgen klopp picture frame. Had a client who was a low level drug dealer and gun runner. People who are great teachers without actually being a teacher. Within a week, his friend ended the relationship. He is just amazing and continues to show me something new or delight me every day after 27 years. They quite frequently explain things or answer questions with it depends. He didn't know his times tables. I'm volunteer staff at a math summercamp targeted at children who like doing math.Most of the kids that we get are the standard "doing well in school with good grades to prove it" type. when they drop an interesting "factoid" and you respond with "cool, i wonder if _______", they have an answer for it, or at least a couple of different ideas, because they actually looked into it instead of just regurgitating it.the smart people i know are not comfortable having "shallow knowledge" about anything. But this kid is so fucking smart. I have one.As a psychiatric doctor, one of my jobs is community management of patients right after they finish an inpatient admission, so they are only slightly better, not fully recovered.One guy came in to clinic and my boss for some reason described him to me as 'a bit simple'. While there are many different signs of high intelligence, the ones listed above are some of the unusual signs. Well, there are plenty of subtle signs that prove someone is really sharp. Individuals with high emotional intelligence are able to effectively, For example, studies have shown that people who score high on tests of, So, while there may not be a direct connection between, One of the most unusual signs of high intelligence is the ability to, Intelligence vs. I can be defined as intelligent when it comes to literature, for example, but I'm a total jerk in front of someone with manual skills, like a plumber. They dont brag about it. People who tend to become more intelligent got there because they had a thirst for knowledge. There are many other factors that contribute to success, such as hard work, determination, and luck. I have this problem. Hes also good company, but not always the most socially adept, in that he has almost no street smarts and doesnt understand concepts like flattery, or other mostly harmless ways that people manipulate those around them as a social lubricant.Which one of them is smarter? Depends on the living arrangements. He got an opportunity to be an IT manager for an engineering company having never taken a computer class. It includes: They are always questioning things People who are constantly asking questions are usually more I taught algebra to inmates briefly and the number of guys who told me they were too stupid to learn math while being able to convert odd measurements between metric and imperial in their heads on the fly was too damn high. However, its important to remember that intelligence is not always a predictor of success. Knowing how to deploy your intelligence effectively is also intelligence, he concluded. Instead, youre present. Instead, they know their limits and can admit it. Hundreds started sharing their opinions about the tell-tale traits that prove someone is bright and sharp. In the case of a senior, we determine if we want to extend them a full-time employment offer.Every review she received from each department all said the same thing: "HIRE HER NOW".We extended an offer for a salaried position, part-time, from that point through her senior year, along with tuition reimbursement.This young lady still amazes everyone every single day. I dont remember the exact details because all I could think about was the level of depth he got into just explaining and analyzing, and also explaining in a way that helped me to understand (at the time).My brothers intelligence is the definition of quality and Id shout that from the rooftops because as his older sister, Im so fucking proud of him. He's since been hired by a different company and is flourishing. I'd like to go back in time and kick all those elementary school teachers who told them they were stupid.Actually, I've run into plenty of racist, classist elementary school teachers currently teaching but still haven't kicked them, even though they deserve it.EDIT: it was also amazing to see how their "illiteracy" improved once they finally got a pair of glasses. So when user blissfulhavoc posted What is a subtle sign that someone is intelligent/sharp? on r/AskReddit, fellow members quickly rolled up their sleeves. Anyone can write on Bored Panda. One day they came to class rested because they hadn't had to work the night before. He always says he's stupid and it upsets me so much - he won't believe it when we tell him he's not. While intelligence comes in many forms, we all probably have a stereotypical image of a clever person in mind. High-IQ people have excellent memory and recall capacity, but tend to forget little things. A highly intelligent person is one who is flexible in their thinking and can adapt to changes, they think before they speak or act, and theyre able to effectively manage their emotions, Dr. Catherine Jackson, licensed clinical psychologist and neurotherapist, told Bustle. There is a community of trolls that thinks saying blatantly racist or sexist things ( or denying the existence of racism or sexism) is just having another opinion and seem to have developed a persecution complex when called on these behaviors. But not much later another boy walks up to him and asks if he can join the game. They can't stand not knowing because they are curious about it and want to know more. Ooops! He left school at 15 with no qualifications. Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of Your Favorite Dad Jokes? 7. While brilliant people surround us every day, many avoid boasting about their mental abilities out loud. So, he subtly started to slip in emotional and logical suggestions whenever he saw his friend in a moment of emotional vulnerability. or "Well, that was a very tense way to start things, it's okay to say you don't know" or "Don't answer if you feel uncomfortable" - then you start wondering "Did you really want me to answer or were you trying to set me up to look inferior?". Mindaugas has worked as a freelance photographer mainly doing events, product photography and has a recurring passion for macro photography. Social intelligence is only one kind of intelligence. Its got nothing to do with intelligence. I couldn't lover her more. Uncanny.He had no idea how smart he was, because he just assumed smartness was for people with a university degree. WebPeople Point Out 30 Low-Key Signs Of A Highly Intelligent Person Ieva Gailit and Mindaugas Baliauskas More often than not, we notice the not-so-bright people walking around us, blaring their extreme opinions while being completely uninformed on the subject. I witnessed that company hold him back for 5 years because he was useful where he was. It's hard to know from the outside. It makes me a little sad because he was always a trouble maker, but deep down I knew that he is/was very smart and was capable of doing good in school. This sounds like a very nice work environment, too. It was just very good timing when he applied for a different job in the same company but a different department and location. He was always told in school he could do better. We have a paid summer internship program for juniors and seniors pursuing construction management degrees.5 years ago we had a young woman who came in to the program in her junior year. They quite frequently explain things or answer questions with it depends. I used to be ALL hunting is bad but it's far more complicated than that and is actually needed. In a world where people talk to prove who they are, highly intelligent people are the opposite, Jackson mentioned. But I bet you, she still doesnt think of herself as especially intelligent. There's a difference if some of them are more signicnt to you than others? A lot. They are Empathetic and Compassionate. One of the most unusual signs of high intelligence is the ability to think creatively. He's dyslexic and growing up in the education system in the 70s didn't provide any support so he's all but illiterate. And I've always read far beyond my age and did math like breathing but hand me a history book and I'm lost. They could seek tertiary education, or lack both a High School Degree, and a GED.Living situations dictate an individuals intellectual display more than personality quirks, so it'll be complicated. He graduated with an engineering degree but when the bottom fell out of the manufactoring market he was having trouble finding a job. They ask GOOD questions. She is now a multi millionaire, married to a guy as smart as her, 3 kids and one of my best and closest friends living in one of the finest parts of Europe. Curiosity is directly tied to intelligence. Swearing, staying up too late and being messy are signs of high intelligence. Scientists have identified staying up late as a characteristic common to intelligent people. They also identified the amount someone swears and their level of tidiness as a good indicator of braininess. He didnt seem to understand the magnitude of the accomplishment. He could burn the place down and they still wouldnt fire him. My dad grew up believing he was dumb and would never amount to anything. It was extraordinary.He was also a bit unstable and prone to bursts of anger, often towards himself. Questions that indicate that while they dont know the answer they have a damn good idea how to start finding it. His parents have said to him in front of me he's not very bright. Similarly, an employee who is able to catch errors in a report is also likely to be able to see the larger implications of the data. Knowledge and Wisdom are not good indicators of actual intelligence.Intelligent individuals can be anything. I wish he could see himself as intelligent. :). Also, Mexican Robert didn't know any Spanish, it was just a nick name to differentiate the three of us. * They imagine their thoughts always and consequently often miss many present details. Had a client who was a low level drug dealer and gun runner. Youre not constantly jumping from one thing to another. Sharp people often refrain from loudly sharing their opinions and accomplishments. It's not hard for me to admit when I'm wrong. So there are many ways to look at intelligence, but its clear that it goes beyond book smarts. He just never chose to do it, or generally just didnt care idk at this point. And we handpicked some of the most inspiring examples to share with you. I Am A Dog Photographer And I Love Taking Photos Of Cute Puppies Before They Grow Up (33 New Pics), Artist 'Invades' Major Capitals Around The World With Fluffy And Flossy Pink Drapes And The Result Is Adorable (56 Pics), Frozen In Time: I Explored The Largest Abandoned Amusement Park In Cyprus (16 Pics), My Sister And I Create Unique Pieces Of Wearable Art With Polymer Clay, And Here Are Our Best 70 Works, My 50 Vases And Other Handmade Contemporary Pieces With A Human Face, Hey Pandas, What's The Worst Rule You've Seen Someone Actually Try To Enforce? Insightful people are often flexible in their thinking, and they can easily adapt to any changes coming their way. This guy. He understood things when other people were struggling to learn whatever was being taught that day (math, science, English, reading etc). So I don't consider myself smarter than the plumber, because it's something that's totally contextual. You name it he probably did it. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. It sounds like your boss should not be in this field, nor hold the position she does. WebAwareness of their strengths and weaknesses: Geniuses are often aware of their strengths and weaknesses and can use this information to their advantage. My mother. 2022 MagnifyMind. He watches historical documentaries and tells us about how that links with the one he watched a couple of years prior. One strangely accurate indicator of high intelligence may be someones ability to stay organized. It's only when I left school that I realised learning is fun. Depends on what you need them to accomplish. He can use the English language to paint a vivid picture in your mind in a way that no English professor ever could. We respect your privacy. Often he would know what emotions someone was feeling and how best to proceed. Her intuition is very good with people, her problem solving skills are impressive in situations where she is comfortable, and she has a very deep understanding of the human psych. Ieva is a writer at Bored Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius University. His parents have said to him in front of me he's not very bright. The head engineer is highly intelligent, and the way and the order that he asks questions so he can come to an understanding of the Issue forces me to think in a process that hurts my brain. Intelligence is the ability to learn, retain, recall, apply, and abstract. quick in mind and quick in action, just his manners and very clever people approach gave away intelligence instantly. His friends girlfriend was kinda a drag and would be a little annoying around the group. He wasn't, but no amount of telling him would help. At school she was taught Russian and can get by in it. Fight boredom with iPhones and iPads here. One big condition: this only counts when they're able to admit they don't know everything on the topic, or ask people who know more about it to inform them. I just need to brag about her.My grandmother was freakishly intelligent, but was limited by the gender roles of the 50s.She graduated top in her class in biophysics. Woman Takes DNA Test For Fun Only To Discover Her Long-Term Boyfriend Is Her Full Sibling, 50 Times Signs Were So Hilariously Absurd, People Had To Share Them On This Facebook Page (New Pics), 30 Times Rich People Made It Clear To Everyone Else Just How Out Of Touch They Are Without Even Trying, Woman Flabbergasted At Thrift Store's Prices, Calls Them Out By Sharing 14 Examples, "I Just Said Thank You And Left": Mans Nice Gesture Is Praised After Pizza Hut Driver Got A $20 Tip On A $938 Order, 50 Times People Were So Surprised With How Perfectly Things Lined Up, They Just Had To Document It, Woman Is Upset That Neighbors Shed Is Too Big, Calls Inspector, Regrets It When They Maliciously Comply, European Is Shocked To Learn How American Suburbs Work, Goes Online To Ask Some Accurate Questions, "Never Come Back To My Restaurant": Chef Bans Rude Restaurant Patrons And Gives $1,350 Bill To 22 Y.O. We will not publish or share your email address in any way. So if you find yourself always questioning things, it may be a sign that you are more intelligent than you realize. He just had it written out and learnt it off by heart and used cue cards with the full speech to help him (he can read it when he knows what it says) and his speech was by far the most confident and well-performed speech out of all of us. They listen first and then speak or ask questions after understanding. Gionanni , Olav Ahrens Rtne Report, there are so many different types of intelligence. In my experience, it's the people that are always open to a constructive argument (or conversation, depending on their knowledge on the topic), regardless of the topic. He has no idea how incredibly intelligent he actually is. They could speak like a thesaurus, or fumble simple sentences. Even the guys who already had glasses when they got in were often still using prescriptions from 20 years earlier. How about 68 aspects of the same thing? However, studies have suggested just this. One of the guys I worked with had to drop out of school in 4th grade to work full time doing agricultural work for his family. 1. That also sounds like a sociopath, to be honest. I once tutored math to a college foot ball player who thought he was stupid. In my first year of uni (college) I sat next to a quiet girl who never thought of herself as smart. Their eyes look AT things/people, not THROUGH things/people. Please check link and try again. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. usually attributed to Einstein. He got terrible grades in school and dropped out of University. High intelligence is also associated with higher levels of mental flexibility, which allows people to adapt to new situations and find new ways to solve problems. Please provide your email address and we will send your password shortly. 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When you think about it- curiosity is the birther of intelligence. Ieva is a writer at Bored Panda who graduated in Scandinavian studies from Vilnius University. This is often considered a sign of high intelligence, as it indicates that the individual has a high capacity for learning. For example, a student who is able to notice spelling errors in their essays is also likely to be able to see the overall argument of the paper. As a result, they are often able to come up with creative solutions to problems. He creates whole worlds in these pictures and just with one picture has told me an hour story. 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A very smart person once told me if you walk away from any new challenge and didnt learn anything, you werent paying attention. Occasionally the new guy would ask me if Mexican Robert spoke English. Mate at work is able to explain things perfectly. The most important problems we face in life require slow, deliberate thinking.. Is a genius in fluid dynamics and theory but never went past 8th grade. unique christmas gift ideas; 30 unusual signs of high intelligence in a person. For the record, I'm not saying I agree, I think smart people can have plenty to say. I was moving away to go to university and I asked her to come with me and she stated to calm down and got a small job and grew into it as her confidence grew She started taking an interest in my course work a MsC in structural engineering and started to go to lectures in her free time. The Bored Panda iOS app is live! I think this is because they are so secure about their intelligence that its a non-issue to them. Hed do his own research from the jail, which isnt uncommon, but this guy did it well and would actually send me relevant cases that were helpful to the issues in his case and when I explained to him why some were not helpful, he got it, asked good questions, and used that discussion to inform future research.There are a lot of inmates who consider themselves jailhouse lawyers. This guy was smart enough to actually be one.I think about him a lot and wonder what his life would have been like if he was fortunate enough to be afforded with the same opportunities during childhood that I enjoyed. I think there are so many different types of intelligence that its hard to narrow down one defining trait. According to Parvez, optimism bias certainly plays a role here. Intelligent people recognize that others have information and insights that through a shared conversation will help both grow, expand their wisdom and enhance their intellect.. 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