advantages and disadvantages of manila galleon trade

For example, they attempted to reorganize scattered settlements into concentrated communities that they could transform and Christianize in a consolidated manner (Girldez 2015:41-57). Merchants in Spain found that inexpensive, high-quality merchandise from Asia competed too successfully with Spanish exports to America, and argued for severe restrictions on the volume of the tradeover the loud complaints of Mexican and Philippines advocates. He adds, Manila galleons were sustained only via the exploitation of indigenous populations in the Philippines and that the dependent, exploitative systems introduced by the Spanish were imposed largely for the maintenance and constructions of sailing vessels (Peterson 2014:44). The Manila galleon trade made significant contributions to colonial Spanish culture. Foreign trade makes it possible to effect transfer of payments from debtor country to creditor country. There were exotic spices like cinnamon, clove, mace, and pepper, and perfumes like musk. Cartwright, Mark. These goods were used to provide for Spanish communities (Girldez 2015:80). In addition to all of these difficulties, Acapulco itself was strongly fortified from 1617 with the construction of the San Diego Fort, a five-sided structure with six angled bastions. 1998 Spains Men of the Sea: Daily Life on the Indies Fleet in the Sixteenth Century, Carla Rahn Phillips, translator. Spaniards only depended on the Galleon trade for profits that led to the neglect ofagriculture, mining and other handicrafts which then caused the decline of thecountry's economy . In addition, the vandala was used as a system of force purchases, where the natives had to sell their vital goods such as rice and chickens to the Spanish for a low amount of money, below fair market price (Peterson 2014:195). During the Hispano-Dutch war and Moro Wars, the natives experienced abductions, raids and attacks on settlements and shipyards (Peterson 2014:247). Even if there was food and water, they could be spoiled or be of poor quality (Prez-Mallana 1998: 143-145). At this time, the natives traded goods like gold, cowry shells, carabao horns, slaves, animal skins, fish, food, mats, cotton, and betel nuts (Girldez 2015:22-23;27). The Spanish Crown received a cut of the trade, as did the factors who brokered the deals in port. The natives were familiar with the waters in the region, and knew the best resources and techniques to build ships and sail them (Stead 2014). Eager to profit from the Philippines trade goods and network, Spain sent troops and Christian priests to colonize the Philippines (Girldez 2015). 2017 The Maritime Cultural Landscapes and Seascapes of Asia-Pacific: Voyaging, Migration, Colonisation, Trade, and Cross-Cultural Contacts. 1925 The Manila Galleon and Trade Relations Between the Philippines and New Spain, 1521-1811. Advantages: They discovered the route to Mexico Prior to the Spanish, the Philippines did not trade with the Americas Manila galleon - Wikipedia Adam Smith mentioned that the Galleon trade in Manila was significant as it generated a lot of silver Medicine Pigafetta was the first European to write about the Philippines. After maintenance and repair works were carried out, a galleon was ready for the return journey back to the Philippines, typically carrying up to 3 million silver pesos to buy goods to fill up the hold again. Companies that are involved in exporting can achieve levels of growth that may not be possible if they only focus on their domestic markets. Another nation that invaded the Philippines was Britain between 1762 and 1764 (Fisher 2011:466). There are obstacles that impede research and publication to share the story about the Philippines role in the Spanish empire, but it does not mean research should not be pursued or shared. Updates? The Manila Galleon. After galleons were built, natives had to work onboard them and suffer from difficult voyages on them. became the main export commodities. Advantages: The galleons brought Mexican silver, merchandise, and useful plants to the Philippines as well as other influences from Mexico and Spain. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Lang, M.F. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. After unloading at Acapulco, this cargo normally yielded a profit of 100300 percent. #2. the rise of the intelligentsia. Opponents argue that one of the primary disadvantages of. 6. Explanation: Only advantage I think is the Spanish ocean-going ships connected the Philippine Islands to the trade of the Spanish Empire, Mexico, Peru, Europe and China. Despite these natural aids, it was not uncommon for a galleon to have to turn back to Manila if a series of storms was encountered or if the ship was too unwieldy because it had been overloaded with cargo. Ultimately, the vandala was a system that cheated the natives of the true value of their goods, but was used in order to feed the population (Peterson 2014:195). The westward route to the Philippines from Acapulco . 20002023 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The cabezas de barangay, who were responsible for distributing wages, often kept the wages for themselves, and even called for more laborers simply to get more money for themselves (Peterson 2014:194-202).The natives did not receive their wages, but were still expected to pay tributes and rations to Spain. The Spanish empire benefitted greatly from their access to and engagement in the trans-Pacific trade network. "Conference on U.S.-Philippine Relations" Congressman Robert A. Underwood (D, Guam) Smithsonian Institution. Books . In 1521, Spain established a base in Mexico, also known as New Spain (Peterson 2014: 145-146). The Manila galleons, meanwhile, returned to the Philippines each year loaded with silver to buy more goods for the next trip. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. The 1529 treaty of Zaragoa (Saragosa) between Portugal and Spain extended the astonishing division of the world these two nations had previously established in the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. The Spanish also used native fibers such as Manila hemp, or abac. As a consequence of these defences, and despite usually travelling the High Seas unescorted, only four Manila galleons were ever captured at sea in over 250 years of service. Most importantly, Manila was already a developed port and trade center in the region (Peterson 2014:58). The native sailor was a real sailor. pp. It consisted of two separate routes - westward from Acapulco to Manila and eastward on the return, following two separate belts of trade winds across the Pacific. At least 30 Manila galleons were shipwrecked in one way or another over the years. National well-being. The importance of the trade declined in the late 18th century as other powers began to trade directly with China. World History Encyclopedia. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The Manila Galleon Trade was a thriving global trade network between 1565 and 1815 that connected the economies of Asia, the Americas and Europe for over two centuries. There was, too, a contingent of professional soldiers led by a war captain. 22 Feb. 2023 . In 1527, Alvaro de Saavedra Ceron attempted the voyage with better provisions and more favorable winds. It consisted of two separate routes - westward from Acapulco to Manila and eastward on the return, following two separate belts of trade winds across the Pacific. Theses three ideologies offer the best evaluation of free trade from three different perspectives. They then crossed Mexico overland for shipment to Spain. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 2001. Theme presented at the 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Hong Kong. The lack of money and rations made it difficult for Indios to buy food or pay tributes (Peterson 2014:88).While this technique saved Spain money, they owed people thousands of pesos (Peterson 2014:203-205). Only two galleons were used: One sailed from Acapulco to Manila with some 500,000 pesos worth of goods, spending 120 days at sea; the other sailed from Manila to Acapulco with some 250,000 pesos worth of goods spending 90 days at sea. As documented by Italian traveler Antonio Pigafetta, in 1518, Ferdinand Magellan and his fleet set out to travel from Spain to the spice islands of Moluccas, where valuable nutmeg and cloves originated (Pigafetta 1969). Corrections? Onboard ships, they were also used for naval engagements against enemies such as the Dutch and the Muslims, or Moros, who were often raiding and attacking Spanish galleons at sea. Companies can expand their target market. However, there was a lack of raw materials to build items necessary for the ships, including sailcloth, arms, nails, chains, anchors and woodworking tools (Peterson 2014:149). So much so that the Spaniards feared them, taxed them, sent them out to the Parian and eventually, when tensions rose, massacred them. Silver was much more valuable in East Asia than it was elsewhere in the 16th century. This paper presents a brief recount of the Manila Galleon sites investigated to date. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. Finally in 1564, Miguel Lopez de Legazpi and Andrs de Urdaneta successfully made the voyage to the Pacific and back. Finally, a system of warning beacons was instigated along the coast of Mexico to warn an incoming galleon that enemy ships were prowling the area. What is galleon trade Philippines? Robert R. Reed, Colonial Manila: The Context of Hispanic Urbanism and Process of Morphogenesis (1978). 2011 The Manila-Acapulco Galleons: The Treasure Ships of the Pacific. Manila Galleon Passenger LuggageAlejandro Linares Garcia (CC BY-SA). In addition, the Dutch supported the Muslims, or Moro, in southern Philippines, to attack the Spanish. The Galleon Trade is referring to trading ships that sailed across the Pacific Ocean to the following places:Manila (Philippines)AcapulcoNew Spain (Mexico) What is a Spanish galleon trade? As a result of all of this, in the Philippines there was "a saltatory rise in the level of foreign trade" (p. 179). Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. There were also numerous problems that hindered his expedition, including the lack of water, leakage, and harsh weather (De Leon-Bolinao 2014:4). Another blow to the Spanish empire was the establishment of the Royal Philippine Company in 1785. The Philippines slowly transitioned into a Spanish colony. . Louisa Schell Hoberman, Mexico's Merchant Elite, 15901660 (1991), esp. In addition, with the increase of Spanish populations in the Philippines, there was a need for more agricultural output to feed the people (Girldez 2015:78). Most of the ships carried goods from China, and thus the Manila Galleons were also called The China Ships. Its good effects were: (a) it increases the government's revenue; (b) it conserves natural resources for the future; and (c) it developed good relationship between countries. The trade, which took place during 1565-1815, became the sole means of communication between Spain and the Philippines. For example, the Spanish changed the balangay, which was a light, slender and fast general-purpose vessel, into a larger and faster military vessel called the caracoa (Stead 2014:7-8). One seaman shared, The history of Filipino seafaring is longnow we are just carrying on that tradition (Aguilar 2012:365). See alsoNew Spain, Viceroyalty of; Silk Industry and Trade. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. In effect, a galleon was a slow-moving but formidable castle on the sea. However, the authors were not able to attend the conference, possibly due to government or administrative restrictions (Jeffrey 2017). Doctoral dissertation, Department of History, University of Hawaii at Mnoa, Honolulu, HI. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. While some natives were obligated to serve as Indios, there were other natives who contributed to the Spanish empire in another way. The galleons typically left Acapulco in March or April and used the trade winds to reach Guam and then the Philippines. Ming porcelain was already highly collectible and much sought-after by Europe's aristocracy, so much so, Chinese potters began to produce designs which were most popular in that market. License. What happened during the galleon trade? Asian Pacific American Federal Foreign Affairs Council. The World of the Manila-Acapulco Galleons: The Global and Human Contexts Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Some natives who did not follow Christian practices were punished with corporal mistreatment like whipping (Girldez 2015:78). Yes with access to limitless New World silver. He holds an MA in Political Philosophy and is the WHE Publishing Director. Peterson argues, the central role the native Indios of the Philippines played in the creation and maintenance of the galleon trade hasbeen overlooked (Peterson 2014:1). With trade becoming the major incentive for immigration to the Philippines, a regular maritime route was also indispensable. By the 19th century, though, they had become a part of maritime history, victims of the process of globalisation in trade they had themselves helped begin. The Spanish city Cdiz is located in the southwestern corner of the Iberian Peninsula, close to the Strait of Gibraltar, between the Atl, Potos The Manila galleon trade is probably more significant in the history of the world as a whole than it is in the history of the United States, but it does have significance for both. These companies, Between 1340 and 1342, as a result of a series of victories over the Moors, Castille controlled the Straits of Gibraltar and reopened trading links b, Cdiz World History Encyclopedia. Onboard galleons, they were supposed to receive half the rations that Spanish sailors received (Girldez 2015:140). 2014 Oceanic Deaths Aboard the Manila Galleons. The fourth and final capture was made in 1762 by a British fleet commanded by Admiral Cornish which relieved the galleon Santsima Trinidad, whose masts had been broken in a storm, of its cargo destined for Acapulco, a haul worth over 2 million silver pesos. Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps, Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Mexico and the Philippines are teaming up for the transnational nomination of the historic Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade route to the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientif In other words, Spain simply did not have enough resources to further develop their trade network. Sailing across the Pacific Ocean until 1815, the galleon trade operated as the mainstay of Manila's economy and led to the establishment of a substantial Chinese community within the city. The Philippines had plenty of raw materials including timber,abac, and fibrous materials, to build the necessary items for galleons. Officers might also make a handsome profit above their salaries by selling goods they had brought across in their personal luggage allowance. During the heyday of the galleon trade, Manila became one of the worlds great ports, serving as a focus for trade between China and Europe. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Even after Mexico gained independence, Mexico and the Philippines still interacted with one another. In The Age of Trade, Girldez discusses the origin and development of the global economy during the Manila Galleon trade, but also focuses on the Philippines role in the global economy (Girldez 2015). Paper presented at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Hawaii. It was also notable for the enormous size of many of the galleons (up to 2,000 tons, comparable only to the largest of the Portuguese East Indiamen) and the mystique of the Asian luxuries it made available. While many historians focus on the rise and fall of the Spanish empire as the colonizer, few discuss the native, or Filipino, perspective as the colonized during the Manila Galleon trade. Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. 2014 All Our Vessels Are Rowed From Within, These Are Paddled From Without, Spanish and European Colonial Reception of Philippine Indigenous Crafts. During the round-trips that took place twice per year (in the case of most of the ships) the galleons brought an incredible amount of goods from Asia to New Spain. In the nineteenth century, some were employed as mercenaries in the southern China coast to defend the port of Shanghai and deal with rebellions (Aguilar 2012:374-377). The term Indio was used to identify natives who were subjugated workers obligated to serve the Spanish, but also was used to identify them as Christian members of Spain (Peterson 2014:22-23). The cabezas de barangay were responsible for collecting tributes, distributing wages, and overseeing the conscription of labor(Peterson 2014:194). Even if there might be more work conducted by Philippine archaeologists about the trade route, there are restrictions to sharing that information with others. Pirates, too, dreamed of taking a ship that could result in every crew member grabbing a lifetime's wages in a single day. In one report, a Spaniard documented that Manila shipbuilders had not been paid in five years (Peterson 2014:205). The so-called Manila Galleon ("Nao de China" or "Nao de Acapulco") brought porcelain, silk, ivory, spices, and myriad other exotic goods from China to Mexico in exchange for New World silver. Paper presented at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, Hawaii. The westbound galleons rode the trade winds, and typically reached Manila without incident in three months. Manila was almost a Chinese city with the huge migration of Chinese due to the Manila Galleon trade as against the few Spaniards and Filipino natives. "Commerce and Culture of the Manila Galleon: Linking the Philippines, Guam, The Americas, and Spain". The long voyage to the Americas was memorably described by the Italian Gemelli Careri who made the crossing at the end of the 17th century: The voyage from the Philippine Islands to America may be called the longest and most dreadful of any in the world, as well because the vast ocean to be crossed being almost one half of the terraqueous globe, with the wind always ahead, as for the terrible tempests that happen there, one upon the back of another, and for the desperate diseases that seize people in 7 or 8 months, lying at sea sometimes near the line, sometimes temperate, and sometimes hot, which is enough to destroy a man of steel, much more flesh and blood, which at sea had but indifferent food. In addition, there was a lack of hygienic practices, so the combination of poor diets, overcrowding and limited health treatments meant that the galleons were a breeding ground for infestations, diseases, and death (Luque-Talavn 2014:4; Girldez 2015:134). In addition, being on the 'wrong' side of the continent for most European ships, Acapulco remained a relatively safe harbour for the galleons. Johanna Hecht They acted as the intermediary, or principala, class between the Spanish colonial power and the Philippine colonized population. A roll of silk was worth 10 times more in the Americas than in Manila. The ships were, first of all, very difficult to find in the open sea, and even pirate vessels that loitered around the American coast for many weeks usually failed to find them. Further, they had large crews of around 100 men in the 16th century and up to 250 in the 18th century. It is important to recognize that without the help of the Philippines, Spain would not have had the same powerful empire between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. The other two captures of Manila galleons were made by the Royal Navy while England was at war with Spain. A replica of a Spanish galleon The galleons continued to regularly sail for Mexico until 1811 when Mexican rebels took control of Acapulco. The absence of presenters from the National Museum of the Philippines limited the ability to disseminate information about archaeological sites and objects involved in the Manila Galleon trade. The paper jointly presents quantitative and qualitative data to analyze in a critical way the existing work on the Manila Galleon. ." Merchants made anywhere from 150 to 200% profit on their investment. The last galleon from Manila sailed to Acapulco in 1811 and returned to Manila in 1815 (Steele 1925:84; Aguilar 2012:366). Special interests include art, architecture, and discovering the ideas that all civilizations share. The journey was much easier in this direction and took about three to four months. Throughout Petersons dissertation, he highlights the Philippines contribution to the Manila Galleon trade, giving them more credit for their part in the Spanish empire (Peterson 2014). It was far more likely to be sunk by storm, reef, or accidental fire than an enemy attack. No Holds Barred Episode 4: Road to Tokyo Olympics with Hidilyn Diaz, SUBSCRIBE Not only do we pay for our servers, but also for related services such as our content delivery network, Google Workspace, email, and much more. Even though the Manila Galleon trade ended, the work of the natives did not. How did the galleon trade help in the economy of the Philippines? The galleon trade had a negative effect on economic development in the Philippines since virtually all Spanish capital was devoted to speculation in Chinese goods. In addition, the Philippines engaged in interisland trade with areas like Brunei (Min 2014:48). China? The Philippines sacrificed their money, labor and resources to power the Manila Galleon trade. Meanwhile, the second galleon would travel to Acapulco with around 250,000 pesos worth of goods on a journey that took 90 days at sea. The decision to establish a Spanish trading base in Manila was due to a number of favorable factors, including the existing trade network in Asia, the cheap labor provided by the natives, and the numerous resources that supported the Manila Galleon trade. One of its good effects was that it developed an interest in the cultures of the two countries. 1. Spain was uniquely well prepared to conduct this commerce because of the convenient geographical location of Manila and America's large supply of silver. But Chinese silk designs may have inspired some of the patterned . Advertisement. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Brainliest me pls. The so-called Manila Galleon (Nao de China or Nao de Acapulco) brought porcelain, silk, ivory, spices, and myriad other exotic goods from China to Mexico in exchange for New World silver. The tributes constituted the largest sources of income to the Spanish empire, which meant that the natives funded the Manila Galleon trade for the most part (Girldez 2015:79). The Galleon Trade One of the reasons why the Spaniards wanted to stay in the Philippines was because of the Galleon Trade. A roll of silk, for example, was worth 10 times more in the Americas than in Manila. Some of the foreign goods traded in the Philippines included glass beads, silk, iron implements, lead net sinkers, iron needles and ceramics. One another works cited list more favorable winds at war with Spain, University of at... Significant contributions to colonial Spanish culture Cultural Landscapes and Seascapes of Asia-Pacific Voyaging. 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