. 6. The boys are continuing on their 2-day NZ fishing and camping mission. Email addresses are not made available to the public. MBTiles downloads are available through my FastSpring store. In no event shall NZ Topo Map be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages or those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising out of the use, inability to use, or the results of use of this web site, any web sites linked to this web site, or the materials or information contained at any or all such web sites, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not advised of the possibility of such damages. 7. The Miranda Seabird Centre is not far south of this semi-serious sculpture but that will wait for another day. The following 3rd party apps are available allowing offline use of the topo maps: This service wouldn't be possible without: Service provided by Gavin Harriss. ). 7. For Aucklanders, just driving half of it on a day-escape is a rural and beach-side tonic. 1. Firth Of Thames. NE 0.0 m. Poor Knights Islands. Redirecting to https://www.swellmap.co.nz/boating/nz/firth-of-thames (308) E 1.8 m. Musick Point. The winter chill is still very evident over most of the Hauraki Gulf with vast areas of seemingly no fish at times, yet hot spots pop up with sudden flurries and fast fishing with dolphins, gannets, petrels and lots of fish all joining in the display. Upper Tertiary eruptive rocks, the Kiwitahi Volcanics, are also present on the western side as isolated extrusive bodies which line the western boundary of the Hauraki depression. Nearby. You may choose to disclose personal information to NZ Topo Map when you give feedback or in submission forms. The Firth of Thames is a large bay located in the north of the North Island of New Zealand. Sea slight. Important site for roosting, wintering and staging wading birds. Soon we see the Firth of Thames, silver at first glimpse and patterned with orderly lines of oyster racks. The firth is . The tips and places you will visit will depend on that locals personal experience . Macbook ChartPlotter, and Windows Marine Navigation Appnow available-. All rights reserved. The map series printed will depend upon the size of the area selected. Firth of Thames. The alternate road heading south from Auckland, along the Firth of Thames, is a quiet, visual treat with lots to see and do. 7. Firth of Thames | Waikato Regional Council Skip to main content Kaunihera Council Council About us Elected members The work we do Executive leadership team Making a stand for the Waikato Local Governance Statement Shovel ready projects How we're performing It occupies a rift valley or graben between the Coromandel Peninsula and Hunua Ranges which continues into the Hauraki Plains to the south.ConservationThe Firth of Thames is an important site for waders or shorebirds, and is listed as a wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention. Sunrise 06:58. Travelling the less-sandy side of the Coromandel Peninsula with no plans and a child on board. Your submission has been received! The Firth of Thames is located in the northern part of New Zealand's North Island, on the Hauraki Gulf. 7. . This information is aggregated and doesn't identify you personally. Craving a long weekend away? An alternative win-win method of donating is to buy an Entertainment Membership. Map imagery when developing your own website maps & apps. It looks like the Spring action is not too far away, its not here yet but were under starters orders, a week or three perhaps? Southeast 15 knots developing in the morning, turning easterly 15 knots in the afternoon, then easing to 10 knots in the evening. Thames Weather Forecast and Observations - MetService New Zealand Thames - 48 Hours Heavy Rain Watch Heavy Rain Watch Period: 7hrs from 9am - 4pm Mon, 27 Feb Area: Coromandel Peninsula Forecast: Periods of heavy rain with possible thunderstorms and localised downpours. See our terms and conditions of use. 20% of every membership sold contributes towards the costs of running NZ Topo Map. Maybe the schools out wide of the Barriers will head in like another particularly large whale along a temperature break south of Little Barrier - the next big thing/area? View full forecast Today: Variable 5 knots. It is the firth of the rivers Waihou and Piako, the former of which was formerly named the Thames River, and the town of Thames lies on its southeastern coast.Its original name is Tikapa.The firth lies at the southern end of the Hauraki Gulf, southeast of the city of Auckland. 29/01/90; North Island; ~7,800 ha; 3713'S 17523'E. Coastal Reserve; Shorebird Network Site. 5. Swellmap.com N/A This domain provided by ionos.com at 2005-08-30T01:12:06Z (17 Years, 165 Days ago) , expired at 2023-08-30T01:12:06Z (0 Years, 199 Days left). E 1.2 m. Musick Point. 13 talking about this. Closed tracks or routes on this map are defined as being no longer maintained or passable and should not be used by recreationalists. Provided it . However good news - the bite returned this week with widely scattered action stations around the gulf, set to continue in the short term so what does this mean for our fishing? E 1.8 m. Raglan Entrance. 4. The Firth of Thames Fault is a postulated minor hinge fault along the western side of the still tectonically active Hauraki Rift which could have a length up to 220km (140mi) and fairly likely 150km (93mi). Nautical navigation features include advanced instrumentation to gather wind speed direction, water temperature, water depth, and accurate GPS with AIS receivers(using NMEA over TCP/UDP). Do what the locals do in East Auckland. Donations also show your love and encourage me to development new functionality. You can use the site without disclosing any personal information. The coastal drive is stunning & there's several boat ramps available to launch giving you easy 10 min access to fishing grounds. Here's what you need to know to ensure your trophy fish legally qualifies for a category record. Easterly swell 1.5 metres. Firth of Thames,NU marine chart is included in North Island Charts nautical charts folio. What a nice day it was, I will definitely do this again.For those interested, the boat wrap was done by United Printing Limited https://www.unitedprinting.co.nz/Created by:Pix on Firewww.facebook.com/pixonfirePhotographyMusic:Epidemic soundWhen I'm Gone - Johan Svensson Skirted lures have been the go by a noticeable margin this week, rather than hard body/metal jigs. Kawakawa Bay is a small settlement facing North / North West on the Hauraki Gulf /Firth of Thames.Me and a few work mates had the opportunity to go out on a . At Kawakawa Bay the road runs along the edge of a shelly beach. W 1.2 m. The Noises. A small donation Firth Of Thames. Kingfish seemed to vanish briefly although I suspect over the next several days when they pop their heads up and come back on the feed the energy will be high, there are big fat pilchards to be hounded down, a good time to target the king of fish this coming week. SwellMap is driven by , IIS, NFS, or listener RFS remote_file_sharing: 1025, Point-to-point tunnelling protocol: 1723, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): 5060, desc : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----,https://vercel.com. Ramsar site no. Log In. Sea temperature 22.0 C. NE 0.0 m. Poor Knights Islands. 8. NW 0.1 m. Inner Gulf. 7. Firth Of Thames. W 0.7 m. The Noises. . SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . Kawakawa Bay is great for families. The following important information is taken directly from the maps legend: All information and materials available at this web site are provided "as is" without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, and NZ Topo Map disclaims all warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of intellectual property or arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice. "NOAA" and the NOAA emblem are registered trademarks of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. We grab seedy bread and treats to go. A green rating between 7 and 10 indicates calm waters, based on little or no wind, and swell height less than a metre. A large Brydes whale has been hanging around in there too. What could possibly go wrong? 1. E 1.8 m. Raglan Entrance. MetService is New Zealand's national weather authority, providing accurate boating and surf forecasts across NZ. This website and legacy API calls will be depreciated on the 1st of July, 2022. Includes a globally rare land formation of graded shell beach ridges which support grazing. 3 Mile Reef. Water Sports website N/A This domain provided by ionos.com at 2005-08-30T01:12:06Z (17 Years, 184 Days ago), expired at 2023-08-30T01:12:06Z (0 Years, 180 Days left). Free accurate 7 day ocean fishing weather forecasts including ratings, summaries, temperature, rain, wind, humidity, cloud cover, pressure and visibility for Firth Of Thames. The New Zealand Automobile Association Inc. It looks like you have an ad blocker installed. Read the story. Clevedon, a village in the middle of rolling green farmland is the kick-off point for the Firth of Thames coastal road. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . It is available as part of iBoating : New Zealand Marine & Fishing App (now supported on multiple platforms including Android, iPhone/iPad, MacBook, and Windows (tablet and phone)/PC based chartplotter. - SwellMap surf ratings. Description is not currently available, Rockford.skipthegames.com (3 mins ago) / US, Bullard-havens.cttech.org (1 mins ago) / US, Businessmodelanalyst.com (3 mins ago) / US, IIS, NFS, or listener RFS remote_file_sharing: 1025, Point-to-point tunnelling protocol: 1723, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): 5060, desc : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----,https://vercel.com. N 0.5 m. Waiinu Hole. 7. Please be patient while the PDF is generated, especially with larger page sizes. Maybe the schools out wide of the Barriers will head in like another particularly large whale along a temperature break south of Little Barrier the next big thing/area? 1. Liz Light. Reviews, get directions and contact details. The best time to visit Clevedon is Sunday morning for the farmers market, but we are there on Friday. SwellMap provides the following features: - 7 day swell and wind forecast graphs to make interpreting the surf conditions ahead easy. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . Firth Of Thames. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Rainfall amounts may approach warning criteria. the pages you visited on our site and the links you clicked on, the referring site (if any) from which you clicked through to this site, your operating system, for example Windows 10, Mac OS X, the type of web browser you use, such as Chrome, Edge or Safari. Ask us. We headed out from Whangaroa Marina in the far north of New Zealand on Nautilus Charters in search of some big snapper to test out the new reels and they performed flawlessly! 7. If your use of the materials or information on this web site results in the need for servicing, repair or correction of equipment or data, you assume all costs thereof. [1] Liz Light. Now Automatic Slip to Slip Boat routing based Boat's Draft (draught) is available for water mapped by this chart.