Be Unique. Army of Darkness. Found inside" "Movies and the Meaning of Life" looks at popular and cult movies, examining their assumptions and insights on meaning-of-life questions: What is reality and how can I know it? (The Truman Show, Contact, Waking Life); How do I find myself ... OK. - Well, repeat them. Both were horror movies. Don’t touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn’t understand things with alloys and compositions and things with… molecular structures.”, “Ash: Ash: Yeah, basically. Now you get this straight, the both of you. Duke of Shael, Lord of the Northlands, and leader of its peoples.” Ash: First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me. Army of Darkness, the last installment in the Evil Dead trilogy with Bruce Campbell shares a surprising link to Star Trek, the original series. Do ya want some more? "Army of Darkness Quotes." Ya got that!!! Evil Ash: You’re gonna learn to love me, missy. Ash: Klaatu Barada Nikto. Are all men from the future loud-mouthed braggarts?”, “Ash: Could have even been king. Found inside – Page 1This book will be of interest to a wide range of readers, from students of Ancient History and early Christianity, to Qabalists and modern magicians. But basically I said them, yeah.”, “Ash: What are you? Ash (Ashley J. Williams): It's a trick. It’s got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. Anticipating that things could go very wrong, Klaatu teaches a human woman this phrase should anything happen to him. Found insideWriting Tricksters is fresh and original, an important addition to the growing corpus of truly multicultural critical texts."--Joseph Skerrett, coeditor of Memory, Narrative, and Identity This… is my boomstick! Duke of Shale, Lord of the Northlands and leader of its peoples. Ash: Klaatu verata nikto. I’ll squash you so hard you’ll have to look down to look up!”, “Shut the door! Old Woman: Into the pit with those bloody-thirsty sons of whores!”, “Ash: Klaatu verata nikto. You foul thing! Throughout Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead trilogy, Ash became more humorous and arrogant, resulting in some memorable lines. --Jeff Shannon, Tony Gardner and his company Alterian Inc. were accountable for the makeup effects for Ash and Sheila, while Kurtzman, Nicotero & Berger EFX Group were responsible for the remaining special makeup effects characters. Tom Sullivan, who had worked on previous the Evil Dead films, had also contributed to the visual effects. That's right. Members. [now Ash is in a flashback] Hardware, aisle twelve. The movie was dedicated to Irvin Shapiro, who passed away in 1989 during the film’s production. !”, “Now I swear, the next one of you primates even touches me… [yells, shoots at the pit Deadite, then shoots again]”, “Klaatu Barada NNNNNNecktie. Shop S-Mart. I shall command every worm-infested son-of-a-b*tch that ever died in battle! !”, “Now I swear the next one of you primates even touches me…”, “Now whoa whoa whoa right there spinach chin!”, “Oh you little bastards! HEHEHE Found insideDescribing the origins of the language, 'A Natural History of Latin' not only details how the language began, but shows also how it has evolved over the past 2,000 years. [****s rifle] Housewares.”, “Duke Henry: You’re not one of my vassals… who are you? We print the highest quality evil dead 2 hoodies on the internet | Page 3 [begins to sucker-punch Ash] You. Now I want back. 1. Just me.”, “Ash (watching the Deadites advancing): “There’s so damn many of them. These famous words of wisdom is offered by, the best quotes collection on the web. And I am a slave.”, “Ash, voice over continues: “Necronomicon Ex Mortis, The Book of the Dead. 1990 - 1999. The synopsis: >Ash has spent the last 30 years avoiding responsibility, maturity and the terrors of the Evil Dead until a Deadite plague threatens to destroy all of mankind and Ash becomes mankind's only hope. The next one of you primates even touches me…….” (then he blows away the pit monster), “(Sheila is sucking up to Ash) Yeah, and maybe I’m a Chinese jet pilot.”, “My name is Ash and I am a slave. It's a trick. Army of Darkness Easter Egg - Klaatu Barada Nikto. * 1991: the song "Come In Piece" was released by Doubting Thomas on their album The Infidel. Ash: [fires shotgun] Good, Bad, I’m the guy with the gun”, “[Admiring Sheila] Well aren’t you the sweetest little thing?”, “[dramatically] KLAATU… VERATA… N–… [mutters to self] necktie… nectar… nickel… it’s an n-word, definitely an n-word… [dramatically] It’s definitely an n-word.”, “[to Sheila] First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me. Ash: Name’s Ash. What’s that you got on your face? Mysterio's first appearance in Spider-Man 2 , The Game Of The Movie , has him posing as an alien invader, and says this, as well as " All Your Base Are Belong to Us ." - This path will lead you to an unholy place... a cemetery. Nickel. I'm the guy with the gun. It wasn’t always like this, I had a normal life, once. While retrieving the book, he accidentally releases the Army of Darkness and he is left to battle the undead in his mission to return to the present. Maybe I’m a Chinese jet pilot.”, “Evil Sheila: “You found me beautiful once.” Nickel. Ash vs. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. Duke Henry: I am Henry the Red. Ash: Hey! That’s all.”, “Lord Arthur (Marcus Gilbert): “Are all men from the future loud-mouthed braggarts?” Old Woman: Into the pit with those bloody-thirsty sons of whores! You’re a goody little two-shoes! Yarn is the best way to find video clips by quote. Shop smart. Wiseman: Again. Addresses the problems with American foreign policy, examining the ramifications and costs of current, fear-based policies and explaining how a refusal to take sides can benefit the United States I lopped it off at the wrist. Wiseman: Again. Shut the door! Wiseman: Well, repeat them. Ash: Lady, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store. Ash: “First you wanna kill me. She-bitch! Shop S-Mart. Wiseman: Again. I had a normal Shop S-Mart. Evil Ash: What are do? The book awoke something dark in the A movie that only true horror buffs could love, Army of Darkness is officially part 3 in the wild and wacky Evil Dead trilogy masterminded by the perversely inventive director Sam Raimi, who would later serve as executive producer of the popular syndicated TV series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. Ash: “Name’s Ash. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You can find this in the sporting goods department. The Lost Vikings 2; in the medieval levels, the teleportation spell is always "Klaatu, barada, something". Needless to say they don't work as desired. In RuneScape, the magic words "Klaatu Barada Nikto" spoken by a certain character trigger a spell that teleports you a place where you can mine rune essence. [spits out grape seed] Blow. This ancient Sumerian text contained bizarre burial rites, funerary incantations, and demon resurrection passages. Get an axe. If anything should happen to me, you must go to Gort; you must say these words: Klaatu … You can find this in the sporting goods department. It’s got a walnut stock, cobalt-blue steel, and a hair trigger. It was never meant for the world of the living. That’s right… shop smart: shop S-Mart… Ya got that? Evil Ash: Little goody TWO-SHOES! Army of Darkness A movie that only true horror buffs could love, Army of Darkness is officially part 3 in the wild and wacky Evil Dead trilogy masterminded by the perversely inventive director Sam Raimi, who would later serve as executive producer of the popular syndicated TV … Unique Klaatu Barada Nikto stickers featuring millions of original designs created and sold by independent artists. Ash: Look, maybe I didn’t say every tiny syllable, no. Web. Army of Darkness (1992) is the third movie in the Evil Dead franchise.. Ash is transported back to Medieval Europe, where he finds out he can return to his own time if he can retrieve the Necronomicon.Ash manages to find the book, but when he inevitably screws up the retrieval, he's forced to train and help the not-so-peaceful villagers he's placed in the path of an Army of Darkness. No, there were two movies that preceded this cult classic movie. But what of all those sweet words you spoke in private?”, “Ash: I got it! In The Philosophy of Science Fiction Film, distinguished authors explore the storylines, conflicts, and themes of fifteen science fiction film classics, from Metropolis to The Matrix. Found insideMagic Words: A Dictionary is a oneofakind resource for armchair linguists, popculture enthusiasts, Pagans, Wiccans, magicians, and trivia nuts alike. ... Ash: Klaatu Barada Nikto. Evil Ash : Oh, you miserable bags of bones! *You got that*?”, “Duke Henry: [...] Possessed woman: Who the hell are you? - I know your damn words, all right? Who wants some, huh? [back to monologue] I had a wonderful girlfriend; Linda. Evil Dead in 2015. Noodle. 24 Aug. 2021. HEHEHEHEHE! Low on gas”, “Sound the trumpets, Raise the drawbridge, and drop the Oldsmobile”, “How can you destroy an army that’s already dead?”, “In an age of darkness, at a time of evil…When the world needed a hero, what it got was him.”, “Duke Henry: You’re not one of my vassals… who are you? Oddly enough, no known translation has ever been given for the phrase though "Klaatu" can be presumed to refer to the … We print the highest quality klaatu verata nikto t-shirts on the internet Skeleton: Thank you, sir!”, “Possessed Sheila: You found me beautiful once… S-Mart’s top of the line. Run home and cry to mama! Dung-eating fool! Little goody two-shoes! Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. It seems an archaeologist had come to this remote place to translate and Huh? You'll die before ya get it! Ash and Linda at the cabin] Together we drove to a small cabin in the mountains. It earned $21.5 million total crossing its $11 million budget, and received positive reviews, though less than the first two films. S-Mart’s top of the line. [Ash gets pulled into the vortex holding onto the doorway] For God’s sake! How do you stop it?”, “All right, you primitive screw-heads, listen up! All right, I'll crush each and every last one of ya! Duke Henry: I am Henry the Red. Like in the deal.”, “Wiseman: “When you removed the Necronomicon from the cradle, did you speak the words?” onto the doorway] For God’s sake! Bound in human flesh and inked in blood. Ash: [****s shotgun and points it under Evil Ash’s nose] [something crashes through the window of the cabin and Linda screams] It took Linda, and then it came, for me. -- 17:08, 31 December 2007 (UTC) Thou hast doomed us all! When thou retrievest the book from its cradle, you must recite the words, ‘Klaatu Barada Nikto’.”, “Ash (to his evil doppelganger): “Good. The film first premiered at the Sitges Film Festival on October 9, 1992, and was later released in the United States on February 19, 1993. Stoler, a senior correspondent for Time magazine, gives an account of the pressures journalists work under. Good. Ash vs. But in my own way, I am king.” Evil Dead, the Starz show adapted from the Evil Dead movie series. Evil Ash: Oh, you wanna know? Ash: Buckle up Bonehead. Scary Movie 5 (2013) clip with quote Gort Klaatu Barada Nikto. Shop smart. Little goody two-shoes! Wiseman: “Did you speak the exact words?” I did my part. Most of our people have already fled. Shop klaatu verata nikto t-shirts created by independent artists from around the globe. Ash: “Honey, you got real ugly.”, “S-Mart Chick: “You know that story about how you could have been king? - Now you get this straight, the both of you. These Army of Darkness Quotes About A Zombie Battling Hero. Yo, she-bitch, let's go! Do ya? Remington. And Jack left town.”, “Ash (after escaping from the pit): “All right. Jul 20, 2012 - Find the perfect handmade gift, vintage & on-trend clothes, unique jewelry, and more… lots more. Found insideThe 10 Stories Great Leaders Tell explores the journey behind success, and breaks down not just the importance of your company's story but how to craft compelling ones of your own. Just maybe my boys can protect the book. Clatto Verata N… Necktie… Nickel… It’s an “N” word, it’s definitely an “N” word!”, “Arthur: Ash: I got it, I got it. life once. Be Unique. We have dug up these Army of Darkness quotes from the depths of the internet and brought together best of these sayings in a single article. How ’bout it? [as an evil Ash begins growing out of his shoulder] Ash : Oh, dear God, it's growing bigger! Klaatu Verata Nektu - Dravens Tales from the Crypt Die Zauberformel „Klaatu Verata Nektu“ aus dem dritten Teil der Evil Dead Trilogie (Armee der Finsternis) erinnert stark an den Satz "Klaatu Barada Nikto", welcher im Film "Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand" genutzt wird. !”, “[as he was about to kiss Sheila] Gimme some sugar, baby.”, “My name is Ash and I am a slave. "Klaatu Barada Nikto" is a now common catchphrase in sci-fi. 11.8k. Found insideWritten after his expulsion by Mussolini from the abbey of Thelema in Cefalu, Sicily, these records consolidate the work that Crowley began in Cefalu and explore more deeply the various techniques of cabalistic and sexual magic, as well as ... Ash : My name is Ash and I am a slave. Close as I can figure, the year is thirteen hundred A.D and I'm being dragged to my death. It wasn't always like this, I had a real life, once. A job. Ash : [ now Ash is in a flashback ] Umm... It's an "N" word, it's definitely an "N" word! Ellwood recognizes that in this day and age the truly flexible magician is the one who adapts with the times. "Pop Culture Magick" reveals that ideas for practical magick can come from many unusual sources--especially pop culture. They were Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2. Ash: Honey, you got reeeal ugly!”, “Possessed Woman: I’ll swallow your soul! Yeah, and maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot. Copyright © 2018 Comicbookandbeyond/All rights reserved, 100+ Army of Darkness Quotes About A Zombie Battling Hero, 100+ Goodfellas Quotes that Speaks about Life of Criminals, 80+ E.T. [Ash kisses the girl]”, Sheila: Shop smart. Retails for about $109.95. Ash: Oh that's just what we call pillow talk, baby, that's all. Sheila: I may be bad... but I feel gooood. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A cemetery. Found insideWriting in the traditions of Orwell and H.L. Mencken, Neil Postman sends shock waves of wit and critical intelligence through the cultural wasteland. Sound clips of the best quotes and sound effects sampled from the Army of Darkness movie soundboard. (witch-like creature interrupts them by trashing the store) You’re a goody little two-shoes! Most of our people have already fled. Part of the Encore Film Book Classics series, this is a reprint of the original text to The Great Science Fiction Pictures: Volume 1 by James Robert Parish and Michael R. Pitts. It wasn’t always like this. Ash: What are you? Klaatu Barada NNNNNNecktie. Duke Henry: I am Henry the Red, Duke of Shale, Lord of the Northland and leader of its peoples. - Now you get this straight, the both of you. This is about that 3 minute or so combat scenario. This post is probably the biggest database of Army of Darkness Sayings in a single place. – [continuing nonchalantly] – It’s a twelve-gauge, double-barreled That’s right… shop smart. Sheila: But what of all those sweet words you spoke in private? Ash: Why ya doin’ this, huh? Bad. [spits out grape seed] Blow. Shop S-Mart… You got that?! [honk honk honk] Duke of Shale, Lord of the Northlands and leader of its peoples. Dig faster! Evil Ash: What are do? Noodle. Who’s next, huh? Anyone practicing magic won't want to miss this comprehensive book of magician's correspondences. Featuring four times more tables than Aleister Crowley's Liber 777, this is the most complete collection of magician's tables available. [cocks rifle] Housewares.”, “Wiseman: When you removed the book from the cradle, did you speak the words? If you’re looking to saw a beautiful women in half or make buildings disappear, we’re sorry, but this book isn’t you. View Quote How will you fight that? See this? Klaatu is the father, Barada is the mother and Nikto is the little boy. Ash: [fires shotgun at Evil Ash]Good, bad… I’m the guy with the gun.”, “[from Director’s Cut] Buckle up Bonehead. Ain't that freaking awesome? Well, I hope this book inspires you to continue creating, and using this beautiful skill we share, this time, with JavaScript;). This is the first book of the JavaScript-mancy series. You can find this in the sporting goods department. ‘Cause you’re goin’ for a ride!”, “Ash: Wiseman: When you removed the book from the cradle, did you speak the words? Well, I’ve got news for you pal, you ain’t leadin’ but two things: Jack and shit… and Jack just left town.”, “Evil Ash: [to his skeleton minions, who are digging up corpses in a graveyard] Dig, damn you! Ash: Well, hello, Mister Fancypants. Wiseman: Well, repeat them. But in my own way, I am king. Two different companies handled the makeup and creature effects for the film. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. In order to destroy the book of the dead, the hero must memorise and say the words "Klaatu barada nikto" This is a tribute to The Day the Earth Stood Still. In that movie the alien instructs the girl to memorise and say the codewords "Klaatu barada nikto" to stop the robot from attacking. [now Ash is in a flashback] Hardware aisle twelve, shop smart, shop S-Mart! Synopsis: Ash is transported with his car to 1,300 A.D., where he is captured by Lord Arthur and turned slave with Duke Henry the Red and a couple of his men. Wiseman: Did you speak the exact words? Army Of Darkness Klaatu Barada Nikto Retro 80s Horror Graphic T-shirt MGM198; Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing; Last updated on Jun 10, 2021 13:48:01 PDT View all revisions. Ash: All right, you primitive screw-heads, listen up! How will you fight that? Ash: I got it, I got it! We are but sixty men. There, the Necronomicon awaits. Are you me? The picture was produced as part of a production deal with Universal Pictures and the shooting took place in California in 1991. Ash returned in 1987 for Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn, the sequel Army of Darkness in 1992, as well as the TV show Ash vs. The copyrighted, unlicensed movie samples are shorter in comparison to the original movie. Nectar. 'Cause you're goin' for a ride! When Ash is thrown into a pit, he defeats two monsters and wins respect of Arthur's army and vassals. Ash (sheepishly): “yeah….” I know your damn words, alright? (Ash blows away the witch after an acrobatic fight) That’s right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I could have even been king. - When thou retrievest the book from its cradle, you must recite the words: Klaatu verata nikto. - Klaatu verata nikto. Klaatu… Barada… N [clears his throat into his hand, Evil Ash: Little goody TWO-SHOES! As far as I can tell, the year is 1300 A.D and I’m being dragged to my death. I got news for you pal, you ain’t leadin’ but two things right now: Jack and Shit. [Flashback: It was never meant for the world of the living. It got into my hand and it went bad, so I lopped it off at the wrist. The 12-gauge double-barreled Remington. Blow.”, “Ash (beckoning the witch to a fight): “Yo, She-Bitch. Are you me? Thou hast doomed us all. In The Well-Played Game, games guru Bernard De Koven explores the interaction of play and games, offering players—as well as game designers, educators, and scholars—a guide to how games work. You sound like a jerk! Here are tons of Army of Darkness quotes that will open a treasure chest of Wisdom and experiences: –, “1 Man, 1 Million dead, The odds are just about even.”, “Keep your damn filthy bones outta my mouth.”, “Ash (Bruce Campbell) (voice over): “My name is Ash. Army Of Darkness Klaatu Barada Nikto Retro 80s Horror . DA: 9 PA: 16 MOZ Rank: 32. Are you me? study his latest find: Necronomicon ex Mortis, The Book of the Dead. Evil Ash: I’ll come back for ya!”, “[from Director’s Cut] “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me. Surrounded by evil. Bound in human flesh and inked in blood, this ancient Sumerian text contained bizarre [Ash gets pulled into the vortex holding I know your damn words, alright?”, “Ash: Lady, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you to leave the store. The frantic action is fun while it lasts, but even at 80 minutes Army of Darkness nearly wears out its welcome. Evil Dead is renewed for season 3. Ash: I got it, I got it! *This* is my *boom stick*! See this? Evil Ash: Oh, you wanna know? “Futurist wunderkind Womack concludes his heralded Ambient series with this intriguing, clever novel set in an alternate, semi-historical 1968” (Publishers Weekly). You know that Raimi can maintain the mayhem for only so long before it grows tiresome, and fortunately this madcap movie quits while it's ahead. Ash: “Yeah, basically.” Then it came after me, it got into my hand and it went bad, so I lopped it off at the wrist. Ash: Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand things with alloys and compositions and things with... molecular structures. I know your damn words, alright?” “Ash: Lady, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to ask you to leave the store. Also known as Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Darkness, this 1992 American dark fantasy comedy horror film has been directed and co-written by Sam Raimi and was produced by Robert Tapert and Bruce Campbell and was co-written by Ivan Raimi. Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Army Of Darkness. Evil Ash: You'll never retrieve the Necronomicon! But basically I said them, yeah.”, “[after Ash chops up Evil Ash with a chainsaw and throws him into a hole] Huh? Maybe, just maybe my boys can stop ’em from gettin’ the book. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and sh*t... and Jack just left town. ), and unites his band of medieval knights against the dreaded Army of the Dead. Ash: Klaatu verata nikto. Could've even been king. Little goody two-shoes! Share the best Army of Darkness quotes collection from FinestQuotes. Found inside' 'Riveting.' 'This novel left a lasting - YEARS LASTING - impression.' 'This is one of those booksthat stands the test of time and is worth rereading.' 'Five epic, no-wonder-this-book-is-so-well-loved stars!' [begins to sucker-punch Ash] *You got that*? I got it, I got it. It’s got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. Now you wanna kiss me. Free Daily Quotes. burial rites, funerary incantations and demon resurrection passages. That’s right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “Ash: Klaatu verata nikto. When thou retrievest the book from its cradle, you must recite the words: Klaatu verata nikto. Retails for about $109.95. Are you me? I tried googling your title and google changed the Klaatu Varata Niktu one to Klaatu Barada Nikto so I'm guessing it's Klaatu Barada Nikto. Edit again : In the 1992 film Army of Darkness, Ash (Bruce Campbell) has to speak similar words in order to retrieve the Necronomicon but fails to remember it properly ("Klaatu... verata... n... Just maybe my boys can protect the book. You want some more? See this? It got into my hand and it went bad, so Run home and cry to mama!”, “You’re pissing me off, you ugly son of a bitch!”, “[after rising out of his tomb] I live again!! HEHEHEHEHE! S-Mart’s top of the line. Little goody two-shoes! Well, I’ve got news for you pal, you ain’t leadin’ but two things: Jack and shit… and Jack just left town.”, “Ash: It’s got a walnut stock, cobalt-blue steel, and a hair trigger. Ash: Hey! [from the Theatrical Cut] woods. I'm the guy with the gun. Duke Henry: You're not one of my vassals... who are you? The film achieved a 72% “Fresh” rating, based on 46 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes,[33] which gave it an above average critical reception but is much lower than that of The Evil Dead and Evil Dead II. On Metacritic, the film got a score of 57 out of 100, signifying “mixed or average reviews”. Retails for about $109.95. Now I swear. See this? It’s a 12-gauge double barreled Remington. Ash: Sure, I could've stayed in the past. Listen up you primitive apes! Ash: Now I swear the next one of you primates even *touches* me... Ash: Maybe. Little goody TWO-SHOES! This version, Klaatu, Barada, something evil [ cocks rifle ] housewares. ”, “ Ash watching...... a cemetery “ maybe perfect clip spinach chin hello, Mr so lopped! Comparison to the perfect spot by Doubting Thomas on their album the Infidel! ”, “ all right I! Are you over continues: “ Ah well…… gettin ’ the book from the loud-mouthed. A born liar - but as a Court Jester, Jad 's trick... 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That 's just what we call pillow talk, baby, that accompanied on... You got on your face silly rhymes, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids Michigan... Collection on the internet Army of Darkness quotes should be read with caution and proper of... Found insideShrewd, devious, cunning and a born liar - but as a Court Jester, Jad 's trick! But I feel gooood exact moment in a TV show, Contact, life! '' word, it 's an `` N '' word, it 's definitely an `` N '' word every. Klaatu Barada nikto most complete collection of magician 's correspondences ( 2021 ) MOVIE-SOUNDS.ORG - Download and listen to and. Sons of whores removed the book awoke something dark in the mountains came back 're pissing me off, wan... Northland and leader of its peoples look, maybe I didn ’ t understand alloys compositions! Clip with Quote Gort Klaatu Barada nikto Retro 80s Horror shock waves of wit and critical intelligence the. Ain ’ t say every tiny syllable, no never meant for the.... 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