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It is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.8% from 2021 to 2028. 0000022626 00000 n
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India, South Korea, Japan, and China are among the most-lucrative automotive aftermarkets in APAC xref
Transtar Holding Co. is portfolio of industry-leading automotive aftermarket and original equipment (OE) businesses with a focus on high-quality products and unmatched customer service. the major subsector of the automotive industry comprising the automotive part businesses and automotive service industry. The market size of e-commerce automotive aftermarket was exceeded USD 42 billion in 2019. What is the anticipated growth for the e-commerce automotive aftermarket industry share during the forecast period?
WI-MB, TU Darmstadt 1989 –1993 Pirelli Breuberg: Product Management, KAM 7 0 obj This volume presents realistic estimates for the level of fuel economy that is achievable in the next decade for cars and light trucks made in the United States and Canada. Found inside – Page 78Consumers understand they are in an automotive shop and they expect the ... and Aftermarket (2008). https://www.canadapost.ca/cpo/mr/assets/pdf/business/ ... The automotive aftermarket comprises a diverse set of established and new players Example – Germany Parts manu-facturers Parts distributors Workshops Intermediaries End customers Auto centers and fast fits A.T., Pitstop, etc. Found insideExamines Japan's innovative, highly successful production methods 154 0 obj
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,��1R�\���M'0^kXvNB��b /Rotate 0 /Annots 11 0 R >> By Keith Spacapan. Automotive Aftermarket Repair Process. This book explores all these different solutions for moving our vehicles from fossil fuel consumption to new, more environmentally-friendly power sources. We offer a lot of materials which you can download as PDF files: In addition to cross-reference lists, you will also find information sheets here on our products. Found inside – Page 280... the New Gentex Aftermarket Full Display Mirror (FDM). http://www.gentex.com/ media-kit-files/Aftermarket-FDM/Aftermarket-FDM-Flyer.pdf Köllner, ... $��8mpyy���e��M�D�l���y�gl6Xqy���[!�}��lzh�P%�`EGG�p�4 @6 �C9���;��J�Yd�'��5 -�f` �8�0�2��0�e6`�ɠ��v��]���66p�`�ePo`��`��栖����Q4@���C˫�|�F�`de`g`. • China automotive aftermarket is expected to grow steadily at ~8% p.a. Analysing developments in digital technologies and institutional changes, this book provides an overview of the current frenetic state of transformation within the global automobile industry. The 536,000 businesses in the U.S. automotive aftermarket industry form a coast-to-coast network of independent manufacturers, distributors, repair shops, marketers and retailers, small and large. I/We hereby make application for membership in Washington Automotive Industry Association (WAIA), a non-profit Washington corporation. Found insideThe Car Hacker’s Handbook will give you a deeper understanding of the computer systems and embedded software in modern vehicles. The revised edition of this highly acclaimed work presents crucial lessons from Japan's recession that could aid the US and other economies as they struggle to recover from the current financial crisis. For the first time here, Sika is taking a total solution approach. The global automotive aftermarket size accounted for revenue of USD 378.4 billion in the year 2019, and projected to grow with 4.0% CAGR over the forecast period, from 2020 to 2027. Found inside – Page 90... http://www.ahk-china.org/download/cms-wto-go-west.pdf, 04.12.02 [i-CSC] CSC Ploenzke (Hrsg.): Eurpoean Automotive Aftermarket (Studie, 31.10.2001), ... 0000002247 00000 n
This work traces the evolution of the automotive industry from its inception to present day and identifies the important policies made by the Indian government. Increasing used-vehicle sales is further propelling the maintenance and repair side of the automotive aftermarket. The global automotive aftermarket size was valued at USD 390.10 billion in 2020. Michael Söding –Today's Automotive Aftermarket speaker 3 September 20, 2018 Capital Markets Day 2018 –3.1 Automotive Aftermarket 1 Automotive Aftermarket at a glance Michael Söding (56) CEO Automotive Aftermarket 1988 Engineering and business degree Dipl. POWERCURE 8. This Volume 2 is essential for any enthusiast looking to upgrade his or her classic vehicle to modern standards, and for putting all the knowledge learned in Automotive Wiring and Electrical Systems into practice. Light-duty is a subset of the entire aftermarket.*. Paint Rectification and Compounding Process Plastic Repair – Tab Rebuild Using 3M™ Adhesive Cleaner and 3M™ Professional Panel Wipe, clean the area, removing any oil or grease from surface. %��������� @�b�?et���џ~�d�����_|��a�� �U�����y"���{�r�8Cn���8bc�=�~씖�����'h��b��������O/ҋ\]�V����(��vݨ���Y��ݤ��������o�x;|����z�D���z3���n����f��x��ϫ{�|�t�y�n3������̛i������b�� `��@�+�:�Y��^����/(%�[���^�7A��0S�cUF�q�{U�"��^�=6It�'�{���I^��Q�� ��]�=�^Q��D}Ss���چ��^%s���W&2ϊ��+6��[��^���R�jt���ȯM%mpI ��{e�}�3G*� 0000001750 00000 n
Find a O'Reilly auto parts location near you at 17100 Redmond Way. 0000005827 00000 n
Found insideRemanufacturing for the automotive aftermarket-strategic factors: Literature review and future research needs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17(13), ... endobj
• Growing aftermarket sales – Exhaust and Emissions • Refining operations to enhance efficiency 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% Advance & Accelerate Critical Core Mature Fix & Reposition ... DCI Presents at Gabelli Automotive Aftermarket Symposium_11.4.19_FINAL_for IR site.pptx Author: gabelli & company 2 table of contents page symposium reflections 3 the automotive aftermarket 6 auto dealers 14 auto suppliers 18 commercial trucking 20 symposium participant grids 21 companies accuride corporation 23 autoliv, inc.24 autonation, inc.25 autozone, inc.26 cooper tire & rubber 27 clarcor 28 dana holding corp, inc.29 donaldson company inc. Download PDF. In the late 90s, during the Internet bubble, the automotive aftermarket was expected to follow other industries and see increased adoption of e-tailing. endstream 11 0 obj �`~��!�����%G�6��������1�k�lla&. More than a decade later, the aftermarket is starting to … 0000016449 00000 n
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sustainability Article Automotive Aftermarket Forecast in a Changing World: The Stakeholders’ Perceptions Boost! In accessible terms, the book details ways to extract data to enhance business practices and offers information on important topics such as data handling and management, statistical methods, graphics and business issues. 0000015861 00000 n
Abstract: Rationalization and stabilization following the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s combined with the expansion and liberalization of regional and global trade to create significant parts industries in China, Indonesia, and ... Original Equipment Suppliers Association. 0000021516 00000 n
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Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association. stream 2. 0000003607 00000 n
Cars already incorporate vast stores of data to improve safety and maintenance. However, this was not the case. �_." endobj
The book examines the metrics implications to businesses as their responsibilities expand beyond the factory gateâ€"upstream to suppliers and downstream to products and services. Automotive Aftermarket English Found insideThe Global status report on road safety 2018 launched by WHO in December 2018 highlights that the number of annual road traffic deaths has reached 1.35 million. 0000009274 00000 n
In this book, the author highlights the recent developments in the global economy and contends that the U.S. policy makers who understood the dangers of balance sheet recession steered the country away from the fiscal cliff, which is why it ... Buying groups ATR, CARAT, etc. 0000001425 00000 n
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Found inside – Page 296Indian Automotive Aftermarket Trends and Challenges , Delhi : Automotive Component ... Status_Indian_Auto_Industry.pdf file ' , downloaded 30 September ... Aftermarket Megatrends & Realities. Automotive Aftermarket Repair Process. �{�c�\oΘj�!$`���[t���m����w��e���p��'�>מ�ɜ��dmů����Yb �%Kdh.��h tB���X��,Z�4Zi�R���.��I�K4�Wڇ�cH��1�HYmX�O���Cю��-Y���7,[.�_����qSͱ��A5���j=ۈI�HzHL �
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1 /BBox [0 19 612 792] /Resources 10 0 R /Group << /S /Transparency /CS 14 0 R The automotive aftermarket—parts and services—encompasses product categories corresponding to all the systems in today’s vehicles: drive train, cooling, exhaust, steering, suspension, and brakes to name a few. endobj
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�W����R�7�vV�u���L Serving the Automotive Aftermarket Since 1960 MEMBER PROFILE /APPLICATION FORM WAIA Membership is a prerequisite to participate in the WAIA Automotive Industry Health Plan. About the author(s) Bernd Heid is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Cologne office, Christian Huth and Geng Wu are consultants in the Berlin office, and Sebastian Kempf is a partner in the Düsseldorf office. The automotive aftermarket industry research report includes in-depth coverage of the industry with estimates & forecast in terms of revenue in USD billion from 2016 to 2026, for the following segments: The above information is provided on a regional and country basis for the following: Found inside – Page 95... llgemeine_dokumente_uebergang/inubit_Suite_61_transition_Dec12_web.pdf ... Global Purchasing Processes in the Business Sector Automotive Aftermarket, ... Ӯ���,�H�p��3�q%���j��ҏ�H��Z�[�A�����c+�P��ŵ+���p�P�W�h˅C���b�B��C��ڳ���Er^�V�����^�{��2E��=�C8����*�1z��(f�cdsy`?�����vD��ebc�5��Xї!f ��� 3 Disruptors in the Automotive Aftermarket: A road map towards a sustainable future As with most cases of industry disruption, change brings with it new opportunity, and this absolutely applies to the automotive aftermarket. BEARING AND SEAL APPLICATION CATALOG 1989 and Older INTRODUCTION Original equipment quality is what you get with every aftermarket bearing, seal and hub unit sold by Timken.Vehicle manufacturers from around the world choose the Timken name because of its reputation for quality.You too can choose Timken with the same Bearings Ball Bearings Clutch Release Bearings Cylindrical … The automotive industry appears close to substantial change engendered by “self-driving” technologies. Found inside – Page 372Research Triangle Park, NC: Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association. http://www.aftermarketnews.com/files/top100_ 07.pdf (accessed October 15, 2007). automotive repair centers dealing in over-the-counter parts, or smaller, “mom-and-pop” style repair shops. At its core, this integrated grid of professionals is dedicated to providing the quality parts, products and If you are using ATT Training materials then this is the ideal textbook for your course"-- Now, the key challenge is capturing a dominant market share among the growing ranks of automotive DIYers. AUTOMOTIVE AFTERMARKET Weekly Automotive Aftermarket Intelligence Report August 24, 2015 Automotive Aftermarket Stock Performance* O'Reilly Advance Auto AutoZone Copart Dorman Pep Boys Boyd AutoNation Sonic Cooper Tire MPA U.S. Auto Parts Rush Federal-Mogul Remy CarMax Lithia Goodyear Genuine Parts Tenneco LKQ Solera Snap-on KAR A massive market Taken as a whole, the size and scope of the market is immense. The automotive aftermarket is split into two main types of supplier models: 1 Independent aftermarket (IAM) –. Historically the auto parts industry has grown about 3.5% to 3.9% per year. Found inside – Page 131In the automotive aftermarket for parts and accessories , among the most commonly ... NBC Universal Intellectual Property / pdf / Engines of Growth.pdf . Aftermarket sales ($000,000) 2013/2012 Company revenue ($000,000) 2013/2012 Automotive aftermarket products 1. 0000004259 00000 n
Found inside – Page 240IHS Inc: Aging vehicle fleet continues to create new opportunity for automotive aftermarket, ihs says. http://press.ihs.com/press-release/automotive/ ... %����
Also included this year is the 5 0 obj In 2010, according to the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the value of the aftermarket … Heavy Duty Manufacturers Association. <>
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We believe reaching the next level of technology is only possible if First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. The impact of COVID-19 on automotive and associated sectors has drastically affected the aftermarket due to disrupted supply chains and weak consumer demand. << /Type /Page /Parent 4 0 R /Resources 7 0 R /Contents 5 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Found inside – Page 6-22“The Counterfeiting Paradox,” 2005. http://www.atkearney.com/images/global/pdf/counterfeiting_paradox.pdf. Automotive Body Repair News. “Aftermarket Groups ... AASA’s “Top Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers” publication lists – in alphabetical order – the top ranked suppliers in our industry. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
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As part of a growth strategy project for a leading US automotive aftermarket supplier, L.E.K. endobj 2 0 obj
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Get more details on this report - Request Free Sample PDF Third-party retailers is predicted to capture more than 95% of the e-commerce automotive aftermarket share by 2027. endobj Special Features: * The first work in existence to examine technologists in detail * Contains over 1,500 entries giving detailed information * Extensive cross-references enable the reader to compare subjects and build up a picture of ... the secondary market of the automotive industry, concerned with the manufacturing, remanufacturing, distribution, retailing, and installation of all vehicle parts, chemicals, equipment, and accessories, after the sale of the automobile by the original equipment manufacturer to the consumer. Register your vehicle or boat in Washington, update or replace your title, get or renew a disabled parking permit, and learn about prorate and fuel tax licenses. For the six companies that comprise the Hilco Parts Index (the Index), net … 0000022337 00000 n
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e-commerce in automotive aftermarket is set to grow at a CAGR of 23.3% during 2020–2030. The book covers the emerging environmental issues in automotive industry through the whole product life cycle. Its focus is placed on a multidisciplinary approach. Found insideThe artificial intelligence (AI) landscape has evolved significantly from 1950 when Alan Turing first posed the question of whether machines can think. automotive aftermarket retailing market are positioning the industry for landmark change over the course of the decade to come. This proceedings volume presents the latest research from the worldwide mass customization, personalization and co-creation (MCPC) community bringing together new thoughts and results from various disciplines within the field. Based on an analysis of the individual J+�g�,#�t.���߃~M��`P8�. OEMs VW, BMW, Daimler, etc. defined the industry structure and identified attractive growth opportunities based on a robust understanding of China’s market dynamics and the ability to leverage the client’s core competencies. It also highlights the Top 10 publicly traded suppliers, as well as the Top 5 aftermarket mergers and acquisitions from our friends at Jefferies. <<8C25E80691330044ABE4E3C9D234898F>]/Prev 540156/XRefStm 1425>>
endobj Automotive Aftermarket Industry Background. In the automotive industry, aftermarket is the secondary market concerned with manufacturing, distribution, retailing, remanufacturing, and installation of all vehicle parts, after the sale of vehicles by OEMs to consumers. �.��^�;��^�x�B����:u����(M�m�<2 �+�ų�= ͽ�Э�� O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. is one of the largest specialty retailers of automotive aftermarket parts, tools, supplies, equipment and accessories in the United States, serving both the do-it-yourself and professional installer markets. A requirement was to build a dynamic picture PowerCure is the latest technology for accelerated curing adhesives. ADVANCING THE INDUSTRY’S INTERESTS SINCE 1904 Found inside – Page 1This is a complete reference guide to automotive electrics and electronics. Found inside – Page 236Boston Consulting Group: The European Automotive Aftermarket Landscape (2012). https:// www.bcg.com/documents/file111373.pdf. Accessed 2 Apr 2016 Brans, K., ... 0000460787 00000 n
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40 The vibrant automotive sector drives the growth of the automotive aftermarket in India and is estimated to grow at INR75,000 crore by fiscal year 2020. h�b```b``a`e`�tcf@ a6 da���gZ��b�0���t�$uL Press conference document for January 11th, 2019 | Comprehensive executive summary PDF-report will follow end of February: www.automotive-institute.kpmg.de 3 Automotive Aftermarket Products & Systems Catalog Serving the automotive aftermarket refinish, detailing, mechanical service and repair professional for generations. Get Sample PDF Copy of Automotive Aftermarket Report Here Additionally, the report provides accurate figures for production by region in terms of … 0000000975 00000 n
The US Aftermarket Automotive Parts & Components market was valued at USD 17 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 19 billion by 2026 registering a CAGR of around 2% during the forecast period (2021 - 2026). �po����j����S�Pu���6tb
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Conference papers and proceedings. We offer a full selection of automotive aftermarket parts, tools, supplies, equipment, and accessories for your vehicle. 0000016201 00000 n
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�����^/�_�=�Z�lw��W�W�9�������B����7�>B�} Automotive Aftermarket | October 16, 2015 1 Jefferies.com LTM Trading Multiples (EV / LTM EBITDA) Automotive Aftermarket Trading Multiples 10/16/2015 1 Year Ago Automotive Aftermarket Index 12.3x 10.8x Suppliers 9.2x 8.1x Parts Retailers & Distributors 13.4x 11.2x Retail Service Providers 13.6x 10.6x Collision 13.0x 13.2x Source: Capital IQ 9.2x endobj Motor & Equipment Remanufacturers Association. 0000005426 00000 n
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