WORDS RELATED TO BE SUBJECT TO. Dependent or contingent on. be at mercy of. be determined by. adjectives. subjecting definition: 1. present participle of subject 2. to defeat people or a country and then control them against…. Found inside – Page xlivThe same may be said of the synonyms in this thesaurus: Learning their use ... the person who uses the word should be subjected to rebuke or mockery.25 If ... The words citizen and national are common synonyms of subject. If an action or event is subject to…. Found inside – Page 24643Treating synonyms the same is our for planting being moved from one Therefore ... is not subject to the plants for practice . number of units of a single ... Nglish: Translation of subject for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of subject for Arabic Speakers. find. contingent on. In the church today, some people are unturned cakes. be made subject. Definition of subject to in the Idioms Dictionary. definitions. Synonyms for Not Subject To (other words and phrases for Not Subject To). Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © … la idea principal. depend. Popular synonyms for Subject to and phrases with this word. be in the power of. Adjective. synonyms. subjected to. Found inside – Page 4In English the term “ subject " is used as a synonym for national . It stresses the quality of the individual as being subject to the Sovereign , and is ... depended. website for synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugations and translations vulnerable. be the subject. The words citizen and national are common synonyms of subject. Meanwhile, with editorial calendars rendered redundant overnight, content teams also had to improvise and adapt to a new world where no subject could be covered outside of the filter of the pandemic. Synonyms for Be Subject To (other words and phrases for Be Subject To). Delivered to your inbox! The schedule is tentative and subject to change. Synonyms & Antonyms of subject Synonyms for Subject to. Found inside – Page 491Hence, lesding questions have been avoided, and the order of synonyms given ... The teacher should so study out the subject as to be distinctly in advance ... Found insideEXPURGATE: To purify (usually a piece of writing) of offensive material - expurgate all obscenities before the book could be sold. Synonyms: purge, delete. Verb. Back in March, CBS News was the first national broadcast television network to announce internally that some employees had tested positive for the novel coronavirus with an email including an all-caps “URGENT” subject line. Search to be subject to and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Being subject to God is a personal matter, but being subject to one another is something that we should practice among the brothers. contingent. idioms. receive. His pursuit of an interview with his enigmatic subject was rebuffed. Disposed or susceptible to. Found inside – Page 21... the person may be subjected to the greatest privation , suffering , or pain . ... in their proper sense ; and the third , to choose the right synonym . 1. Prone; disposed: a child who is subject to colds. a major object of interest or concern (as in a discussion or artistic composition), a person who owes allegiance to a government and is protected by it, because of the tense situation in that country, British, something (as a belief) that serves as the basis for another thing, to bring under one's control by force of arms, “In Vino Veritas” and Other Latin Phrases to Live By. Prices may be subject to alteration. pivot. View all. 1 : to cause or force (someone or something) to experience (something harmful, unpleasant, etc.) Found insideThe subject would then be either synonym with “sovereignty,” with a thirst for domination and possession, or the victim of the will to power. Found inside – Page 44subject in the relation of species to individual . Where a common term is denied of a common term , there is nothing to prevent the terms being extremely ... subject to and on condition. ‘They have a guest speaker at their monthly meetings, dealing with subjects diverse and interesting.’. obtain. ("is" is the verb, "being" is the subject) I enjoy being nice to people. exposed to. examples. Synonyms for subjecting in Free Thesaurus. SO I DECIDED TO TEACH MY DAUGHTER MYSELF. ("like" is the verb, "being" is a noun") Being a teacher is fun. Subject to means is susceptible to, on condition of, or has a tendency toward. While all three words mean "a person owing allegiance to and entitled to the protection of a sovereign state," subject implies allegiance to a personal sovereign such as a monarch. Clothing purchases over $200 are subject to tax. contingent on. Originally published in 1961 by the founder of Rodale Inc., The Synonym Finder continues to be a practical reference tool for every home and office. Words with similar meaning of Subject to at Thesaurus dictionary Synonym.tech. Found inside – Page 561SOUTH . cred must not be violated nor infringed what is holy is in its ... on account of the promised fidelity : in its extended and subject , but from the ... They are suspected of subjecting their children to abuse. Do you like being a student? not liable to. synonyms for subject to. synonyms. The synonyms national and subject are sometimes interchangeable, but national designates one who may claim the protection of a state and applies especially to one living or traveling outside that state. Synonyms for be subject to include depend, hang, hinge, ride, turn, hang on, hinge on, rest on, turn on and be based on. DISTANCE LEARNING WAS A DISASTER. Found inside – Page 165A synonym of Royal Muscadine : which see . ... They have the reputation of not being subject to mildew , and bave on this account been recommended to be ... Not everyone who boards an airplane is patted down, but everyone who boards an airplane has the possibility of being patted down, they are subject to being … prone to. Lists. Synonyms for 'be able to do something': possible, may, in principle, viable, feasible, practicable, attainable, humanly possible, doable, -able Dictionary Collocations being in a situation where one is likely to meet with harm, Post more words for subject (to) to Facebook, Share more words for subject (to) on Twitter, “In Vino Veritas” and Other Latin Phrases to Live By. This Virgo Quiz Is Clear About Their Common Traits. the king's subjects. Learn more. dependent. To allow (something that one dislikes or disagrees with) to exist or occur without interference. become dependent. being; being subject to; being that; bejeebers; bejeer; bejesus; belabor the point; belay my last; belch; belch out; belch up; belcher; belemnite battlefield; belfry; Belgravian; Belieber; belief; belies; believe; believe (one's) ears; believe (one's) eyes; believe (something) of (someone) believe ears; believe eyes; believe in; believe in (someone or something) believe it or not To receive a particular treatment. Antonyms for subject to. Lists. Become Subject synonyms - 26 Words and Phrases for Become Subject. While all three words mean "a person owing allegiance to and entitled to the protection of a sovereign state," subject implies allegiance to a personal sovereign such as a monarch. depending. exposed or vulnerable to. 91 other terms for be subject to- words and phrases with similar meaning. I am being patient. Subject to means is susceptible to, on condition of, or has a tendency toward. Subject to may also mean that a person is in a legal position whereby certain actions may be perpetrated upon them. For instance, a person boarding an airplane is subject to a pat down. national, subject(noun) a person who owes allegiance to that nation. "a monarch has a duty to his subjects". Antonyms: unaffected, unsusceptible, insusceptible, insubordinate. Synonyms: theme, content, topic, issue, national, discipline, case, subject area, matter, depicted object, study, guinea pig, subject field, field, field of study, bailiwick. earn. Synonyms for subject Synonyms for (noun) subject Synonyms: subject, content, depicted object Definition: something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation Usage: a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject to subject to synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'subjective',subvert',subtle',suspect', definition. Learn a new word every day. Synonyms. Found inside – Page 16When an author has specified no type , it is then necessary in dividing his ... a valid group might be subject to rejection as a synonym , while the valid ... . Synonyms for subject. Synonyms for subject Synonyms for (noun) subject Synonyms: subject, content, depicted object Definition: something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation Usage: a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject Found inside – Page 57For some authors, subjectification refers to being subjected to or ... use the term subjectivation as a synonym of subjectification to signal how subjects ... ONE OF TIME’S TEN MOST IMPORTANT NONFICTION BOOKS OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY In the searing pages of this classic autobiography, originally published in 1964, Malcolm X, the Muslim leader, firebrand, and anti-integrationist, tells the ... Violations of the mask order are considered a class 1 misdemeanor and are subject to jail time and fines of as much as $2,500. Responsible for or accountable to. Likely to do or to be something. be conditioned. adj. Being careful about what you say; Types of talk or writing; Words used to describe speech style; Free thesaurus definition of to change from one subject or discussion to another from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus … Parts of speech. examples. immune. examples. “Subject.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/subject. main point. (person or thing being discussed) - el tema. thesaurus. Synonyms for subject (to) endangered, exposed, liable, open, sensitive, susceptible, vulnerable. Likely to incur or receive; exposed: a directive subject to misinterpretation. exposed to. subject matter , subject-matter The subject matter of something such as a book, lecture, film, or painting is the thing that is being written about, discussed, or shown. Thesaurus. Delivered to your inbox! —often used as (be) subjected to The prisoners were subjected to torture. incur. 1 A person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with. verbs. Accessed 22 Aug. 2021. Past tense for to expose to, or cause to experience. Subject to may also mean that a person is in a legal position whereby certain actions may be perpetrated upon them. National attention descended on Irwin in September, after a whistleblower report by a nurse at the facility, Dawn Wooten, alleged that a doctor — later identified as Amin — was subjecting immigrant detainees to unwanted hysterectomies. Found inside – Page 129If no synonym exists in the linked stack , then subjects are encouraged to enter ... It is possible to use the audit trail data to determine what problem a ... Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! based on. See more. Synonyms for Subject To (other words and phrases for Subject To). As long as the brothers and sisters agree on something, they follow even if it is a sectarian teaching or heretical doctrine. Found inside – Page 363Representing properties in some feature space is an important topic ... As previously mentioned, these embeddings may be used for synonym detection, ... antonyms. VIRGINIA’S CORONAVIRUS NUMBERS ARE RISING. 4. This is a big subject, but for our purposes, a surfactant is added to a personal care product, such as shampoo, to clean the hair and to make bubbles. : a subject of conversation. As a verb, to subordinate means to place or rank one thing below another. Example sentences of the word subject . In this groundbreaking book, leading economist Steven Levitt—Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago and winner of the American Economic Association’s John Bates Clark medal for the economist under 40 who has made the ... This book provides a research-based framework and practical strategies for vocabulary development with children from the earliest grades through high school. rest. la idea. Having reliance on somebody or something. The Northern Irish poet Ciaran Carson has always taken time as his primary subject. thesaurus. subject to phrase. words. control. Past tense for to issue, establish or apply as a charge, fine or penalty. What does 'poke' refer to in the expression 'pig in a poke'. . Contexts. … Tags. provoke. verbbe contingent on. become the focus. Past tense for to expose to, or cause to experience. phrases. 13 Weird, Wondrous Facts About English. In this in-depth exploration, DiAngelo examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively. It meant that when it came time for her to deal with harder subjects, she felt ready to do so. Another word for subjective: personal, emotional, prejudiced, biased, instinctive | Collins English Thesaurus Being in a position or in circumstances that place one under the power or authority of another or others: subject to the law. experience. From “5G” to “Zaddy”: Dictionary.com Adds Over 300 New Words And Definitions. conditional. The test involved subjecting the sample to intense heat. subject to and vulnerable. subject to and underneath. Log in. vulnerable. synonyms for be subjected to. definitions. antonyms. Log in. 1. subject - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Found inside – Page 217Cause variable: Synonym for causal variable. Ceiling effect: See floor effect. Censored sample: A sample of subjects, where the values of the considered ... pend. arouse. Conditional. exempt. HINTS FROM HELOISE: STAPLES TO HAVE ON HAND IN THE PANTRY, DEEP DIVE: HOW THE FUTURE OF PUBLISHING IS TAKING SHAPE IN THE ONGOING CORONAVIRUS CRISIS ERA. catch. Lists. Learn more. Verb. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. 133 synonyms for subject: topic, question, issue, matter, point, business, affair, object, theme, substance, subject matter, field of inquiry or reference.... What are synonyms for subject to? WHAT WAS NERO REALLY DOING WHILE ROME BURNED? subject to something meaning: 1. likely to experience or suffer from something: 2. “Subject (to).” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/subject%20%28to%29. Parts of … Being can also be used as a gerund, a word that acts like a noun and looks like a verb. subject to and below. Learn a new word every day. Synonyms for Be subject to. 1 : affected by or possibly affected by (something) The firm is subject to state law. synonyms. Look it up now! Thesaurus for Not subject to. Found insideThese biographical sketches of women artists from ancient times through the 19th century are supplemented by a sensitive and insightful introduction on the subject of women's contribution to art. phrases. adjectives. hinge. If an action or event is subject to…. be undecided. Find 353 ways to say SUBJECTED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ‘He wrote five works on the subject, the most important of which is one on inference.’. be subjected. be subject to. hang. Synonyms for due to include attributable to, caused by, ascribed to, because of, ascribable to, assignable to, down to, put down to, imputable to and traceable to. The Topics constitutes Aristotle’s treatise on the art of dialectic—the invention and discovery of arguments in which the propositions rest upon commonly held opinions or endoxa (?????? in Greek).Topoi (?????) are “places” from ... Related terms for not subject to- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with not subject to. Log in. American nationals working in the Middle East. HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. Antonyms for subjecting. be connected with. ("enjoy" is the verb, "being" is the object described as nice) NOUN. Found inside – Page 65Long held views are condent in their correctness, but long held is not a synonym for correctness. Received traditions must be subject to the same critical ... Found inside – Page 200The subject may also be God . Lassen is used regularly in this combination , unless exceptional force is indicated or unless the action resembles a reflex ... Definition of subject to. Synonym Discussion of submit. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! 2 : likely to do, have, or suffer from (something) My cousin is subject … Synonyms for subject (to) endangered, exposed, liable, open, sensitive, susceptible, vulnerable. main idea. In some situations, the words citizen and subject are roughly equivalent. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Subject definition, that which forms a basic matter of thought, discussion, investigation, etc. However, citizen is preferred for one owing allegiance to a state in which sovereign power is retained by the people and sharing in the political rights of those people. depending. (Entry 3 of 3). Ranging from 23 to 27, the members of BTS are subject to South Korean law, which says they must enlist for compulsory military service before turning 28. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Synonyms for subject to in Free Thesaurus. Found inside – Page 364It can be seen from Table 1 that over two-thirds of the synonym links were ... can be quite delicate; studies of agreement in judgments across subjects is ... Parts of speech. Found inside – Page 16When an author has specified no type , it is then necessary in dividing his ... a valid group might be subject to rejection as a synonym , while the valid ... adj. Found inside – Page 165Grown in the Royal Horticultural Synonyms : Numerous , but practically un- ... They have the repatation of not being subject to mildew , increasing demand ... Log in. Found inside – Page 61„Hospitals‰ is not a true synonym for „nursing homes,‰ but it is an important, related topic. Synonyms should be a standard part of any search strategy. depend. idea. antonyms. Parts of speech. Compare Synonyms. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Not subject to meaning and usage. Adjective Note that because the spot price fluctuates, the weight price is also subject to change. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Found inside – Page 360It would be difficult to sustain this proposidealing tion - John Marshall ... from the central power condition of not being subject to external rule or ... synonyms. Found inside – Page 100Subjects are subject to a sovereign, so from whence can a power of election come ... only if citizen is taken to be a largely redundant synonym for subject, ... be subject. "Now a major motion picture! Includes full-color movie photos and exclusive content!"--Dust jacket. vulnerable to. antonyms. Found inside – Page 6The correct synonym of lethargy is option (d), i.e., laxity that means the quality of being lax and neglectful. Emaciated means abnormally thin or weak, ... For instance, a person boarding an airplane is subject to a pat down. Whatever the case, “Rome Is Burning” is a lucid analysis of Nero and the Great Fire, enhanced by Barrett’s clear, engaging style, his obvious love of his subject, and an extensive selection of maps, schematics and photographs. Lists. become the object. be in control of. n-uncount (=subject) Then, attitudes changed and artists were given greater freedom in their choice of subject matter..., Her subject matter is herself. When you're doing a group project, sometimes you have to subordinate your ideas to the desires of the larger group. contract. 133 synonyms for subject: topic, question, issue, matter, point, business, affair, object, theme, substance, subject matter, field of inquiry or reference.... What are synonyms for subjecting? depend. DESPITE PRECAUTIONS, CBS HEADQUARTERS REPORTS 15 CORONAVIRUS CASES AMID NATIONWIDE SURGE, ‘THE WOMAN WHO STOLE VERMEER’ REVISITS THE STRANGE TALE OF A BRITISH HEIRESS WHO BECAME A NOTORIOUS ART THIEF. be based on. noun. 3. words. adjectives. Found inside – Page 19Liking ' , however , is not the name of an emotion , and hence not of a disposition to be subject to emotional states . Instead , it is variously a synonym ... This book covers all aspects of physical vapor deposition (PVD) process technology from the characterizing and preparing the substrate material, through deposition processing and film characterization, to post-deposition processing. Understand to subject … Found insideThe self without a feeling of responsibility would no longer be the self. ... And “accountability” is defined as a synonym of responsibility; being subject ... Found inside – Page 16When an author has specified no type , it is then necessary in dividing his ... a valid group might be subject to rejection as a synonym , while the valid ... adj. How to use submit in a sentence. become the target. Subject to one or more conditions or requirements being met. phrases. Test your visual vocabulary with our 10-question challenge! underneath place, below. Find subject to change synonyms list of more than 5 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. FOR FANS OF BTS, THE ONLY THING BETTER THAN THE GROUP IS EACH OTHER, CONGRESSIONAL DEMS SAY WOMEN IN ICE CUSTODY WHO BLEW WHISTLE ON GYNECOLOGIST SHOULD BE ABLE TO APPLY FOR SPECIAL VISAS. 2. 3. Anyone caught trespassing is subject to a $500 fine. It conatins accurate other and similar related words for subject to change in English. thesaurus. Accessed 22 Aug. 2021. subject to something Bedeutung, Definition subject to something: 1. likely to experience or suffer from something: 2. 2. A subordinate is someone who works for someone else. ject (sŭb′jĕkt′, -jĭkt) adj. ... All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. 59 other terms for not subject to- words and phrases with similar meaning. (Entry 2 of 3), Synonyms & Antonyms of subject Found inside – Page 21... the person may be subjected to the greatest privation , suffering , or pain . ... in their proper sense ; and the third , to choose the right synonym . Compare Synonyms. below place, beneath. open to. Definition. Definition of to subject (someone or something) to. verbs. Submit definition is - to yield to governance or authority. examples. What does subject to expression mean? All Free. acquire. Found inside – Page 130They do not cease to be subjects if they lose a leg or if some action or ... Second, by deceit I mean that synonym of subject, which synonym shifts as ... Say What? Found inside – Page 11861. exist , be , live , breathe , draw breath , stable , sound , steady , steadfast ... regent , chargé d'affaires ; understudy , 4. subject , subject matter ... Bound or constrained by. Subject to, be definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Synonyms for Not subject to. Found inside – Page 7The correct synonym of lethargy is option (d), i.e., laxity that means the quality of being lax and neglectful. Emaciated means abnormally thin or weak, ... thesaurus. To be subjected to. verbbe contingent on. definitions. liable to. Synonyms Similar meaning. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Found insideIt would be, perhaps, without such aid, too great a labour to require of the describing ... and thereby it becomes degraded to the rank of a mere synonym. Found inside – Page 6The correct synonym of lethargy is option (d), i.e., laxity that means the quality of being lax and neglectful. Emaciated means abnormally thin or weak, ... Found inside – Page 26His own view is that substances are generated from their synonyms ( a man from a man ) , whereas accidents , not being subject to any necessity , are the ... Use filters to view other words, we have 425 synonyms for subject to. definitions. Verb, non-3rd person singular present You can apply petroleum jelly beforehand to any areas subject to chafing. 52 other terms for subject to- words and phrases with similar meaning. Test your visual vocabulary with our 10-question challenge! Found insideThe impact can be subject weakness and loss. ... or its apparent synonym 'essential knowledge', in subjects like geography (DfE 2010, 2011) from an implied ... Past tense for to place in danger or jeopardy. Noun, singular or mass Compose your message in the field below the subject. Endangered, exposed, liable, open, sensitive, susceptible, vulnerable definition that... “ 5G ” to “ Zaddy ”: Dictionary.com Adds over 300 New words and for!, suffering, or cause to experience ( something ) the firm is subject … Search to be subject ). Subjects diverse and interesting. ’ `` enjoy '' is the verb, `` being '' a. 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