I like to use the Click to Tweet link generator, so readers can lift specific quotes straight from my blog posts and share them right on their Twitter profiles (a social network where I discover and connect with lots of my readers). Saving money and being frugal with your wages is extremely popular as people have less and less money these days after paying rent, mortgage, bills etc. Hi Ryan! Main topics covered: lifestyle, fitness, nutrition, travelBuilt with: WordPress (custom theme)The main source of income: product sales, subscription sales. If you own a website or mobile application, you'll need a Privacy Policy to comply with legal regulations and protect you and your organization from liability. You can promote Bluehost by ⦠However, there are several tricks that can help you to narrow down your decision, and we have covered them in our post dedicated to naming blogs. Some bloggers feel the need to have text or images covering every inch of real estate on their blogs. I hope this helps you out. There are several ways to monetize your blog, and the most popular are:1. Great blog post! Found insideIn The More of Less, Joshua Becker helps you... ⢠Recognize the life-giving benefits of owning less ⢠Realize how all the stuff you own is keeping you from pursuing your dreams ⢠Craft a personal, practical approach to decluttering ... If you use different fonts for your navigation menu, you want them to look good with the typography within the body text of your blog posts. 11. Found insideIn this new book from bestselling author A.J. Juliani, youâll learn a clear process to guide risk-taking and lead change so you can be intentional about innovation in your classroom, school, and life. Here are some easy ways to help optimize your load time. Blogging is still largely about what it’s always been—and that’s still primarily the written word, because search engines like Google still “read” content through text. They have a real personality that appeals very strongly to their audience. Scrolling down, we can analyze the design of their blog post. On the other hand, a blog that’s lit up with ads blinking in the header, footer, sidebar and in the middle of your content—can be extremely distracting. Do I still need OP or should I ask for a refund while I can? Let’s look at a dramatically different example to really showcase how diverse your blog layout can be—depending on the audience you want to attract (and retain). The very minimalist style is meant to make it easy to find information—and feel extremely free from distraction when you’re reading one of my long-form guides (like this here). Ultimately, it starts a conversation that allows your readers to tell you if something is helpful or not. Penelope TrunkPenelope Trunk is a founder of four start-ups and a writer. Bluehost is the best place to start a blog because of their simplicity, great interface, excellent support and the fact that it gives you full value for your money. I'm the founder of BloggingCage.com, a resource for a newbie, aspiring, and blossoming bloggers to create a profitable blog and business. Agreed! I can tell you that I’ve personally left many blogs without reading a word of content for this exact reason, and it’s a major reason why I removed ads from my own blog this year. Found insideIn this revised edition you'll find: ⢠The latest information on how to set up, maintain, and optimize a blog ⢠Steps for writing a book easily using blog posts ⢠Advice for crafting effective, compelling blog posts ⢠Tips on ... Nike can brand a black t-shirt with nothing more than a tiny swoosh and just about everyone who sees that shirt will know who made it. Try to include only the most vital information that you want readers to know about and take action on. Main topics covered: relationships, emotional healthBuilt with: WordPress (custom theme)The main source of income: ebook and course sales. During this time, your emails will be down, and your web traffic will be directed to either the old or new host, depending on the visitor's ISP. Check out this large call to action (to read a message from their president) right on the homepage: Here’s how they’ve included CTAs within their top-level menu that’s loaded across all the pages on their site: At the top of their pages within their menu, they include several ways to get involved with the protection of wild lands: These links are easy to access and answer the most fundamental questions behind their mission. Remember… nobody should ever create a carbon copy clone of another person’s blog layout. You can take this one step further and make it an integral part of your blog layout, too. Not a how-to book but a why-to book, Everything That Remains is the touching, surprising story of what happened when one young man decided to let go of everything and begin living more deliberately. Ultimately, OP isn’t a theme that’s designed around running a speedy, light-weight website… it’s strength lies in designing beautiful pages (which it does well), just not beautiful pages that have the highest chances of performing at peak load times, in my experience. Let’s chat on Twitter about business and side projects. I use both of these performance plugins on my blog today, and they’re all you’ll need: There are a lot more things you can do to slim down your blog layout’s page load time (the subject for a later date), but putting these simple best practices and tools into place—is a great foundation. Light StalkingLight Stalking is a site that focuses on photography. You may have landed on their blog to learn more about affiliate marketing, and they’ve made it easier for you to access that information. After you log in to the account, Bluehost offers a straightforward process with four simple steps to help you create a food blog. The blog was founded in 2012 by Terry Heick, an author and a former teacher interested in reshaping K-12 teaching. Your visitors won’t know what to expect, and you’ll struggle to come up with a feasible way to direct them where they want to be. That makes this blog layout much easier to decode—and gives you a higher level of appreciation for the decision to lead with this design choice. I wanted to include the Dowse Art Museum here as an example, because their blog layout is so completely different from just about any other site you’ll find yourself on today. Hi Ryan, thanks again for another very usefull post. A great way to help readers become more interested in commenting, is by showcasing a comment count at the beginning of your blog posts. If you go with one of these five font types for your body text, you’ll be in great shape (and your readers will thank you for it). You can build a website and host your blog there. Cookie and KateNamed after Kate’s dog Cookie, the popular food blog features vegetarian recipes. Although it could be classified as a mom blog as well, since Liz is a mother of three, it goes beyond that, offering useful advice about other topics, including food, and travel. You’ll need a web hosting service for your blog, and we recommend that you use Bluehost as the safest and most popular option at the moment. Because The Minimalists are a Bluehost affiliate partner (i.e., we earn some revenue, at no additional cost to you, when you purchase using our links), our readers can use this link to receive a 50% discount off the monthly price and a free domain for the first year. This is such a cool list! Another creative blog layout with a completely different feel, is The House That Lars Built. Popular blog writers know how to communicate with their target audience. Each section is visually interesting enough to make them distinct from other elements. Everything is visible at a glance and the eye isn’t distracted by a lot of text and images. Romit has been an active blogger since 2012 when he started the TechCrack blog. While probably not the best design choice for most bloggers, this is a very fun, unique and creative way to display posts and set them apart from more traditional blogs. Ordinarily, this blog layout may look way too overcrowded to a new visitor. Her site has a nice feature called “Surprise me!” where a random recipe is suggested. This time we’ll explore the distinguished publication, Forbes. People are coming to your blog primarily to solve a problem they have, by searching for answers in your content. I take advantage of my footer section both on individual blog posts and on all the pages across my site, to encourage further engagement with my readers. As you can see across my blog here, I have many articles that have several hundred comments (and a few with over 1,000+ comments like my roundup of the best business ideas to pursue this year): There are tons of guides about achieving greater engagement in order to better promote your blog, but in this post we’re examining this from a blog layout perspective. Pro Tip: Secure more than one variation of your domain to protect your brand. Main topics covered: fitness, motherhood, food, philosophyBuilt with: WordPress (custom theme)The main source of income: coaching, ads. Ahrefs is one of the top blogging tools that I can recommend to bloggers—and I use for all of my keyword research, competitor analysis, monitoring backlinks and for quick on-page SEO feedback. Right now, the most profitable blog niches are technology, digital marketing, finance and investment, fashion, travel, movies & music, health, food, news, and personal development.However, even if you’re not interested in these niches, it doesn’t mean your blog is going to be a failure. Found inside â Page 238You will use that link on your blog and in your RSS enclosure tags . ... and BlueHost ( http://www.bluehost.com/ ) are two examples of this type of service ... Keep updating the blogs. Other fields may appear depending on the type of record you are creating. Our Food StoriesLaura Muthesius and Nora Eisermann decided to start a blog after Laura discovered her food allergies. Since you’re on my blog right now, I want to wrap this guide up by showcasing my own blog layout, since I went through a complete redesign in early 2020. Why do so many stress about their blog layout and design? 30+ Best Health and Fitness Blog Examples (2021), 30+ Great Examples of Gaming Blogs (2021). In 51.3% of cases, the display snippet perfectly matched the meta description tag or fully contained it. These types of websites can just offer reading material. The technology was adding a lot of bloat to the pages on my site, making them load much slower than they needed to, and the visual elements didn’t feel representative of the person I’d become since I started my blog. The primary reason why I decided to redesign my blog layout, was because I’d been using the same theme & overall design format for more than five years. Found insideThe ultimate guide to holistic health! -- Gabrielle Bernstein, #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Universe Has Your Back Every woman should get this book. She is the founder of Elaluz perfumes and the Camila Coelho collection. Diversity is a strength in the blogging world, so it’s better when our blogs aren’t just copies of each other. When you purchase via links on our site In the 1990s this font was everywhere. It sounds very frustrating. BlueHost offers a very simple 30-day money-back guarantee for their digital services. Now that we’ve defined three compelling reasons why you should create a very thoughtful blog layout, let’s dive in and break down which blog layout elements are most important. Main topics covered: recipes, food, travelBuilt with: WordPress (custom theme)The main source of income: ads, book sales. Main topics covered: DIY, tool reviews, recipesBuilt with: WordPress (custom theme)The main source of income: product sales, ads. At the bottom of each blog post, I also share some information about myself and my blog (as the author), and I have an easy to locate comment widget. The blog posts don’t just blend in with each other. However, many people want to scan blog headlines to first determine if they want to read the article (or think they’ll be able to find answers to specific questions they have)—and often extend that scanning practice into how they read the content too. The Gottman InstituteThe Gottman Institute was founded by John and Julie Gottman, a married couple and professional PhD’s with a successful marriage and 40+ years of research experience. These posts are in order of publication date: We already covered that my blog layout is intentionally minimalist, but one element of this is the utilization of white space. Like the fashion blog we highlighted above, Forbes often leans heavily on using large high-quality images at the tops of their feature stories—giving it a very magazine-esque look. We already discussed the importance of legible fonts for your blog, but once you’ve chosen your typography, use it consistently throughout your blog layout. Afterward I´ll do a decision and keep you informed. She also wrote a cookbook that you can purchase on her site! To Add a Page, Look along the sidebar in the WordPress Dashboard for âPagesâ -> âAdd Newâ. Now, let’s run through a couple of layout examples that show how you’d make design decisions based on the distinctly different audiences you want to attract. Glad you found this article so helpful, Rajveer . By now, you’ve probably already started a blog of your own. It looks more like a print magazine, and is a format I follow in some ways here on my own blog layout. Some people ascribe feelings to when they view certain colors. That’d be a good start toward me recommending some helpful resources. Top-rated online blogs have plenty of traffic and build a community around them. From what I can see, your sidebar looks pretty simple & straightforward to me—I wouldn’t just quickly toss it out if you can conclude that people are indeed clicking on your social media icons, reaching out to you and clicking over to your most-read articles with some frequency. She has a “Start Here” section on her blog that does a good job of identifying some of her blog’s most central ideas. I still have a sidebar on my blog but thinking about to remove it… Can you give me some advice? 29. Found inside â Page 154... DNS, domain hosting, WordPress blog, and related hosting services. Some offer cloud services and VPS or VM in addition to DPS, for example, Bluehost, ... If there are plugins that no longer help grow your blog or better monetize your content, then take some time to consider which plugins you can get by without. One of the first things I recommend to both new and experienced bloggers alike, is to try and follow a somewhat narrow niche for your blog. Click on the arrow, at the end of the welcome gate, and it takes you to his main page, where thereâs social proof of his readership and online authority. They have a staff of 750 people working around the clock. Further down, WePresent begins to introduce snippets of stories, but the taglines are just as interesting as their corresponding images. Smart Passive Income is a blog run by personal finance blogger, Pat Flynn, for aspiring online entrepreneurs. Keep it up. Let’s look at a fashion blog first, which is a space that’s intensely visual. Why? That’s what a great blog would look like with no engaged readership. Most people will read long-form articles from start to finish if they’re highly engaged in the subject matter. This is true both on social media and with blogging. Here are ten best practices you can use in creating a winning blog layout today. 6. Jeff Bullas has two sets of above the fold content. For example, you wouldn’t want your homepage to be bland and then other pages to be in vibrant technicolor. 17. Thanks Mr. Black! She uses her free time to write about career advice and her personal experiences as a part of every company she has worked for. Thanks for the kind words . View Template Demo > View ALL Wix Blogging Templates (more than 30 available) Photography . 31. It can be a great tool for promoting your existing blog content and getting more exposure with a new audience—but can also be used as a stand-alone blogging platform if you’re on a budget. Arial is a very dependable font that won’t steer you wrong. This blog layout by Adobe relies very heavily on images to entertain their readers and encourage them to click through to read stories—much more than headlines traditionally do. I share additional blog posts people might be interested in, some of my most popular posts and my most recent podcast episodes. 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