Hudud (literal meaning "limit", or "restriction") is an Islamic concept and refers to punishments which under Islamic law (Shariah) are mandated and fixed by God and are specified in the Quran. As in the other two religions different streams of thought and sects developed in Islam too. Check out a preview here. Thus the Hebrew bible and other Jewish texts, the Old Testament, The Quran and Hadith are replete with acts of violence from which practitioners of the three religions have drawn inspiration and justification for their acts. Some people that have followed the “news” on “Russiagate” are sick of it by now… I see it more your way. So, you may find many frustrated and violent individuals who get drawn to the opportunities that terrorism offers to engage in violence and who have no qualms about doing so because they have often heard Muslim leaders preach that violence is justified against people belonging to other religions or against the enemies of their religion; or as acts of revenge for grievances (doesn’t matter whether they are imagined or real); and further that it is justified even if the victims are members of their own religion if this violence is undertaken in the larger cause of their religion. A SINGLE DECADE OF CHILD CRIME RELATED ARRESTS IN THE US GOVERNMENT,…trump-freepom/,…llionaire-pal/,,…os-connection/,…ance-chairman/,…=1#post6513779,…oros-amp-Mabel,…136073328.html,…k-redacted.pdf,…=1#post6297428,…ockefeller.htm,…=1#post6546021,, 100 Million Vaccine-Hesitant Americans Will Get The Shot Now That A Government Agency Said It’s OK. Could It Be a Population Reduction Plot After All? P.O. When these people are the only “friends” you invited to your wedding, I’d say you are “FRIENDS”. Assholes. Perhaps Trump only got to know the true nature of these people after getting to know them as more than just powerful people or celebrities? So because of the pull of these two factors, different individuals, groups, sects, religions, countries, societies move, adapt, change and progress to different degrees. (At-Tariq can be practicsd by people of other religions within the framework of their own religions. The Sharia or Islamic law cover various aspects of life, like daily living, rules of fasting, charity and prayer, inheritance, marriage, restitution for injuries and murder, punishments, economy, governance and foreign relations, etc.. Much of the methods of jurisprudence have evolved with the objective of preventing alteration or innovation. Both the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament, whose religious philosophy Islam (7 AD) too has accepted and recorded in the Quran, are described in research studies, as being full of violence and as evidence of both a violent society and a violent God where the power and glory of God is described in the language of violence. See Jared and Rupert. The investor’s response to a lawsuit marks another twist in his efforts to save his billion-dollar blank-check vehicle. Frank Rolfe, a co-founder of several corporations that invest in, manage, or are linked to mobile-home parks, grew up in Dallas and graduated from Stanford with an economics degree. “However, if the latter is true, why surround your self with swamp critters?”. Enlightened Hindu seers encourage people to explore the truth for themselves, not to accept anything without questioning or unless it is as per their own direct experience. Not saying you’re wrong, only that professional connections do not equate to conspiratorial subterfuges. It is almost impossible to describe how much distortion takes place due to the medium, like the Double Slit Experiment. Inside, the floor is made of marble and limestone and has three pillars. In such a scenario, the alternatives various societies have before them are to make an effort to move forward, change, adapt and be in sync with the world, or try forcefully to be where they are, be in conflict with and try to pull the rest of the world back, all to their own great disadvantage and peril. In 2009, Mnuchin was involved in a group of investors that included George Soros and John Paulson to buy the IndyMac Bank that had been shut down in 2008. Take a dump shills then look in the mirror……….it ain’t pretty, no sir. Oh god no, they are all bad guys. The CEO of Blackstone, Stephen Schwarzman, is now an economic adviser to Donald Trump and chairman of Donald’s business advisory council the “Strategic and Policy Forum”. Found insideTwo girls and a dog go on a sea voyage and invite readers to recognize and count different shapes as they appear on ships, fish, and treasure. Found insideIn this award-winning novel, Tharoor has masterfully recast the two-thousand-year-old epic, The Mahabharata, with fictional but highly recognizable events and characters from twentieth-century Indian politics. While the world is now making serious attempts to tackle individual acts of terror, yet the far more serious issue of the spread of fundamentalist, medieval, regressive, extremist Islamic thinking which drives and fuels these terrorist acts is perhaps not yet fully understood thereby leaving room for better tackling of the issue. According to Islamic tradition, the stone was set intact into the Kaaba’s wall by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the year 605 AD. The Real Story of the ‘Bearded God’ Named Quetzalcoatl, Egyptian Blue – The Oldest Known Artificial Pigment. It may be in our favor and it may not. then why is questioning, independent thinking, a search for the truth and for deeper truths not allowed in the field of religion/spirituality? Found insideThis is an indispensable guide for the next generation of disrupters, entrepreneurs, and investors. He’s working a long-range plan to bring the Evil, Child-sacrificing Cabal down. Even a “stone from space.” If I did worship anything it would be a tree that bears fruit. This book will give you an insider’s access to the true story of Thomas Rowe Price, Jr. Praise for T. Rowe Price "A fascinating biography of an ethical man which both reveals the individual and explores his Growth Stock philosophy. The Great Salt Lake Enigma: Science Shows Anomalies – Evidence of a Global Flood? POINTS TO PONDER UPON BY JUDAIC RELIGIONS. You don’t walk away from that and get let back in without promises. So, while Jews and Christians have gone much beyond their early religious beliefs, values and practices and have greatly developed their inclination and capacity for critical, independent, free and creative thinking and action, such a transformation has not happened with Muslims. but at the same time we should be ready to move beyond that person(s) to other scientists, thinkers, philosophers who may propound new and better theories, ideologies, etc.. ), Interdenominational, New Thought, etc.. In self-defense and retaliation Hindus too over the years have resorted to violence such as rioting, communal violence, etc., largely against Muslims because of their continued use of violence in various forms such as acts of terrorism, etc. belief in one God; conveyance of the word of God through prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Moses and many others; unquestioning acceptance/obedience of God’s word; God is concerned with the everyday actions of mankind and directs and keeps records of the lives of human beings in every small detail; at the end of the world, on the day of judgment, all human beings will be resurrected, God will judge them and send them to heaven or hell as per their actions during their life on earth. Christians engaged in various violent acts as evidenced by the Holy Inquisition, the Crusades, aggressive wars by Christian countries, the holocaust, hatred, aggressiveness and incredible cruelty towards ‘infidels’ and ‘heretics’ under the slogan of ‘struggle for the holy faith’, forced conversions, etc.. Thus, between 1901 -2000, Jews who constitute only .2% of the world population won 20% of the approximately 850 Nobel Prizes awarded, Christians who constitute 32.5% of the world population won 65.4% of Nobel Prizes awarded, while Muslims who constitute 21.5% of world population won only .6 % of Nobel Prizes i.e. To me the biggest thing defining both psychopathy and sociopathy is the lack of empathy. Most get rich by a combination of skill and luck or corruption. The contributions made by Christians and Jews have benefited the whole world and are significant even if we take a single parameter such as the number of Nobel Prizes won by people belonging to these two religions. ; inability to adapt and cope effectively (like people of other countries / societies / religions do) to the rapid changes taking place in the modern world with a consequent tendency to cling to the old, the known and the familiar; etc.. How come he gave the boot to them after the loans were paid off. Note these jerks didn’t mention that Trump threw Epstein out of Maralago when he got wind of the “little girls” – FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. This is What a Man from the Tomb of Sunken Skulls Looked Like, Perfect 800-Year-Old Norman Chain Mail Discovered In Ireland. The fact that Trump knows and has relationships with these people is no big surprise. Black Stone of Mecca, Hajj - Crystalinks. Infinity "Finn" Blackstone is the seventeen-year-old daughter of Blackstone's reclusive CEO--but she's never even met him. Another factor which holds Islamic societies back is ‘gender inequality’ where, despite claims being made to the contrary, equal treatment is not meted out to both the genders, and females who constitute 50% of the population are not given educational and other opportunities to develop and contribute to their full potential to their societies. Please share on social media! On 30 October 1978, it was reported that the principle investors of Resorts International were Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller, and Baron Edmond de Rothschild:…trump-freepom/. The God of this period and subsequently is referred to by Jews as YHWH in Hebrew (translated into English as ‘LORD’), by Christians as God or Lord and by Muslims as ‘Allah’. in the realm of spirituality. and have adopted techniques such as meditation, yoga, etc.. Its surface is blackish in color, but there is speculation that this is due to how much it has been touched, along with the oils with which it is anointed. 37% lift on online bookings 37% lift on online bookings . While Muslims have not contributed in any significant way to the welfare, scientific, intellectual and material progress of the world, they are leading in their hostility towards the entire world. Deutsche Bank and Alfa Bank: All three Judaic religions attempt such ‘force-fitting’, though again the problem is most acute in Islam, because while followers of Judaism and Christianity do attempt such ‘force-fitting’ yet they have side-stepped their religion, and managed to run their religious and daily lives in such manner that they proceed on more or less parallel paths which converge and diverge at various points. Other occupants of River House are Henry Kissinger and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (Queen Elizabeth’s financial adviser): Trump has been not only been partners in crime with associates of the Rothschild family, he’s even been directly involved with the Rothschilds. Still, Walter Gibson's Rocket to the Moon from the next year is a curiosity among such stories for casting China as the Space Race rival rather than the Soviet Union. That doesn’t mean we’re friends.”. The book was The Man From O.R.G.Y., an obscure 1965 James Bond ripoff written by Theodore Mark Gottfried under the pen name of Ted Mark. [email protected]. Trump is less corrupt than those associated with the Clintons. These days Wilbur Ross is Trump’s Secretary of Commerce. Muslims also believe that the Kaaba stone was once part of the stones of heaven. I notice that no one has brought up the Knights Templar yet, are they still in play or did the Gen’yosha cut them off at the knees? Marvel's brief superhero revival in the early years of the Cold War era kicked off in Young Men #24, and its a key part of Marvel history. Attitudes and laws towards both peace and violence exist in the traditions of this period. It is central to all that is going on right now. 22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories, kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2, Mail to:
I would like to highlight some aspects of Hinduism which are a contrast to the Judaic religions from which followers of these religions may draw cues which they may find relevant to the present discussions. Most of the year the Kaaba is covered in black cloth. The Kaaba is built around a sacred Black Stone which is tucked away in the eastern corner about five feet off the ground. The posts say: “The government advice is not to challenge people to wear a … They are not real Americans and they did not bring proof that the information was not true. But over the centuries the religious beliefs contained in Jewish texts were questioned by the Jews themselves right from medieval times through to the Jewish enlightenment of the 18th century and to present times. See Stephen Schwarzman and President Trump at a meeting with business leaders at the White House on 3 February 2017. Source: Aviator70 /Adobe Stock, Tate, Amethyst. Jacob Rothschild served as deputy chairman of Murdoch’s BSkyB Corporation from 2003 to 2007. Conspiracy theory or Conspiracy FACT. are records of events post Jesus’ death. I will do this under the following heads: *Similarities between the three Judaic / Abrahamic religions More hit piece on Trump – you idiots know damn well that he threw Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago FIFTEEN FREAKIN’ YEARS AGO… YOU’RE ROTHCHILD’S BITCH, NOT TRUMP. Good call, at least you were honest. In the case of Islam these issues are far more serious and have not helped followers of Islam to reach even higher levels of intellectual, social, political and material development. For truly all are under threat including those very extremists themselves who propagate their extremist ideologies and/or engage in violent acts. But the discoveries and inventions that they made in the sciences enabled them to use these as a stepping stone to question the content and truth of their religious texts and their religious beliefs, values and practices. Ross brought together LTV Steel, Acme Steel and Bethlehem Steel in the early 2000s under the name International Steel Group. Some of the interesting names in the little black book of Jeffrey Epstein… Everything in the world must be allowed scope to change, adapt and evolve. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
This film and other media adaptations (there were two different comic book versions in the same year) along with their intended influence were driven by Destination Moon creator and giant of American science fiction Robert A. Heinlein. The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. Now I have no need or desire to be in the market for services of that nature but like with a gun, I’d rather have one and not need it that need one and not have it. It may be noted that much of the acts of violence by various groups in these three religions are undertaken in the name of religion, and inspiration and support for these acts of violence are cited from religious texts. have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo / in preserving and propagating their extremist ideology. As a result, Hinduism accepts the right of others to follow their religions, has not sought to proselytize through propaganda or forced conversions, and has not used religion as a tool to gaining political power. The lender then proceeds to report this on your CIBIL Report as "Written off". Every failure of every character was the direct result of their inability to follow their true path and instead to cave in to desire, greed, convenience, emotion and weakness. But there is often an uneasy co-habitation between the two making it difficult to resolve some issues. As per studies there are more than one thousand passages which refer to God as acting violently or supporting the violence of humans and more than one hundred passages involving divine commands to kill humans. The Mavis Tire & Brakes facility at … Claim a custom domain to make it easy for people to find your brand on the web. During the recession, Ross took control of troubled banks in England, Greece and Cyprus. There's a Rocket to the Moon #nn (Avon, 1951) CGC VF- 7.5 Off-white to white pages up for auction at the 2021 June 17 – 19 Comics & Comic Art Signature Auction coming up from Heritage Auctions. The appointment of Gorsuch was a good strong start. “The Knights Templar origins began in 1119 when the order was allowed to set up headquarters on the Temple Mount by King Baldwin II of Jerusalem. For these Jews their Jewish identity may be a very powerful force in their lives but they see this as being largely independent of traditional religious beliefs and practice. Mecca is believed to be the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad but when followers visit the site, it is not actually Mecca they are facing but a building called the Ka’aba. Epstein was convicted to a total of 13 months in jail, for 8 hours per day. Muslim countries know that they cannot wage full-fledged wars against more advanced countries and level them down, so they engage instead in smaller proxy wars through acts of terror to accomplish the same end. I pray Trump is the Real Deal; 2018 will tell the Tale. I get the feeling that none of this would matter to me or affect me in any way whatsoever if I lived in a little cabin in the middle of nowhere and grew, raised, gathered, hunted and fished all of my own food. From writing The Shadow for Street & Smith comic books to Blackstone … Jesus made a radical shift in the teachings, religious beliefs and practices that were prevalent during his time, He not only emphasized peace, harmony, forgiveness, non-violence, etc. But now, in order to understand clearly the various dimensions of global Islamic terrorism and the fundamentalist, extremist ideology which is taking root everywhere, it is necessary to go to the roots of these problems by going back into history and examining the origins, growth, similarities and differences, etc. Jeremy Can’t Get A Date Because He Has No Balls, Covid19 = A Boot Stomping On Your Face… Forever, Save the Military By Starting with a Woke Purge, Ron Paul: The Secret Ronald Reagan Told Me About Gold And Great Nations, THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Pete Rose gets booted from baseball – 1989, The Slow-Motion Train Wreck of Market Mania and Inflation. Take heart Catholics, ifn’ Q is correct, da Church is about to experience a major reformation. Maybe “Russiagate” is just another invention of the (Rothschild-controlled) media to hide “Rothschildgate”…. In religion one looks to an external God. On the other hand, we can keep the past as it is and try to ‘force-fit’ the present to the past. I like the part where Trump is just, guilty by association… so much conjecture and almost zero fact in this article at all. Also found were many shatter cones, a rare geological feature, only known to form in the bedrock beneath meteorite impact craters or underground nuclear explosions. Except Soros. Here it must be noted that the desire of Muslim extremists to preserve their extremist ideology is not vis-a-vis just other religions but also vis-à-vis other Islamic sects themselves who are following different or more liberals forms of their religion. He is a lifetime actor, and he is following the script written by the Rothschilds. Depending on the object being a visible enemy, the Devil, and aspects of one's own self (such as sinful desires), different categories of jihad are defined. Evelyn de Rothschild; Jessica Rothschild (probably the daughter of Evelyn); Hannah Rothschild (probably the daughter of Jacob); Edouard de Rothschild (probably the son of Guy de Rothschild). Found insideThe book is both instructive and surprisingly moving.” —The New York Times Ray Dalio, one of the world’s most successful investors and entrepreneurs, shares the unconventional principles that he’s developed, refined, and used over ... Jeffrey Epstein one gets exposed to alternative ideas, values, practices, changing life styles, etc.. Including following witnesses and discrediting victims by publishing their social media profiles:…136073328.html. smh. Every day, five times a day, Muslims across the world face the holy site of Mecca and pray. Murdoch jointly with Jacob Rothschild invested in a 5.5% stake in Genie, which conducts shale gas and oil exploration in amongst others Colorado and the occupied Golan Heights. extremists, and who are being compelled by these extremist forces to lead regressive lives The danger is also great for Muslim females from various sects, who despite claims which are made to the contrary, are discriminated against in so many ways under regimes and societies which are influenced by extremist ideologies. As a result, you now find that in various parts of the world, various religious groups such as Christians, Jews, etc. A former comic playing to a houseful of over-the-hill fools. Gibson also wrote a few science fiction comics, and the 1951 one-shot Rocket to the Moon from publisher Avon may be one of his most unusual efforts in comics. Searching for the Terrifying Mongolian Death Worm. The family Trump invests most of their money in BlackRock investment funds. According to Acosta, Epstein’s attorneys launched “a year-long assault” on prosecutors “more aggressive” than any Acosta had previously encountered. Force-fitting is like taking a scientific theory, and forcefully fitting further facts, new information, new developments, etc., into the existing theories by stretching, twisting, convolution, etc.. Islam began in the 7th Century AD. Prince Constantijn, brother of Willem-Alexander, is also a member of the ECFR, For information on the “philanthropic” work of Soros and Mabel in Yugoslavia:…oros-amp-Mabel. For death punishments stringent restrictions were placed in terms of the number of witnesses required for an offense, etc.. It doesn’t get much more top than Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Gates, Prince al-whatever (doesn’t matter which one, they’re all loaded), etc. Correct, Sir. Ancient Signs in the Sky: Did a Meteorite Change the Course of Christianity 2,000 Years Ago? We do not offer pre-written essays. The ECFR was cofounded in 2007 by Mabel Wisse Smit (still one of its presidents), sister-in-law of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. Islamic terror against the world amounts to one ‘biting the hand that feeds one’. It’s called paying a debt and it will be paid with the blood of Americans in the Persian Gulf. Lack of intellectual freedom and action is a major factor which holds Islamic societies back. Search domain, Donald J. Trump recently informed his inner circle that he completed paying off a debt he had to a Rothschild bank and then, “grabbed Jacob by the scruff of the neck and kicked him out the back door of Palm Beach society.” This meeting featured the future President pounding his fist on the table and vowing to destroy Hillary Clinton’s corrupt globalist financiers, according to a Mar-a …. The Wilbur Ross info was certainly interesting. Societies which do not allow such freedom in thought and action do not and cannot grow, develop and prosper. Christians and Jews managed to side-step their religious texts and developed independent thought and action which they applied initially to the fields of science, arts, etc.. Found insideThis book takes leaders and managers inside Kronos’s highly admired WorkInspired culture, showing them the surprisingly simple rules to follow to replicate that success. Found insidePraise for CAPITAL " Indeed this book represents a perfect pairing of one of the most astute observers of the investment scene with one of the most outstanding investment firms ever created." —From the Foreword by Burton G. Malkiel, ... In the 11th century, a man allegedly attempted to smash it and was killed on the spot, causing only slight damage to the stone. then maybe one shouldnt run on a platform constantly promising to “drain the swamp” while pretending you’re not one of them. Dr. Doom and the Sub-Mariner's epic team-up in Fantastic Four #6 almost proved too much for the FF, and has some amazing history behind it. Even if God stands before us and tells us anything we will question God’. You have made a most cogent point. Found insideThe Queen of Paris, the new novel from award-winning author Pamela Binnings Ewen, is fiction based on facts, some uncovered only within the past few years, and vividly imagines the hidden life of Chanel during the four years of Nazi ... Let me start with a story narrated about Edmund Burke, a British parliamentarian and historian, who wanted to write a complete history of the world right from the beginning when life started on earth with marine creatures. Is Trump ’ s rich spiritual heritage, due to the book written by blackstone founder ’ s state and. Factors such as yoga and meditation witnesses and discrediting victims by publishing their social media:. George Soros and Donald Trump provided his private jet for Prince Andrew with business leaders at hands. Or the year the Kaaba stone was once part of the highest IQ s. 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