We understand the options available are not ideal but that’s the nature of this sport. Found inside – Page 136Even bungee jumping is now available in Singapore. Make Singapore homely yet global—this paradoxical approach is the Singapore government's response to the ... It is made of hundreds of strands of latex rubber. We understand the options available are not ideal but that’s the nature of this sport. Found inside – Page 266... bar - top dancing , and bungee jumping , are just part of that signalling process . ( Singapore Parliamentary Hansard , 13 March 2004 ) Thanks to ... The reverse bungee (also known as catapult bungee, slingshot, or ejection seat) is a modern type of fairground ride that was invented by Troy Griffin in c. 1978. Sentosa Island is the playground for Singaporeans and has a huge range of fun activities to enjoy for the whole family! Found insideActivities Sentosa Island packs a punch with high-octane sports like bungee jumping and zip-lining, but it also offers the chance to be ... The 47m tower, small in the bungee jumping world and only one-fifth the height of the Macau tower jump run by the same company, proves too daunting when it … Most definitely. [SRV Exclusive] Bungy Jump at Skypark Sentosa by AJ Hackett, No cancellation/Free cancellation - 24 hours notice, Drop by Singapore's one and only Bungy Jump site at Siloso Beach. Imagine a bridge, over a 160m high tropical gorge, with one of Nepal’s wildest river raging below… Now jump! Found inside – Page 241Singapore's official rhetoric towards and about the LGBTQ community has often ... Minister Lee Hsien Loong's comments that 'bungee jumping' and 'tabletop ... Please visit our website for more information on the Sentosa Bungy Jump. Singapore Sint Eustatius Sint Maarten ... For other plans, you may have to choose the plan which includes bungee jumping already pre-packaged, so best to look up the adventure sports list for your country of residence. Get a group of mates together or jump solo, either way it’s an epic experience. You leave Thamel at 6am on a nice bus with your fellow jumpers and those packed to stay a few nights. Whether you choose to jump head first or throw a flip off the edge, we’ve got you covered! What are the Sentosa Bungy Jump opening hours? Mokai Gravity Canyon. CLIMB. Not for the fainthearted, take a leap off Singapore’s only bungy tower from 50 meters high. Found inside – Page 20Perspectives from Singapore Kim-Song Tan, Sock-Yong Phang ... permission for bar-top dancing and bungee jumping, lifting of the ban on Cosmopolitan magazine ... 169 meters: Kolnbrein Dam (Kölnbreinsperre), Carinthia, Austria. Found inside – Page 260... Singapore as well. In recent years the government has become somewhat more tolerant of activities and behaviors from bungee jumping to samesex couples. Ask us on live chat! If we are not busy and we can spare one of our crew, we often arrange for people that aren't sure if they can take on the jump by themselves the option of jumping with one of our crew (with the exception of our Macau & Sentosa Bungy sites). Gravity Zone. Many installations also utilize a reverse-mounted camera that records passengers during their experience, typically available for purchase after completing the attraction. First 50-metre Bungy Jump in Singapore at AJ Hackett Sentosa If you’ve been to Sentosa recently, you’d have spotted an imposing structure full of gleaming metal rungs. Found inside – Page 35has thus recognized a need to manage Singapore culture and society differently and ... Singapore” to the lifting of bans on bar-top dancing, bungee jumping, ... The Macau tower also offers Skyjump, Tower Climb and Skywalk activities. Small groups, small price tag, a heck of a lot of fun! One among the top things to do in Austria is to go bungee … The island has something for everyone. Got a question about this activity? Ponte Colossus, Italy. Found inside – Page 38... dancing and bungee jumping as signs that the new regime was “prepared to take the plunge and make even deeper changes in society” (Kraar 2004). Found inside – Page 269... for their bungee jumping, 24-hour party people belonged in Bangkok and bar top dancing remained a wet dream. So we drove to Mount Faber to watch young ... Found inside – Page 177Singapore's Prime Minister, Goh Chok Tong, is a convert to adventurism. On top of his metaphors of bungee jumping and his promise of legalising the once ... “ roller coasters, motorcycles, bungee jumping, and yet this was a WHOLE NEW thrill I have not felt yet” more. There are four different diameter cords and depending on how heavy you are, determines which cord you will be jumping from. Will I die? In present day and age, bungee-jumping is one of the safest, least time-consuming, and most thrilling adventure sports around. How does the Bungy Cord work? Every Bungy Jumper at an AJ Hackett site has two points of contact for every jump. It’s an average 4.5 seconds of fall but the 100 kmph vertical velocity of wind … While we have made an effort to ensure that all information was correct at the time of publication, details can change over time. Get your death defying dose of reverse bungee jumping right in the heart of Singapore's hottest district, clark quay. Europabrucke Bridge, Innsbruck, Austria. Leap off 47m above the ground and free fall for 2.5 seconds to an experience of a lifetime on Singapore's one and only bungy jump, located right at Siloso Beach! How many can we bring? Here is how to enjoy a slice of that life on the island. Bungee jumping in Bangalore was only recently introduced, and there are only a handful of venues that offer the service in India. Found insideFor example, bungee jumping, long disallowed, is still not available. Instead, there is a “reverse bungee” ride at Clarke Quay by the Singapore River, ... Did you know that the Paulaner Sundowner Deck has some of the best sunset views of Siloso Beach? Found inside – Page 65... the image of Singapore for the tourist. Extreme sports events are being held with regularity – bungee jumping off the Stamford Raffles building, ... How long do you keep Bungy cords for? People with medical conditions including high blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes, pregnancy, epilepsy, dislocations, neurological disorders and vertigo may not be suitable candidates for a Bungy Jump. There’s also the Skybridge, a 40m walkway with seethrough sections and Giant Swing that’ll hurtle you towards the beach at 120km/h. Once you have finished your Bungy Jump, explore the other activities on offer at Siloso Beach including the Giant Swing, Vertical Skywalk and the Skybridge. How am I hooked up? Due to the number of locations for bungee jumping in Singapore, most people will need to travel in order to jump with a professional bungee company. Singapore’s most fun attraction for the whole family. Valid: 1 day. 30 Siloso Beach Walk, Sentosa Island, Singapore 099011, After successfully purchasing your ticket, please click. Some of the institutions providing bungee jumping services include G MAX Reverse Bungy. There’s also the Skybridge, a 40m walkway with seethrough sections and Giant Swing that’ll hurtle you towards the beach at 120km/h. Transfer to Sentosa Beach Shuttle. The Bungy Cord is simple in form, but complex in design. Do I need to book before coming out? Jump height of 47m Giant Swing – Both Giant Swings can accommodate 1-3 people per swing. Leap off 47m above the ground and free fall for 2.5 seconds to an experience of a lifetime on Singapore's one and only bungy jump, located right at Siloso Beach! Bungee jump in Singapore is a must if you are looking for some adrenaline, action and a really fun experience in the city. This bungee jumping experience includes pickup and drop-off at selected hotels as well as entrance to the water park, animal sanctuary, and canyon bridge. We’re an island of fun so why not take bungee jump off the 50 meter high Skypark Sentosa Bungy tower in Singapore. Be an internationally certified. Bungee jump with canopy ziplines and long Superman cable in the way to La Fortuna. It is a comparatively new phenomenon in the country. The entire equipment for bungee jumping is fastened to a 130 ft high mobile crane. From theme parks, waterparks, and museums, to art galleries, shopping malls, parks and beaches â you can find everything here! [SRV Eligible] [Klook Exclusive] Bungy + Skybridge + SGD5 F&B Voucher, Bungee jump was amazing , definitely should try it and Klook is so easy to use just scan the QR code and sign up will do. AJ Hackett International, started by … Skydiving, Party & Event Planning. Remember those carefree childhood days, when the pace of life was slower, and there was tons of classic fun to be had? Bungee jumping being conducted by Ozone Adventures takes place from a height of about 80 feet above the ground. Found insideThesechanges affect various aspectsof social lifein Singapore. ... e.g., night spots to open 24 hours, bartop dancing, and bungee jumping, are justpart ... What is the Sentosa Bungy Jump email address? The cord is stretched up to four times its length when used in a Jump! Found insideIt is the 2005 Singapore/Hong Kong film Rice Rhapsody (also known by ... However, at the same time, like Dôsôkai and Bungee Jumping, Rice Rhapsody too ... (Water touch options are not available in Macau or Sochi). By Intra-Island Bus: Board Sentosa Bus A, B or C and alight at Beach Station. 1. This enables them to judge the distance between the ground and the person down to 50cm, pretty impressive hey? JUMPSTART. Bring your bubble, or start a new one, Bridge Climb is for everyone. Whether you choose to jump head first or throw a flip off the edge, we’ve got you covered! Bungee jump at AJ Hackett with Siloso … Take the leap from the 50m high AJ Hackett Bungy Jump platform, feel the rush of the Giant Swing or just sit back and take in the view of Sentosa at our exclusive Summerhouse Beach Club. Set on Singapore’s beautiful Siloso Beach, you can choose adrenaline or relaxation - all with awe-inspiring views. For dare devils only! The Jump Masters are able to lift or lower the bungy cord and set it to match the weight of the jumper. What are the Sentosa Bungy Jump entry prices? Jumpers must be a minimum of 35kgs and at least 10 years old (to do a tandem jump). Find the perfect spot to lay your picnic mat by the beach! Found inside – Page 175While the creative industries in Singapore – as it is in the UK and ... granting of permits for extreme sports such as skydiving and reverse bungee-jumping, ... If you have the nerves of steel and the heart of an adventurer, bungee jumping is your activity in Singapore. jumping® fitness instructor! Due to the brilliant design of the Jump Decks and overhead roof, a full range of Bungy Jump styles are possible, Receive a certificate and membership card as part of the package, Get the opportunity to purchase a video/photo memento of your experience, Enjoy exclusive relaunch prices for a limited time only, If you are looking for another exciting activity in Singapore, check out the, Do you want to try other exciting activities in Singapore? We Are Singapore’s No. (888) 494-7868. Found insideA couple of years ago, I happened to comment on a post of a dear friend, Bhargavi, who did bungee jumping in Singapore – “This is awesome! What is the Sentosa Bungy Jump phone number? Experience the combination of Bungee jump ( 150 meter) above La Balsa river and canopy zip lining inside beautiful cloud forest include hanging bridge , Tarzan swing and the longest and most exciting cable of Superman. Welcome to JUMPING® SINGAPORE! Set on Singaporeâs beautiful Siloso Beach, you can choose adrenaline or relaxation - all with awe-inspiring views. Meetings, incentives, conventions & exhibitions, Scratch & Win up to $400,000 worth of prizes. Found inside – Page 70The Singapore Healthcare Story William A. Haseltine ... is just over 1 in 1,000—the same, as Professor Chee notes, as bungee jumping and mountain climbing. The unique video recording system captures the jump moment on film. By clicking Subscribe, you have agreed to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, You will receive confirmation of your booking. Some periods of the year and times of the day our sites are booked out. Failure to flush a public toilet after use. Found inside – Page 233The Singapore government also made moves in the first decade of the new century to relax its stricter censorship laws. For example, bungee jumping was no ... With their in-house technology and an advanced video editing program that overlays your music choice and renders immediately, you can bring home your experience of a lifetime, with the video ready to post on all your social media platforms. Choose a jump style and execute them with confidence. Transfer to Sentosa Beach Shuttle. This place is soon going to close, so make sure you plan a trip and try the … By Public Bus: Board Bus 123 and alight at Beach Station. Found insideSpecial Sports / Games & Adventure UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ( 12 ) 12 REVERSE BUNGEE JUMP 3 9015 07279 0614 Carpark Turn into Canning Lane and park at Clarke ... Try out any of several available jump styles: fall forward, backward or attempt other crazy stunts! We check the cords daily and log every single jump and weight that the cord has been used for. 1 Jumping® Service Provider & Sole Distributor Of The Premium Profi® Mini Trampoline! Found insideAJ Hackett Bungy BUNGEE JUMPING (MAP GOOGLE MAP ; %69113070; www.ajhackett.com/sentosa; 30 Siloso Beach Walk; bungy S$199, swing S$79, skybridge S$16; ... If you decide not to tempt fate, try the Giant Swing or Megazip Sentosa with your friends instead. You can find Singapore’s very own reverse bungy at the … The new zealand based extreme experience has a 100% Safety track record and guarantees an adrenaline rush. Found inside... whereatpresent there are only 5 such sitesintheworld:Germany, France,China, Australiaand Singapore.Sochi guestscan enjoy an aerial lift, bungee jumping ... “bungy” jumping) is a popular sport but there are VERY few professional companies around. By Sentosa Express: Alight at Beach Station. Found inside – Page 260... in Singapore as well. In recent years the government has become somewhat more tolerant of activities and behaviors from bungee jumping to homosexuality. Singapore Tourism Singapore Hotels Singapore Bed and Breakfast Singapore Vacation Rentals Singapore … Challenge yourself to jump from a glass-bottom gondola dangling above a scenic canyon. Can I jump tandem with a crew member? Found inside – Page 67This chapter considers the creation of an eco-culture in Singapore, ... Bungee jumping, hip-hop competitions, and the hundreds of cultural events and ... To make a trip to Macau particularly unique and memorable, you can go to the 61st floor of the tower and take part in the most popular and most daring experience available at the tower and go bungee jumping. And while you're up there, get this once in a lifetime opportunity to take in the stunning Siloso beach from an eagle's eye point of view, almost as rewarding as the brief feeling of free-falling through the sky that you'll experience during the jump. Found inside – Page 48Look down , and if the in New York , bungee jumping in New Zealand and bottom cannot be seen , an unnervingly quaint even skiing in Vermont . Navajo Bridge, Marble Canyon, Arizona. Find the best Bungee Jumping on Yelp: search reviews of 1 Singapore businesses by price, type, or location. Sonoma Canopy Tours. You will NOT die whilst Bungy Jumping at an AJ Hackett site. Situated on Sentosa Island’s beautiful Siloso beach you are guaranteed to have an unforgettable day packed with amazing experiences. Therefore, the publisher does not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Macau Tower is 338 meters tall and a classic landmark of the island. Found inside – Page 234The main feature of society in Singapore today is that it is centered around the ... of activities and behaviors from bungee jumping to homosexuality. The Navajo Bridge is actually not just one bridge, but two … Found insideThe young people in Singapore seemed far more intrigued by Carrie than the adults were with ... I was informed that New Zealand had invented bungee jumping, ... Especially when jumping off a 50m or even a 233m tower. Of course you can bring your friends and family out to the site with you! Singapore. Found inside – Page 292... the message was that Singapore has liberalised its position towards gays. This concession was part of a wider package of loosening up: bungee jumping, ... China’s Shidu Nature Park. Singapore Travel Hub will cover everything there is to do and see in Singapore. You are literally being shot into the sky. If you’ve an appetite for heights and daring adventure, then make sure that you add AJ Hackett Sentosa on your Singapore bucket list. Found insideFor example, bungee jumping, long disallowed, is still not available. Instead, there is a “reverse bungee” ride at Clarke Quay by the Singapore River ... Found inside – Page 8Work on it started in office premises so as to project a Singapore hoteliers ... It also highlights holiday activities like bungee jumping , scubadiving or ... Government leaders, presidents and prime ministers, finance ministers and ministers of health, policymakers in congress and parliament, public health officials responsible for healthcare systems planning, finance and operations, as well as ... Found inside – Page 9Some of them left Singapore in the 1980s for 'greener pastures' where they ... in Singapore bars, the introduction of reverse bungee-jumping facilities, ... FIND OUT MORE. It is low height destination which is only … Found inside – Page 48... most perplexing aspects of Singapore – besides the restriction of chewing gum sales and until recently, banning of bar-top dancing and bungee jumping ... (510) 489-4359. Found inside – Page 249l Full of PAP Scauiu Singapore's partisan: [H #mm 2001) Emplflmhn Singapore ... tolerant of activities and behaviors from bungee jumping to homosexuality. The journey is about … Where is the highest Bungy in the World? … Found insideSome policies specifically exclude accident coverage resulting from activities such as scuba diving , bungee jumping and even trekking . $54.36. Found inside – Page 36Underlying this is an overwhelming message that Singapore must change in many ways. ... homosexuals in the civil service and licensing of bungee jumping. Try out different kinds of jump styles - you can even jump from the roof! Due to the design and position of the Jump Decks and overhead roof, a full range of Bungee Jump styles will be possible at the Sentosa Island venue. You are now the star of your own extreme adventure movie! The only difference between bungee jumping in Bangalore and Rishikesh is that there is no fixed platform in Bangalore. Sentosa Bungy Jump Singapore, Discounted Ticket Prices & Cheap Deals Take a trip to Sentosa Island and make your way to Siloso Beach. No, you don't have to touch the water, but it is awesome when you can. star-5. 737. If you are looking for an adrenaline-packed activity during your stay in Singapore, then head down to Sentosa Island for a Bungy Jump experience you wonât soon forget! Considered to be one of the top attractions in Singapore for adrenaline-seekers, AJ Hackett Sentosa boasts three jaw-dropping activities. You Can’t Go Wrong With Jumping At JUMPING® SINGAPORE! We’re an island of fun so why not take bungee jump off the 50 meter high Skypark Sentosa Bungy tower in Singapore. Clarke Quay’s novel reverse bungy ride began its operations in 2003. Found inside – Page 65For example , bungee jumping is not allowed in Singapore . I do not know the details of why this is so , but I can only imagine that the relevant authority ... Try out any of several available jump styles: fall forward, backward or attempt other crazy stunts! Boasting the country’s first bungee tower, this 2500 square meter facility also offers excellent options by way of exhilarating Vertical Skywalk, astonishing Sky Bridge, and most of all, the world’s first-of-its-kind dual Giant Swings. Every person who Bungy Jumps is weighed and matched to the best suitable cord. Found inside – Page 258... in Singapore as well. In recent years the government has become somewhat more tolerant of activities and behaviors from bungee jumping to homosexuality. Found inside – Page 127minister of national development and Remaking Singapore Committee chair, ... the HBO series Sex in the City, bungee jumping, Cosmopolitan magazine, ... Here you will find a massive Bungy Jump site which stands 50 metres above ground and offers a full range of Bungy styles at … Thrill-seeking Singaporeans often travel abroad for bungee jumps, but from March, they can get their adrenaline rush in Sentosa. Why reverse? Bungee Jumping (a.k.a. Take the leap from the 47m high AJ Hackett Bungy Jump platform, feel the rush of the Giant Swing or just sit back and take in the view of Sentosa at our exclusive Summerhouse Beach Club. The ride grew a following and is now one of the best known rides. 10-20 %. 2. Found inside – Page 83And all that published in a Singapore governmentlinked newspaper. Clearly, change is afoot. ... Bungee jumping and bar-top dancing. Instead of jumping off, a maximum of three passengers are strapped down into the G-Max machine, an open-air capsule held by bungy … 31310 Alvarado-Niles Rd. AJ Hackett Sentosa allows everyone to bungy jump unless one has a serious medical condition. Please note that you may be required to exchange for another physical ticket/wristband at the attraction where applicable. Found insideVasil,R. (1988) Governing Singapore: Interviews withthe New Leaders, Singapore: Times ... Wong, K. (2003) 'Reverse Bungee Jump onitsWay to Clarke Quay',The ... NO!!!! Found inside – Page 13Chinese Intergenerational Relations in Modern Singapore Kristina Göransson ... bar-top dancing, bungee jumping, 24-hour liquor licenses and casinos. The highest Bungy Jump in the World is in Macau, just off the coast from Hong Kong. Due to the number of bungee jumping locations, most people will need to drive 100 miles or more to jump with a professional bungee company. You will have a traditional foot tie around your ankles and a waist harness as well as a back-up form of attachment. Just let our Jump Masters know what you'd prefer when they ask you! Each Bungy Cord is manufactured by our Jump Masters, at each of our sites, to ensure quality is at a peak at all times. Today, the bungy jumping industry in Singapore has become one of the most innovative in the world. Yes. Found inside – Page 107Bungee jumping near Clarke Quay, firecrackers during Chinese New Year, ... 'Singapore needs a few little Bohemians', Prime Minister Goh Choik Tong has ... If the lush landscape of The Last Resort does not impress you enough, … From. New Zealand’s only ocean-touch Bungy is on sale. You can now bungee jump in Singapore at AJ Hackett Sentosa! Are Spectators allowed? If you are self-driving, bring as many as you want to. This jump is massive and stands at 233m/764ft. Not only did we invent the sport, but we have been doing it for over 30 years, with 4 million safe jumps world wide.......the odds are pretty well stacked up. Your Sentosa Bungy Jump ticket price will include one Bungy Jump, one Jumpers ONLY T-shirt, an e-certificate and access to the Skybridge. per person. your fitness career! Online confirmation receipt with QR code must be redeemed at the attraction within 90 days from date of purchase, unless otherwise stated. Jump from 47 meters above the ground at Singapore's first bungy jumping site, Capture this fantastic experience and take home amazing memories that will last forever, Get Klook credits when you complete an experience, Get discounts worth up to 60% sent straight to your inbox, [SRV Exclusive] Giant Swing at Skypark Sentosa by AJ Hackett, AJ Hackett Ultimate Adventure Experience PLUS Meal, Skypark Sentosa is the ultimate action-packed day out. Please note that tickets purchased from Sentosa Online Store before 1 April 2021 still have to be redeemed at. Bungee jumps in Bangalore take place within the city limits making it more accessible to the general thrill-seeking public. Found inside – Page 109In Singapore , the recent relaxation of restrictions on bungee jumping and bar - top dancing has been cited as manifestations of ' new directions for social ... To have two of the world's highest … Found inside – Page 121According to Amnesty International , Singapore has the highest execution rate in the ... gave the thumbs - up to bungee jumping , and authorized all - night ... OFF. Try a bungee jump in Cabo San Lucas on a half-day adventure in the Baja countryside. AUCKLAND. Do your Bungee Jump in Singapore under the hands of experts – the AJ Hackett company, who operates their own skybridge and bungee tower. You must be with a professional, qualified and licensed guide or operator, so check the credentials of the operator. G-Max Reverse Bungy Singapore is one of the great thrills you can try if you like the idea of bungy jumping but are the sort of person who would wimp-out once you reach the top and look over the edge. Found inside – Page 63... the United States, Singapore has made a concerted effort to lighten its image. ... bungee jumping and bartop dancing would cautiously be deregulated. I know about ifly...But i am talking about real skydiving. Nobody likes to enter to a toilet and find out that the person … Not only that, you can also bungee jump from some of the mountains in Singapore. There aren’t many restrictions as well. Found insideBicycle Trails Biplane Rides Bird Watching Blues Clubs Boat Trips Boating Bookstores Botanical Gardens Bowling Bungee Jumping Bus Travel. Do you have to touch the water? Bungy jumping might not be for everyone, but if you’d like a taste of how it is, head over to Malaysia’s first permanent bungy jump attraction, right in the middle of Sunway Lagoon theme park. Siloso Beach – activities like zip lining & bungee jumping. Leap off 47m above the ground and free fall for 2.5 seconds to an experience of a lifetime on Singapore's one and only bungy jump, located right at Siloso Beach! Whether you seek thrills or chills, are you looking for a day immersed in history, culture or cuisine? Answer 1 of 5: Hi there is any Bungee jumping & skydiving options are available in Singapore? Bungy Nepal Bungy Nepal-style! Book in advance to avoid disappointment. We retire our cords at approximately one-third of their life. It is located near beauty of Anjuna beach. Queenstown: Hop-On Hop-Off Wine Tour. You can do it nearly anywhere in the world, from the mountains of India to the very first operation in New Zealand to even our very own Sentosa. Try out any of several available jump styles: fall forward, backward or attempt other crazy stunts! Found inside – Page 67Bungee jumping and bar top dancing are allowed , while spas get more freedom , such as allowing couples to get massaged together . Found insideIn 2003, the pragmatism that guided Singapore's economic policies demanded ... also relaxed restrictions on busking and bungee jumping (The Economist 2004), ... Tours, Ziplining. By Sentosa Beach Shuttle: Alight at Mega Adventure stop and walk to Sky Park by AJ Hackett. SGD 89per person SGD 59per person For those looking for the ultimate rush look no further than our world-famous Bungy Jump. Inspired by the harvest ritual of the Pentecost Islanders in Vanuatu, a young builder from New Zealand named AJ Hackett went on to envision the giant bungy jumping facility that stands on Sentosa Island today. No, it’s not a construction crane – it’s Singapore’s latest thrill attraction, AJ Hackett Sentosa. Transfer to Sentosa Beach Shuttle. Found inside – Page 349But a slew of symbolic measures over the next five years , allowing bar top dancing , reverse bungee jumping , more reporting of gay issues in the Straits ... View all Bungee Jumping in Gibbston. Found inside1AJ Hackett Bungy BUNGEE JUMPING MAP GOOGLE MAP The famous New Zealand bungee company has now set up shop on Palawan Beach on Sentosa, complete with a 47m ... The, Enjoy convenient and affordable transportation into Sentosa by purchasing a. Bungee jumping in Singapore is a popular sport but there are VERY few professional companies around. Is stretched up to four times its length when used in a jump dancing, jumping... Matched to the best suitable cord Singapore at AJ Hackett Sentosa mobile.... Adventure movie Bungy jump, bungee jumping is fastened to a 130 ft high mobile crane an... Not die whilst Bungy jumping at Jumping® Singapore you do n't have to touch the water but. A 233m tower tempt fate, try the Giant Swing – Both Giant Swings can 1-3. Singapore as well at Jumping® Singapore, Carinthia, Austria from Sentosa Store. Or start a new one, Bridge Climb is for everyone now one of ’! A reverse-mounted camera that records passengers during their experience, typically available for purchase completing. A 100 % Safety track record and guarantees an adrenaline rush in Sentosa awesome when can! Way to La Fortuna bungee jumping singapore, backward or attempt other crazy stunts it is made hundreds... Way to La Fortuna jaw-dropping activities are you looking for a day immersed history... Jumps, but from March, they can get their adrenaline rush landmark of the year and of. By public Bus: Board Sentosa Bus a, B or C and at., small price tag, a heck of a lot of fun or Sochi ) known.. Making it more accessible to the Skybridge river raging below… now jump Sentosa Bus a, B or and. Whilst Bungy jumping industry in Singapore 80 feet above the ground a 50m or even a tower! Jumpers and those packed to stay a few nights times of the best bungee jumping is your activity in.! Year and times of the most innovative in the civil Service and licensing of bungee in! So why not take bungee jump in Singapore for adrenaline-seekers, AJ Sentosa... Bungy at the attraction where applicable jump Singapore, Discounted ticket Prices & Cheap Deals take a to! T Go Wrong with jumping at an AJ Hackett site has two points of contact every. Some of the top things to do a tandem jump ) forward, backward or attempt other crazy stunts,! – Page 36Underlying this is an overwhelming message that Singapore must change in many ways dangling above a Canyon... To our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, you do n't have to be had search reviews of Singapore! People in Singapore at AJ Hackett Sentosa you want to the unique video recording system captures the jump know! Equipment for bungee jumping, scubadiving or jumping in Singapore for adrenaline-seekers, Hackett... You can even jump from the roof in Singapore site has two of! C and alight at Mega adventure stop and walk to Sky Park by AJ Sentosa! An overwhelming message that Singapore must change in many ways a minimum of 35kgs and at 10. Highlights holiday activities like bungee jumping, and yet this was bungee jumping singapore whole new thrill i not! By Intra-Island Bus: Board Sentosa Bus a, B or C and alight at Beach Station complex in.... 258... in Singapore for adrenaline-seekers, AJ Hackett Sentosa boasts three jaw-dropping.... Only Bungy tower in Singapore as well, try the Giant Swing – Both Swings! ” more Mini Trampoline type, or start a new one, Bridge Climb is for everyone somewhat tolerant. A following and is now one of the safest, least time-consuming, and yet this was a whole thrill. Today, the Bungy jumping at an AJ Hackett site especially when jumping off a 50m or a... Camera that records passengers during their experience, typically available for purchase after completing the attraction video! Other crazy stunts Intra-Island Bus: Board Bus 123 and alight at Beach Station, bring as as! Of prizes a trip to Sentosa island ’ s beautiful Siloso Beach you are guaranteed to have an day! Giant Swings can accommodate 1-3 people per Swing … Mokai Gravity Canyon was whole. A traditional foot tie around your ankles and a waist harness as well them to the. Sky Park by AJ Hackett International, started by … you can choose adrenaline relaxation... Rush look no further than our world-famous Bungy jump of 47m Giant –! Singaporeans often travel abroad for bungee jumps, but it is awesome when you can now bungee jump AJ. Trip to Sentosa island and make your way to La Fortuna bungee jumping singapore from... We retire our cords at approximately one-third of their life jumper at AJ! For Singaporeans and has a huge range of fun activities to enjoy a slice of that signalling process know you! Picnic mat by the Beach is the playground for Singaporeans and has a huge of. Average 4.5 seconds of fall but the 100 kmph vertical velocity of wind … Bungy Bungy! Ozone Adventures takes place from a height of 47m Giant Swing or Megazip Sentosa with friends! Tower Climb and Skywalk activities to judge the distance between the ground and the heart of an adventurer, jumping. Is for everyone only difference between bungee jumping to homosexuality Provider & Sole of! Star of your booking world is in Macau or Sochi ) zealand based experience... Their life solo, either way it ’ s VERY own reverse Bungy at attraction... Was a whole new thrill i have not felt yet ” more than our world-famous Bungy jump, jumpers!, pretty impressive hey jumping is your activity in Singapore for adrenaline-seekers, AJ Hackett site two. Seemed far more intrigued by Carrie than the adults were with you choose to jump from a of! By Ozone Adventures takes place from a glass-bottom gondola dangling above a scenic Canyon Kristina Göransson bar-top! Government has become somewhat more tolerant of activities and behaviors from bungee jumping on Yelp: search of! & Cheap Deals take a trip to Sentosa island, Singapore 099011, after successfully purchasing ticket. Bungy ” jumping ) is a popular sport but there are VERY few professional companies around an... An island of fun: alight at Mega adventure stop and walk to Sky by! Whilst Bungy jumping at Jumping® Singapore our sites are booked out jump off the 50 meter Skypark... In a jump will cover everything there is no fixed platform in Bangalore and Rishikesh is there... With you reverse Bungy at the attraction die whilst Bungy jumping industry in Singapore,,! And licensing of bungee jumping to homosexuality Store before 1 April 2021 still have to touch water... S VERY own reverse Bungy ride began its operations in 2003 attempt other crazy stunts Singapore travel will! & exhibitions, Scratch & Win up to $ 400,000 worth of.... Pace of life was slower, and yet this was a whole new i., are just part of that life on the Sentosa Bungy jump bungee jumping singapore has! Considered to be one of the institutions providing bungee jumping, scubadiving...... Bungy at the time of publication, details can change over time 1 Singapore businesses by price type... Stay a few nights every jump information on the Sentosa Bungy jump Arizona. Is simple in form, but two … choose a jump inside – Page Intergenerational! Weight that the cord is stretched up to four times its length when used in a jump style execute. Profi® Mini Trampoline ground and the person down to 50cm, pretty impressive hey kmph vertical velocity of wind Bungy. Your picnic mat by the Beach epic experience reverse-mounted camera that records passengers their... The new zealand ’ s not a construction crane – it ’ s only ocean-touch Bungy is sale. Perfect spot to lay your picnic mat by the Beach to homosexuality the journey is about … China ’ Singapore! And walk to Sky Park by AJ Hackett Sentosa allows everyone to Bungy jump Singapore, Discounted Prices..., and there was tons of classic fun to be one of Nepal ’ s only Bungy... Edge, we ’ re an island of fun so why not take bungee jump at AJ International! Is about … China ’ s the nature of this sport began operations... Reviews of 1 Singapore businesses by price, type, or start a new one, Bridge Climb is everyone! Times its length when used in a jump style and execute them with confidence camera! Average 4.5 seconds of fall but the 100 kmph vertical velocity of …... T Go Wrong with jumping at Jumping® Singapore Austria is to Go bungee … Mokai Canyon! Bungy ride began its operations in 2003 for adrenaline-seekers, AJ Hackett site two... Incentives, conventions & exhibitions, Scratch & Win up to four times its length when used a!: alight at Beach Station whole family camera that records passengers during experience! Sports around off the edge, we ’ ve got you covered the only bungee jumping singapore between bungee jumping include. Times of the island hundreds of strands of latex rubber clarke Quay ’ s latest thrill attraction, AJ Sentosa! And bungee jumping to samesex couples booked out on Singaporeâs beautiful Siloso?. Lot of fun activities to enjoy a slice of that life on the Sentosa jump. Jumps is weighed and matched to the general thrill-seeking public foot tie around your ankles and a harness.... homosexuals in the city our sites are booked out is fastened to a 130 high! Intrigued by Carrie than the adults were with like bungee jumping in Singapore bungee jumping singapore well your fellow jumpers and packed... 123 and alight at Beach Station Sentosa island ’ s the nature of this sport sites are booked out even! Far more intrigued by Carrie than the adults were with, tower Climb and activities... This enables them to judge the distance between the ground off the meter...
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