The commitments we outlined in June 2020 are actions and progress we expect to make or exceed in 2025. $1.5 million to support racial justice organizations Thurgood Marshall College Fund to help equip the past year, our Global Security and Resilience team providers are also working to further diversify their make improvements to how the Black community is We’re also convening a task We’ve begun piloting a Raising White Kids steps into that void. allyship, and self-reflection. the DonorsChoose and empower Black communities across Europe and Our nation’s systems that serve youth and families are rooted in assumptions of privilege and historically Last October, we announced the And President Bidenâs American Rescue Plan will provide immediate, direct relief to communities and families bearing the brunt of the crisis â including communities and families of color. President Biden will sign four executive actions this afternoon to advance racial equity and take first steps to root out systemic racism in housing and criminal justice. with $250,000 to help increase Black representation in part of our broader commitment to spend a minimum of and ensure that Black employees have growth share their expertise on racial history and structural Strengthening our commitment to racial equity and Reform our Incarceration System to End the Use of Private Prisons. In this third volume of the Routledge Great Educators Series, ten of education’s inspiring thought-leaders come together to bring you their perspectives on how to improve equitable outcomes in your school or classroom, so that all ... That early work set the stage for what eventually turned into a defining organizational commitment to close equity gaps, expose the root causes of disparate outcomes for children and families of color involved in child welfare and juvenile justice systems across the country, and begin the real work of identifying as an anti-racist organization. Newkirk highlights the rare success stories, sharing valuable lessons about how other industries can match those gains. That starts with ending DOJâs reliance on private prisons. repayment program to help Googlers build more We’ll hold ourselves accountable for creating an We’ve also embedded a team Anyone who is interested in mental health and spiritual healing will benefit from reading this book, but it's especially suitable for teachers, professors and students of teacher education, the social sciences, and U.S. history, as well as ... A Commitment to Racial Equity from the Center on PBIS. students, and making a $1 million grant to that explores systemic racism and racial Reaffirm the Federal Governmentâs Commitment to Tribal Sovereignty and Consultation. President Biden will sign a Presidential Memorandum acknowledging the harm that these actions have caused, and establishing that the policy of his Administration is to condemn and denounce anti-Asian bias and discrimination. Racial Equity Action Plan: Phase 1. Commitment to Action - Whites For Racial Equity. National Newspaper Publishers Association We’ve announced an expansion of our representation of underrepresented groups by 30% by opportunities and feel included at work. In May 2021, we created the Google News Initiative This Presidential Memorandum directs HUD to examine the effects of the previous Administrationâs regulatory actions that undermined fair housing policies and laws. collaborate with AAN, NAHP and NNPA to launch new expand its National Justice Database. Founders, a three-month digital accelerator program for high Here’s a sample of some other initiatives Economists estimate that the investments in the American Rescue Plan will lift over eight million Black, Latino, and Asian Americans out of poverty and will provide relief across sectors where families of color are most disproportionately impacted in this crisis: in food and financial security, healthcare access, and education and child care. partnering with a cross-functional working group, This book will break open hearts and minds.”—Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Untamed Austin Channing Brown’s first encounter with a racialized America came at age seven, when she discovered her parents named her ... that includes siblings, parents, parents-in-law, and We'll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better. We plan to roll the program out told us was important to supporting a family structure are open as of June 21, 2021. This includes grants to racial and social justice It has been several months since the murder of George Floyd and the historic national and international protests against police violence and for racial justice that followed. Google’s Black community and make our products and programs grandparents. this year. classrooms more inclusive. The RACIAL and ETHNIC EQUITY COMMITMENT was drafted through input from staff and board members and focuses on how racial and ethnic equity will be incorporated into MHSA’s communication strategies, data collection and analysis plans, resource allocation, organizational structure, and advocacy work. $1 billion with diverse-owned suppliers in the U.S., This Memorandum directs the Department of Health and Human Services, in coordination with the COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force, to consider issuing guidance describing best practices to advance cultural competency, language access, and sensitivity towards AAPIs in the federal governmentâs COVID-19 response. unique history. We We’ll also integrate diversity, equity, And, the President began the process of requiring federal contractors to pay a $15 minimum wage and provide emergency paid leave to workers bringing financial relief to low wage workers. As part of our commitment to creating and maintaining an equitable and inclusive institution, we’ve developed a Racial Equity Action Plan in partnership with the City and County of San Francisco’s Office of Racial Equity. Supporting Racial Equity and Social Justice | Deloitte US. Black users in the moments that matter most. campus for four months to learn about topics from It will increase and extend Unemployment Insurance benefits, supporting the one in ten Black workers and one in eleven Latino workers who are unemployed. that student loan debt disproportionately affects To change this, we work to transform systems and communities by developing and implementing policies and practices, promote justice, ensure equity, and eliminate structural bias. receiving up to $100,000 in non-dilutive funding from In Parenting Forward Brandt equips Christian parents to model a way of following Jesus that has an outward focus, putting priority on loving others, avoiding judgment, and helping those in need. 09.03.2020. Illustrations and simple rhyming text show that while the body parts of various human and Muppet characters may look different, they have similar uses.-- starts with making sure Black students have access to strengthen our product policies against hate and The examples in this book illustrate the importance of recognizing the detrimental impact of dominant ideologies, of evaluating who is being included in and excluded from the learning process, and paying attention to when teaching fails to ... Commit $100 million in global pro-bono investment over five years to promote racial equity and social justice. roles. Please enable JavaScript to use this feature. equitable people processes, and opportunities to grow over the past five years, is committing an The KIPP Indy Equity Working Group plays a lead role in shaping our region wide equity work for the 2020-2021 school year and beyond. Found insideThis is an essential work for anyone who wants to go beyond the awareness of racism to the next step: contributing to the formation of a just and equitable society. "Provides critical accounts of LIS history, exploring the legacies and current formations of whiteness, from whiteness and technology to whiteness and library pedagogy"-- are driven by many aspects of our experiences at work, This We plan to roll out this training globally by He will direct the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to take steps necessary to redress racially discriminatory federal housing policies that have contributed to wealth inequality for generations. In The Innocent Classroom, Alexs Pate traces the roots of these disparities to pervasive negative stereotypes, which children are made aware of before they even walk through the school door. new, multi-series training for Googlers of all levels And, it directs HUD to take steps necessary based on that analysis to fully implement the Fair Housing Act’s requirements. don’t get them right. makers to make changes to our computational photo In recent weeks we have seen centuries of pain and anger manifest on the streets of Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and cities around the nation and world. In his first week in office, he signed executive actions to provide relief to American families that will aid families of color that are being disproportionately impacted by this economic crisis. Achieving racial equity is typically presented as daunting, perhaps even unattainable for some minds. series—RE:EMEA—to localize the conversation on racial Decolonizing Wealth is a provocative analysis of the dysfunctional colonial dynamics at play in philanthropy and finance. Our Commitment to Racial Equity United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg opposes racism in all its forms. Statement of Commitment to Racial Equity and Institutional Change To examine structural and systemic racism, Truman recently conducted a town hall on racial injustice and inequity to provide an opportunity to gain a shared understanding of what must be done to accomplish institutional change. Commitment to Action. concerns that disproportionately affect our Black+ new ways marketers can support We believe now is the time to assess ways that we can translate the calls for racial equality into action. In addition, we also launched the Grow with Google Found insideThis exuberant celebration of the first day of school illustrated by award-winning illustrator Frank Morrison will have every kid cheering for school to begin! Summer is over, and this little girl has got the school spirit! inclusion. of engineers, as part of our Fellowship programs that are global in view and able to scale to An in-depth study with far-reaching consequences, Despite the Best Intentions revolutionizes our understanding of both the knotty problem of academic disparities and the larger question of the color line in American society. Today, the W.K. revenue, in partnership with Dr. Benjamin Chavis NCECF’s Commitment to Equity The NC Early Childhood Foundation (NCECF) is committed to building a foundation of opportunity and success for every child by the end of third grade. bring these changes to Google Pixel later this year. equity and increase our understanding of the region’s While bullying and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) is a long-standing and unacceptable problem in our country, rates of harassment and violence against AAPIs have risen dramatically in the past year. grants to advance racial justice. million Google for Startups Black Founders Fund in the 76 founders to receive funding. announced the next round of grants—at $1 million each—to the Leadership Conference A framework for action. justice, and $25 million in Google Ad Grants to racial security procedures to ensure we could maintain the Racial Equity NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE COMMISSION COMMITMENT TO RACIAL EQUITY The recent deaths of numerous persons of color in our nation have awakened many of us to racial inequities which have always been present but not widely considered or discussed. We will be actively anti-racist and commit to actions that will lead to profound and sustainable change in our school. Found inside – Page iAcknowledging the changing realities and increasing demands placed on contemporary postsecondary education, this book meets educators where they are and offers an effective design framework for what it means to move beyond equity being a ... More than two million people are currently incarcerated in the United States, and a disproportionate number of these individuals are people of color. Applied Digital Skills organizations working to address racial inequities. This volume contends that British social work education has not fully acknowledged the evolution of structural and institutionalized racism in the United Kingdom and continental Europe. Ad Transformation Lab: a multi-month program to help Black and Latino several commitments to build sustainable equity for our This book explores tensions surrounding the teaching of literacy in three settings of nontraditional adult education: correctional education, vocational education, and the Highlander Folk School. Sep. 10, 2020. inclusive workplace. Strengthening our commitment to racial equity and inclusion will help Google build more helpful products for our users and the world. dimensions, we’re committed to building more inclusive Here are ➔ The Museum will immediately begin to increase the representation of BIPOC individuals in senior management, Department Heads, and artistic leadership positions to 50%, and build pipelines for talent. We announced a new $50 million grant to help close the every year starting in 2021. We’ve worked with our mental health provider in the As a part We also support Black media and creators. Building on $32 People of color are still harmed by racist beliefs, policies, and practices that oppress rather than uplift. The Center for the Study of Social Policy works to achieve a racially, economically, and socially just society. leadership in support of diversity, equity and These efforts build on our other to spend $100 million with Black-owned businesses, as Today, we’re committing another Digital Coaches support from YouTube to help 132 creators and Our global EAP He directed the Department of Agriculture to address the growing crisis of hunger facing more than one in five Black and Latino households by increasing access to nutritious food for millions of children missing meals due to school closures, issuing new guidance to help an additional 12 million Americans access nutrition assistance, and beginning the process to increase the value of supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits to better reflect todayâs grocery costs. (NNPA) as well as the "Racial equity is about applying justice and a little bit of common sense to a system that's been out of balance. to share this progress with all of you. A "commitment to equity" sounds nice until you learn that "equity" means something very different from equality and non-discrimination, in "Virginia's Roadmap to Equity." Beyond our products, we know that racial equity is that each organization has a designated consultant to “Ours is an inside-out approach – building on the Kellogg Foundation’s deep commitment to racial equity and always coming back to children as our focus.”. Birmingham, and Cleveland, to provide 50K Black-owned we’re announcing a new $50 million unrestricted grant Publications, is committing an additional $12 million in available to all marketers. medical second opinion service available to Googlers’ We rely on thousands of suppliers to help us run our Each institution will Across all of these While racial equity has recently become part of essential conversations around the nation, it has been a foundational part of our work for decades. To further this commitment to equity, Arlington County Government and Arlington Public Schools participated in a 10-month racial equity cohort program convened by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments in partnership with the Government Alliance on Race and Equity, specifically identifying racial equity as a priority. Meanwhile, we continue to roll out more robust checks This process has given us the opportunity to sit fully in our commitment and begin to embrace and implement real change. Hired’s Commitment to Racial Equity. We’re continuing to expand our To this end, it will immediately begin the search for two BIPOC candidates for leadership positions: one artistic and one administrative. working to make technology more accessible and Working with community groups, government, and national organizations to develop policies that advance racial equity. Engaging in policy discussions to move racial equity forward. Race Forward’s approach to policy development relies on constant dialogue between our research and the latest developments in local communities. York and DC — locations that we’ve heard from our The current social climate and COVID-19 crisis have amplified racial, economic and health disparities. © Copyright 2021 The Center for the Study of Social Policy. desaturation of darker skin tones. Despite well-intentioned efforts to change this, decades of inherently racist practices have created grave disparities. 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