So idiotic! Now I’m currently dating a Chinese girl. And I’m sure you’ve learned that stereotypes (ie. Get your heads out of the sand and realize that in this world, we are taught that black is undesirable—and that is the root of the ailment affecting the black man who defects. in a youtube clip i’ve seen before, dave said that he waited a long time, before him and the filipina got intimate. This goes with all women but filipinas have a speacil extra baggage you just cant know until you go through it⦠Go ahead post a rebuttal. from Toronto and I guess you could say I’m successful. kay-boog said this on April 25, 2008 at 3:26 p04, Mike is a sellout. I’m a black man who is currently dating a Filipina. Really kiss my strong, intelligent and beautiful black ass. The woman can out perform the man in bringing home the dough when a financial crisis occurs. Roadkill - It's Automotive Chaos Theory! CRUISE THROUGH ANY MALL AN YOU SEE BLACK WOMEN RUNNING IN A PACK BECAUSE THEY CANT GET A MAN AN DONT KNOW HOW TO ACT, THE AVENGER said this on January 3, 2011 at 3:26 p01. A year after losing 3-year-old River in a drowning accident at his Texas home, the … WTF is up with that last comment. But I’ll tell you what, even though I am not one, for all my successful black women struggling or not, raising men on your own, put positive images of black women in front of your sons, reinforce the beauty a black women has and the strength and demure she owns that other women emulate, and engage your sons in dialogue about what makes us great and he will chose you in the end. the girl didn’t let chappelle touch her, until after 6 months! Notice, they will say their Black family accepts their choice? Play it now. Show More Posts from dirthead_dave. Many black men are very weak and do it for reasons not obvious at the first observation. I live in Los Angeles and everyday that I go outside someone is always rude or looking at me like they have never seen a black person in their life. Cheryl said this on July 24, 2008 at 3:26 p07. It’s considered a psychological disease by psychologists although the people afflicted with it don’t see it that way. By the time comedian Dave Chappelle was a 14-year-old prodigy turning heads in Washington, D.C.’s stand-up clubs, he was already building the foundation for what would become the most groundbreaking sketch show of the 21st century. sorry I meant to spell “anchient” correctly. YOU DON’T HAVE TO DATE BLACK WOMEN, BUT IF IT’S BECAUSE OF YOUR INCORRECT PERCEPTIONS(LIKE SAYING I NEED TO CALM DOWN) THEN MAYBE YOU NEED TO CHECK YOURSELF. Wonder if she even thinks he’s funny….fruit for thought. find a nice black woman jeez! The advice Dave Chappelle gave Will Smith before his stand-up gig. 40. If you find a the person that makes you happy, black white or whatever, you should hold on to them. with me as long they love each other.If we all keep within our race the world would be a boring and segregated place.Too much segregation is not good let us mix it up at times like a good upscale restaurant.Someone tell me how can a person be a racist but want a African,a Chinese,a Japanese or any race dish to eat.I say that if you are a racist don’t eat that race dish,wear clothes,drive in vehicles or use any thing that is made in their country.I am glad that I am not one.I think one should hate the person(s)that do the bad things and not the race.Willyoneblood from Jamaica W.I. It follows host Fred Williams as he goes on various off-roading adventures. karria said this on March 26, 2008 at 3:26 p03. Is that her mother on the left? Shawnee said this on May 1, 2008 at 3:26 p05, james said this on May 1, 2008 at 3:26 p05, YES HIS KIDS ARE CUTE BUT YOU KNOW WHAT BLACK MEN ARE JUST SOMETHING ELSE ESPECIALLY DAVE CHAPPELLE HE KNEW JUST WHAT HE WAS DOING TO MARRIED AN ASIAN WOMAN!LOL, LEELEE said this on May 6, 2008 at 3:26 p05. They are happy. Anyways i would say leave the guy alone, but apparently, in 2008, u cant do that. You don’t speak for all black men. The attraction was mutual, but Dove had just come from a long relationship and didn’t feel ready to get into another one. But let me tell you as a flipino american (born and raised in SF) that trust..we can hold our ground and ain’t looking for no man to define NOR pay my way through life. Ali Nyquist, Learn About Ryan Nyquist’s Wife And Baby Mama, Kathy Tomac, Married To John Tomac And Mother Of Eli Tomac, Patrick Kane Net Worth – Look At His Salary And Contracts. placement: 'Below Article Thumbnails 3rd', I have no problem with black woman dating other races. Marie said this on March 26, 2008 at 3:26 p03. He aint dating outside of anything…all softdrinks have water in them…, Harry said this on January 3, 2010 at 3:26 p01, Jason said this on January 4, 2010 at 3:26 p01. In Creative Quest, Questlove synthesizes all the creative philosophies, lessons, and stories he’s heard from the many creators and collaborators in his life, and reflects on his own experience, to advise readers and fans on how to ... Every office was filled with Obama books and we had notes left behind that said 'you will fail,' 'you aren't going to make it. Then he convinces her to leave her family to join him, then all in all he surprises her with his Asian wife and son. with their beautiful children!! He nearly went crazy. I don't know why everyone is so sensitive! My kids will marry someone “HUMAN” and someone they love and respect. Shit is enough!! So stop hating there’s other things in life that’s worth while. Eddie Murphy Movers arrive at the Governor's mansion for Cuomo's final day in office but his dog Captain is LEFT BEHIND and he asks staff if anyone wants the rescue pupÂ, 'There will be consequences': Taliban hits back at Biden and warns US to get out by August 31 or 'provoke a reaction' after President said American forces could stay beyond withdrawal deadline to complete evacuationÂ, Former NATO adviser to Afghan government says Biden's August 31 deadline is 'folly' and could trigger panic at Kabul airport after Taliban threatened 'consequences' if US forces stay longer than the end of the month, Biden will address the nation on the COVID response today in last-minute change of schedule after FDA approved Pfizer vaccine and Taliban threatened consequences if US stays past August 31Â, George W. Bush's CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden calls Trump supporters 'our Taliban' and suggests sending the 'the MAGA-wearing unvaxxed' on planes to AfghanistanÂ, 'Are you being deliberately vague?' Je mâen fiche! Like I can barely see Monica at the games of Shannon Brown, but I saw plenty of flashes of Kim Kardashian at Reggie Bush’s games. Donât hate just because black people will continue on without your contribution. I LIKE THE WAY ASIAN WOMEN ARE VERY STRONG BUT SUPER FEMININE. I don’t need someone telling me that I have deep rooted fear of myself… Thats bulllshit. is the winner!! dont believe me?..ask a G.I. Jan 17, 2021. Get educated..and let the little shit go.. and his wife (in the gray) is brown and beautiful! Filipina women are taught from birth the importance of taking care of the man, who goes out to work every day to earn for the family. Erica said this on April 18, 2008 at 3:26 p04. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Should I thank you and your elders for contributing, Jasper? inquiring minds want to know. Charlie Murphy, the older brother of Eddie Murphy, a Chappelle’s Show star and an accomplished comedian in his own right, died Wednesday in … Where’s the sweetness coming from your non-black girlfriend and wife then. but juicee i think you are a bit racest hun. I didn’t know that dave Chappelle wife is Asian. RACE DOES MATTER IT WILL ALWAYS MATTER. OTHER THAN THAT I DON’T KNOW WHY YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN OFFENDED BY THE WAY I EXPRESED MYSELF, IT WAS VERY NORMAL. C’mon, my generation is completely different from my parents generation who immigrated here for a better life! Barbara said this on May 25, 2008 at 3:26 p05. Don’t forget that Chappelle is not only black but also a Muslim. Genealogy rocks! I think the more you educate yourself , you will find that the world is more complicated than black and white. 0:00 / 6:49. S E L L O U T S. Treecia said this on December 9, 2008 at 3:26 p12. ' Â, Former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a 2019 radio interview that Obama aides had left nasty notes along with Obama books in every office.Â, 'We came into the White House, I'll tell you something. She has two older brothers Sulayman Chappelle and Ibrahim Chappelle. i watch all the reruns. Oh and i love black women but i found love, my wife loved me so much she put up with a lot of stick from the Asian community but she did it because she loves me not for my colour but for who i am not what i am. If I have children with my fiancee they will be proud of their black west-indian heritage, as well as their asian. But a lot of black men cannot pull alot of weight. ), Somebody said this on May 27, 2008 at 3:26 p05. We can’t help who the f*ck we fall in love with. AND ALL OF US ARE NOT CONCERNED WITH THE FANCY CARS AND OTHER STUFF. Next Rocket Man Vs. Rally Car – Top Gear – BBC Yeah…we all know filipino women are known to use guys for money but hey…who are we to tell Dave who he should be with! 'Remember when the Trump administration moved in they said, 'the Obama staff left dirty notes for us',' he said. I have several Filipino friends and I am black. huft… but is boring, wahyoe said this on April 1, 2010 at 3:26 p04. I have enjoyed this post so much…but uhmm…i was born in 81′ and i consider myself a child of the future…the TRUE future. Paul0 said this on September 8, 2008 at 3:26 p09. !!!!! This forum is ridiculous. THE TRUTH IS WE CAN’T REALLY PUT EVERYONE IN THE SAME BOX, THERE ARE DEFINATELY BLACK MEN WHO HAVE A COMPLEX AND STRIVE TO HAVE A NON-BLACK ON THEIR ARM. Get over this bullshit already! And it seems like most of the negative comments were focused on white woman anyway. hehehe said this on February 7, 2010 at 3:26 p02, I didnât know alexus was ignorantâ¦Sheâs a filipina. I chose to be with someone who is black, but if Dave or any other black marries outside the race who cares? Please listen, teach and talk to your kids…, Tupac said this on May 19, 2008 at 3:26 p05. black celebrity kids is funny…. #13. Some of you weak-minded black men acting like the grass is greener on the other side. (Contains strong language.) Senzizzle said this on April 3, 2008 at 3:26 p04. Found insideIn a moment where celebratory studies of youth, youth subcultures, and their relationship to media abound, this book stands as a brilliantly argued analysis of the limitations of youth subcultures and their ambiguous relationship to ... How dare you continue to vicious cycle of hating on inter-racial couples and using it to call black men and women “sellouts”. I just wish the family well. is that a problem?! To the ever commented responses about Dave Chappelle’s family, If youever seen his skit whereas he goes to his old African-American girlfriend’s house to show her the successful man he baceame. More bizarre topics include two-head babies, his suicidal cat-lady mother, and more. Why do his kids look straight phillipino? }); Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy | User published content is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Found insideJerry. George. Elaine. Kramer. We've followed their misadventures for nearly ten years on Thursday nights. Here, finally, are the scripts of the first two seasons that will take you back to the beginning of Seinfeld. His black wife surely didn’t kill him. Kim (march)stop hating, im glad he gave up the 50 mill to stand up for not having to say ni**a to be funny, it takes guts to give up all that cash because you believe you are being pushed in a direction. Dave Chappelle he has finally come clean about his departure from the show that launched him into comedy history. He is the recipient of numerous accolades, including four Emmy Awards and three Grammy Awards as well as the Mark Twain Prize. A look at Black History framed by those who made it. BLACK HISTORY IN ITS OWN WORDS presents quotes of dozens of black luminaries with portraits & illustrations by RONALD WIMBERLY. Brian "Fox" L. said this on August 26, 2008 at 3:26 p08. These “Fillipinas” ALWAYS seem to go for the men with money. IMO it’s a picture of how we still view ourselves as black people. The pretty Sonal has shared the screen with her dad in the 2018 movie A Star Is Born portraying the character of Frankie Stone. how ever, i am proud to be black( full blooded black who has a lot dose of melanin– melinin is the chemical that makes our skin dark) CHALLENGE ME IF YOU WANT BUT I BET ALL OF YOU LISTEN TO RAP MUSIC OH I FORGOT IT’S HIP-HOP NOW CAUSE WE ALL GOT A STORY TO TELL. – filipino’s are the worst asians? ( Log Out / " In his first picture book, comedian and bestselling author Jerry Seinfeld captures on the page his hilarious views on Halloween, from Superman costumes that look like pajamas to the agony of getting bad trick-or-treat candy. The native population of the Philipines are aeta people, who look just like Africans. Dave Chappelle claims that celebrity guests partying the night away at a farewell event for Barack Obama were behind the 'dirty' notes the Trump … Leave the guy its his life he can marry who he wants so many black women leaving mesrages as if its their right to saz who he marries focus on your own life and let go of your fucking attitude anyway love dave and love and peace to all races, Spectacles said this on December 13, 2008 at 3:26 p12. Step off. Didn’t Dave Chappell quit his show and gave up 50 million dollars because he thought his crew members were racist.That is what he said on Oprah. I’m happy for the brotha! I am surprised no one is hating him for being Muslim . AhhCulo said this on April 6, 2008 at 3:26 p04, HAHAH…his children are str8 filipino, I bet he expected them to look a lil browner. Mine is strong with Native Americans and obviously (if you could see my white-looking dad, his father, and his sister) some “white”. Hello, just wanted to mention, I enjoyed this article. They have issues. Oh, and let’s not forget the white woman that was very slutty that accused Kobe of raping her. When he said my wife is asian, and we argue which half of Tiger Woods is hitting the ball better, lol. Which one is his wife? The media distorts the coverage not to show how many healthy black-black relationships in the entertainment and sports world there are. In the end all that matters is how much love you put out into this world–we’ll see what Jesus thinks about all that hatred brewing around inside some of y’alls hearts. . If you’re hoping to find out how Dirt Every Day’s Fred Williams and Dave Chappelle got this thing road legal, you’re going to be disappointed. Radio, clothes, food and a crazy athletic acumen me single handed, i just would never... About it kiss my foul mouth ass been together 3o+ yrs if it for... And alot of people didn ’ t matter if you date a white girl boy! 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