Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. It generally doesn't make any sense. Note: Another way to make a diversity statement is through diversity videos. Indeed’s mission is to help people get jobs. The numbers matter, but they’re only a starting point; a commitment to diversity and inclusion has to run much deeper. From building a culture where all employees can bring their best selves to work to deploying diversity initiatives that support everyone, we’re doing what it takes to build an inclusive world for all. Another word for a complete sentence is an independent clause. We value the visible and invisible qualities that make you who you are. Every employee must wear his photo identification on the job. Found inside â Page 4The following sections describe discourse, sentence, and word/phrase levels of ... Examples of genre-based discourse in different content areas include lab ... Hiring teams evaluate candidates by these diversity essays. Using “excellence” as a comparison to being diverse in many ways. It fuels our innovation and connects us closer to our customers and the communities we serve. Is "Enrique Rivera will start chugging his root beer float" a complete thought? We have a global, multicultural following—we want to reflect that inside our walls. A judge decides that the consequences for manslaughter are too penal in a given case, and changes the precedent by lowering the minimum sentence. I encountered reactions from my family and friends that were unsupportive and agonizing. I know I must work hard to bring out my unique perspective as one of the .2% of Jews in the world. The predicate is 'love writing in complete sentences. lowest) we found! They use “Equality” as their theme throughout the diversity statement. Diversity and Inclusion Statement Headline: Inclusion & Diversity at Aon. Here’s a list to check out: The above diversity statement samples are written employers. ', The predicate is 'are important in writing.'. Found inside â Page 193Sentence Stems for the Jewish Caucus : Something I never want to hear said about Jews ... ( Examples include deliberate Antisemitism Curriculum Design 193. The best companies use 20 to 75 words for their main diversity statement (e.g. diversity definition: 1. the fact of many different types of things or people being included in something; a range ofâ¦. Now, let's looks at some incomplete sentences. Now, I appreciate the invaluable perspective on life that being a single, African, gay father, raised by a single mother, has given me. Focusing on diverse: cultures, backgrounds, & viewpoints. Some might argue that famous writers like Kurt Vonnegut don't always write in complete sentences! Want help with your college essays to improve your admissions chances? Sign up for your free CollegeVine account and get access to our essay guides and courses. Found inside â Page 52For example, She BEEN married versus She been married have two different ... The same sentence without stress on the word been is interpreted to mean that ... Found inside â Page 299Table 1 Which sentences are used in each test Test X Test Y Test Z X Y Z Group ... For example, while Table 2 Examples of tagging (sentences with replaced ... Sub-headline = Together, we can reach Equality for all. The best diversity statements have short sentences because the longer your sentences the lower the retention. See more. Found inside â Page 101Connecting Examples with Purpose Examples , by their very definition ... Writing good exemplification begins with a good topic sentence or thesis . We believe we’ll do that better if our employees come from different backgrounds, and if we create an environment of inclusion and belonging for them. Connecting the on-screen with their internal culture and diversity. Passive voice produces a sentence in which the subject receives an action. In 2019, we declared the kind of culture we want to have and the values that are important to us. Definition of a Complete Sentence. Are what? d. A policeman is, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Headline = Diversity is our heritage and our future. We’re aiming sky-high because we know from experience that reducing and eliminating inequity is hard to do if all you shoot for is incremental change. The best diversity statements have a headline (other than just “Diversity Statement”) because it helps you stand out. The best way to teach her was by example. Our Employee Diversity & Inclusion Committee hosts great events like National Indigenous Day, Canadian Multicultural Day, Pink Shirt Day, Lunar New Year, Black History Month and much more. Unlike the fragment, the run-on contains both a subject and a verb; however, it usually consists of multiple sentences crammed together. What Are Misplaced Modifiers and Dangling Modifiers? Examples of biased language are scattered throughout the English vocabulary. A Culture of Creativity is life at GoDaddy. Found insideFor example, a September 3, 2005 Washington Post headline read: âCarnival Sending Three Ships for Refugees." For thousands more examples, do a news search ... Engaging & Developing – support employees in building the skills and capacity to work in an inclusive manner with one another and with the communities we serve. Diversity and Inclusion Statement Headline: Diversity and Inclusion. We, each day to foster a sense of belonging and empowerment in our diverse workplace, create relevant marketing for our diverse customers, listen before engaging in our diverse communities and work as a team alongside our diverse suppliers. Students need to know how to read and spell several anchor sight words in order to build confidence with sentence writing. Found inside â Page 188Table 5: Examples of finite verb complexes in Colonial Yucatec Maya stem class ... of a cleft-sentence (as in (18) below) and in certain complement clauses, ... More importantly, creating an environment where everyone, from any background, can do their best work is the right thing to do. ', The predicate is 'are a necessary part of writing. Sub-Headline: Slack for Good has a mission to increase the number of historically underrepresented people in the technology industry. Identifying Topics, Main Ideas, and Supporting Details. Yet, I quickly learned to develop a thick skin, compartmentalize my feelings, and focus on being a father. 10.14 grade level readability (above average, especially for a law school essay!). I believe that’s a strong alternative to listing it on a “Diversity” page as most companies do. Including just one simple sentence could mean a world of difference to a potential diverse candidate! flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? Many of the greatest ideas and discoveries come from a diverse mix of minds, backgrounds and experiences, and we are committed to cultivating an inclusive work environment. Found inside â Page 252EXAMPLE 18.2: CONCEPT ANALYSIS Concept: âcomplete sentenceâ Definition: a word or group of words that expresses a complete thought Critical attributes: ... Found inside â Page 4The following sections describe discourse, sentence, and word/phrase levels of ... Examples of genre-based discourse in different content areas include lab ... Found inside â Page 101It is possible to cite other examples of elements that are necessary in the ... kinds of sentences , lengths of sentences , marked or unusual sentences ... Netflix’s greatest impact is in storytelling. Although she sauntered away, the impact remained. Found inside â Page 217For example in the tasks on grammar judgment, the sample task uses an exercise where the sentence to judge is grammatically correct, ... Diversity definition, the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness: diversity of opinion. I whittled that down to 10 that I believe are either excellent overall or at least have an idea or two for you to consider. The waitress was very friendly. Headline = A Culture of Creativity is life at GoDaddy. It needs a complement. flashcard sets, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | Check out T-Mobile’s headline and sub-headline — they are so compelling that the candidate might already have been won over before the lengthier diversity statement below it. Please click the demo request button on this page f you think we can help you. And we’re not just setting high expectations for our own good. Found inside â Page 18His central example examines the English sentence the farmer kills the duckling . He shows that this simple five - word sentence entails thirteen distinct ... Everyone is welcome—as an inclusive workplace, our employees are comfortable bringing their authentic whole selves to work. Found inside â Page 146The example sentence, âyeah man, what's going on with this and that,â is performed with significantly lowered pitch from the surrounding discourse, ... ; Note that these verbs all differ in meaning-they cannot be used interchangeably. They’re the hard-and-fast principles guiding how we build our teams, cultivate leaders and create a company that’s the right fit for every person inside of it. Join us in embracing diversity, equity and inclusion for every person in every community. If you have an entire page dedicated to your diversity statement, then you can elaborate way beyond 75 words to support your main statement. 5.7th grade reading level (Outstanding — the best (i.e. Found insideNew examples emphasize an intersectional approach and highlight dominance, oppression, ... For example, we've simplified the writing and sentence structure. We believe that businesses can be powerful platforms for social change and that our higher purpose is to drive Equality for all. Give your employees a voice and ask them to write a blog about what diversity in the workplace means to them. c. Does each salesman have his own smartphone? I was thirsty. Value inclusion, belonging, and equity for all. Building the Culture – build a welcoming workplace in which employees recognize that their unique characteristics, skills and experiences are respected, valued and celebrated. Eight words or less per sentence can equate to 100% comprehension; retention slips to 90% at 14 words per sentence, and 43-word sentences lower retention to 10% (see The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)).Hereâs a (before & after) diversity ⦠Think of the importance of sentence structure â short, simple sentences or truncated sentences can create tension, haste or urgency, whereas longer compound or complex sentences are slower, and often feature in formal texts. Using inclusive words like respected and included in the opening sentence. Ironically, however, these experiences of discrimination have only increased my pride as a member of the Jewish Community. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Found inside â Page 90Method Participants The sample consisted of 42 eighth and ninth grade children from an ... For each sentence, they are asked to type a self-explanation. Focusing on the job seekers is the main theme. To correct this sentence and make it 'complete' or correct, you could add a conjunction like 'and' or 'because' in order to join the sentences. Da Souza argues that previous researchers have misinterpreted the data.  Sign up for your free CollegeVine account, Pre-Vet Requirements: Courses You Need for Vet School, Computer Engineering vs. Software Engineering: Which Is Right For You, 10 Great Scholarships for Asian and Pacific Islander Students, How to Become a Software Engineer: Steps to Take From High School, How to Write the University of Rochester Essays 2020-2021, 7 Online College Planning Resources for Parents, Superscoring on the SAT and ACT: What College Applicants Need to Know. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The anecdote is vivid and relevant, pulling in the reader. One-Liner Bullets (instead of long text) — Most diversity statements are in sentence/paragraph form (which is ok). Specificity Rules! I ran the diversity statements through Ongig’s Text Analyzer software to analyze them for masculine versus feminine words, offensive words, positive and negative words and overall readability. Found insideThe second part consisted of 50 examples from two computer manuals from the ... each example described an identical source segment (paragraph, sentence, ... Compelled to assist my community, I used my mortgage experience to provide guidance on the loan modification process with the hope that homeowners in default would save their homes. Most employers write to candidates at the 11th grade reading level but the best employers write at the 8th grade or lower (see my article on Why I Write my Job Postings at the 8th Grade Level (or Lower!). For example, I sing the word like to the tune of âItâs a Small Word.â L-I-K-E, that spells like. This sentence is a fragment because it is missing a subject or a predicate. Found inside â Page 389It is therefore not surprising that thetic sentences, in which there is no topic, exhibit VS constituent order. ... The following examples illustrate this. When I was nineteen I had a baby with my childhood sweetheart. Giving examples of how they support and promote and inclusive work environment. Aon’s commitment to fostering an inclusive culture is top on our agenda. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. Inclusion. They gave me a list of 30 diversity statements they found. When we say we want to build for everyone, we mean everyone. Be you. A case involving damages of $75,000 is heard by a federal court as a result of diversity jurisdiction. Sub-Headline: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement of Principle. You probably should aim for a single sentence that is at least two lines, or about 30 to 40 words long. We celebrate multiple approaches and points of view. Some companies combine their diversity statement with a mission statement. Slack for Good has a mission to increase the number of historically underrepresented people in the technology industry. The more diversity we have in our team, the more unique perspectives and bright ideas we share. Besides the fact that there is no verb, it just doesn't make any sense. Busy candidates appreciate the time you save them by writing in simple, plain English. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 The sentence about working hard to âbring outâ their unique perspective could be scrapped in favor of a sentence that fleshes out their claim that these experiences have increased their pride. A drunk driver receives a specific sentence as a result of precedent. Passive voice often creates unclear, less direct, wordy sentences, whereas active voice creates clearer, more concise sentences. I took an active role in a nonprofit organization called Natural Productions. . Diversity extends far beyond visible differences. Ongigâs Text Analyzer software, which flags these and many more exclusionary words, provides suggestions for alternatives to such biased words. “, We are diverse by nature and inclusive by choice, Our commitment to transparency and accountability. Our commitment to these values is unwavering – across all of our work around the world. ), Words per sentence = 9.2 words (succinct). If you’re driven to perform, you’ll fit right in. It does contain at least two clauses, usually an independent clause (the opinion) and a dependent clause (the reasons). After researching hundreds of bias words (past and present), we found 25+ examples common enough to bring to your attention. We commit to using these practices for our business and our communities. After you've watched the video, you should be able to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Found inside â Page 237Creating Inclusive Schools, Building on Students' Diversity, and Providing ... For example, in English, sentences usually follow the grammatical pattern of ... Unlike the fragment, a run-on sentence has a subject and a predicate, but it often has too many joined together without proper punctuation or conjunctions. Headline — Using the word “equal” instead of the usual “diversity” or “inclusiveness” makes Salesforce stand out. Headline = Our accelerated approach to diversity and inclusion. To see some examples of companies that dedicate an entire page to Diversity and Inclusion, check out 5+ Impressive Diversity Pages (and Why!). WID President Yolanda Johnson gives this advice to organizations re: DEI statements: “Making DEI a core value helps to ensure that change will come from within the organization and will help protect these efforts from claims that it is not a priority.” (source: Using words like “embracing” and “building” show their support for inclusion and diversity. ), Positive words (powerful, spirit, commitment, experience), Great headline — Nice use of alliteration (the “Kuh” sound of the two words: “Culture” and “Creativity”), Positive words — they use a lot (best, give, fit, learn, improve, welcome, comfortable, authentic, whole), Nice opener — Opening with “We hire the best…” is solid. Sub-Headline = Be yourself. Diversity Inclusion Statement Headline: United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community. Usually, a fragment is missing one of these necessary components (a subject or a verb) and is not an independent or complete thought. I am no stranger to experiencing and confronting anti-Semitism, but I had never been targeted in my school before. I was born in the Philippines and immigrated to the United States when I was six years old. The task of caring for another person was daunting, and I was scared of making a mistake. Typically, however, it is only one concise sentence. As I learned to embrace my upbringing, my sexuality, and my role as a father, I saw the value of each. Making it a “Value” — Calling DEI a “value” is another differentiator. The opposite of a complete sentence would be an incomplete sentence, or a fragment. We are constantly learning and iterating, whether through central programs, or work within our business teams, through programs that are local, regional, and global. Check with your instructor for the. Be part of it. At Comcast NBCUniversal, diversity and inclusion are part of our DNA. 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