When configuring dynamic BFD for IPv6 static routes, note the following points: The parameters configured on the two ends of a BFD session must be consistent. On the network shown in Figure 4-7, it is required that two IPv6 static routes with Device A and Device B as the next hops be configured on Device D and that Link B function as the backup of Link A. Run the display current-configuration | include bfd command in the system view, and you can see that the BFD session has been bound to a static route. Home » static routing » How to configure IPv6 Static Route. 1. The IPv6 default route (::/0) is a static route used for all traffic that has a destination network not reachable through any other IPv6 route in the routing table. Or, in large networks some small amout of routing is done via static routing. You can use either Global Unicast IPv6 address or Link-Local IPv6 address as the next hop address. If two static routes with the same prefix but different priorities are configured, they can implement FRR. Run the display current-configuration | include bfd command in the system view, and you can see that the BFD session has been bound to a static route. One IPv6 static route can be bound to one BFD session. To address this problem, run the ipv6 route-static track bfd-session admindown invalid command to configure the NE not to select the IPv6 static route if the BFD session associated with it is in the AdminDown state. A static IP route specifies the route's destination address and the next-hop router's IP address or routing switch interface through which the routing switch can reach the destination. (The route is added to the routing switch's IP route table.) This ensures that Huawei devices can interwork with non-Huawei devices. Compared with the use of dynamic routing protocols, configuring static routes saves bandwidth resources. Static routes are manually configured routes that defines explicit path between two devices. After an IPv6 static route is configured, the default priority is used if no priority is specified for the static route. Route selection can be controlled On a small IPv6 network, you can achieve network connectivity by configuring IPv6 static routes. This section describes how to add static and null routes to the IPv6 route table. The route with the higher priority is the primary route, and the route with the lower priority is the backup route. An IPv6 floating static route is configured in public network. The output interface is derived from the next hop. Written by a leading authority in the field, this book will be equally valuable for implementers and decision-makers in both service provider and enterprise IT organizations. In an NQA test instance, you can specify an NQA server by running the destination-address command to configure a destination address for the NQA test instance. When a route of a dynamic routing protocol to a destination address exists, you can configure a static route to the destination address for data service forwarding temporarily if the dynamic routing protocol restarts. It is activated to forward packets only when the optimal route fails. In a recursive IPv6 static route, the route entry has the next-hop router IPv6 address. Unlike dynamic routing protocols, static routes do not have a detection mechanism. The recursive keyword is mutually exclusive with the interface keyword, but it may be used >with or >without the IPv6 prefix included in the command syntax. The outbound interface of the route is GE 0/1/0 and the cost is 10. In directly attached static routes, only the output interface is specified. If the ICMP NQA test instance detects a link fault, it instructs the routing management module to delete the associated static route from the IPv6 routing table. Found inside60 practical recipes that help you gain expertise with Docker networking and understand the underlying constructs that make it all work About This Book Enhance your Docker networking skills and protect your organization using advanced ... Run the following commands to check the previous configuration. , enter the route and netmask (for example, for an IPv4 address or 2001:db8:123:1::1/64 for an IPv6 address). How to configure IPv6 Static Route - NetworkLessons.com. The command output shows that the static route has been deleted and that the route has become an OSPFv3 route learned from Device A. The primary static route passes through Device B, and the floating static route passes through Device C. Interfaces 1 through 5 in this example represent GE 0/1/1, GE 0/1/2, GE 0/1/3, GE 0/2/3, and GE 0/3/3, respectively. IPv6 Static Route Configuration on Cisco IOS As you know, Static Route is the route that you manually define on a router.This is done when we do not want to use Routing Protocols for small part of a network. If a link fails, a network administrator must manually delete the corresponding static route from the IPv6 routing table, which delays link switchovers and causes a lengthy service interruption. If either end of a link does not support BFD, configure NQA for IPv6 static routes. # Configure OSPFv3 on Device C to import a static route and set the cost to 20 for the static route. IPv6 static routing configuration examples Example: Configuring basic IPv6 static route Network configuration. On Devices B and C, configure IPv6 static routes to 2001:db8:5::/64. For example here we create a static route to R3 through R2 and set the Administrative Distance to 1. 3) … The command output shows "Completion:failed" and "Lost packet ratio is 100 %," indicating that the link is faulty. When a network fault occurs or the network Configuring IP Routing Protocol-Independent Features," Cisco IOS XE IP Routing Protocols Configuration Guide , Release 2, IP static route commands: complete command syntax, command mode, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples, Cisco IOS IP Routing Protocols Command Reference, "Start Here: Cisco IOS XE Software Release Specifics for IPv6 Features ," Cisco IOS XE IPv6 Configuration Guide, Release 2, IPv6 commands: complete command syntax, command mode, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples, Cisco IOS master command list, all releases, Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases. An account on Cisco.com is not required. The command output shows that default route 0::0/0 does not exist. On the network shown in Figure 4-4, Device A is connected to Device B through Switch C. A static default route is configured on Device A so that Device A can communicate with external devices. Syntax. This static route with a lower preference is called a floating static route. This isn’t a book on packet theory. Author Bruce Hartpence built topologies in a lab as he wrote this guide, and each chapter includes several packet captures. ipv6 route 2001:DB8::1/32 gigabitethernet1/0/0, ipv6 route 2001:DB8::1/32 gigabitethernet1/0/0 fe80::1, show ipv6 static interface gigabitethernet3/0/0, Implementing IPv6 Addressing and Basic Connectivity, Implementing Bidirectional Forwarding Detection for IPv6, Configuring First Hop Redundancy Protocols in IPv6, Implementing Policy-Based Routing for IPv6, Implementing Selective Packet Discard in IPv6, Implementing Traffic Filters for IPv6 Security, IPv6 ACL Extensions for Hop by Hop Filtering, Information About Implementing Static Routes for IPv6, Verifying Static IPv6 Route Configuration and Operation, Sample Output from the ipv6 route Command, Sample Output from the show ipv6 static Command When No Options Are Specified in the Command Syntax, Sample Output from the show ipv6 static Command with the IPv6 Address and Prefix Command, Sample Output from the show ipv6 static interface Command, Sample Output from the show ipv6 static recursive Command, Sample Output from the show ipv6 static detail Command, Sample Output from the show ipv6 route Command, Sample Output from the debug ipv6 routing Command, Configuration Examples for Implementing Static Routes for IPv6, Example: Configuring a Fixed Default Route, Example: Configuring a Floating Static Route, Feature Information for Implementing Static Routes for IPv6. Before you can configure IPv6 routing on a Cisco router you must first enable the Cisco router to route IPv6 by executing the command ipv6 unicast-routing in global configuration mode. Device A cannot learn the route to 2001:db8:7::/64 from Device B. In actual networking, optical line terminals (OLTs), digital subscriber line access multiplexers (DSLAMs), multiservice access nodes (MSANs), or x digital subscriber lines (xDSLs) can be used for user access. The greater the value, the lower the priority. Step 5: copy running-config startup-config. Step 3: Configure basic settings for each switch. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a Cisco.com user ID and password. An IPv6 static route requests a BFDv6 session for each static BFDv6 neighbor that has one or more associated IPv6 static routes and is configured over an interface on which BFD has been configured. The command output shows that an NQA test instance has been created. 1. The static route has been associated with the NQA test instance on Device B. FRR minimizes the impact of link faults on services. An IPv6 link-local address--FE80::1--is the next-hop router. Change the priorities of the IPv6 static routes. If interface-type interface-number is not set, local-address ipv6-address must be specified. The command output shows that the static route exists in the routing table. Networking devices forward packets using route information that is either manually configured or dynamically learned using a routing protocol. Otherwise, you may receive a configuration error as shown below. Report the problem to Huawei technical support website: Download and install the latest HedEx Lite version. As shown in Figure 1, configure IPv6 static routes so that hosts can reach one another.. maintained and updated by a network administrator defining an explicit path between two networking devices. In the load balancing scenario, poison reverse does not take effect. GE interfaces on NEs use IPv6 link-local addresses. On Device A, priority values of two static routes (60 for the one with 2001:db8:1::2 as the next hop address and 100 for the one with 2001:db8:2::2 as the next-hop address). Configure a dynamic routing protocol on Device A, Device B, and Device C so that they can learn routes from one another. In Deploying ACI, three leading Cisco experts introduce this breakthrough platform, and walk network professionals through all facets of design, deployment, and operation. # Run the tracert command to verify the connectivity. Interfaces 1 through 3 in this example represent GE 0/1/0, GE 0/2/0, and GE 0/3/0, respectively. To complete the configuration, you need the following data: Default route with GE 0/1/0 as the outbound interface on Device A, Static route to 2001:db8:1:: 64 with GE 0/1/0 as the outbound interface on Device B, Static route to 2001:db8:3:: 64 with GE 0/2/0 as the outbound interface on Device B, Default route with GE 0/1/0 as the outbound interface on Device C. # Configure an IPv6 default route on Device A. This isn’t a book on packet theory. Author Bruce Hartpence built topologies in a lab as he wrote this guide, and each chapter includes several packet captures. In this example, a floating static IPv6 route is being configured. If Link A fails, traffic is switched to the Link B immediately. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Run ipv6 route-static dest-ipv6-address prefix-length { interface-type interface-number [ nexthop-ipv6-address ] | vpn-instance vpn-destination-name [ nexthop-ipv6-address ] | nexthop-ipv6-address } [ preference preference | tag tag ]* bfd enable [ description text ]. Huawei shall not bear any responsibility for translation accuracy and it is recommended that you refer to the English document (a link for which has been provided). A directly connected static route is typically used with a point-to-point serial interface. Part 2: Configure and verify IPv4 and IPv6 addressing on R1 and R2. Use the command output on Device A as an example. No new or modified standards are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not been modified by this feature. This example shows such a definition: This example specifies that all destinations with address prefix 2001:DB8::/32 are reachable via the host with address 2001:DB8:3000:1. Before configuring the device with a static IPv6 route, you must enable the forwarding of IPv6 packets using the ipv6 unicast-routing global configuration command, enable IPv6 on at least one interface, and configure an IPv6 address on that interface. In addition, a BFD session is configured between Device A and Device B to rapidly detect link faults if any. The preference parameter specifies a route priority. This guide is ideal for all certification candidates who want to master all the topics covered on the ROUTE 300-101 exam. An IPv6 static route is associated with an NQA test instance on a public network. Step 1: Cable the network as shown in the topology. This book assumes that you have a good amount of Cisco networking knowledge, and it will focus more on Packet Tracer rather than networking. # On Device A, configure a static route to 2001:db8:8::1/64. Then, restart the browser. # On Device D, configure a static route and bind it to the BFD session named aa. A BFD session is configured between Device A and Device B to detect whether a link fault occurs. Test IPv6 Configuration. Routing defines the paths over which packets travel in the network. Static routes are applicable to networks with simple structures. Use the show ipv6 route static command in order to display the contents of the IPv6 routing table, and the output is show below: The router R1 has the routes to router R2 and R3, therefore, router R1 should be able to ping router R2's loopback address and router R3. Configuring floating static routes helps to implement route backup and improve network reliability. Found insidethose routes learned from the network, which do. In the world of IPv4 we are often used to configuring a static route for the default gateway.* An IPv6 host ... IPv6 Floating static routes can be used for the static route backup. Alternatively, upgrade the current HedEx Lite to the latest version. All rights reserved. To complete the configuration, you need priorities of IPv6 static routes. Use the OIT to view an analysis of show command output. Run the display current-configuration | include bfd command to check configurations of BFD for IPv6 static routes. Found inside – Page 93Example 3-12 As with IPv4, the IPv6 static route table displays the ... Example 3-13 shows what Honeypot's static route configuration could be changed to. # Run the shutdown command on GE 0/1/1 of Device A to simulate a link fault. Note - There are no add commands for the static route feature. In most cases, traffic is transmitted over the primary link (, If the primary link fails, traffic switches to the backup link (. On Edge Router, configure an IPv6 next hop host route to the customer server through the ISP1 router. Before configuring NQA for IPv6 static routes, configure parameters of the link layer protocol and IPv6 addresses for interfaces and ensure that the link layer protocol on the interfaces is up. # Shut down GE 0/1/1 on Device B to simulate a link fault. A floating static route is configured with a higher administrative distance than the dynamic routing protocol it is backing up. For configuration details, see. The outbound interface and next hop IP address specified when binding the IPv6 static route to a BFD session must be the same as those specified when configuring BFD parameters for the IPv6 static route. Static routes are manually configured and define an explicit path between two networking devices. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command. Use the ping command in order to verify the same. Found inside – Page 1This edition contains a completely revamped discussion of deploying IPv6 in your network, including IPv6/IPv4 integration, dynamic address allocation, and understanding IPv6 from the perspective of the network and host. On a simple network, only static routes can ensure that the network This example shows such a definition: The example specifies that all destinations with address prefix 2001:DB8::/32 are directly reachable through interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0. Before configuring dynamic BFD for IPv6 static routes, configure parameters of the link layer protocol and IPv6 addresses for interfaces and ensure that the link layer protocol on the interfaces is Up. You can change default priority for IPv6 static routes. The Companion Guide is designed as a portable desk reference to use anytime, anywhere to reinforce the material from the course and organize your time. Dual IPv4 and IPv6 Protocol Stacks IPv6 Implementation Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3S, View with Adobe Reader on a variety of devices. Optimal IPv6 static routes are delivered to the forwarding table for packet forwarding. To obtain better user experience, upgrade the browser to the latest version. In a recursive static route, only the next hop is specified. # Run the ping command to verify the connectivity. # On Device B, bind a static route to a BFD session. Configure a static default route via R1’s G0/0/0 address. Static routes can be redistributed into dynamic routing protocols but routes generated by dynamic routing protocols cannot be redistributed into the static routing table. As a result, the dynamic route learned through the routing protocol is always used in preference to the floating static route. Configure an IPv6 address for each interface. For details, see "Licensing Requirements" in Feature Description. Here are all the CCNA-level Routing and Switching commands you need in one condensed, portable resource. This section describes how to configure the NE not to select an IPv6 static route if the BFD session associated with it is in the AdminDown state. 3. ipv6 route ipv6-prefix / prefix-length ipv6-address | interface-type interface-number ipv6-address]} [administrative-distance] [administrative-multicast-distance | unicast| multicast] [tag tag], Device(config)# ipv6 route ::/0 serial 2/0, 3. ipv6 route ipv6-prefix / prefix-length {ipv6-address | interface-type interface-number ipv6-address]} [administrative-distance] [administrative-multicast-distance | unicast | multicast] [tag tag], Device(config)# ipv6 route 2001:DB8::/32 serial 2/0 201. A BFD session is bound to an IPv6 static route on the public network. You can configure IPv6 static routes to interconnect any two devices on an IPv6 network. Configure a default static route from Device A to the external network and bind the default static route to a BFD session. Default administrative distances are as follows: Connected interface--0 ; Static route--1 ; Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) summary route--5 As a result, Huawei devices cannot interwork with non-Huawei devices. On Device D, configure IPv6 static routes to 2001:db8:1::/64 and 2001:db8:2::/64 so that NEs can communicate. When configuring FRR for IPv6 static routes on the public network, ensure that there are at least two IPv6 static routes to the same destination address. This document describes how to configure static routes for IPv6. The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. SNMP support for IPv6 Static Routes for IPv6 Static routes are manually configured and define an explicit route between two networking devices. Your browser version is too early. Configure interface IPv6 addresses. # Check the routes to on Device D. Copyright © 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. If you’re creating a default route, enter the default route ( for an IPv4 address or ::/0 for an IPv6 address). Advanced IPv6 configuration techniques using the Junos operating system. # On Device C, configure IPv6 static routes. ipv6 route to configure static IPv6 routing; ipv6 router rip to create a RIPng routing instance; show ipv6 route to check the IPv6 routing table; ipv6 rip enable to enable a RIPng instance on a specific interface; With this knowledge, you are ready to face a technology refresh that, someday, will become urgent. The following example shows how to configure a fully specified static route on a broadcast interface. The following commands were modified by this feature: debug ipv6 route, ipv6 route, ipv6 route static bfd, monitor event ipv6 static, show ipv6 route, show ipv6 route summary, show ipv6 static, Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. runs properly. Static routes are manually configured and define an explicit path between two networking devices. Before configuring an IPv6 static route, configure link layer protocol parameters and IPv6 addresses for interfaces and ensure that the status of the link layer protocol of the interface is Up. Router(config-if)#exit Router(config)# Router(config)#ipv6routerripone Router(config-rtr)#redistributestatic Router(config-rtr)#exit Router(config)# Router(config)#ipv6route2001:DB8:1:1/48null0 Router(config)#end Router# 00:01:30:%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configuredfromconsolebyconsole Router#showipv6routestatic IPv6RoutingTable-3entries Use the ipv6 route command in order to configure the static routing. As shown in Figure 1, configure IPv6 static routes so that hosts can reach one another.. On an IP ring network configured with IP FRR, the poison-reverse enable command is used to prevent instantaneous traffic storms caused by the route convergence. Configure a static route for R1’s Loopback1 network via R1’s G0/0/1 address. by the administrator. BFD for IPv6 static routes implements millisecond-level detection. Procedure. Run the display nqa results command. An IPv6 static route has been configured. Here, in the second step, creates the VRF and also enters into the VRF configuration. Whether to use static routes or one of the alternative mechanisms depends on local circumstances. Router#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. Configuration of static route in IPv6 is similar to IPv4 static route. A route self-recurses if it is itself used to resolve its own next hop. # Check the IP routing table of Device A. Disable FRR for IPv6 static routes, and check the backup outbound interface and the backup next hop. The following example shows how to configure a directly attached static route through a point-to-point interface. NQA for IPv6 static routes can quickly detect network faults and control the advertisement of static routes. Information about a BFD session can be viewed only after parameters of the BFD session are set and the BFD session is established. If an IPv6 static route is associated with a network quality analysis (NQA) test instance, NQA tests the link status periodically. Found insideGeared towards Cisco Security, the practical aspects of this book will help you clear the CCNA Security Exam (210-260) by increasing your knowledge of Network Security. Syntax Configure static routes on Device B and Device C, and associate the static route configured on Device B with the ICMP NQA test instance. Education Details: Static default route.Just like IPv4, we can also create static default routes.A default route has only zeroes (::) and a /0 prefix-length. static routes on the router. In general, most networks use dynamic routing protocols to communicate between networking devices but may have one or two static routes configured for special cases. To preferentially select the IPv6 static route in IPv6 is replacing IPv4 to dominate the networking world refer Cisco!: only one end supports NQA certain types of traffics to other that. Trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners if two static routes implement. 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