It's here! ‘the label ‘salsa’ seems especially meaningless when applied to musicians like Tito Puente’, , denomination, description, characterization, identification, tag. ‘many pupils felt that they were labelled as failures’, , classify, class, characterize, describe, designate, identify. Oxford Languages and Google. A classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive. Found inside – Page 363The extracted elements from dictionary definitions of the object can help ... both the WordNet Dictionary [6] and the Oxford Online English Dictionary [7]. Enter letters: Definitions. ... See the Dictionary Definition . Assign to a category, especially inaccurately or restrictively. Found inside – Page vThe Oxford Dictionary of Abbreviations is designed to f ill this gap, ... is not evident from the definition, a geographical label precedes the definition. Found inside – Page xviiiThe Concise Oxford English Dictionary is designed to be as ... SENSE AND SUBSENSES Within each part of speech the first definition given is the core sense. Found inside – Page 78Definition and properties of nostalgia The New Oxford Dictionary of English (1998, p. 1266) labels nostalgia “a sentimental longing or wistful affection for ... Found inside – Page 368dictionary (CIDE), and it is not given a style label in a fourth dictionary ... phrases Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of 155,000 definitions 2000 6th ... Find out which words work together and produce more natural sounding English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. Field label definition: a descriptive word or phrase for a field in a record, such as ' surname ', ' postcode ',... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Share label. Found inside – Page 1517.2 The Meaning of 'For' When the Australian Constitution Was Enacted In 1908, ... Oxford Dictionary (1901) one of the definitions of “for” was “As regards, ... [countable] (often in compounds) a small piece of paper, cloth, plastic, etc. Unscramble Words. 2A classifying phrase or name applied to a person or thing, especially one that is inaccurate or restrictive. 1 A small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it. Found inside – Page xxvThe Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction Jeff Prucher ... Usage and Status Labels Certain definitions in this dictionary bear additional comments. ‘However, manufacturers could be breaking the law if the information on … 3Heraldry A narrow horizontal strip, typically with three downward projections, that is superimposed on a coat of arms by an eldest son during the life of his father. She was falsely labelled/labeled a liar. To incorporate into a compound a substance that is readily detected, such as a radionuclide, whereby its metabolism can be followed or its physical distribution detected. A piece of fabric sewn inside a garment and bearing the brand name, size, or instructions for care. 1, 2) into ‘Our bin has been put out regularly on the date stipulated on the attached label.’. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. (CNN) Even the dictionary … Unrelated words with identical spellings are enteredseparately and have superscript, or raised, numbers: P recious Brady Davis says that she uses the label trans* to describe herself because it’s “undefinable.”. The substance so incorporated. Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app. The Oxford English Dictionary is available by subscription to institutions and individuals.. We are pleased to offer annual individual OED subscriptions for $100 in the US or £100 for the Rest of the World ..For this annual rate, you’ll have full unrestricted access to the OED Online – including quarterly updates.. You can also find out more about our Developing Countries Initiative. Found inside – Page 132... of a dictionary entry (DICTIONARESE). ð DEFINITION STYLE, STYLE LABEL. ... The Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors [11th edition] (R.E.Allen et al ... 16 synonyms of labeling from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 29 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Found inside – Page xiv... object being shown in brackets in the definition), e.g. belabour [with obj.] ... The Oxford Dictionary of English uses the following register labels: ... Found inside – Page 105Thus, pyrexia, a scientific term, may be found in Oxford Dictionaries ... call the anatomy of the concept (i.e., the label, definitions, and the antecedent, ... attached to something to identify it or give information about it He put name tags on all his shirts. in phrasal verbs, shows that the object may come either before or after the particle, shows a cross reference to another related entry in the dictionary, shows a cross reference to the corresponding entry in another dictionary. A narrow horizontal strip, typically with three downward projections, that is superimposed on a coat of arms by an eldest son during the life of his father. Found inside – Page 231Imperial Dictionary of the English Language, The (Ogilvie) 88, 93, 97, ... 205, 210; definitions in 164–77; labelling in 144–62; origins of 94–104; ... 2. trade name of a company that produces musical recordings; "the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent". He was labelled (as) a traitor by his former colleagues. Found inside – Page 315The words in definitions are simply labels for other concepts. ... A striking feature of dictionary definitions is their variability. In the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of Academic English (OLDAE), the following labels are used to show words or meanings that are mainly restricted to a particular academic subject area: anatomy, biochemistry, biology, business, chemistry, computing, earth science, ecology, economics, engineering, finance, geometry, grammar, law, linguistics, mathematics, medical, philosophy, phonetics, physics, politics, psychology, statistics. that is attached to something and that gives information about it synonym tag, ticket The washing instructions are on the label. Found inside – Page 27124 The English label “ crucifixion ” – a capital punishment – contains som additional features , which become visible in The Oxford English Dictionary ... ‘designer-label clothing’. a gift tag (= tied to a present) The saying “labels are for jars not people” means it’s OK to put a description on a jar so you know what’s inside (a label), but it’s not okay to judge people by attaching a label, or description to them, such as "nerd," "jock," or "burnout." ‘she plans to launch her own designer clothes label’, , brand name, trade name, trademark, proprietary name, line, make, logo. The file was labelled ‘Private’. The samples were all labelled with a date and place of origin. 1 the attribute of being labelled.2 the act or process of chemically introducing a label (def. label something with something We carefully labelled each item with the contents and the date. a piece of paper, etc. Found inside – Page viiiThe field label (Mil., N.Y.C.) appears in italics immediately before the definition. Note that the field label refers to the group, subculture, etc., ... Ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behaviour. Medical Definition of label (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : to distinguish (an element or atom) by using an isotope distinctive in some manner (as in mass or radioactivity) for tracing through chemical reactions or biological processes. ‘she labelled the parcels neatly, writing the addresses in capital letters’, , attach labels to, put labels on, tab, ticket, stamp, mark, put stickers on, docket, flag. Some of the plants were wrongly labelled. [Langues et linguistique]. A radioactive isotope, fluorescent dye, or enzyme used to make something identifiable for study. ‘the alcohol content is clearly stated on the label’, , ticket, tab, sticker, marker, docket, chit, chitty, flag, stamp. Found inside – Page 6612.5 Below are listed the definitions from The Concise Oxford Dictionary (9th ... Many dictionaries also give sTYLE LABELs for words, showing whether they ... ‘the italic part-of-speech label follows the pronunciation’. ‘a world where designer labels are a prerequisite’. Definition of "labeled" [] A piece of paper, card, or other material attached to an object to identify it or give instructions or details concerning its ownership, use, nature, destination, etc; tag (noun) Displays a dictionary word definition and all the definitions of that word. White labeling is used in a wide variety of industries including food, technology and financial products. Submitted from: 1 A circular piece of paper in the centre of a record, giving information about the song title, artist, etc. 1. a product or service where the provider purchases a fully supported product from another source, then applies its own brand and identity to it. A famous and prestigious fashion brand. Label: a slip (as of paper or cloth) that is attached to something to identify or describe it. Found inside – Page 153Oxford Dictionaries,, Oxford Oxford Languages ... him as a pathetic figure: portray, depict, paint, define, characterize, call, label, class, brand. Found inside – Page 133... a period analogously labeled 'Reign of Terror' by commentators. The given definition in Oxford Dictionary shows, the term 'terrorist' in its first use ... (hypernym) description. Found inside – Page 211Oxford Dictionary . A narrow slip of silk , paper , etc. , affixed to anything , denoting its contents , ownerahip , or the like ; as , the label of a ... A string of characters used to refer to a particular instruction in a program. Some of the plants were wrongly labelled. Found inside – Page 206That is , a ladies ' man must be in AmE , labelled and labelling in BrE . not ... meaning " infested with , " " full of , ” or “ dominated , harassed , or ... Found insideProvides access to the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary. ... pronunciation, part of speech label, definition(s), and etymology, ... Found inside – Page 211Oxford Dictionary . A narrow slip of silk , paper , etc. , affixed to anything , denoting its contents , ownership , or the like ; as , the label of a ... He didn't want to cast a shadow on (= spoil) their happiness. Find the answers with Practical English Usage online, your indispensable guide to problems in English. Here Are Our Top English Tips, The Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage, The Most Common English Language Questions. Oxford Dictionary amends sexist definitions of ‘woman’ In the changes made, labels have been added to identify some terms as ‘derogatory’, ‘offensive’ or ‘dated’. 1A small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it. A small piece of paper, fabric, plastic, or similar material attached to an object and giving information about it. 2Assign to a category, especially inaccurately or restrictively. to describe somebody/something in a particular way, especially unfairly. The Oxford English Dictionary Added 'Trans*.'. noun. In the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of Academic English (OLDAE), the following labels are used to show words or meanings that are mainly restricted to a particular academic subject area: anatomy, biochemistry, biology, business, chemistry, computing, earth science, ecology, economics, engineering, finance, geometry, grammar, law, linguistics, mathematics, medical, philosophy, phonetics, physics, … 1. a piece of paper, card, or other material attached to an object to identify it or give instructions or details concerning its ownership, use, nature, destination, etc; tag. How to pronounce label (audio) \. 2 A recording company, or a section of one, producing and releasing records under a distinctive name. Found insideEvery once in a great while, a definition provided by the OED is ... Colloquial has long been one of the most misunderstood usage labels in dictionaries. Synonyms: marker, tag, ticket… Find the right word. The name or trademark of a fashion company. label synonyms, label pronunciation, label translation, English dictionary definition of label. Found inside – Page 2092 portray, depict, paint, define, characterize, call, label, class, brand. 3 mark out, delineate, outline, trace, draw. de-scrip-tion /di'skripsHan/ > n. Lexico's first Word of the Year! Found insideThe 1847 edition became the first Merriam-Webster unabridged dictionary*. ... No definitions are grouped alphabetically by subject labels. label meaning: 1. a piece of paper or other material that gives you information about the object it is attached…. 1. a piece of paper, etc. / ˈleɪb ə lɪŋ / us the act of putting a label on something, or labels that are put on something: Successive food scares led to Europe-wide demands for clear labelling. Found inside – Page 137(7) Definition of bubble in the HARRAP'S DICTIONARY OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE . ... Supposing bubble were an entry in OXFORD DICTIONARY OF BUSINESS ENGLISH ... label noun [C] (SIGN) B1 a piece of paper or other material that gives you information about the object it is attached to: Remember to put some address labels on the suitcases. adds a word, phrasal verb or idiom to My Word Lists. Find another word for labeling. Define label. Learn More About label. Label definition: A label is a piece of paper or plastic that is attached to an object in order to give... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Questions about grammar and vocabulary? (derivation) pronounce, judge. You should read the warning label before you take any medicine. Quick definitions from WordNet ( label) noun: trade name of a company that produces musical recordings ( "The artists and repertoire department of a … that is attached to something and that gives information about it synonym tag, ticket Always read the label carefully. Found inside – Page 26It made me ask, what is failure? Failure is a label. Just like success, failure is subjective. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it is a lack of ... 1. a brief description given for purposes of identification; "the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture". This volume provides concise, authoritative accounts of the approaches and methodologies of modern lexicography and of the aims and qualities of its end products. Found inside – Page 191A Global History of the Oxford English Dictionary Sarah Ogilvie ... and its consistent use of labels and metalanguage in definitions for these entries. A label on a product indicating it has been manufactured by workers belonging to a trade union. Distinguish (as Make (a substance, molecule, or cell) identifiable by replacing an atom with one of a distinctive radioactive isotope, or by attaching a fluorescent dye, enzyme, or other molecule. Español. The piece of paper in the centre of a record giving the artist and title. or white labelling. on gramophone records Here's What the Label Means. price/address labels He'll only wear designer labels (= clothes with designer labels). We carefully labelled each item with the contents and the date. Found insideOur dictionary presents the headwords in Migmaq, with the definition in ... only in a particular field of activity" (Oxford Engiish Dictionary 1996: xvii). We hope this forum was useful, and that you enjoyed being a part of it. Found inside – Page 79On the whole, American dictionaries use few labels and do not explicitly label ... Oxford Dictionary of English (NODE) (1998), include the label figurative, ... It would be easy to label the boys as troublemakers. the label ``Romantic'' is applied to many different kinds of poetry 3 a word or phrase heading a piece of text to indicate or summarize its contents 4 a trademark or company or brand name on certain goods, esp. Found insideThe easiest examples to define are thosein countries where politics ... more centrist than the Communists (though the label is seldom used); but which are ... a short word or phrase descriptive of a person, group, intellectual movement, etc. Found inside – Page 236An Analysis of Information Provided in Dictionaries Used by Learners of English in ... keys and conventions for usage labels in all learners' dictionaries. Found inside – Page 141A term used by some grammarians as a formal label (i.e. in the same way as ExCLAMATIoN (b)), in contrast to the semantic (i.e. meaning) labels ExCLAMATION ... country-of-origin/ food / product labelling The following labels show other restrictions on the use of words. [count] 1. : a piece of paper, cloth, or similar material that is attached to something to identify or describe it. Dictionary - We use the Oxford Dictionary. label something + adj. The word 'woman' is being redefined in one series of dictionaries. Make sure that your luggage is clearly labelled. shows a derivative. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! a pile of small plastic bags, each carefully labelled/labeled. noun. . Found inside – Page 265As a label, it thus covers a very wide range of writings from countries that were once colonies or dependencies of the European powers. She had automatically labelled the boys as troublemakers. Oxford Languages is the world’s leading dictionary publisher, with over 150 years of experience creating and delivering authoritative dictionaries globally in more than 50 languages. Labeling: to attach an identifying slip to. labeled or labelled; labeling or labelling \ ˈlā- b (ə- )liŋ. Are You Learning English? A label may refer to any of the following: 1. In general, a label is a sticker placed on a floppy diskette drive, hard drive, CD-ROM or other equipment that contains printed information to help identify that object or its data. Keep scrolling for more. The samples were all labelled with a date and place of origin. Found inside – Page 484article “Dictionaries and Ethnic Sensibilities” Burchfield (1980) mentions the public outrage at definitions of Palestine, Palestinian, Arab, and Pakistan ... Label(noun) a tassel. Label(noun) a slip of silk, paper, parchment, etc., affixed to anything, usually by an inscription, the contents, ownership, destination, etc.; as, the label of a bottle or a package. noun A label giving instructions for the washing and care of a fabric or garment. Labelled definition: → See label | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Learn more. Found inside – Page 211Oxford Dictionary . A narrow slip of silk , paper , etc. , affixed to anything , denoting its contents , ownership , or the like ; as , the label of a ... ‘If there is a label in any given line, we save the label and the device filename in a hash.’. 2. a brief descriptive phrase or term given to a person, group, school of thought, etc. This second edition is written and edited by Professor Bas Aarts of University College London, writer of the acclaimed Oxford Modern English Grammar. a word or phrase indicating that what follows belongs in a particular category or … Derivatives can be easily understood from the meaning of the word from which they are derived (the headword). Found inside – Page 341Assigning a security label to each component (paragraphs, shapes, images, etc.) ... 4 Oxford Dictionary of English, 2nd Edition, 2003. in the field of ... 2. ‘The British-born designer owns the Marchesa designer label which has designed the wedding gown.’. Google’s English dictionary is provided by Oxford Languages. If you would like to get in touch with any OED-related queries, please write to [email protected] ‘a garment with the label ‘Laura Ashley’’. Each label has markings that tell what type of hazard is identified on the label. They help identify what type of hazardous material is in a package. These hazmat labels and handling labels are placed on hazardous material packaging such as UN certified packaging, or overpacks . Found inside – Page xxixJohn Ayto, editor of The Oxford Dictionary of Slang, comments that many words ... of usage labels, the editors have occasionally clarified definitions by ... Found inside – Page 80Comparing stylistic labelling in three dictionaries, Hartmann (1981a) concludes that the definitions of specific style values leave much to be desired. DEFINITIONS 1. Label 1. Post more words for label to Facebook Share more words for label … Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language? Found inside – Page 101“Erron” occurred as a label 275 times in the definition field, all in unrevised ... Dictionary-makers' attitudes, whether explicitly stated or inadvertently ... Dictionary definition, a book, optical disc, mobile device, or online lexical resource (such as containing a selection of the words of a language, giving information about their meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, inflected forms, derived forms, etc., expressed in either the same or another language; lexicon; glossary. It is unfair to label a small baby naughty. The English dictionary community team would like the opportunity to say a huge thanks to all of you who participated by posting questions and helping other community members. Oxford dictionaries change 'sexist' and outdated definitions of the word 'woman'. The name is prominently displayed on the label. Found inside – Page 1-103(B) DICTIONARY MEANING OF VARIOUS TERMS Term Meaning of the term Source 2. ... The pocket oxford dictionary Insemination The action of putting ... labelling meaning: 1. present participle of label 2. present participle of label 3. the act of putting a label on…. Middle English (denoting a narrow strip): from Old French, ‘ribbon’. Learn more. Found inside – Page xiiixiii Guide to the use of the dictionary Geographical labels English is spoken throughout the ... DEFINITIONS Many words have only one meaning or definition, ... All Free. noun. Middle English (denoting a narrow strip): from Old French, ‘ribbon’, probably of Germanic origin and related to lap. Found inside – Page 5086 The 2002 edition of Webster's included a new label especially for scientific and ... The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is by far the most comprehensive ... (in a dictionary entry) a word or words used to specify the subject area, register, or geographical origin of the word being defined. Every box needs to be labelled before it goes into storage. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Learn more. labelled meaning: 1. past simple and past participle of label 2. past simple and past participle of label . The following labels are used with words that express a particular attitude or are appropriate in a particular situation. More example sentences. ‘However, the care label calls for no fabric softener to be used and suggests that … Provided by. Lable synonyms, Lable pronunciation, Lable translation, English dictionary definition of Lable. Found inside – Page 47differed in terms of countability , the relevant labels were inserted after the ... Oxford Dictionary , the third edition of which had appeared in 1934 . Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. label - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Extra Examples. ‘insulin labelled with iodine-125 was used as a tracer’. Origin Late 19th century; earliest use found in Defiance (Ohio) Democrat. Definition of label verb from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, Oxford Learner's Dictionaries Word of the Day, to fix a label on something or write information on something. business. Learner's definition of LABEL. Found inside – Page 159Table 7.1 Summary of the category definitions Label Definition Source Map ... 285 Oxford online dictionary Cambridge dictionary online MSTE Carolyn's Unit ... Found inside – Page 228A dialect label indicates that the item belongs to the ... 14 In some dictionaries, 'slang' is considered to be a register label, meaning 'even ... Way as ExCLAMATIoN ( b ) ), in contrast to the semantic ( i.e a recording company, similar. Man must be in AmE, labelled and labelling in BrE a distinctive name felt that they labelled... Sense and SUBSENSES Within each part of it belongs in a particular instruction in a wide variety of including. 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