I tried using as the DNS so I wouldn't have to change the OpenVPN settings if the IP address of my Pi changes, but this did not work. The domains are in the blacklist, but not in gravity. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Please upload a new debug log and post the new token. I’m not personally against advertisement companies Pi-Hole has existed since 2014, and it works on most Linux distributions. This topic was automatically closed 21 days after the last reply. Static settings? atm, I have directed my pihole to my AdGuard_Home to my unbound server with a few different links and added some on my own through AdGuard Home. This binary does not depend on glibc in any way. I use an EdgeRouter and this list can be dropped in when the right plug-in is used (1). I tested netflix.com and it did block before.. but after awhile, it doesn't anymore. Use Pi-hole as your DNS server. The second should give NOERROR plus an IP address.. Configure Pi-hole¶. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. There are some incorrect domains listed in the lighttpd error log, which indicates you may have tried to enter them into local lists. It correctly blocks all ads BUT also videos. Use these tools to help determine why things are not being blocked as you expected and if other domains are providing the content. You can also enable regex debugging to get visibility on what regex filters are blocking content - this can help identify ineffective regex. also is IPv6 enabled on your network and if so is IPv6 blocking enabled ? I set up a blacklist.txt with an entry of www.amazon.com. Ran gravity.sh to repopulate the gravity.list and confirmed that www.amazon.com is in gravity.list. I researched the page and it told me to clear my cache via browser and also "Restart DNS resolver"; but it still doesn't work. blacklist VS pihole-antitelemetry ... A reminder that this is not limited to PiHole. The latest entries from the log shows that nothing is configured to be blocked. Turning it on/off, black/white listing current tab, etc.). This results in that domain blacklist being applied to a disabled group, so there will be no effect from that domain blacklist. However, I encountered an issue when I tried to create some automations (turn on Christmas lights at sunset, in this case). To update to this new version from version 4.x, run pihole -up. but there is no way I can reach the server ( via the hostname (Ok via IP) I tried to add the server as DNS name in pihole webgui but it’s not working . The only way for pihole to display client names is to either, 1) use pihole's dhcp instead of your router, or 2) use a hosts file in pihole where it has your static ip address to each client. How to block internet access at certain times using the PiHole. pihole-FTL: 67 (DHCP) IPv4 UDP: The DHCP server is an optional feature that requires additional ports. Maybe I'm missing something with my paths or with scheduling? For instance, I chose the ethernet interface on the installation process. I have flushed my dns. I entered the domain (for example www.mydealz.de) and tried the wildcards. foXaCe 0. The previous debug did not show this blacklist. (mydealz) as well. -100 4.3 Shell youTube_ads_4_pi-hole VS ya-pihole-list A bunch of useful pi-hole adlists and a auto updater. But, seven clients clients (including the Pi) are assigned to Group 1, and group 0 is disabled. This failed as well. I am VERY new to this so I could have doing something wrong. keep in mind that www.netflix.com and netflix.com are two different domains and one will redirect to the other. Alternatively, I'd strongly recommend testing the Pi-Hole first by manually changing the DNS-server in the settings of your phone or tablet before setting the home router to … Hence I thought just adding it all in a blacklist would work, but apparently thats not … Your debug log shows that the Pi-Hole is working. but the result is that any computer in the LAN can access yahoo.com. I did a cat /etc/pihole/blacklist.txt and see that my sites that I add in are indeed in that txt file. sudo grep netflix.com /var/log/pihole.log | tail -n 40. It’s different from AdBlock or other browser extensions because it’s directly on the network, it’s a DNS ad-blocker. The core script of Pi-hole provides the ability to tie many DNS related functions into a simple and user-friendly management system, so that one may easily block unwanted content such as advertisements. While you are there, setup a static IP for your Pi Hole Raspberry Pi (this is required). How do I determine what domain an ad is coming from. New replies are no longer allowed. Raspberry PI 2. Go to your PiHole settings. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. rpi2 ~ # pihole -q -adlist -exact yahoo.com Exact match found in exact blacklist yahoo.com but the result is that any computer in the … Hello, I installed Pi-hole 5.0 on RPI2 and everything seems to work fine except blacklist. I’ve had a Pi.Hole running for years now, and love it. 2 IN A I just got started with my SmartThings hub and I’m loving it already. Do you have any idea? In my case, it is After the basic configuration has been done, it is now time to actually install the … The first command should give a status report of SERVFAIL and no IP address. Finally, configure Pi-hole to use your recursive DNS server by specifying as the Custom DNS (IPv4): (don't forget to hit Return or click on Save). IF you are able to load that specific domain in your browser, the browser likely has the IP in cache from before you blocked it. Or "com&" and it should block any domain ending in com right? Edit - Also, please post the output of the following commands from the Pi terminal: sudo grep www.google.com /etc/pihole/gravity.list. This is the continuation from the previous article Simplest pihole + dnscrypt-proxy implementation on Raspberry Pi 4 today I will discuss what configuration that we should do next. ; Change the adListSource variable in the adlists-updater.sh file to your custom blocklist collection. Whenever i added both links of Netflix onto the blacklist, it did block it. Lets say I add a domain to my blacklist "nba.com" for example. Contact Support. ... but does not work when I try to schedule a cron job for it a few minutes out. [2019-09-12 00:24:27.549 908] Received SIGHUP, reloading cache [2019-09-12 00:24:27.549 908] Blocking status is enabled [2019-09-12 00:24:27.549 908] Skipping empty regex filter on line 1 [2019-09-12 00:24:27.549 908] Compiled 0 Regex filters and 0 whitelisted domains in 0.3 msec (0 errors) [2019-09-12 … NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. ], [When I type in google.com or paypal.com I am still able to connect to them. I blacklisted the exact match yahoo.com and I updated gravity. I then disabled LPC but maintained the network and Blacklist settings in OpendDNS Home Dashboard. Install Pi-hole. 3. Is this suppose to happen? It did before.. Active 8 months ago. What is the output of the following commands so we can examine the logs and block lists. Copy the api key into the settings; Using multiple PiHole(s) If you want to use several PiHoles please read the following information page first: Multiple PiHoles Documentation. NOTE: I am just adding in google.com or www.google.com and not anything with "https" or "/". On my router and computer the only dns I have is the one that is my rasiberry pi (i think?). Somehow it just doesn't work anymore.. -perating system:Linux rpi2 4.19.58-v7+ #1245 SMP https://docs.pi-hole.net/ftldns/configfile/. So when an ad is blocked, it’s actually prevented from being downloaded in the first place because the DNS query is intercepted. So I know enough to get the ball rolling but not really trouble shoot much else. Every now n then, pc/tv displayed video ads but not as much. Clear the browser cache, re-launch the browser and load the web page. After LPC failing to Blacklist the sites, I tried setting up another Blacklist via the OpenDNS Home Dashboard (without disabling LPC). Overview. Pihole is blocking 7% of my queries so i guess it is working properly. Ask Question Asked 11 months ago. [I add in a website to the blacklist. Could not update local repository. (disabled my ipv6). Selfhosting direction seems confusing. I'm still able to enter those sites. Link to post. Open a youtube video and check if the video loads. Is this suppose to happen? If there is an alternate name in use that isn't blocked, then that would be normal. If you use it you have to do the following. I have disabled IPv6. Expected Behaviour: -perating system:Linux rpi2 4.19.58-v7+ #1245 SMP Raspberry PI 2 Actual Behaviour: I blacklisted the exact match yahoo.com and I updated gravity. Pihole is running as DHCP and all clients are showing up. This is something that users have been asking for for a long time, and we are proud to be finally able to offer this awesome feature. Groups can be created and block lists, blacklist, and whitelist can be applied to groups. Blocklists, blacklist and whitelist can all be individually enabled/disabled. DHCP? Unlike traditional, browser-based ad blockers, Pi-hole work at the DNS level. Anyone having issues with the blacklist and whitelist not working in v5.0? I also may be understanding regex wrong here. Adding a domain to the blacklist just blocks that exact domain. Installing Pi-Hole. When adding them in I shouldn't be able to connect to the website. Yes, I added both links and it still doesn't seem to work anymore. Foreword: I’m fascinated by technology and I wanted to share my findings while expirementing with Pihole. google.com would not block www.google.com or photos.google.com. Updating is as simple as running the following command: pihole -up. I'm having the same issue as well, domains in the blacklist also do not show up in the web GUI. https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/mkt4i6eyxa! Here are some good tools to help determine where ads are coming from (and how domains are loading). Let's rebuild gravity and see if that resolves it: doesn't seem like the two commands change, ;; ANSWER SECTION: www.google.com. ping: cannot resolve server.lan: Unknown host ping: cannot resolve server: Unknown host. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Step 3c: Raspberry Pi's Network IP. There are some things that don’t work perfectly, but I’ve worked them out through the years. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Unfortunately Pihole does not block blacklisted sites, yet i restarted dns. Right after i installed Pi-Hole onto my RPi3, i tested out some websites (youtube.com, cnn.com) and it was able to block ads. When using pihole -a interface all, please ensure you use a firewall to prevent your Pi-hole from becoming an unwitting host to DNS amplification attackers. You may want to consider running Wireguard to grant your mobile devices access to the Pi-hole. I already converted my timezone in raspi-config to my timezone. You have the blacklist entry yahoo.com assigned to group 0 (the default group). Note: If the default DNS settings are changed on the device directly to something other than the PiHole then the device will have access to the blocked sites.. But whenever i refreshed it, it went pass the blocking feature and i was able to get inside of Netflix. Tested a few times throu private mode, 8/10 no video ad without any adblockers or the AdGuard exe program on pc. New replies are no longer allowed. Click "Api/Web interface" and then on "Show Api token" at the bottom of your screen. How to append your own adlists. A standard Pi-hole installation will do it as follows: Your client asks the Pi-hole Who is pi-hole.net? Your Pi-hole will check its cache and reply if the answer is already known. Your Pi-hole will check the blocking lists and reply if the domain is blocked. Login to your Wifi router administration page, look through your list of connected clients and note down the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. Nothing works including testing the blacklist. That depends. See my edit above for two additional outputs. How do I determine what domain an ad is coming from. This topic was automatically closed 21 days after the last reply. Switch-for-PiHole . If I add "^something" as regex it should block any domain starting with something? The video is very confusing and not helpful, probably the reason it's not working. I'm running Pi-Hole version 2.13.2, web interface 2.5.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Hyper-V VM with 1GB of ram. This can be for a couple of different reasons, but these are the ones that have been most effective: Verify that you chose the right interface when installing Pi-Hole. As I said in the introduction, Pi-Hole is a free and open-source ad-blocker. With this extension you can control your PiHole remotely (e.g. Our intelligent, automated installer asks you a few questions and then sets everything up for you. For your device you will have two dns queries r5---sn-4g5e6nze.googlevideo.com and r5---sn-4g5ednse.googlevideo.com. Disable resolvconf for unbound (optional)¶. Working on a pihole blocklist for domains from the recent paper about Google and Apple telemetry. The blacklist feature isn't working or maybe i have the wrong expectation. Quote. Troubleshooting Status / Slider are not working You would need to wildcard block google.com to block everything. No matter what device I use the site isn't blocked. lighttpd: 80 (HTTP) TCP: If you have another Web server already running, such as Apache, Pi-hole's Web server will not work. Add your own blocklist to the adlists.list.updater file. ], [https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/a2iy1fiwou]. Once complete, move onto step 3. But whenever i refreshed it, it went pass the blocking feature and i was able to get inside of Netflix. Can you provide specifics? Since these ad images, videos, and sounds are not being downloaded, your network will perform better. Pi-Hole is working; tested some websites that had ads and it was able to block it. I'm not clear on what is not working. Fork this project. If you have been running the 5.0 beta release, run pihole checkout master to move from the beta to the master branch. Like I saw the 90dns.masq file but didn't seem to have any IP's in it, so this is all over my head. Disclaimer: The support for PiHole 5.0 or less is dropped with v2.3. A regular expression, or RegEx for short, is a pattern that can be used for building arbitrarily complex filter rules in FTLDNS.We implement the POSIX Extended Regular Expressions similar to the one used by the UNIX egrep (or grep -E) command.We amend the regex engine by approximate blocking (compare to agrep) and other special features like matching to specific query types only. Pi-Hole is working; tested some websites that had ads and it was able to block it. Let's say the website is google.com or paypal.com. The latest entries from the log shows that nothing is configured to be blocked. But whenever i refreshed it, it went pass the blocking feature and i was able to get inside of Netflix. pihole-FTL: 547 (DHCPv6) IPv6 UDP: The DHCP server is an optional feature that requires additional ports. If not, go to your pi hole dashboard to the query log. If you do not want to use PiHole … Whenever i added both links of Netflix onto the blacklist, it did block it. ; Enabling Raspbian and Pi-hole Auto Updater. Add the argument 1 to your sudo sh adlists-updater.sh 1 call.. Updating your adlists automatically 2. schedule pihole blacklist from text file of domains with crontab on raspberry pi. How to enable/disable groups at certain times using the PiHole. Sorry. I did try using wildcard and regex as well but to an avail. Open a youtube video and check if the video loads. If not, go to your pi hole dashboard to the query log. The last one (upper) in the query log is the video. So whitelist the dns. You have to do it sometimes. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Pulled up https://www.amazon.com and got the Connection Refused error, which is what Chrome should be showing, as we are not running an https server on the pihole. 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