Usage: The witnesses confirmed the victim's account. constant improvement. Found inside – Page 182182 CONFIRM . more than ordinary share of baseness and de Imprisonment ... Border .. and roboro to strengthen , signifies to add to the strength . Search confirm and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Found inside – Page 191Strengthen, confirm, invigorate, consolidate, fortify, substantiate, reinforce, establish, make strong, add strength to, corroborate, justify, sustain, ... Found inside – Page 104To strengthen evidence , state CORUSCATE , v . int . Coruscare , ment , or opinion . To shine with a flashing light , as Syn . Strengthen . Confirm . You make the reservation, and I'll confirm it in writing. thesaurus. To state with assurance that a report or fact is true. page 2. Antonyms for strengthen. V n ♦ confirmation n-uncount Travel arrangements are subject to confirmation by State Tourist Organisations. Explore 'strength' in the dictionary. to become stronger or make (something) stronger. Synonyms: reassert, confirm. Definition of confirm. gain strength; "His body strengthened" make strong or stronger; "This exercise will strengthen your upper body"; "strengthen the relations between the two countries" 12 synonyms for confirming: positive, confirmative, confirmatory, corroborative, corroboratory, substantiating, substantiative, validating, validatory.... What are synonyms for confirming? Synonyms. the army makes new recruits run for miles in order to strengthen them. Definition. Synonyms for strengthening. verbs. … Log in. To learn or come to an awareness of something. This page shows answers to the clue Confirm, followed by ten definitions like “To make firm or firmer”, “Is a ratification of an order” and “To render valid by formal assent”.Synonyms for Confirm are for example agree with, attest and attest to.More synonyms can be found below the puzzle answers. Research would strengthen the case for socialist reform. Confirm: to give evidence or … Found inside – Page 209TEST OF Synonyms Direction: Choose the correct synonym for the word written ... Confirm (a) Strengthen (c) Contradict Word Synonyms WORD LIST: The words in ... make more firm; "Confirm thy soul in self-control!" phrases. veer ahead current disclaim disallow. his story confirmed my doubts. confirm implies the removing of doubts by an … Found inside – Page 72Id . - ConfirMARE , as synonymous with the other words , is , to confirm , to strengthen or fortify . Confirmare aliquid rationibus et argumentis . Cic . Found inside – Page 114Synonyms : assure , fix , sanction , substantiate , corroborate , prove , sustain , establish , ratify , strengthen , uphold . Confirm ( L. con , together ... “Strengthen.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Definition. Found inside... truthful fortify Synonyms: forearm; brace; ready; gird; confirm; strengthen Antonyms: weaken; hurt; injure fortitude Synonyms: courage; bravery; pluck; ... prove. 1 (noun) in the sense of might. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Synonyms for Strengthened. Perfect, Confirm, Strengthen and Establish You In all of our life's trials, we can feel awfully weak and helpless --- and we definitely are. ... strengthen. Found inside – Page 179( Strengthen , invigorate , empower , corroborate , confirm . ) WEALTH - Influence , riches , mammon , lucre , plenty , affluence , abundance , opulence . 6 letter words. Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! Strictly Come Dancing 2019 has added another name to the line-up, with BBC Breakfast star Mike Bushell, 'To my knowledge, that has actually not been, Beirut, Lebanon: July 6 and August 27, 8am Venue: ME[micro]venpick Hotel Beirut (for July 6); venue for August 27 not yet, 'We are trying to verify that, up to now wala pa kaming nako-confirm, [We haven't, Since then, the media outlets have reported several times about the death of the ISIL leader, though the information has never been, In comments submitted to PHMSA, INGAA asked the agency to limit incident reporting to ", Summary: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have gone on honeymoon, St James's Palace has. Synonyms. to increase the ability of (as a muscle) to exert physical force, lifting weights every day will eventually, the army makes new recruits run for miles in order to, to make able to withstand physical hardship, strain, or exposure, to make markedly greater in measure or degree, encouraged the boarding school students to, to prepare (oneself) mentally or emotionally, to make more harsh, uncompromising, or severe, Post more words for strengthen to Facebook, Share more words for strengthen on Twitter, “In Vino Veritas” and Other Latin Phrases to Live By. strengthen; establish; settle; fix; secure; assure; reinforce; clinch; verify; fortify Synonyms. synonyms. Found inside – Page 159See synonym note at form . configure verb build , compose , shape . ... To assure the certainty or validity of affirm , attest , authenticate , avouch ... Parts of speech. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Strictly Come Dancing confirms BBC Breakfast's Mike Bushell is sixth to join line-up; The Strictly Come Dancing 2019 line-up is filling up, with BBC Breakfast star Mike Bushell now confirmed, Bauchi Assembly Confirms NAN Editor, 19 Others As LG Caretaker Committee Chairmen, Ahsan Iqbal taunts PM Imran over immanent US visit confusion, Witness: Ku Nan claimed RM2m was 'political donation' for by-elections, Palace probes DOT over P60-M ads on Tulfo's PTV 4 show, DND scrambles to verify influx of foreign terrorists in Mindanao, Diplomat: Iraq Cannot Confirm Death of ISIL Leader Al-Baghdadi, Australian team confirms participation in Blind CWC 2018, 'Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare' Shaolin Shuffle Easter Egg Guide, Industry unhappy with proposed rule on notification, Handsworth school link to 13 new swine flu cases, Confinement Alternative Assessment Procedure. synonyms. affirm verify uphold warrant justify reassert maintain reconfirm validate corroborate. 10 definitions of confirm- meanings and example sentences. Found inside – Page 151... gird, ready, confirm, strengthen ant. hurt, weaken, injure fortitude syn. bravery, courage, mettle, pluck, valour, intrepidity ant. cowardice, weakness, ... v. intensified. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary confirm - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. support. Another word for confirm: prove, support, establish, back up, verify | Collins English Thesaurus To give an official acceptance to something as being satisfactory. the army makes new recruits run for miles in order to strengthen them. confirm, corroborate, substantiate, verify, authenticate, validate mean to attest to the truth or validity of something. Found insideSynonyms: assure,—fix,—sanction,—substantiate, corroborate,—prove,—settle,—sustain, establish,—ratify,—strengthen,—uphold. Confirm (L. con, together, ... might. Antonyms. Choose the Right Synonym for confirm. examples. Found inside – Page 192To confirm, in Latin confinno, or con and firmore, to make firm, signifies to make firm in a special manner. Corroborate, from Latin robur, strength, ... continual improvement. Synonyms for strengthen. Found inside – Page 36See Synonyms . duvauów , w , to strengthen , confirm , Col. i . 11 . duvéotns , ou , ó , ( 1 ) a potentate , Luke i.52 ; ( 2 ) one in authority , Acts viii ... We surely do have to be seriously… Found inside – Page 70Strengthen, confirm, fortify, support. ANT. Weaken. invalidate, shake, confute, rebut, ... Confirmation, fortification, strengthening. ANT. Found inside – Page 212Ant .-- Strengthen , empower , invigorate , confirm . Weakness , feebleness , infirmity , frailty , silliness , imbecility , prostration , defect , failing ... Found inside – Page 41Synonyms — Confirm , corroborate , assure , fix , prove , ratify , sanction , settle , strengthen , substantiate , sustain , uphold , settle , institute ... Opposite of to give evidence or testimony to the truth or factuality of. Sense: Verb: strengthen. Find 115 ways to say STRENGTH, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Confirm definition, meaning and example sentences. reinforce. To support or establish the certainty or validity of; verify: confirm a rumor. Found inside – Page 33... increase, intensify, strengthen. attest [v] affirm, vouch for • Syn adjure, announce, argue, assert, authenticate, aver, bear witness, certify, confirm, ... . Synonyms for confirm include verify, corroborate, substantiate, validate, authenticate, prove, support, attest, justify and vindicate. Find more similar words at ... Found inside – Page 323Fortify ; brace ; harden ; invig-filter ; purify . orate ; animate ; encourage ; intensify ; Strait , ( strāt ) a . [ F. etroit , from L. - confirm ; corro ... thesaurus. Verb. Definition of strengthen. 80 synonyms for strengthen: fortify, encourage, harden, toughen, fuel, steel, consolidate, stiffen, hearten, buoy up, gee up, brace up, vitalize.... What are synonyms for strengthen? Opposite of to give an official acceptance to something as being satisfactory. Confirm definition, to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify: This report confirms my suspicions. Synonyms for confirm Synonyms for (verb) confirm. Lists. But, I might not be saved and get to heaven." Definition: strengthen or make more firm. Synonyms. Found inside – Page 114CONFIRM. Synonyms) assure, fix, sanction, substantiate, corroborate, prove, settle, sustain, establish, ratify, strengthen, uphold. Confirm (L. con ... Antonyms for confirming. (kənˈfɝːm) Strengthen or make more firm. Antonyms for strength. Found insideConfirm Synonyms: verify, corroborate, substantiate, settle, establish, approve, ratify, fix, sanction, strengthen, validate. Antonyms: abrogate, annul ... Synonyms for Strengthened (other words and phrases for Strengthened). Find another word for confirm. Found inside – Page 118Strengthen , confirm , ANT . Inodorous , scentless , fetid . corroborate , garrison , brace , intrench . Frail , SYN . See Fragile . Add . IrresANT . beef (up), fortify, harden, toughen. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. “Written records confirm the existence of long-distance traders during the late seventeenth century.” “I can confirm that the events transpired as stated in this report.” “The candidate must sign her contract before we can confirm her as an employee.” Nglish: Translation of strengthen for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of strengthen for Arabic Speakers. confirm. Found inside – Page 600... ( s ) STRENGTH : ability ; ambition ; amperage ; arm ; asset ( s ) ; authority ... volume ; wattage ; weight ; will ( power ) ; STRENGTHEN : affirm ... To bring or move to an improved or superior rank or level. This exercise will strengthen your upper body; strengthen the relations between the two countries. new evidence that could prove their innocence. Found insideTO (confirm, in Latin confirmo, or con and firmare, to make firm, signifies to make firm in a special manner. Corroborate, from Latin robur, strength, ... lifting weights every day will eventually strengthen your muscles. Log in. 1 to increase the ability of (as a muscle) to exert physical force. See more. The might of the army could prove a decisive factor. Found inside – Page 298... lim, tel, term firm Latin firmare IE dherto strengthen, to make firm to firm, ... firmness PREFIXED ROOT: affirm (SYNONYMS: assert, aver, avouch, ... The code for attribution links is required. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. make more firm; "Confirm thy soul in self-control!" establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts; "his story confirmed my doubts"; "The evidence supports the defendant" Strengthen definition, to make stronger; give strength to. 2 may take a clause as object to assert for a second or further time, so as to make more definite. 33 other terms for continue and strengthen- words and phrases with similar meaning. antonyms. vouch. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! To give or add flavor to by seasoning. Found inside – Page 435... to defend to affirm , to support affirmer 2 affirmer une idée / une opinion ... la nouvelle n'a pas été confirmée conforter 2 to confirm , to strengthen ... Synonyms for Confirm (other words and phrases for Confirm) - Page 2. 1 may take a clause as object to prove to be true or valid; corroborate; verify. Prepare (someone) in advance for danger, attack, or another undesirable future event. Found inside – Page 104To strengthen evidence , state- CORUSCATE , v . int . Coruscare . ment , or opinion . To shine with a flashing light , as Syn . Strengthen . Confirm . v. Found inside – Page 954954 SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS ity : 3 sure . real , unavailing , vapid . ... ( Strengthen , confirm . ) SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS 955 crave . weariness , exhaustion ... To promote or nurture the development of. antonyms. examples. 3 to strengthen or make more firm. Log in. To strengthen or toughen a material by heat treatment. ... # strengthen. Definition. 2 (verb) in the sense of reinforce. Explore 'confirm' in the dictionary. Found inside – Page 330Stärken : to restore from weakness to normal strength . It is applied particularly to ... Bestärken : to strengthen , to confirm in an attitude of mind . vb tr. ‘Scientists can't confirm that for a fact, but the belief that certain ones stir the libido may be all the convincing that's needed.’ ‘I invite the Minister to take a call to confirm whether it is true that the requirement for consultation under this amendment bill will be long and arduous.’ Or reaffirm in rank or position ( someone ) in the sense might... Reaffirm in rank or position of mind as object to prove to be another... An official acceptance to something as being satisfactory, endurance, resolution,,... The ability of ( as a single Eor - rõB ' O RĀTE... Confirm thy soul in self-control! the victim 's account of the army could prove decisive. State- CORUSCATE, v Choose the correct synonym for the word written,,! Weaken, invalidate, shake, confute, rebut, enfeeble, or another undesirable future.... 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