Click the image for more details. Through his YouTube Mystic Mentoring videos, books, blog posts, conferences, personal speaking engagements and most of all through the Engaging God program, Mike encourages each of us to encounter God for ourselves and to be transformed by the experience. Engaging The Father) All original material on this blog is subject to copyright. Terms andconditions apply. If we can really get hold of that reality then it will free us up so much to discover just how powerful we are and how amazing our sonship is. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. It is impossible to keep the Law: Jesus made that very clear. This will be a systematic journey starting from the beginning and following both pathways to engage our individual scrolls and destinies. Do shop around (and check shipping costs)! Satan offered them the opportunity to gain knowledge without God. No, God will love His children eternally, and will never stop and never give up until they experience that love. The cross is not a pleasant place. Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28). Live loved Love living Live loving . And Hebrews 6:1-2 are very misunderstood verses. You can use this as a way of bringing yourself to a place of rest and to live from a place of rest; but I would encourage you more to use it as a basis for developing your own process.. God initiates covenants, and He makes them in blood. Conferences and Intensives 2018, Intimacy with the Father/Dancefloor/Mountain rule, Releasing the Fire of God for Transformation, Being invested as a lord living in dual realms, Engaging at the Arc the names of God identity and destiny (with crystal bowl), Enveloped with the frequency of His love (with crystal bowl), Living in dual realms receiving revelation in this realm sensing connection. This Freedom ARC blog Do you want to go deeper? He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead so that He will come to have first place in everything. Mobile court of accusation So its about us as sons living in rest; being rather than doing. If my self-respect comes from what I have done in the flesh, if my self-esteem comes from what I can do, they are not good. Online equipping for a Joshua Generation. All of us know that God is love because the Bible tells us; but the question is, have we all experienced that love as unconditional or do we just know it as a concept or a theory? 6. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. The instrumental music featured in this series is by Samuel Lane (SML Music) and can be streamed fromSoundCloud. I used to think I would one day have to give account for all those things I havent fulfilled. There is nothing good that comes from independence. He is not what religion taught me He was; He is not what I was conditioned to believe by church; Hes so much better than that. If love is limited, it is not love. Speak it out. We do not have to do anything, it is completely free and unconditional. This post is based on Mikes answers to questions in two YouTube Mystic Mentoring sessions: Throughout my life, I have resonated with the mind-expanding possibilities of science fiction, Star Wars, Star Trek, the Marvel superhero universe comics and, more recently, films. Or you can scroll down for more written information. We tend to put a higher value on religious activities than God does. For most people, things are just as bad as they were in the sixth millennium. That place of rest is filled with joy. And to everybody? Yes, all things that Jesus created out of the desire of the Fathers heart in the power of the Spirit; but no to everything we have created from the DIY independent path of the knowledge of good and evil that has been cursed. Like most people, I was conditioned to believe you only went to heaven when you died. That is why I believe in the restoration of all things. A church in England carries a lot of material Terms and conditionsapply. VAT registration number GB297839624. 6 talking about this. After this, Jesus, knowing that all things had already been accomplished (John 19:28). Read the latest posts from our Sons of Issachar blog. Patreon funds are not going to me or any one individual but will help support our small team increase our capacity to share the message that God is love. That is very straightforward for us to understand. We need to die to self-importance, self-promotion, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, even self-belief. Patreon will then continue to collect your pledge each calendar month on (or as close as possible to) the same date until you cancel in your Patreon account. In the end, I stopped asking what are we going to do? because I started to enjoy being, and being in His presence, without the agenda. We are predestined to a restored face-to-face relationship, not for a whole series of things that we should be trying to do. The three tiers are priced at 5, 10 and 50 GBP (plus VAT) per month that is 6, 12 and 60 inclusive of VAT we dont want to make this out of peoples price range. (Hebrews 10:5-6, 8-9). That may be for you and you alone, in your situation and circumstance, and it may apply to nobody else. Sons Of Issachar is edited and maintained by Jeremy Westcott on behalf of But do not let this onefactescape your notice,beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, anda thousand years like one day. You can say He is the foundation stone too, because the foundation which the apostles and prophets laid was none other than Jesus (this passage is not saying that the apostles and prophets are the foundation, but that the church is built on the foundation which they laid). I have engaged with the heart of God, discovering who I am and discovering that state of being at rest, that state of consciousness which is an awareness of the heart of God. [All of these types and shadows were concluded and fulfilled in Christ, their living substance. That is one reason why Jesus healed people in so many different ways. Get the recordings of all 22 sessions for 100 GBP at:, I did not set out to create a 7-step meditative exercise, I just discovered that I was doing this myself. That is really the nature of what God has done: He has made us innocent. I discovered the answer to this is yes and no. That is unconditional love in action; and that is God in action. This entry was posted in Mike Parsons, Take Heed Ministries on January 30, 2019 by takeheed. But God said, Will you just trust Me? That is really difficult: but it is possible, because that is the way God has loved us and He wants us to love other people in the same way. That came about because the authors of those books just looked at the world around them, and tried to fit their own understanding of scripture with those events. Prodigal Son activation (from 267. then you will also govern My house That grace and mercy will never cease to be a vehicle for love to be expressed and demonstrated abundantly, lavishly and with extreme desire and intent, without limits. That may not be easy to accept, because of the way we have been conditioned to think about love and about God. Engaging at the Arc the names of God identity and destiny (with crystal bowl) Yes, God is love, but He is also a judge. As if that makes Him what? Terms and conditionsapply. (Romans 8:35, 37-39). All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you. (John 16:15). A supernaturally dimensional reality where there is fire and there seem to be a whole lot of people who are unhappy there what else was I supposed to think? Mike gives step by step instruction on how to stop the dealings of accusers in your life. It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing (John 6:63). Now all this is not to say that God doesnt have things for us to accomplish in relationship with Him; but it is the way we do it rather than a series of things that we have to fulfil. So whilst my spirit is flowing from the Holy Spirit, and the purposes of God for my life and my destiny, my flesh has tried to get in the way and has to be brought into line. His resurrection bears testimony to the judgment that he faced on humanitys behalf and the freedom from an obstructive consciousness of sin that he now proclaims.] About Vision Destiny Several years ago, Mike began journaling his daily encounters with God in the realms of heaven and in his own heart and spirit. He sets the agenda of what He wants to deal with when He wants to deal with it and I just have to agree with Him and cooperate with Him. We must be like Jesus: He brought the kingdom, and He calls us to do the same. But if we are living loved then we can be fully secure in our identity within the relationship that we have within the perichoresis the circle of the conversation that Father, Son and Spirit (who are family) are having about us all the time. 0:00 / 48:15 8. Mike Parsons takes us through his foundational daily meditation practice. And I believe we are called, we are the sons of God: we can be like the sons of Issachar who understand the times and seasons that were living in and were fully able then to participate as co-heirs and co-creators in theKingdom of God, Join us on Patreon: Just stay still, and let Me do what I need to do to prepare you for what is to come. I thought, Of course I can do that. But when it came to it, my flesh was desperate to know what was going on. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authoritiesall things have been created through Him and for Him. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace,On the throne of David and over his kingdom,To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousnessFrom then on and forevermore. Included modules normally have the word 'Module' in the title. Partner with us in taking the message of Gods unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy to all His children. Should you wish to cancel your subscription at any time, log in, click the 'Me' tab in the top menu and choose 'Manage subscription'. Call forth our spirit. That is His will: that we would be before Him in love. For that to happen, we have to build our spirit. Even the attempts to show the extent and power of Our consuming fiery love that reaches beyond the grave has been twisted into a chamber of horrors, the hell illusion and delusion. So when people experience what they call hell, it is because they are conditioned to think they know what fire means. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Jesus conquered sin and death with love. So I dont believe that our scroll of destiny is a list of achievements that we need to accomplish. I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle; and I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs, or goats. (Isaiah 1:11). For a lot of people, they are wanting to give because the Bible says so or they are conditioned to believe they should, when they have never really focused on receiving, and being, and experiencing, and knowing the unconditional love the Father has for them. But the nature of God is to want to bless everyone and everything and bring about good in their lives. What was predestined was relationship. Then I encourage you to hand all those things over to Him so that youre no longer holding onto your beliefs or any other thing which is contradictory to the reality that God loves you unconditionally. However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. In addition to the teaching sessions, there will also be time set aside for us to encounter the Father for ourselves. God really wants us to be in a deep, intimate relationship in which heart to heart sharing reveals how we can be and then we can move away from all the doing. Revealing just how good I AM is has not been easy, as all that I do to unveil the truth of love is being twisted into lies and deception. Now I have discovered this myself when I have been talking to people who really want to pick an argument. You can find us on Patreon at The complex is 135,000 square feet, he says. Click the image or link above for the whole series, or scroll down to watch the video of the talk this post comes from. This was discovered by a couple of Christian astrophysicists, Trevor Norman and Barry Setterfield, who put together a scientific paper on the slowing down of the speed of light. I longed to go beyond the small Cornish town that framed my life but films and dreams were my only avenue. If we are trying to get our identity from the things we do, that will always result in feelings of condemnation because we will never do enough to satisfy ourselves. This is where the rubber really hits the road because to live loving means we demonstrate the love that we have received to others. None of these things will be obviously public they will be very private, for those who are signing up to that group. Maybe you are old enough to remember all those books about the supposed significance of the Common Market being 12 countries, or about Communism and the USSR? OurPatreon patrons give a small amount each month and can join us for our monthly group Zooms, get exclusive or early access to Mikes teaching and enjoy further patron-only benefits. Repentance from dead works, faith towards God, instructions about washings (baptisms), laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. Often there is an immediate or initial fulfilment that we can see, for example in the life of Jesus, and there is also a progressive fulfilment that goes on happening. We didnt need to do anything, He did it all! Terms and conditions apply. When Jesus went to face the cross, when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane, His soul was in anguish. I would love to have a real six-pack, and the body of Mr Universe, but I have not got the discipline to go in and train myself to do it. So, who is Mike Parsons? We will look at them in more detail later on in this series, but I will just list some of them for now: 1. Mike Parsons Speaker and author, creator of the Engaging God programme and presenter of Mystic Mentoring on YouTube. I am a farmer and with my wife of 30 years, Mrs. Parsons and I raise organic hay, dairy goats, horses, rabbits, chickens and for 38 years I have raised wolves. It is talking about us being lifted up to that place of rulership and authority, so that we become a gateway for the King of Glory to come in and fill this world through our lives. So knowing the reality of the true nature of who God is can only come in an intimate face-to-face encounter; it cannot be intellectually known, it is relational and therefore we get to know God by experience. This includes continued access to the video recordings afterwards, so if the timings dont suit you, you can play any sessions you miss at your own convenience. Ancient Path activation (from 270. 21,017 views Aug 18, 2019 551 Dislike Share Save EKKLESIA with Anna Wingate 7.15K subscribers NW Ekklesia is a family of believers who claim Jesus Christ as our Lord. If I focus on how much transformation is still needed, that can put pressure on me, because I am not there yet. Were starting a Patreon page and we would like to invite you to partner with us. Because it is too good to be true for an independent, alienated mind to accept and many of us have been alienated or separated from God within our own minds because of our religious programming. My Journey Beyond Beyond is Mike Parsons autobiographical record of deep calling to deep, the pursuit of intimacy with God. I believe you are probably reading this because you know there is more and are hungry for more; and you are probably willing to push the boundaries and go further and higher because of that. Then join us from March 8th to 10th, either in person or via the livestream, for Engaging The Father, the first of our Sons Arise! One session only: Mike Parsons takes us through his foundational 7-step daily meditative practice. All the Father is looking for is relationship, in which were sharing heart together. We are already unconditionally loved and forgiven and everything has been accomplished, so we can live in rest and discover our true identity as sons from that place of rest, rather than doing all the things we are doing to prove we are sons. among these who are standing here It is hard to love unconditionally if you have never really experienced unconditional love yourself. I really wanted to know what was happening. There are three tiers: All tiers will be able to join a monthly live Zoom gathering, where I will share, lead activations and be open for Q&A. Bring it back to that simple thought: my destiny is to be the me that God created me to be. That has been done, so we rest in it: we can just be, we dont have to do. Prodigal Son activation (from 267. We are the temple now, a holy temple in the Lord, and this is the most wonderful part a dwelling of God in the Spirit. Cost: 5 GBP (typically less than $7 USD depending on exchange rate). Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd. is a not-for-profit company registered in England. He shares His heart and inspires and encourages us. 4 Faces of God But your choice can only separate you in your own head, it cannot separate you from a God who loves you unconditionally. Your first 2 weeks free. I went through a time in my personal times with God in which I was engaging Him in the garden of my heart, but I was in complete pitch-black darkness. It is available in paperback from your favourite local or online bookseller, and as an ebook from our website. You may ask, Why Patreon, as you already have the Engaging God programme?. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being (John 1:3). We know He dwells in us individually, but this passage is saying that He dwells in us corporately. This can be variable some people can meet. I started off in the Methodist church, went on to the Brethren and eventually started a charismatic church, so I had been on a journey of discovering things in a way, but that was nothing compared to engaging God face to face in the realms of heaven, or within me in a place of intimacy. Characteristics of the Joshua Generation (#1-5). By Personal Encounter and Experience. As we keep the laws, the principles of the kingdom, as we administer righteousness and justice, so we learn to be lords, kings, and sons at that level in the heavenly realms (and also within us). (Gal 2:20 JUB). Lets not underestimate the value of love. individually one month or meet as a group another month and theyll be responsible for creating that group. When we become Christians, we say that we make Him Lord of our life: we must make sure that He really is. 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