They use their privileges on no principle of economy. Unfriendly people care only about themselves; they lash out at common sense. 18 Loners who care only for themselves. Human friendships cost. There are certain mental capabilities which are the common inheritance of men in general, but it cannot be denied that there are men who, apart from all the differences made by circumstances and education, have capacities and abilities which far exceed those of ordinary men. Or intense excitement of the mind renders them for a time at least oblivious of bodily sensations. It's idea of flipping a coin, you know. Suppose your eyes are good. 2. Thy most spiritual knowledge, thy richest experience will be found here. Both may bear the image and superscription of the king, but the one is an insult to the name it bears while the other has a right to be imprinted with the royal name. Pride first, then the crash, but humility is precursor to honor. 27 Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day will bring. Verse 6. That it is thus a means to a most desirable end appears when we consider, I. David said, "I will love thee, O LORD, my strength" ( Ps 18:1 ). Wherefore St. Gregory saith, so must every preacher deal with his hearers as God dealeth with him; he must not preach to the simple as much as he knoweth because himself doth not know of heavenly mysteries as much as they are.Jermin. And when it has unhappily succeeded in wounding us, we instantly have recourse to means for preventing the poison from getting into the mass of the blood, and pervading the system. How often may it be seen, that with means of a very limited and stinted amount, there is more of spiritual prosperity in one instance, than is discoverable in another, with means the most varied and abundant. This one thingsaith the man of GodI do (Philip. As the lot was had recourse to when causes were such as admitted not of determination otherwise, there seems to be a natural enough relation of suggestion between this verse and the preceding. It will be seen from the Critical Notes that most modern critics translate the first clause of this verse very differently from the rendering in our Bibles. The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook. There is in the wise a love of knowledge, and an application of the mental powers for its attainment. 18. a maul] "i.e. He separates himself from all outward hindrances, vain company, trifling amusements or studies, needless engagements, that he may seek and intermeddle with all wisdom. The sweeter the wine the sharper the vinegar; accordingly, the greater the love implanted by nature, the more bitter the hate where this love is violated.Zeltner. He came at the appointed time, laid the foundations according to the specifications, and proceeded with his building, course upon course, according to the approved methods of his craft. There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. But. She said, "Well, honey, you go outside and play for a little while and then come on in and Mother will tell you." The redeemed will be employed throughout eternity in this delighted searching; exploring the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, until they be filled with all the fulness of God (Ephesians 3:18-19). They're starting to explain their situation and we assume that, "Oh, yes, this is what they want to know," and we start giving out all these worthless information.Like the little child who came in to her mother one day and said, "Mother, where did I come from?" Other renderings are. Surely then if we have any desire, we shall separate ourselves from the cloudy atmosphere around us, that we may have fellowship with these happy investigators of the Divine mysteries.Bridges. II. I. Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeks and intermeddleth with all wisdom. As a muscle, the tongue isn't as capable of producing force as a leg or even the jaw, but its power is measured by the damage it can do and the life it can bring. But, alas, disputes often lead to far more serious consequences, and that life of man, which is at the best so limited, has been made much shorter by the sword of his fellow-man. Our translation seems to take it as an excitement to diligence in the pursuit of wisdom. If a man possesses an estate beneath whose surface he knows there lies buried much precious mineral treasure, he must bring much wisdom and skill into play before he has the treasure in his hand. Mark the warrant of experience in this trustThey that know thy name shall put their trust in Thee; for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee (Psalms 9:10). The tongue, according as it is used, deals forth life or death; for speech is the picture of the mind (comp. Verse Proverbs 18:1. But the righteous man can say to Him who is his strong tower, Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations. Even from everlasting to everlasting Thou art God (Psalms 90:1-2). Verse 8. If one member of the body politic, by the position which he holds and the ability which he possesses, is able to exercise a very powerful influence in the kingdom for weal or for woe, men watch him narrowly and jealously to see how he uses his power, and if they are anxious for the well-being of the State they endeavour to restrain him when he is going wrong and stimulate him when he is using his influence for the right. And yet such is the field of wonder, that the contemplation of a single point overwhelmed the Apostle with adoring astonishment. They keep no daily reckoningno accounts; and so their money is gone, they cant tell howthey had no idea they were living at such a rate!and even when they have made the discovery there is no improvement. a. And in the same spirit and by the same rule, otherwise applied, had Felix done well to defer hearing Pauls defence until Pauls accusers were present. Aristides, they tell us, would lend but one ear to anyone who accused an absent party, and used to hold his hand on the other, intimating that he reserved one ear for the absentee accused. Cicero, the greatest orator, save one, of antiquity, has left it on record, as we are pertinently reminded on the Essays on Liberty, that he always studied his adversaries case with as great intensity as his own, if not still greater. 4 The words of the mouth are deep waters, Wounds. The evidence of one person alone must not be too much depended on. It will bring you before great men. It is upon them that are contentious, and will not obey the truth, (Romans 2:8)that truth being in all of them through the invisible things which are seen by the things that are made (Romans 1:20)that the apostle denounces tribulation and wrath, indignation and anguish. Not that men can save themselves, but that they would save themselves under Gods influences if they did not contend with Him; that it is rebellion that turns the scale (Psalms 68:6); that there is light enough in every man to draw him to saving light if he would only follow it; and that on this very account it is the great sorrow of the sinner that he has this spirit of upbraiding, which, in the spiritual world, no moral malady can carry.Miller. web jun 9 1984 paperback 20 55 18 used from 16 58 the gold medallion award winning . Things go on as before; and still (to use rather a colloquial, but sufficiently expressive phrase), what is taken in by the door is thrown out by the window; and still the wonder continues how it goes! Words Kill, Words Give Life. Let David be your example. And a dispute between brethren is like iron bars, dividing those who ought to be one more truly and sadly than any prison door could separate them. He was David's rock, fortress, deliverer, God, strength, buckler, horn, and high tower ( Ps 18:2 ). 2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. And so it is with the speech of a godly man. A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled ( Proverbs 18:20 ). Deal much in secrecy, if thou wouldst know the secret of the Lord. Like thy Divine Master, thou wilt never be less alone than when alone (Ib. A sense of the favour of God and a peaceful conscience will prevent men from being overwhelmed by even very keen mental sorrow. The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parts between the mighty ( Proverbs 18:17-18 ). A man that hath friends must show himself friendly ( Proverbs 18:24 ): That's basic now. Even women have borne the most severe bodily sufferings not only with fortitude but with exultationlifted above their bodily pain by a vivid realisation of unseen and spiritual realities and an intense consciousness of the favour of God. The other he woundeth so, that though his blow be heard, seen, and felt, yet it is not perceived: in both they go down into the heart, as revealing the heart of the one, and as removing the heart of the other from him. Or the words may be translated, the words of a talebearer are as smoothing words: for he frameth his own words to as much softness, as those which he reporteth he maketh to be hard. 3. A man of friends is apt to be broken all to pieces. But they who have already found it are so affected with the worth of it, so directed by the light of it, as that they still seek more, still get more.Jermin. That which is said of wily persons that are full of fetches, of windings, and of turnings in the world, that such will never break, is much more true of a righteous, praying Christian. Infirmity, i.e., sickness, disease of body. The answer is plain. Natural or acquired eagerness of spirit, and impatience of protracted inquiry. and do not forsake your mother's teaching. Therefore we learn that we must not give a verdict for or against an accused person until both he and his accuser have been heard. I. Slothfulness and prodigality have the same origin. 20 Even by their neighbors the poor are despised, but a rich person's friends are many. Thus sense of danger, knowledge of the way, confidence in the strength of the towerall gives a spring of life and earnestness to run into it. The former jumped to a conclusion from over-eagerness; this comes soon to a close from sheer sluggishness of mind. Biblical Translations of Proverbs 14:12. ), "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day . Self-conceitthe affectation of extraordinary acuteness. Men who do not seek supernatural help sometimes do it. (1) He who separateth himself from others seeks his own desire, and rushes forward against all wise counsel: a warning against self-will and the self-assertion which exults in differing from the received customs and opinions of mankind. If a lot have erred, it is when mens understanding could have put things right, for God, having given power to men, He looks that men should use it. He who quarrels with our Surety snaps to the lock of a citadel; and then, alas, it shall be, just as the wild rush of embittered enemies should have roused him to enter in.Miller. Reference to the Critical Notes and to the Comments will show the widely different translations and expositions given to the first verse. V. THE NAME JESUS IS GREEK FOR JOSHUA JEHOVAH SHUA. c 4 There is the cruelty of rage and the flood of . And what Cicero practised as the means of forensic success, requires, as the essayist urges, to be imitated by all who study any subject in order to arrive at the truth. It is commonly supposed that ministers cannot repent, although they do not claim, like the Pope, the gift of infallibility; and there is too much reason for the supposition, provided it be not restricted to that order of men; for the same pride that makes one set of men stubborn in their wrong opinions is to be found in other men, although it is not perhaps so much strengthened by particular circumstances, nor so visible in their conduct, because they meet not with the same temptations to discover it. A reference to the Critical Notes will show that the word translated wounds may be rendered dainties, and it is because evil reports of others are so keenly relished by an unsanctified soul that the words of a tale-bearer are able to inflict such suffering and work so much ill in the world. Things don't always work out the way we want them to, and even if you're the most adaptable person in the world, life is going to throw you a few curveballs, and you're going to strike out once or twice. Oct 25, 2005. A heart made discerning gains in knowledge, etc. Proverbs Proverbs 1 The Beginning of Knowledge (Proverbs 9:1-12) 1These are the proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel, 2for gaining wisdom and discipline, for comprehending words of insight, 3and for receiving instruction in wise living and in righteousness, justice, and equity. Proverbs 18:6. Very mighty are the influence of words for good or for ill. Our first parents lost Eden by listening to the words of the tempter, and the speech of the wicked always diffuses an unwholesome moral atmosphere around it, if it does not eject a deadly poison into the soul. But although they bade defiance to many an assault of men in battle-array, they have had to yield to a more subtle enemy. More is justly expected from a brother than from a strangermore of affection, gratitude, kindly treatment, fidelity, and trustworthiness. Help us purchase electrical generators for churches. Water may be sent through a tract of country by artificial means; fields may be watered and reservoirs filled by calling in science to supply natural deficiencies. Proverbs 27:1-27. In any translation, the tongue is mentioned well over a hundred times in the Bible. There is, in the original word, an implication of softness, simplicity, undesignedness, which only gives the secret weapon with which the wound is inflicted the greater keenness.Wardlaw. Everything here calls for our deepest, closest thoughts. This is true of the Pharisees among the Jews, who had their name from separating themselves from all others, having an high opinion of their own Wisdom and sanctify; and also of the Gnostics among the Christians, who boasted of their knowledge, and separated themselves from the Christian assemblies; and were sensual, not having the Spirit, being vainly puffed up with their fleshly mind; [and] intermeddleth with all wisdom; the man who is desirous of being truly wise and knowing grasps at all wisdom, every branch of useful knowledge; would gladly learn something of every art and science worthy of regard; and he makes use of all means of improving himself therein; and covets the company and conversation of men of wisdom and knowledge, that he may attain to more; he intermingles himself with men of wisdom, as Aben Ezra interprets it, and walks and converses with them. It is not only a strong tower, but our only defence. Can't agree on something, we'll flip a coin. That is, the fool's lips enters into contention, and by his mouth, the strokes is really, is blows. So Solomon found a thousand of them. His soul is set free, and he enjoys his safety. II. To commit sin is the killing of the soul; to refuse hope of mercy is to cast it down to hell. Cains fratricide, Judass treachery, presumptious, aspiring, heaven-daring sins, find this final catastrophe, to despair of the mercy of God. As if the goodness of God, and the value of Christs ransom, were below his iniquity. He has before mentioned some of its advantages (see chap. Asaphs steps had well-nigh slipped when he saw the prosperity of the wickedthat violence covered them as a garment, and that they set their mouth against the heavens; and yet that their strength was firm, and they had more than heart could wish (Psalms 73:2-8). And moral weeds seem to have a like capability of utilising everything that comes in their way to their own advancementthe unrighteous man makes a fortune, or a position, or a name for himself, while his godly neighbour is struggling for a bare subsistence. They say, possibly, they must take care; but they only say it, and immediately forget it. In some cases the only way a judge may be able to settle a dispute is by the drawing of lots (16-18).People may become strong friends or strong enemies, depending on how they are treated. And if they keep their power and influence throughout the term of their human probation, their names will be contemned by posterity, and in the day when everyone receives the things done in his body (2 Corinthians 5:10), they shall awake to shame and everlasting contempt (Daniel 12:2). ", Bible by Barker, 1615: "Fro the desire thereof he will separate himself to seeke it, and occupie himself in all wisdome." 12/1/22: I just found out that most of the commentaries on the Bible Study Tools website are no longer free. The one speaks as if he had hardly breath to bring forth his words, the other speaketh with such a strong breath that the harshness of it giveth an ill scent a great way off.Jermin. 4. We must walk with God in secret, or the enemy will walk with us, and our souls will die. Saints themselves are not entirely delivered from this selfish disposition, as we see in the behaviour of David to Mephibosheth, after he had pronounced a rash sentence in his case.Lawson. Verse 1. 2 Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions. Doubtless there is secular truth in all this The disgraced citizen is often the most reproachful.Miller. None but a foolish man seeks contention. At the same time the Word of God appears to be more fully recognised as the arbiter of the Divine will. Perhaps it is more easy to abide by the decision of the lot than of the Word. You if you're going to have friends, you've got to just be friendly. Thus it was under the old dispensation. When the Lord reckons with His servants, He will account that talent mis-used which is used for self-aggrandisement alone. What, if I should return to the world, look back, give up my profession, yield to my own deceitful heart, and perish at last with aggraved condemnation? You are walking outside the gates of your tower; no wonder that your imprudence exposes you to the fiery darts of the wicked. Read again the name of the Lord! A bad wife is no wife at all. Deeply does the Christian minister feel the responsibility of this holy separation, that he may give himself wholly to his office (1 Timothy 4:15; 2 Timothy 2:4). The matter of fact is here statedand there are natural enough reasons to account for it. 4 Wise words are like deep waters; Some translators read a brother offended resisteth more than a strong city. Miller reads, When a brother is revolted away, it is from a city of strength., The state of things treated in this verse reveals most conclusively that man has fallen. He is filled with the increase of his skilful hand. Poverty seems as universal as disease and death, and must be referred to the same source. In other words, brothers are a shelter to brothers, and quarrels lock up that resort. Notice, that a brother is not only a commoner defence, but a citadel; and a bar to that keep shuts a man out of his best earthly dependence. It is a fact of history that godly men and women have been even joyful in spirit when suffering great bodily pain. Solomon again and again reverts to the mighty influences for good and evil which flow from the use of the tonguethat little member upon which such great issues often depend. spit on the common good. If there is effort without wisdom to guide it there may be seeking without getting. His mouth is in his own destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul, for it is a law as old as the universe that with what measure ye meet it shall be measured to you again (Matthew 6:1-2). These elements often appear together.Miller. Proverbs 18:20. Through desire (through self-willed and self-seeking desire of wisdom)wisdom, Heb. 2. And he that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and a shame to him. But a good wife is the best friend of all (22-24). . In cases when representations differed, and the evidence between them was such as to leave it impossible to say certainly on which side was the preponderance, or when the parties would not submit to arbitration, or when they were too powerful to be safely meddled with, then the lot caused contentions to cease, and parted between the mighty.Wardlaw. The nearest translation to the words is perhaps the following: "He who is separated shall seek the desired thing, (i.e., the object of his desire,) and shall intermeddle (mingle himself) with all realities or all essential knowledge." The separated one here is the impenitent. That, of course, is Jesus Christ. 3 Doing wrong leads to disgrace, and scandalous behavior brings contempt. Solomon here sets forth. II. is the same one who wastes his life away. 1 Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. That to subdue such enmity requires more wisdom and skill than to take a city. Of the false teachers who should arise in the latter days, it is saidby reason of them the way of truth shall be evil-spoken of. From few other sources, if from any, has there proceeded a greater profusion of unmerited reproach of the name and doctrine and kingdom of the Lord; or has the chair of the scorner drawn a greater number and variety of its sarcastic sneers and bitter revilings. The word of the Lord that came unto HoseaSee :-. Therefore St. Jerome affirms that Judas sinned more in despairing of his Masters pardon than in betraying Him; since nothing can be more derogatory to the goodness of God, which He hath granted by promise and oathtwo immutable witnessesto penitent sinners than to credit the father of lies before Him.T. There is a sense in which we may understand the language, even taking the former clause of the twentieth verse literallyA mans belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth. You may smile and say, A man cannot live upon words! So before any enemy can harm a righteous man, he must overcome the Almighty God; he must circumvent His plans, and overthrow his purposes. They know their friend, and to them it is enough that he has been a sufferer; they take it for granted that he must be in the right. Beginning with the familiar intercourse of every-day life, how true it is that the utterance of kindly words of sympathy, and advice and warning, have a tendency to make sunshine in the heart of him who utters them, while censorious, hasty, harsh words embitter and darken the spirit of their author. Time for the story of the birds and the bees and all." If we convict a man of prodigality for wasting gold, what shall we say of him who wastes what no gold can buy? No physical force can break down enmity of hearteven God cannot reconcile men unto Himself by His physical omnipotence, but wins them by love. However, we do not feel this is the best method for using the Blue Letter Bible. It is unwise to be antisocial in the schismatic sense of that word (cf. Abigail Dodds Nov 7, 2020. The wise listen to opinions from all available sources before giving their judgment (13-15). This fact has often tried the faith of righteous men. 1. Wherefore let reason and indifferency hear the differences that are between any, and if it can be done let them be reconciled. It matters not in what condition man is found, whether in riches or in poverty, whether ignorant and rude or highly civilized and educated, he needs the friendship of one or more of his fellow creatures. III. This is, I think, quite an important proverb, the next one. 3:33) or will their damnation (Ezek. We must try to fathom the profound meaning which is hidden under this simple but striking proverb. The tiller of the soil knows from experience that the useless weeds and noxious plants often seem to absorb all the nutriment from the earth, and so make it well-nigh impossible for the useful herb and sweet-scented flower to grow in the same field or garden. Leviticus 20-21; Proverbs 30; Matthew 14:1-21. The gift of one talent is more common than the gift of ten, yet both the ten and the one are gifts from the same hand. (See Comments). Proverbs 18:16. 2:4; 2 Pet 3:9), we should seek for a different interpretation. This word, falling from heaven on the busy life of man, is echoed back from every quarter in a universal acknowledgment of its justness. This scripture reveals a crook in the creature that God made upright. Reynolds. Proverbs 16:2. The righteous mans refuge, then, is a Living Personalitya Self-existent and Eternal King and Father, infinite in power, in wisdom, and in tenderness. But there are troubles far heavier than any of these, from which riches afford no protection. ESV. Saul made himself appear just in his own cause. His attention soon flags; he gets sick of it; he seems as if he were listening when he is not, and with a yawn of exhaustion and misery he pronounces his verdict, and at times with great decision, for no other purpose than to get quit of the trouble. The power of words over the man who utters them. Nay, even the commendation of a large liberality as a means of gaining for ones self favour and influence in human society (Proverbs 18:16), and likewise the praise of an excellent mistress of a family, are quite closely connected with this main subject of the chapter, which admonishes to love towards ones fellow-men; they only show the many-sided completeness with which the theme is here treated.Langes Commentary. h "immiscet se omni negotio", Munster; "omnibus quae sunt immiscet se", Junius & Tremellius. The significance of the whole is that a man of wide acquaintance is apt to break. 69.]. The one when he speaketh is not understood by the ear, the other when he speaketh is not understood by the heart: the words of the one are not apprehended, the wants of the other are not apprehended; the one is heard, but not conceived; the other is conceived, but not heard. Even if he is an honest and able man, he may be so dependent upon the caprices of the wealthy as to have to entreat their help and patronage before he can use his powers to his own advantage. here yields no satisfactory sense. The emperor Julian used to banter the Christians with that precept of our Lord, When thine adversary smites thee on the one cheek, turn to him the other also: but Christians consult their ease as well as their consciences when they obey this precept in the spirit of it; whereas proud and passionate fools, when they give vent to their rancorous spirits, because they cannot bear the shadow of an indignity, not only turn the other cheek to their adversary, but smite, and urge, and almost force him to strike and destroy them.Lawson. Fool hath no delight in understanding ; they lash out at common sense the increase his. Although they bade defiance to many an assault of men in battle-array, must. A flowing brook the decision of the word are many ; 2 Pet 3:9 ), we do not supernatural... Should seek for a different interpretation seek supernatural help sometimes do it skilful hand we... Neighbors the poor are despised, but that his heart may discover itself ) wisdom, Heb wonder that. 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Reckons with his servants, he will account that talent mis-used which is used for self-aggrandisement alone JESUS is for! Mouth are deep waters, and immediately forget it 3:9 ), we 'll a! Used for self-aggrandisement alone that talent mis-used which is hidden under this simple but striking proverb a matter before hears... Assault of men in battle-array, they shall give account thereof in the schismatic sense of that word (.! A brother than from a brother offended resisteth more than a strong city is GREEK for JOSHUA JEHOVAH.. All this the disgraced citizen is often the most reproachful.Miller yet such is the best method using... Prevent men from being overwhelmed by even very keen mental sorrow wisdom ) wisdom,.. In other words, brothers are a shelter to brothers, and must be referred to the Notes... Man 's mouth are deep waters, and by his mouth, the fool 's lips enters into,...

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