Uh, No Thanks. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Or can I still let him read them, and create other consequences for the language? I am a woman of color; my wife is white. Is it inappropriate of me to take her to Morgans funeral as a learning experience? View more recently sold homes. Co-host of Slate's "Mom and Dad Are Fighting" podcast, and he co-writes Slate's "Care and Feeding" advice column. "The other portals are of ebony. You are within your rights to help your kid find books thatll be good for him right now; you arent going to be monitoring his reading forever. Sometimes its in response to little things, like a line for the bathroom or a movie she likes being taken off Netflix, other times its a reaction to more major setbacks, like not getting the grade she wants on a test or not making a sports team. If you want to be the one who cares for that child two days a week when his mother goes back to work, youll have to be able to convince her that youll handle things the way she wants them handled, not the way you think is best. Have a question for Care and Feeding? But I truly believe you can and will figure it out, especially given time and the right support. To have them live in your tiny apartment when youre 75 along with two adolescents and their 45-year-old mother? And a 14-year-old who is being encouraged, however subtlyand Im not so sure it has been subtleto complain about her mother may be feeling emboldened to find things to complain about. Its easy to blame everything on my SIL, but this dynamic is clearly her parents doing. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. I turned my life around and have been sober for over six years, but will he do whatever it takes to improve his health? I have an 8-year-old son who is really, really smart but really, really stubborn. I suppose I dont even know what my question is. New ones are published almost daily. My older siblings moved far away, but I live nearby, and since my dad and stepmother both work, I often babysit for them. Sign up for Slate Plus now. Dear Care and. Dear Care and. My dad is very stubborn and gets offended at any suggestion that hes getting older, which just makes my siblings even more scared. You are having an incredibly challenging year, and in such times, people tend to show you who they areor at least show you how much they can personally understand or handle or grow. Now youve moved from nice guy status to pushover with no end in sight. They are adults. This isnt unique or new, and I think you could be overthinking all of this. So my question, how do I involve my children in this relationship? Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. Well-intentioned friends make comments like, Wow! Theres not a doubt in my mind that the twins you mentioned had their lives ruined because of their similar names, and you shouldnt allow that to happen to your precious children. Example: They are teaching students to do math a certain way, but he can do it in his head, so Whats the point of doing it like that if I can just do it and get the right answer my way? Same thing with spelling. (If they protest that their marriage is perfectly happy, that you are sorely mistaken, you are probably out of luck. I paid for him to obtain a six-month programming certification and am guiding him through next steps to begin a professional career. Go find your husband and make sure hes sitting down with you while you read this. And ask your mother how she feels about it, if you want to be really thorough before you make a decision (especially if your main concern is that its use will hurt her feelings). countries. I have my own issues now with conflict (mostly avoidance out of fear), so Im not at the point where I give my dad an ultimatum to either get help or not have a relationship with us. This isnt going to be easy, and youre probably beating yourself up about making such a life-altering move, but I hope you know that its the right thing to do in the long run. When I was suicidal, I often made comments about wanting to kill myself and nobody took me seriously until I almost went through with it. Should I talk to him about it even if my daughter doesnt come out to us in the near future? One is a state college 30 minutes away. I would prefer she choose the state school. My therapist thought I had some depression and I think she was right. (By comparison: For his 40th, my husband got $100 toward something he wanted and my father and I paid the rest. Ive successfully raised two kids of my ownI know how to take proper care of a baby. slate advice column care and feedingrent to own homes mobile alabama. Then she suggested she call over the upcoming weekend so we could have a longer chat, as she had to leave for work. You have to use headphones.". Her life will be just fine if being called beautiful is her biggest problem. I honestly dont know. The trickif trick is the word for itis to find something that works for both the parent and the now-grown kid. Do you have any tips for how to help him through this? Discuss this column in theSlate Parenting Facebook group! In fact, she flat out denies me even being near them if I try to enforce something. Sometimes I even joke and tell someone at work who may ask me to go out for a soda and say, No thanks, Ive gotta get home to the wife and kids as a joke. I Despise My In-Laws. Why would any rational parent put their children through something like that just because he thinks it would be cute? And as time passes and your son gets older, you can make a decision about whether he needs to be excluded from these visits too.). A wave of claustrophobia closed in on him. He is generally happy, though definitely not an easygoing child. Any advice on how to deal with this divide? What should I do? Have a question for Care and Feeding? Hes asked us to review his cover letters and personal statements. What I dont feel proud of is my anger and jealousy towards friends and family members who have recently had babies or announced pregnancies. For my sake, how can I get them to do this? All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. When we first married we saw them maybe once every other month and could go months without them around since they don't live close by. If youre being honest with yourself, you already know what to do and thats to ensure your children arent exposed to your dads outbursts, and to inform your dad to change his ways. Let them know that you can see how unhappy their marriage is (you can offer chapter and verse), that its making you miserable to be living in the midst of it, and that you want them to know that you would be happier and overall much better off if they separated. And you didnt do that. Your house, your kids, your rulesyour MIL can treat all your children with basic decency, or she shouldnt be sharing a roof with them. You cant do anything about that now, so you want to make sure your daughters experience is different. How do we rejoin a world that would rather ignore us? I have a 12-year-old daughter, who Ill call Ella, and Im starting to worry about the way she expresses negative emotions. At the time they were 11, 9 and 7, and I was . Curated by J. If you repeatedly ask him to stop using hurtful and/or inappropriate language and he persists, yes, you can and absolutely should set some consequences. We met, got married, and live in her hometown. Sometimes, this is great (hes really into Raina Telgemeier). But if your confronting them goes nowhere, take heart: Youve got only four years left of living in this battleground. Ill say this as kindly as possible: Assuming she doesnt have any major physical or mental illnesses/disorders, your daughter and her kids have to go. Forgiveness is a cornerstone of the faith. I am big believer in therapy, so that could be something you both explore together. They have an equestrian program that she thinks she could be involved in. Now our son keeps saying f*ing sh*t. Weve tried telling him we dont say bad words like what Daddy said, but that didnt work. When I talk to either of my daughters, there are often long silences, and Ill sometimes hear them sort of impatiently sigh. Uh, No Thanks. How a Bizarre Swedish Docuseries About Men Parenting Tore the Country Apart. Every day that you take care of your family and love them and worry for them and get silly with them, youll be doing it, bit by bit. He is outgoing and gregarious and makes friends easily, but stillthis will be a big transition for him, and for the whole family. Your baby is HUGE! Theyre each individually nice people, but they are absolutely TERRIBLE together. Submit it hereor post it in theSlate Parenting Facebook group. We did dishes so the kitchen sink could be used to wash our hands, piles of laundry so we could access the washer to wash wet items from the basement, and picked up five bags of trash and four of recycling so we could walk around the house. I spent my whole childhood walking on eggshells to not piss him off. The other day my husband was doing yardwork while our 3-year-old son and I were playing in the yard. What I know for sure is it shouldnt be a time when youre allowing your daughter to walk all over you as she has been. If she doesnt feel comfortable coming out to you, then its clear that shes not ready for the world to know yet, either. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. You are absolutely right when you say that those types of names only succeed in making your kids out to be a sideshow or a novelty act instead of individual children who happen to look alike. The following exchange is from "Care and Feeding," Slate's parenting advice column. (@carvellwallace) Interview Highlights. Dear Care and Feeding, My daughter is beautiful. Photo illustration by Slate. This is a rite of passage that millions of American families deal with, and as long as you provide a loving environment to your son, he will get through it long before your first performance review at your new job. But it seemed to me wed already said everything there was to say, so I suggested that instead of talking this weekend, we wait and talk when I called for her birthday, two weeks away. This is not your problem. I encouraged my daughter-in-law to attend the dinner with him while I cared for their 4-month-old. If you have a car and a smartphone or tablet, you can even take a telehealth appointment from the privacy of your car. All rights reserved. Maybe they wont end their marriage but will be so ashamed of themselves, theyll do better after that. I dont think she has a chance of making this team. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. From Our Callers. My adult daughter (25) and her husband (27) are not thriving. She got pregnant, so I swallowed my pride and wholeheartedly accepted Teddy into our now four-person abode. Submit your questions about parenting and family life here. I have a 3-year-old who is obsessed with gloves. My Ex Wants Us to Vacation Like One, Big, Happy Family. SOLD FEB 15, 2023. ( @carvellwallace) Interview Highlights From Our Callers Al, from. I am a working mother of three amazing kids. Ask him to take a walk, if possible (well-masked, staying away from others! Things can change, but only if you do something about them. Hopefully that will be the case with your dad as well. Dont let your own regrets push you into a role as her adversary, and dont assume that what she wants must perfectly align with what you wanted or now wish youd had at her age. Is it inappropriate of me to take her to Morgans funeral as a learning experience. Dont get defensive or angry when it happens. Over time, youll teach him to consider and make better decisions about the words he chooses, regardless of what he reads. content language. Dear Care and Feeding, My brother "John" and his wife have three children. Kids are adaptable, and speaking from experience, I honestly cant even remember what it was like as an 11-year-old when I moved from Massachusetts to North Carolina, back to Massachusetts in the span of 18 months. I think your depression is casting a shadow over everything and will continue to until you get the help you need and deserve. You know the saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink? Is it time for me to back off and just let her do whatever she wants? If he responds in anger, then you can use that as a real life example of what youre referring to in the hope that hell have some self-awareness. You must realize that youre not doing your daughter or your grandkids any favors by allowing this to continue. Some of their friends have grandparents who are in their early 60s. Im not saying that loving people dont have faults, but Ill also say that the people they love usually arent living in fear of upsetting them. Of course you were hurt by your friends failure to see and support you, and I understand why its hard to watch others receiving the well wishes and shared celebration you were denied. On 27 May, a letter writer asked Slate's parenting advice column Care and Feeding how to boost a child's intrinsic motivation:. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. My personal favorite: My 3-Year-Old Keeps Complimenting Me on My White Skin [December 1, 2020] Convert your Autumn crib into a full-size bed and detach the changer dresser as a stand-alone piece. One of the main jobs of parenting is to raise children to become productive members of society once they reach adulthood. I hate my sister-in-law. Dont do anything. Edgy content focused on teens and kids can easily cause trouble. I expect youll eventually find that you have others in your corner, friends who will relate to and understand and support your family, who will care enough to learn what they dont know, who will see and love and celebrate your child and all of you as you are. How should we prepare him? Even visits to the pediatrician were sad and depressing. What are parents of bisexual teens supposed to do about sleepovers? slate advice columns care and feeding. Remember, were not talking about toddlers herethese are grownups who need to take some responsibility and ownership of their lives. One way to look at this is that it would be an affirmation that your native language/culture is central to your familys understanding and presentation of itself. Id also find out more about why shes considering commuting to collegeshe must have her reasons, and maybe some of those are reasons you could try to understand and respect, even if you still dont agree. Three to six months is plenty of time to get on-track if properly motivated to do so. That certainly applies here. Each day they do a different task with their word list. The only negative outcome I can foresee is that theyll scold you for being disrespectful and/or tell you youre just a kid and have no idea what youre talking about. Im an advice columnist, not a psychiatrist or psychologist, but your sister-in-law sounds to me less like a person exhibiting bad behavior than one displaying symptoms of mental illness. But for one nursing mom, a fellow mother has become the source of her stress. Maybe talking to someone could help you to see things you werent aware of previously, which could be vital in giving her the support she needs. Have a question for Care and Feeding? I dont have any resentment but I do have a lot of hard knocks now. A collection of ask Amy, dear Abby & similar style letters/ advice columns. Personally, I dont like hearing shut up from a kid at any age, and the ableist term idiot is not allowed in my house, but children glomming onto these words at younger ages can make their regulation a bit tougher. When a partner is severely depressed: Parenting advice from Care and Feeding. ); if thats not possible, ask him not to disturb you when you are in a session. Whats the alternative? World United States United Kingdom Canada Australia South Africa Israel India France Belgium Switzerland. The column also answers questions about relationships between adults + their parents, adults + their relatives/friends/neighbors who are parents, etc. The failure of some friends now doesnt mean you are or will always be alone in this, or in your love for and joy in your child. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. He gagged and spit up. Friends either ignored us or avoided conversations about our new baby. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Ive never believed in the notion that stealing names for babies is wrong, but what about names for grandparents? No one else will say it, but I think she ruined my wedding by roasting her brother after she said, I know you dont want me to give a speech but Im going to anyway.Its worth noting that the first time I met her, she told me the worst day of her life was the day her brother (my amazing sweet angel husband) was born. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. Ask open-ended questions, and listen more than you speak. Put bluntly, shes flat out disrespecting you. It doesnt ultimately matter what our daughters sexuality iswell always love her for herself and we hope she can trust us to do that. I love them both very much! Ask our columnists a question here! 822 Viewers 17,167 Page flips 473 Followers 347 Stories. Hard though it may be to see others announce pregnancies or births, I think the real source of your pain is the callousness (or cowardice) of the friends who hurt you. Thank you in advance. My partner and I are very upset by both the way she treats him differently and her analysis of the situation. My husband thinks thats really unimportant, and his only hang up is that he works in the school district and knows that the system they use to keep track of students is based on the first initial, last name, and year of high school graduation (if our sons name was Thomas, hed be TLastname2038). Reclaim your life and sanity by putting your foot down today. In an answer to a question about learning about ones self from helping others, he gave a series of times he has helped people. Of course, if you see that your son is showing major behavioral red flags for an extended period of time (acting out, violent behavior, self-harm, etc.) Regarding your main question of what you can do to help his kids through this, you just have to keep telling them that everything will be OK. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Submit your questions about parenting and family life here. Take the nice words graciously, dont make a big production of it, and move on with your day. My childhood crush on my brothers karate teacher, as I recall, lasted for many months, until it was replaced by a crush on a more age-appropriate object of affection). No one is going to go to a therapist just because I dont care for this dynamic. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. But I'm the One Crying: "I haven't breathed a word to my. She voices every thought that comes into her head, including telling my husband and me what to do with our child, despite being childless herself. Submit your questions about parenting and family life here. If they are as miserable together as your letter suggests, its possible that theyre staying together for what they believe is your sake, because they fear it would be devastatingor at least extremely destabilizingfor you if they divorced. Dear Care and Feeding, My stepson and his wife are constantly asking for money for things they should be handling. The teacher gave several examples of art for analysis, though students could use their own piece of art if they preferred. Even if you dont see any red flags other than what you outlined here, it wouldnt hurt to have her speak with a therapist. Photo illustration by Slate. I am single and have a small home of about 800 square feet. Im finally realizing that I think my dad is verbally and emotionally abusive. But hes been telling us that hes in love with her, like you and Dad. When I was his age, I also fell in love, mostly with TV show characters, but my affections usually didnt last longer than a week. I have met this friend-of-a-friend at a few parties, but we have never been very close, and I have never interacted with the brother. slate advice columns care and feeding; July 13, 2022. slate advice columns care and feeding. I remember it as if it happened yesterday: Having multiple people approach me at once to tell me to get my life together when I was dealing with a drinking problem and untreated depression is what ultimately saved me. Over the past few months, she has developed this habit of saying things like kill me or I want to die when shes not happy about something. Would it be inappropriate to bring her to my friend of a friends brothers funeral as a learning experience. Many parents feel this way (and its often true, too). All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. ), From this weeks letter,Ive Had It With Other Peoples Comments About My Baby: Well-intentioned friends make comments like, Wow! And you should project yourself right out of this equation. Dear Care and. Three-year-olds are the weirdest people on the planet. All rights reserved. I regret never having the college experience, having gone to school at night while I worked, and I really want our daughter to live on campus, whichever school she chooses. My stepbrothers dad died about a year after their mom married my dad, so my dad and their mom have full custody of them. In other words, I am basically pigeonholed, by default, into all duties as a parent, but with none of the say. Our 5-year-old misses his friends and the in-person nature of school, but has been doing very well in long-distance kindergarten. Would it be inappropriate to bring her to my friend of a friends brothers funeral as a learning experience? 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