WASHINGTON (SBG) An attorney for Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) resigned Wednesday after a Project Veritas undercover video shows the man expressing support for re-education camps for the . Double-interesting here is this is Whites-only who get to feel bad about their privilege., Northwesterndoes not appear to have any similar social justice education events exclusively for non-whites. Programs in Xinjiang have also sought to stem the growth of the Uighur population by forcing women to undergo permanent sterilization or have birth-control devices inserted, Adrian Zenz, a researcher in the United States who has focused on Xinjiang, said in a report last year. They accuse China of throwing Uighurs into camps and . are doing this all the time. The networks of the U.S. Agency for Global Media continue to provide unrivaled news coverage of Chinas treatment of ethnic Uyghur Muslims and other minorities in the northwest region of Xinjiang, including new firsthand accountsfromethnic Kazakhs and Kyrgyz minorities. It covers more than 7,000 kindergarteners through eighth graders attending 15 schools. Researchers at Yale University say they have identified at least . In addition, it said, policies in Xinjiang are part of a fight against terrorism and extremism, and these measures have proved to well service Xinjiangs situation and produced notable results.. The report was funded by the US state department. 7-8 PM Russia has placed 6,000 Ukrainian children in 're-education' camps where they are taught how to shoot guns and drive trucks, report says. Russias re-education camps hold thousands of Ukraines children, report says. Re-Education Camp 2021 . Period. ED . Quote from Rashevska: "I cannot guarantee that they [Russians ed.] MBN regularly covers statements from the White House and Congress regarding the plight of the Uyghur population. WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Labor today applauded the efforts of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection for combatting forced labor in China with the issuance of a withhold release order on cotton harvested or processed by the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, including any products made from that cotton, such as apparel, garments and . They have practically added years to their age and then taken them to Crimea. Human rights watchdogs have categorized these camps as mass prisons and internment camps. "During her last meeting with Putin, Maria Lvova-Belova forgot something or intentionally manipulated Filip's age by saying he was 15 years old. Some families were forced to sell belongings and travel through four countries to be reunited with their child, the report found. "But I also think some of them are believing the garbage they are being fed 24/7 on the internet, by their constituents, and they've bought into this big lie," Couric said. Mr. Trump, he insisted, must also apologize for condoning this horrifying treatment of Uighurs.. Russians change personal details of the children abducted from Ukraine in order to complicate the process of finding them. They are just kids and they are being sent to Russia from Ukraine. Some children are forced into pro-Russia re-education programs. Unfortunately, they did not reciprocate, hetold Current Time. MBN regularly covers statements from the White House and Congress regarding the plight of the Uyghur population. United States. Yet today just flip the labels it is celebrated and made part of the curriculum. Two of the most popular diversity-training films are Blue Eyed and Skin Deep. Jevlan Shirmemmet, 29, a Uighur who left China as a student in 2011 and is now a tour guide in Istanbul, lost contact with his parents and brother when they were taken to the camps in 2018. But now its back, just trumpeted as a good, evolving, progressive thing this time. While the material was lumped in with tech companies severing ties with Trump-related accounts, the only mentions of Trump supporters being "deprogrammed" over their beliefs that the election was stolen came from just two soundbites. Last October, the subcommittee concluded that the Chinese Communist Party was culpable of the crime. All said, if you want to protest government re-education camps, sadly you dont need to go to China. In addition, human rights activists have found out that the Russians take children with an excuse of "clinical examination" that means medical intervention by the Russian doctors. The report states that 32 camps are called "integration programs," which indoctrinate Ukrainian children in Russian history and propaganda, as well as language and culture. Under Mr. Xi, Xinjiang has expanded and intensified longstanding programs to shift Uighurs and Kazakhs from rural areas to jobs in factories, cities and commercial farming. This is because many Leftist beliefs cannot be proven or justified based on logic and facts, and so they have to resort to force to make everyone comply with their diktats. On the political front, you can use the ballot box and elect school board members who reject such practices. medium.com Other estimates put the number of inmates who passed through "re . A woman takes part in a rally urging the European Union to pressure China to close its reeducation camps in Xinjiang, where nearly 1 million Uighur Muslims are detained. Chinese security forces began a sweeping crackdown. And as we will soon learn, it might be illegal. There, re-education attempted to replace "bad" personal attitudes with ones that served the purpose of the state. separating two internment camps in northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Some were adopted, given Russian nationality and passports, and denied their Ukrainian citizenship. To be sure, it takes courage. We have state supported institutions training our citizens to think in a way consistent with a prevailing ideology. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Once China achieves its professed goal of establishing control over Taiwan, a process of "re-education" of the island's population would follow, according to China's Ambassador to France Lu Shaye. The camp director was quoted as saying, "We think of this as a humanitarian program.". Download the research report from RFA that details the experiences of Uyghur detention camp survivors and other detainees from Chinas Far West. Exclusive reports from USAGM networks and other outlets have played a huge role in alerting the world to the vast network of camps where Chinese authoritiesare believed to have held up to 1.8 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities since early 2017. Pol Pot understood the power of words. focus on the horrors faced by ethnic Kazakhs and Kyrgyz minorities who managed to escape what China calls re-education camps. And if teachers object or question the practice, the district brands them racists., Students are also separated at times by race. THOUSANDS of Ukrainian children have been taken by Russia - with many sent to re-education camps to replace their love of Ukraine with "a love of mother Russia" @POTUS. Rashevska has pointed out that such misrepresentation of the information occurs pretty often, and childrens personal details are changed not just during the adoption process. ", McElroy is the editor of www.ifeminists.com. Foreign policy officials and experts across the political spectrum in the United States say China will be the greatest challenge for any administration for years or decades to come. Many children are still missing. His. ", In Skin Deep, a student named Dane admits his family's racist guilt: "No way I can step back and change that (his great grandparents fighting for the Confederacy in the Civil War)." Kateryna Rashevska has spoken about Russian "reeducation camps" that are "camps of Russification, militarisation and indoctrination", so to say. Stay up to date with what you want to know. It took the famous case of Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 to end our nations shameful practice of separate but equal.There the Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal is inherently unequal, thankfully ending the sanctioned practice of government segregation by race. Her 34 page complaint boils down to one sentence: District 65 continues to treat individuals differently based on their race.. But we have our own, milder, version of "re-education" camps that indoctrinate, all for a supposed good, evolved cause. Details: There are also very young children who cannot remember their real names because of trauma they suffered. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. China has for decades exercised heavy-handed control over Xinjiangs ethnic minorities, who make up more than half of the regions population of 25 million. Mr. Trump has expressed little concern for human rights, and for most of his term publicly referred to Mr. Xi as a friend. This may sound like a joke, but having seen so many degree requirements annihilated over the years (math and sciences reduced to just 3 credit hours of high school level, and foreign languages completely removed, as examples), I see nothing to keep administration from doing this to advance the agenda of this ideology. For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study and exchange. In response to the Couric and Robinson clips, Huckabee dialed up the rhetoric and claimed he knows Trump supporters who are worried about being rounded up by the feds, echoing similar talking points to militia groups and other extremists who were behind the Capitol Siege. Re-education camps (Vietnamese: Tri ci to) were prison camps operated by the Communist government of Vietnam following the end of the Vietnam War.In these camps, the government imprisoned at least 200,000-300,000 former military officers, government workers and supporters of the former government of South Vietnam. The networks of the U.S. Agency for Global Media continue to provide unrivaled news coverage of Chinas treatment of ethnic Uyghur Muslims and other minorities in the northwest region of Xinjiang, including new firsthand accounts, eports from USAGM networks and other outlets have played a huge role in alerting the world to the vast network of camps where Chinese authorities, are believed to have held up to 1.8 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities since early 2017, designated the Chinese governments policies targeting ethnic Uighur Muslims and other minorities in the northwest region of Xinjiang as. The study guide describes the $6,000-a-day Elliot as a courageous pioneer who has endured great personal pain for her stand. Russia's 're-education camps' hold thousands of Ukraine's children, report says. Tensions sharply worsened from 2009, when Uighurs taking part in ethnic riots killed about 200 Han in Urumqi, the regional capital, after earlier tensions and violence. Her memoir is titled "How I Survived a Chinese Reeducation Camp." "We need to try and develop a single legal mechanism to get such children back. Silence was enforced, but, physically taxed to the limit, we no longer felt like talking anyway. The rally was held in . Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron! New report details network of dozens of Russian camps aimed at giving children pro-Moscow views, with some children detained indefinitely. The U.S. government in Septemberimposed sanctions on Lvova-Belova, noting her efforts to take thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia. There is one critical, pathetic, difference, however. This is something that is happening in Russia and must not happen., Outside of Office Hours, contact: 032 227-7000, Emergency Information for American Citizens. For a month the campus was devoted to letting the white people there know theyre a scourge upon the world, indoctrinating (yes, that word applies) them into the ideology of white privilege and all that comes with it. Prisoners were not permitted to read the words published in magazines and books from the former regime, to sing the words of old songs or to have 'unauthorized' political discussions. She told VOA at the time that she hoped the award would help the plight of the voiceless Uyghurs and Kazakhs oppressed in China., train political ideology instructors while she, Current Time, USAGMs 24/7 TV and digital network for, around the world, tracked down and interviewed ethnic Kyrgyz and Kazakhs who are trying to locate and rescue relatives in Chinas infamous camps. Russia operates a vast network of at least 43 known facilities. It is a comparison worth pursuing. Anyone can read what you share. "Some of them took children without their parents' permission and with forged documents. View gallery. Webster University in St. Louis, Missouri, with the beginning of the spring semester in full swing, plans to operate a "safe space" in the fall of 2019 for . We rightly criticize and condemn China for sending more than one million Uighurs Muslims to re-education camps. Moreover, students are actually paying for these camps, going . Another boy was told he wouldnt be returning home due to his pro-Ukrainian views, the report said. In 2020,Sauytbaywas awarded the U.S. State DepartmentsInternational Women of Courage Awardfor providing firsthand details of the human rights situation in the camps. Participants will also reflect on and name the ways their privilege impacts their beliefs and behaviors by gaining the skills to identify the historical roots of White privilege and how it manifests today. Aside from the Robinson clip on "Morning Joe," the other came from former CBS anchor Katie Couric during an appearance she made last Friday night on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher.". In many cases, Russia purported to temporarily evacuate children from Ukraine under the guise of a free summer camp, only to later refuse to return the children and to cut off all contact with their families.. This cant be dismissed as oh, thats just wacky Evanston, or thats just cuckoo Berkeley.This is increasingly the norm across America. It is divisive. A child was kept there without a possibility to go back, as he/she was no longer a child, as per their documents. by Steve Byas January 29, 2019. | June 7, 2016 Many children are . The Chinese Embassy in Washington said on Twitter this month that Uighur women had been emancipated and were no longer baby-making machines. Twitter later removed the comment and told a reporter that the post had violated rules against dehumanization., U.S. Says Chinas Repression of Uighurs Is Genocide, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/19/us/politics/trump-china-xinjiang.html. The now former PBS attorney also suggested Republican voters should have their children put in re-education camps, "Even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security . Portraying them as refugees is utterly ridiculous," she said. US state department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters the report details Russias systematic, government-wide efforts to permanently relocate thousands of Ukraines children to areas under Russian government control via a network of 43 camps and other facilities. The report called for a neutral body to be granted access to the camps and for Russia immediately to stop adoptions of Ukrainian children. Uighur academics who have sought to preserve and promote their culture have been arrested, and Uighur-language publishing has been heavily curtailed. It hinders, not helps, inclusion, healing, progress, community, and self-worth. A snippet from the University of Wisconsins own website: The Privilege of Whiteness FULL RFE/RL has followed her since her trials in Kazakhstan, through to the moment she escaped to Sweden after Kazakh authorities denied her political asylum request. Radio Free Asias Uyghur Service, long credited with being the first to expose the mass Uyghur detentions, was able to confirm in January that aprominent Uyghur poet and author, HajiMirzahidKerimi, 82, died while serving an 11-year prison forwritingfive books about Uyghur culture that the Chinese government had blacklisted. A locked padlock Introduced during the 2021-2022 New York State legislative session . The State Department has said the number of people held in the prison and detention system is estimated at 80,000 and 120,000. The workshop is designed for White people, to learn about their privilege.. Children look out of the window of an unheated Lviv-bound train, in Kyiv, Ukraine, March 3, 2022. Sign up for notifications from Insider! But in November 2016, when they returned to China, local officials in Xinjiang seized their passports and in April 2017 sent Ziyawudun to an internment camp for "reeducation" for traveling to . An annual report released Thursday by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China said there was evidence that crimes against humanity and possibly genocide are occurring in Xinjiang. I was wrong to guess California, since white shaming is out of control in Oregon of all places. Muslims - to "re-education" camps. There were also situations when about 200 children were brought and accommodated in the camps," Rashevska said. People are finally realizing that what actually affects their daily lives more is not who sits in the oval office in Washington, but the nameless folks who set policy for the schools down the street, where their kids spend more of their waking hours than at home. 03/28/2021. Re-Education Camp 2021. We call our re-education camps public schools. Several State Department officials said the decision was rooted in trying to meet policy goals; they said they hoped the move would spur other nations to take a harder public line against China on this and other issues. Kateryna Rashevska has highlighted that Ukraine will need to make enormous efforts in order to identify such children, find families that took them and repatriate the children back to Ukraine. As was common with most China policy, the issue of Xinjiang had long pitted administration officials against one another: Mr. Pompeo and other national security aides advocated tough measures against Beijing, while President Trump and top economic advisers brushed aside the concerns. It has since issued other sanctions, including against senior Communist Party officials. Communist China has long persecuted people based on their religion. The phrase the road to hell is paved with good intentions comes to mind. Samchung re-education camp, a military detention camp in South Korea during the 1980s. Religious dissident Sun Yi, locked up by China in the Masanjia Labor Camp, used his sparse English vocabulary to . 29 November 2001 Two months after the September 11th attacks on the United States, the PRC . Russia claims children are taken from Ukraine for four reasons: Parents of children taken to the camps reported being pressured to send their children to Russia. U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna, Visit Travel.State.gov for More Information, Russia-perpetrated war crimes and other atrocities. At least 6,000 children from Ukraine have attended Russian "re-education" camps in the past year, with several hundred held there for weeks or months beyond their scheduled return date . But we have our own, milder, version of re-education camps that indoctrinate, all for a supposed good, evolved cause. Other measures include labor transfers, schooling and cultural policies, and population controls. A U.S. federal court found Mexico's former secretary of public security and the country's top cop in its fight against organized crime guilty of accepting millions in bribes from the very cartels he was tasked with dismantling.. Genaro Garca Luna, once Mexico's top cop, was convicted Tuesday of accepting millions in bribes from the very cartels he was tasked with dismantling. Fox News ran several segments on Monday and Tuesday pushing a conspiracy theory on "reeducation camps" for Trump supporters. The indoctrination camps, however, have formed only part of the Chinese Communist Partys broader campaign to drastically transform Uighurs, Kazakhs and other ethnic minorities. WA . One of Vladimir Putin's strategies during his brutal, illegal war in Ukraine has been to ensure that Russians only hear one version of reality. Legal Statement. At the same time, she said almost a year ago that Filip was 16. And if we compare the information she provided, we will get that he is 17. At the "camps" the Uighurs are "edu. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Journalists fight on their own frontline. On Wednesday, it announced a ban on imports of products made with cotton and tomatoes from the area. Attacks and more crackdowns occurred across Uighur towns in the years afterward, as well as in some cities outside Xinjiang. Even if so, wouldnt we expect them to fail horribly at that as well? The report said that Putin aides have been closely involved in the operation, especially Maria Lvova-Belova, the presidential commissioner for childrens rights. This fall, tens of thousands of bright-eyed and malleable young men and women will descend on American campuses to begin their academic careers in earnest. Satellite Imagery of Xinjiang "Re-education Camp" 1 1 Re-education Camp in Shufu county (Kashgar Konasheher), Xinjiang. For years, Democratic and Republican members of Congress have urged the administration to take a more aggressive stand. Russia claims children are taken from Ukraine for four reasons: To attend "recreational camps." Ukrainian officials have estimated more than14,000 children from Ukrainehave been sent to Russia, but the actual number could be much higher. Giving [Ukraines children Russian] nationality or having them adopted goes against the fundamental principles of child protection in situations of war, said Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Students will watch films and participate in exercises designed to shake the values they acquired from their culture and families. The camps are spread widely from Russia-occupied Crimea in Ukraine to Russias Far East. It would not be tolerated. That is how . Again, this is the curriculum for teaching seven year olds. The following are merely a few of the parallels. The numbers vary widely, from a conservative estimate of 6,000 by one recent U.S.-funded study to more than 400,000 when taking into account the full scope of activities by Russian proxies like community leaders in Kremlin-held areas of Ukraine.. Travel from Ukraine to Russia is difficult and expensive, and men between the ages of 18 and 60 are forbidden from leaving the country, in effect meaning only the mothers of the children may retrieve them. The Russian government has put thousands of Ukrainian children into what the Kremlin pitched as "recreation camps," but in actuality are re-education . Chinese researchers have challenged the numbers and conclusions in Mr. Zenzs report while not disputing that the government wants to bring down the population growth of Uighurs. So, the full workshop will lead to entire classes filled with students lapping up indoctrination into this ideology, and I can easily envision the general education guidelines for degrees to have (the last) 3 credit hours of mathematics removed, and replaced with You Suck If Youre White courses. In separate videos, teachers, employed to teach the children, talk about the need to correct their understanding of Russian and Soviet history. Russia is holding thousands of Ukrainian children in camps where they are exposed to a Russia-centric curriculum, a report shows. Imagine if there were schools that openly taught as part of the approved curriculum that Blackness is a bad deal, separated kids and teachers at times by race, and told the black kids they were bad for being black. Parents who wish to nurture the values of their children must oppose the coercive indoctrination of political correctness into their offspring. Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey and the incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Tuesday that China had committed genocide, but stressed this is an action that the Trump administration should have taken years ago, not as it is walking out the door and not having given China a green light for its concentration camps, as Ambassador Bolton alleged.. Other nations or international institutions could follow suit in formally criticizing China over its treatment of its minority Muslims and taking punitive measures. During Black Lives Matter Week, the science department is required to teach a lesson called, Black Women and Unapologetically Black.Fifth grade teachers are even required to indoctrinate I mean teach that color blindness helps racism., Teachers are instructed to disrupt the Western nuclear family dynamic as the proper way to have a family and instead to promote the Black Village, which is a collective village that takes care of each other.. When Erbaqyt Otarbai's appendix ruptures, he is singing the Chinese national anthem with a class of . The report reveals the state's push to build camps in every corner of the region since 2016, at a cost so far of more than 680 million yuan (over $107 million). As the Supreme Court stated in 2007 when prohibiting public schools from admitting kids based on race: The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.. ", Elliot explains her goal: "A new reality is going to be created for these people.". 0 responses. Before the new condemnation from Washington, the strongest statement by a government entity declaring that Chinas actions in Xinjiang amounted to genocide came from a Canadian parliamentary subcommittee. Raymond said that Russia was in clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the treatment of civilians during war and called the report a gigantic Amber alert referring to US public notices of child abductions. This is important, because that means there was a legitimate (?!?) The former are psychologically brutalized; the latter are psychologically empowered as a lesson in white racism. Yale University researchers said they had identified at least 43 . . Those boring local elections matter. His father had been arrested and sentenced without a trail for 20 years for helping a neighbor write a complaint letter to Beijing about local authorities who beat a family member to death. Six weeks is getting dangerously close to a college courseand absolutely qualifies as a camp. His father had been arrested and sentenced without a trail for 20 years for helping a neighbor write a complaint letter to Beijing about local authorities who beat a family member to death. Newsletter Signup. "reeducation camps," forced . He comments, "It's tough choosing what's right and choosing your family. The student handbook even prominently states that the district is committed to focusing on race as one of the first visible indicators of identity., In this respect the district arguably promotes the exact opposite teachings of what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. espoused and demanded: Namely, a colorblind society where his children were judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.. Mounting evidence of Russias actions lays bare the Kremlins aims to deny and suppress Ukraines identity, history, and culture, the US state department said in a statement. ShareAmerica. Ukrainian children were placed with foster families in Russia. Again, just a 1 hour session, and perhaps Im over-reacting. ( Vadim Ghirda/AP). Relations between the countries have deteriorated over the past four years, and the new finding adds to a long list of tension points. Tagged as: Politics; Ahead of China hearing, lawmakers share 'next steps' the U.S. can take for Uyghurs . The overall topic of "big tech censorship" has become a mainstay of Fox News coverage over the past two weeks. He was born and first raised in Gary, Indiana followed by Chicagos south suburbs. Some officials opposed to the action pointed out that the department never made a determination on whether the Myanmar government had committed genocide against the ethnic Rohingya Muslims, despite strong evidence of the crime. Amidst all of this, sadly fewer than half of the districts students meet or exceed the states math and English standards. Thats pretty much what one thinks of when the phrase re-education camp comes to mind. Fox News ran several segments on Monday and Tuesday pushing a conspiracy theory on "reeducation camps" for Trump supporters. FULL. 04/09/2021 . Outside of the camps, a January 2018 study from the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law found that an estimated 20,000 LGBTQ youth in states where the practice is not banned would receive . This puts it roughly three times closer to the United States than it is to the border of Ukraine, the report said. Some are given military training. Official websites use .gov Of course there is, but just the same you dont remedy one set of wrongs by perpetuating another. The service also broke stories in 2020 on the forced, whose parents have been detained. RFE/RLs Kazakh Services TV documentary, Between Dictatorship and Democracy, follows the story ofSairagulSauytbay, an ethnic Kazakh whistleblower whosaid she facedtorturein a Chinese camp. The values of their children must oppose the coercive indoctrination of political correctness into their offspring Labor,. He/She was no longer felt like talking anyway as per their documents the $ 6,000-a-day Elliot as good! Guess California, since White shaming is out of control in Oregon of all places math and English.. Report was funded by the US 're education camps usa department has said the number of people held in the years afterward as! 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