Tomatoes are very high in the carotenoid Lycopene; eating foods with carotenoids can lower your risk of cancer. Nine out of 10 Americans fall short. Weve ranked them from most to least nutrient packed. I hinted earlier in one of my other facts about vegetables that science has had a major hand in cultivating the vegetables we eat, and such is the case with potatoes. While full-siblings share 50 percent of their DNA, half-siblings share 25 percent. 4. Talk about an almost-free lunch. Europeans were first made aware of the tomato when explorers brought back seed from Mexico and Central America in the 16th century. In 2010 worldwide production of Potatoes reached 324 millions of tons, tomatoes 145 million, sweet potato 106 million, dry onions 74 million, and spinach Thats a new global record! Some, though, are richer in nutrients than others. Other famous staple foods like what and rice are in the 1400-1500 range. 4) Some fruits are high in antioxidants. Today potatoes are grown in over 100 countries and in all 50 of the United States. Also, since the ripest watermelons have the most water, melons that are relatively heavy for their size should be riper.". However, not everybody accepted all vegetables on their dining table. Vegetables are full of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Let's keep in touch and we'll send more your way. No matter where you live, eating vegetables represents important part of your daily diet that provides our bodies with important nutrients. Although the evidence isnt sewn up, both clearly matter for eyes. Or swap your white flour wrap for one made of lettuce. Today the tomato is generally considered to be the favorite vegetable of the American public. That means a ten calorie stalk of celery still gives you eight calories even after digestion. By the end of 17th century the potato had become an important crop in Ireland. For calcium, we used the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for women over 50 and men over 70. . Potatoes do not have to be stored in a refrigerator, but they should be kept dark and dry. Walking in the door famished? What better way to tide you over to your next meal without ruining your appetite or gobbling up your calorie budget? Scientists at Cornell University have identified two cancer-fighting substances in the tomato: P-courmaric and chlorogenic acids. 8. I like sprouts, but I find zucchini bitter does that mean I have a mutated gene? Rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, and packed with crucial immune-boosting antioxidants, vegetables are the real deal! The dislike is generally likened to a bitterness in the taste of certain veggies Brussels sprouts are often cited. Mushrooms often get labelled as vegetables, but there are technically fungi, and arent connected to plants at all. Wed include a list of drugs you shouldnt eat grapefruit while taking but its a fairly comprehensive list. @kassmcc, I think I'm kind of a mutant then because I like Brussels but really dislike cilantro! In a part-by-part breakdown, the florets have a few more nutrients than the stalks. Heres the juicy backstory: In the 1800s, New Yorks port taxed veggies, but not fruits. 20 Amazing Facts About Sweet Potatoes. How do you like them apples? Potatoes when fertilised with seaweed extract whilst growing taste superb. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This page was last modified on November 13, 2021. So that means bell peppers along with squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins are fruits. Tons ofvitamin Acan be found in spinach, over half of the recommended daily amount in a portion! Better yet, forget the cups. Before you start planning todays menu, here are some interesting facts about vegetables thatll might help you decide what to include in your vegetable servings Bon appetite! 10 Juicy Facts about Fruit and Vegetables. Yep, believe it or not, a slice of cucumber can help. Potatoes have more potassium. Knowing more about the food we nourish our bodies with is never going to be a bad thing is it? ), In some studies, people who eat more leafy greens have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. In other circumstances however, I wouldnt be including tomatoes in my facts about vegetables. Select your favorite online store and you can browse the full nudie range. Heritage veg are in fact closer to nature than many of the varieties we eat today. Penn State PRO Wellness is committed to educating and inspiring youth and their families to eat well, engage in regular physical activity, and become champions for bringing healthy choices to life. Not to mention olives, avocado, aubergine and capsicum; which are all also fruits! Modern potatoes are cultivated so that solanine is concentrated in the shoots, stems and leaves of the plant, not in the tuber we eat. Avocados are fruit. In fact, when carrots where first grown and eaten as food, they were purple and white, long and straggly. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled that, in common language, produce often served with meats or fish is a vegetable. This can wreck your palate for the rest of the day until your mouth can heal itself. In many countries around the world, Brussels sprouts reign as the least enjoyable vegetable out there. From then on, that combo became known as Margherita. I recommend looking up some recipes where sprouts are sauted. Bananas are high in it, but they arent the best source. Part of HuffPost World News. Something else about vegetable eaters could partly explain the results from those and other studies that track what people eat and their health for years. The average pomegranate can contain 600 to 1,400 seeds or 'arils'. Soluble vitamins are at the greatest risk particularly when you boil veg. Originally, vegetables were collected from the wild by hunter-gatherers and entered cultivation in several parts of the world, probably during the period 10,000 BC to 7,000 BC, when a new agricultural way of life developed. For your convenience take a look at Fruit Vegetable figures with stats and charts presented as graphic. J. Epidemiol. Lets not forget all of the other awesome nutrition it provides. Cape Canaveral is owned by the U.S. Air Force. Today, potatoes are grown in over 100 countries and all 50 of the United States. The queen loved the "pizza mozzarella," a pie topped with soft white cheese, tomatoes, and basil. Good luck with that! Those cute little bagged carrots in the grocery store arent baby veggies. From the solar system to the world economy to educational games, Fact Monster has the info kids are seeking. During the journey of vegetables through the history, they managed to have many interesting interactions with our cuisine, medicine and science. A cup of dried ones has as much calcium as the same amount of milk. You might very well learn to love sprouts! Broccoli. If however, you come across a green potato, this is a clear indication that the tuber contains a high concentration of solanine and you should trash it, not boil and mash it. 15. In Egypt, onions were considered to be an object of worship. The Airbus A380 aeroplane has won numerous . Share them in the comments below! Original source: Because of their versatility in terms of cooking (we can eat them raw, boiled, cooked, and dried), wide array of cultivation techniques, untold ways they can help us in daily problems that dont require us eating them, and high nutritional values, vegetables represented extremely important commodity for humankind. Suggest an edit, Explore our world map to discover some fascinating facts for every country. Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Also . "#14 Lemon Fact", is lemon a vegetable: Here are some of the coolest veg-e-licious facts on this side of the vegetable patch. Your email address will not be published. Just take a freshly cut piece of cucumber and rub it on your shoe. Potato has 322 kJ per 100 grams, Red. Broccoli got a bad rap a few years ago when President George W Bush proclaimed that he would never eat it again. The merit of the ongoing question, is it a fruit, or is it a vegetable?, has even found its way before the bench of the United States Supreme Court which ruled unanimously in Nix v. Hedden, 1883, that a tomato is a vegetable for the purposes of 1883 Tariff Act even though botanically, a tomato is a fruit. Well, cucumber has your back! One of the most basic facts about vegetables everyone should know is the effect of preparing and cooking them. Scientists define fruit as the part of a plant that develops from a flower and has seeds. The best way is to grate it up like cheese into an orange zest. Seed vegetables are usually legumes, such as peas and beans. Carrots contain major sources of beta-carotene, which our bodies turn into vitamin A. Beta-carotene gives fruits and veggies their orange pigment. They not only hoodwinked the Axis powers, but also many generations to come. (We left white potatoes out of our Top 5 potassium list because Americans already eat too many fries and potato chips. "Hass avocados change colour as they ripen. These contain a number of health benefits such as the prevention of asthma and some types of cancer. Discover more about this fat-soluble vitamin here. We eat them raw, cooked, chilled and frozen - in ever increasingly creative combinations. Bananas are berries. Technically, a strawberry is not a berry. Among the bulb vegetables are garlic, leeks, and onions. One more thing: our scores give no credit for phytochemicals that may eventually turn out to matter. If its good for Popeye then you should consider adding this leafy green to your diet. Many vegetables, like cucumbers and celery, also have a high water content to help you meet your hydration goals for glowing skin. Email us at Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Magnesium may explain why.6. Kale has more vitamin C than oranges. Vegetables are generally low in calories and fat. It took a ruling by the Supreme Court in 1893 to make the tomato a vegetable for taxation purposes. Among the edible tubers, or underground stems, are potatoes. Factmonster is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. Surprised? For the average 2,000 calorie diet, you would have to consume 200 stalks of celery. It is also the most interesting fruit in the world. Eggplants Cucumbers. It can help keep your bowel movements regular, help lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, and help you feel fuller for longer. Heart disease is the leading killer of men and women in America and diet plays a big role in helping keep your heart healthy. Bone Miner. Veggies pile on the potassium. One of the traits of nightshades is that they produce substances known as glycialkaloids like many other plants but one of them is a nasty little thing known as solanine. It is also the most interesting fruit in the world. Avocados can improve bad breath. Spinach helps boost and improve our immune system. Our entire lives have been a lie! Virtually all of the more important vegetables were cultivated among the ancient civilizations of either the Old or the New World and have long been noted for their nutritional importance. If you peel something, you lose some of its nutritional value. Because they are so widespread and come in many different varieties, they are able to cure us from many Generally speaking, its only about 10% to 20%. The leaf and leafstalk vegetables include brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, lettuce, rhubarb, and spinach. 10. The Greek philosopher Aristotle credited the clear voice of the partridge to a diet of leeks, while the Roman emperor Nero supposedly ate leeks everyday to make his voice stronger. Potatoes first appeared in Europe in 1586; they made it to North America in 1719. 1. I wonder if it has made you think differently about some of the things on your plate and how you prepare and cook them? This will help stop the bleeding. During some periods of our growth from early to modern civilization, certain types of vegetables were regarded as extremely important, often being valued more than money, gold or any other commodity that we owned. Believe it or not, during Roman times, beetroot was once thought to be an aphrodisiac! There are thousands of different tomato varieties. This is how they make orange chicken in Chinese restaurants. Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of Your Favorite Dad Jokes? Reduce risk of heart disease. When researchers pooled data on roughly 142,000 European and U.S. residents aged 60 or older, those who ate no more than one serving of vegetables a day had a 12 percent higher risk of hip fracture than those who ate about two to three servings.7. When they turn a bit white, theyre just drying out. J. Clin. Vegetable facts don't end with them just being 'good for your health,' turns out that they are much more interesting. Without further ado, lets plunge right in to this healthy serving of facts about vegetables. Just dont let the oranges know. If youre on medications, be sure to check with a medical professional before drinking or consuming any grapefruit because it could end very badly for you. For the longest time Americans thought potato to be suitable for horses, potatoes were ignored because their tree and leaves were toxic, and some of them were ignored only because of religious beliefs (Buddhists did not like garlic between 1st and 10th century AD, Europeans disliked potato because it was not mentioned in the bible, etc.). Watermelons arent just giant and nutritious but they can also play a key role in keeping you hydrated. Figs match milk in calcium. These lean, green, beautifying machines can prevent the breakdown of elastin in the skin, which can help tighten skin, support cell wall renewal, and build collagen. They boost your potassium for hardly any calories. A win-win situation! If you peel your fruits and vegetables before you eat them, you may be making a nutritional mistake. Spinach and strength have gone hand in hand since Popeye the Sailorman. "Check the bottom of the watermelon for a creamy yellow spot -- if this spot is white or greenish, your melon may have been picked before it was fully ripe," Lindhe told HuffPost Australia. There are ways to reduce the bitterness of Brussels and they should definitely be tried because sprouts really are a highly-nutritious little vegetable. to our plate today, and every day. We all know vegetables are good for us, but it turns out theyre pretty entertaining, too. Penn State College of Medicine | Accessibility | Non-Discrimination | Privacy You hear it all the time that fruits and veggies can make you more healthy and help prevent disease. Incidentally, the first documented use of the phrase cool as a cucumber was in the poem A New Song by English poet and playwright John Gay in 1732. The leaf and leafstalk vegetables include brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, lettuce, rhubarb, and spinach. Fruits Vegetables. Do you know any fun facts about vegetables? Cranberries can bounce. Aside from tomatoes, other secret fruits include eggplant, olives, peas, avocado, cucumber, pumpkin, capsicum and zucchini. However, a little known fact is that some fruits and veggies contain toxic chemicals. Scroll down to continue reading article , The Ultimate Productivity Guide on Taking Charge of Time, Why am I so Tired and How to Boost My Energy, all but wiped out an entire species of banana, used to carry around watermelons on long trips to stay hydrated, ruled that tomatoes are to be considered a vegetable, How to Become a Productivity Ninja by Graham Allcott, How to Make Time Work For You The Time Mastery Framework, The Impact of Procrastination on Productivity, The Forgotten Emotional Aspects of Productivity, How to Calm Your Mind For Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey, 8 Misconceptions of Time That Make You Less Productive. The extra weight comes from seeds, so pound for pound, there is greater benefit to buying lighter, even-noded peppers as you get more flesh for your money. Onions are super-healthy and an essential source of vitamin C, sulphuric compounds, flavonoids and phytochemicals. . Just suck on the slice for 20-30 seconds and youll be ready to smooch up a storm. 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