Alderaan Refugee Conference during the Clone Wars. The princess survived but ended up having to have her heart and lungs replaced with pulmonodes. All education was free, and people would volunteer to teach various skills or crafts just for fun. Terrestrial[9] [1] For example, the palace of the royal family, which as been the work of over a millennium,[11] and the city around it blended into the local snow-capped peaks. The plot, however, was thwarted by the Jedi apprentice Ahsoka Tano. Queen Breha notably owned a blue-and-bronze slash-sleeved dress that mirrored her planet's oceans and valleys. [9], While most of Naboo's land animals were peaceful, as exemplified by the gentle shaak, the planet's oceans,[53] which held an abundance of life,[7] teemed with menacing creatures,[53] such as the opee sea killer[34] and the sando aqua monster. The Heir's Crown was decorated with jewels. After the destruction of Alderaan, Leia is still considered their Princess (and assumed Queen) by . Palpatine still tells Vader that Padme dies. [49], By the time of the New Republic, Alderaan's destruction would become a stark reminder for future generations about the terrors of the Galactic Empire, and would often be an 'uncomfortable subject' for those that brought up the planet's destruction in conversation. We're lucky on Alderaan. [29] The local fauna included the Alderaanian wolf-cat,[18] nerfs,[20] and a species of white-winged bird. ""I want one hundred percent within eight hours, Lieutenant Gulin. [21] It was the site of many official ceremonies, festivities, and banquets and was the work of more than a millennium[1] by 3 BBY. Returning to the Jedi Order, Sy became a Jedi Knight and Talisola's master. [16] The Empire defended the destruction of the planet to its military, claiming that its population had chosen its destruction by supporting anarchy. Or maybe if a planet cant find a senator, then the leader(s) of the planet take that role.) [19] During the Clone Wars, Neeyutnee served as Queen of Naboo. I know Naboo and Alderaan aren't the same place, but that's fucking stupid and it would be more emotional if we had gotten to know Alderaan in the prequels just to have it blown up in the first movie. Naboo quickly became notorious as a vacation spot and as a private hunting preserve amongst big-game hunters across the Mid Rim, although it would be around a century before permanent human settlement. It had grasslands, mountains and large oceans. In the second draft of A New Hope, the home planet of Princess Leia was called Organa Major. Plus, when Alderaan is destroyed, its obviously an atrocity and really sad, but weve never really seen Alderaan or what makes it special beyond that Leia and Bail are from there. Beings would also wear such coverings out of modesty, hiding parts . Ithor is a world where its native species took to the skies and stars to let the world heal and florish without their harmful technological influence. [13] Initially, the Gungans retreated underwater and avoided the colonists[3] and new interlopers. Breha also sent her people to dangerous places where they were needed, and though some of them never came back to their families, they didn't blame her as they knew she had sacrificed and would again if she had to. The planet's crown princess and representative in the Imperial Senate, Princess Leia Organa,[3] began using her diplomatic immunity as an Imperial senator to carry out Rebel missions in restricted Imperial systems. Obi-Wan Kenobi Props, LEGO Star Wars Summer Vacation, and More! The Zygerrian News implied that the two had gotten intoxicated in the cantina of Mos Eisley, which caused the accident. The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film, The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Elder Houses[22]House of Organa[3]Galactic Republic[9]Galactic Empire[3][9]Alliance to Restore the Republic[3] Human[9] ""Yes, it absolutely is.Shara Bey and Leia Organa, about Naboo, Naboo was a small pastoral world[52] in the Mid Rim,[1] located near the border of the Outer Rim Territories. Alderaan hosted a population of humans, known as Alderaanians, who were known for their philosophy of pacism. System The Naboo calendar based its epoch around the arrival of Kwilaan. In exchange, the colonies became legally obligated to provide Naboo with any supplies it deemed were necessary if called upon in times of emergency. [32], Upon the formation of its monarchy it was established that the heir apparent to Alderaan must complete a Challenge of the Heart, Challenge of the Mind and Challenge of the Body which would be announced on their Day of Demand and upon completion they would be officially invested as heir. 18 standard hours[7] Their plan was to rendezvous with a Separatist droid army led by General Grievous, who had been sent by Count Dooku himself. A radical idea - Naboo being Alderaan. It was home to the indigenous Gungan species and to a population of humans known as the Naboo. At some point during the Clone Wars, Alderaan hosted a conference concerned with aiding war refugees. There were several schools on the planet where students could advance their knowledge of various art subjects. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Mothma aligns herself with Naboo's Padme Amidala (Catherine Taber) and Alderaan's Bail Organa (Phil Lamarr) to offer a peaceful solution to the war. [48] Almost immediately after the Death Star's destruction, Leia Organa would embark on a mission to rescue the survivors of Alderaan from Imperial reprisals. The Empire had set up a climate disruption array in orbit, as ordered by the late Emperor Palpatine. Orbital period Princess Leia of Alderaan, Bail's adopted daughter and thus member of the Elder Houses was captured by the Imperial Navy while smuggling the plans to the Alliance base. Named Operation: Cinder, the Empire's plan was to disrupt Naboo's environment and climate, and thus render the planet inhospitable. [22] It was traditional for the owner of the chest, upon coming of age, to give it to their parents as a sign that they were now an adult, although it was not mandatory. My opinion on if Naboo and Alderaan should have been the same planet and whether or not it would work. Imperial forces were immobilized by the ion pulse rendering all of their weapons and vehicles inoperable leading to the surrender of Imperial forces. Her viceroy and consort Bail Organa was addressed simply as "Viceroy." The last monarch was Queen Breha Organa, who perished along with her homeworld when the Galactic Empire destroyed Alderaan with the Death Star in 0 BBY. Demonym But, Bane planned a diversion in order to lure the Republic forces away while Dooku carried out the kidnapping. [1] The princess' simplistic style often caused her to clash with her attendant droid WA-2V who was programmed to ensure that the princess was always presented in grand style for every occasion. [1] She remained on the throne until her death[9] in 0 BBY,[3] which occurred during the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star,[9] a mobile, spherical battle station the size of a Class IV moon. [1], Simple white outfits also played a significant role in the monarchy. [1] In some cases, the monarch even assumed a ministerial portfolio. Since Alderaan could not be seen directly supporting the rebels, Senator Organa arranged for his adopted daughter Leia to deliver the vessels to Lothal. [11], Every child of Alderaan owned a keepsake chest whose designs would be carved by the child's parents and grandparents though the child themselves choose what went inside. Aldera (capital)[11]Crevasse City[7]Sanctuary Coast[7]Unidentified city[25] [51], Jamming at full power, Captian. Databank A-Z: Kyber CrystalsLaser Cannons, Highlights of the Saga: Escape from Utapau, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, New Edition, The Death Star | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills, Rebel Starfighters Owners' Workshop Manual, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Weapons & Uniforms: Rebel Leaders at Yavin 4, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu, The Battle of Hoth and the Second Death Star, Behind the Cameras: How the Death Star Was Created, Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Guide to Season One, Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy, Star Wars Droids Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away. Electronics[7]Manufactured goods[7] Vader also trusts Palpatine at this point so he would probably just take him for his word like he did in the original. Population Leia Organa took part in her Day of Demand and after completing her three challenges became invested as crown princess and the future queen of Alderaan. [10] It was later featured in 2002's Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones[19] and 2005's Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. "[19] However, the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations states that Naboo has only one moon. The new colonies contested the contract from its inception, believing its terms were unfair. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I have a crazy idea: What if we could restore the original idea of Naboo being Alderaan? Today of all days, you must look your best. However, that status commanded little authority,[18] since almost nobody took the concept of hereditary nobility seriously any longer,[17] and Organa never wore any symbol of royalty unless tradition demanded it. It's the whole history of Alderaanian architecture in one massive building.Kier Domadi, The monarch's official residence was the Royal Palace of Alderaan, also known as the Mountain Palace,[20] in the planetary capital of Aldera[1] and near a large wood. Before Alderaan met its tragic end, it was a galactic hub of art, culture, and freedom. Hands up. [7] Beside its natural features, Naboo was considered a world of classical beauty due to the aesthetics of its population centers. [54], According to Nash Windrider, on Alderaan, its people were encouraged to learn and grow. They helped guide her toward public service and helped her to devote her life to civic duty. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Databank A-Z: Petranaki ArenaProton Torpedoes, Databank A-Z: SabeThe Separatist Council, Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles, Star Wars Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition, Highlights of the Saga: Flight from Naboo, Databank A-Z: Tusken RaidersCaptain Typho, Vulture-class Droid Fighter Expansion Pack, Planets | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, The Star Wars Timeline | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts, Naboo Royal N-1 Starfighter Expansion Pack, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills, Every Language in Star Wars Movies | Star Wars By the Numbers, Every Droid in Star Wars | Star Wars By the Numbers, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Starfighter Aces: Ric Oli Bravo Leader, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu, Every Ship in the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy | Star Wars By the Numbers, Republic, Rebel, and Resistance Starfighters, Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: The Official Collector's Edition, Star Wars Universe: Jedi vs. Sith: An Imbalance in the Force, Official Trailer | Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures, Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy, Star Wars Droids Guide to a Galaxy Far, Far Away, A Series of Firsts | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Disney+, Obi-101: Everything You Need to Know About Obi-Wan Kenobi, 10 of Obi-Wan Kenobi's Greatest Moments (So Far), SWCA 2022: 4 Things We Learned From the Attack of the Chords Panel, SWCA 2022: 7 Things We Learned from the Lucasfilm Publishing Behind the Page Panel, We Checked Out the Drinks, Easter Eggs, and Galactic Views at. [1] Like all the other Elder Houses,[17] the Alderaanian monarchy did not adjudicate succession through strict bloodline inheritance, meaning that adopted children, such as Leia Organa, could ascend to the throne. [28], Alderaan's traditions called for the monarch to wear braids and Alderaan's monarchy tended to dress modestly, especially compared to the fatuous, bright garbs of the monarchs of Naboo. [1], The heir apparentwhose succession appeared certainwas not made Crown Prince or Crown Princess until the age of sixteen, or in the case of adoptive members on the sixteenth anniversary of their original Name Day, at which point he or she would have to undergo a series of rituals to prove their worth. Typho and his rebel team fought him. Bail Organa was a senator who represented the Alderaan system in the Galactic Senate of the Republic. Their heiress Princess Leia was variously addressed as "Your Highness," "Princess Leia (Organa) of Alderaan," "Princess Leia," or just "Princess." [13], It is an honor to be here for this momentous occasion. Candlewick flower[11]Chinar tree[14]Conifer[11]Kriin-wood[15]Starblossom[16]Starflower[17] "[27], Ow. [8], Yes, Your Highnessness?Han Solo, mocking Leia Organa's royal title, Despite being a hereditary monarchy, the Alderaanian monarchy was less formal than the elective Naboo monarchy, something that greatly shocked Padm Amidala when she first visited Alderaan. [14], On Chandrila in 5 ABY,[15] former princess of Alderaan Leia Organa gave birth to her son, Ben Solo. In Attack of the Clones, Mace Windu mentions "spice miners on the moons of Naboo. [12], A variety of grapevines grew on Alderaan, which notably allowed to produce Toniray[22] and emerald wine. Gallo eventually attacked the city Spearhead, which was the home of the rogue warlord Boss Rogoe and the other Gungan holdouts, with a massive Gungan army. [29], Leia Organa once noted that had her wedding been on Alderaan, in the cathedral located in Aldera, she would have worn a customary lace dress. Monarchy[9] Naboo was pushed to the forefront of galactic politics as the birthplace of the Dark Lord of the Sith Sheev Palpatine, who served as its representative in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. Whatever happens, Leia you must keep Alderaan alive.Bail Organa, to his daughter Leia, The monarch of Alderaan (otherwise referred to as "the King" if male, and "the Queen" if female) both ruled and governed the planet,[1] with the help of ministers and advisors. [24], As egalitarian as the Alderaanian monarchy was, people were normally expected to follow certain rules when conversing with royals. Gallo then founded the Gungan capital Otoh Gunga on Spearhead's foundations. When an item was placed inside the chest it meant that the owner had outgrown it while still recognizing its personal, sentimental importance. As the title says, why did Lucas go to the trouble of introducing Padm as a queen, as an important political figure, a close friend of Bail Organa, and eventual mother to a Princess of Alderaan, if Naboo never appeared in the OT and solely existed in the prequels? [57], In the 2018 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Alderaan was mistakenly depicted as being in the Colonies instead of the Core Worlds.[44]. Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains. Under Loo's control, Lyonie ordered the Gungan Grand Army to march on the Naboo capital of Theed. Even in time of galactic conflicts, the Alderaanians shunned weapons. [28], Following the end of the Clone Wars, Viceroy Bail and Queen Breha adopted Leia Amidala Skywalker, the daughter of the now deceased Padm Amidala and former Jedi Knight turned Sith Lord Anakin Skywalker, renaming her to Leia Organa and making her princess of Alderaan. Alderaan would have at least been interesting, Naboo is just a throw in planet to put Palpatine as the senator. For scenes shot in Naboo, one of the real-world locations included the Caserta Palace in Italy that doubled as the Queen Padme's palace in the capital city of Theed. As they established their own society, they initially kept separate from the Gungans. Wouldnt it have had more impact if Padm had been the queen of Alderaan, if the Clone Wars (and therefore the rise of Vader and the Sith) largely had its roots going to the Trade Federation occupation of Alderaan, if Anakin has found his true love there, and then it was destroyed by the fanatic and insane Empire? For collectors, rare bottles of the alcoholic beverage Toniray would become a highly-prized commodity.[22]. The last time he'd held her in his arms had been months ago, and she was as busy as him with her duties as Queen of Alderaan. Major cities When the heir apparent was adopted "it is known" was added to the ritual dialogue. [56], The Naboo colonists later expanded to other uninhabited planets in the Chommell sector, such as Karlinus. Kenobi Props, LEGO Star naboo and alderaan Summer Vacation, and people would volunteer to teach various or! Adopted `` it is an honor to be here for this momentous occasion one hundred within... Assumed a ministerial portfolio for their philosophy of pacism the chest it meant that the owner had it! Considered their Princess ( and assumed Queen ) by ] During the Clone Wars, Alderaan hosted conference... Jedi Knight and Talisola 's master terms were unfair it would work bottles. Mentions `` spice miners on the planet where students could advance their knowledge of various art subjects time... `` I want one hundred percent within eight hours, Lieutenant Gulin monarch even assumed a ministerial portfolio it. Monarchy was, people were encouraged to learn and grow an honor to here. 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