Copyright 2022 John Sandbach, All Rights Reserved. Connect to you higher self and ask to receive thePleiadean StarCodes of Light for abundance and wealth. The heart symbol is love and emotions. Apart from feeling separation, you may also feel that you are not entirely here, or maybe there is confusion as to what steps you need to take to clear something held within your heart and higher heart. VIII: Opals splintering and releasing colors. XXI: A mysterious piece of unusual color and shape appearing on a chess board. XXV: An invisible entity trying to contact a man. XV: A ballet master choreographing a complex ensemble. VI: On a ball court children chasing a large soap bubble. IV: Children dancing with a shadow. So, learn more about these symbols and engage with your Starseed energy. The 12 Pleiadian activated 5D Gamma Rays and Liquid Light Plasma Portals; Sound Session and hand drawn Light Language Symbol This is the type of spiritual fortitude that can result from the man of the Omega Symbol taking in the words glowing with light Spiritual Symbols Symbols Healing Symbols Language Art Sigil Sacred Symbols Flower Of Life . There is more to this and more will be revealed in later channellings. The message is to unleash your fear of what has been and move forward with the rays of higher knowledge from the Atlantis Higher Consciousness. II: Among a host of dreamers a dream spreads like wildfire. XI: A poet sleeping in the midst of his poems which are scattered everywhere around him. Transforms your body into its true angelic form. IX: A man wandering through a wondrous landscape inside a crystal sphere. VIII: At night the moon finds places to dance. VII: A man secretly writing down his visions. Their home constellation comprises of seven stars, at least according to the naked eye. In fact, it is usually the Anahata that proves the final stumbling block during awakening. XXV: A woman dressed in mourning, smiling behind her transparent black veil. It is rarely ever reached. I would like to bring your attention to your hearts which is a great place to start. XXII: A bird delivering a message to a man trapped in a high tower. V: Gently a feather falls from the sky, settling on a gigantic pyramid. To assist Humanity to Awaken to their Magnificence and Light. Your Galactic DNA Light Body is transmitting lines of energy, in codes for the earth. Allow your body to fill up with golden light codes all resonating to the new abundant light now. One side winning is not possible, as without both sides neither can exist. I have been working alongside the Pleiadian and Sirian High Councils to oversee the Ascension Codes of Light Harmonic Frequency for each of the seven major portal openings in Ecuador, France, Peru, Mexico, the Sphinx, North Pole and South Pole. IX: A winged fairy hovering and playing a tiny harp. There has only been a few chosen so far to receive these codes but the next level is being activated now. Within the 7 portals there are 12 smaller portals, each portal sending a strong current of light deep within earth to activate the earth grids. X: A man soaring through the clouds on a glider. XVI: An albatross circling voyagers to Antarctica. Hello! XII: The wind blows away a womans veil. All Books > To raise our vibration and frequency to that of New Earth - 5 D and beyond. It represents the duality within all of us. XXVI: A harpist singing an ancient song in moonlight. XXVIII: A botanist reading the rings in a cross section of an extremely old tree. VI: The emperors retinue appears in elaborate gold regalia. XX: Through a wall of ice a crystal city sparkles in sunlight. IX: A mystic symbol comes to life as a multicolored serpent XV: Butterflies and flowers appearing magically to comfort convalescents. You answered all of my questions (for now..) and shed light on things I knew( and a lot of things I did not) but at a much deeper level. The two golden balls of light in your hands have grown and got very big this energy is now around you like a golden orb and is a pure light of abundance and wealth now. Keep the Pleiadian symbols in your mind as you travel. I: In the desert a way station to comfort travelers. You are a waterfall of wisdom, love and sweetness. VI: A wandering landscape searching for a canvas on which to dwell. IX: A pale naked man on a horse journeying through the forest. II: A story teller senses exactly which stories his listeners need to hear. XVII: Sunlight flooding an altar covered with flowers. Redeem Now Pause Podcast: Pleiadian Light Language The Soul Matrix Ltd. 4 years ago Alternative Wisdom 3,065 84 4 The Soul Matrix Ltd. 9,187 558 Report Nicknamed "the Galactic Linguist" she channels multiple Extraterrestrial Languages such as Arcturian, Pleiadian, Sirian. Add to cart. VI: A ritual drama involving light, music, and stories of the gods. You are all in transition for the greater aspect of self to shine through and remind you of the higher energies of light. XXIX: A flock of goats grazing on a vast lawn. It may feel like a maze with no sign that youre going in the right direction. XXII: A Path into the forest dwindles then disappears. XIV: Deep in a cave on the moon a dreamer dreams of prehistoric jungles. I: The king of an unknown land sends a letter to the known world. III: Tall guardians from a faraway star. Each of you from this lifetime holds codes within your DNA that can shift a major illusion in humanity and Earth. As a rule, we are a bit taller on average. XXVI: Turned in the hand a quarts crystal glimmers with rainbows. Taurus in astrology often relates to a balance between the inner and outer worlds, achieving a healthy balance between the physical/material and the ethereal/spiritual. XVI: Dancers sweating and stripping off clothes as they work out. The number seven is so essential to them for a few reasons: The Heptagram is a star heptagon where diagonals are drawn between the angles. I have been following you for some years now. Your Presence and being able to attend your masterclasses monthly is one of the few things that has helped me keep going! It might feel like its stuck, rigid or very deep grief. It allows you to travel on the astral plane while your physical body remains tethered to the Earth. XXX: A man in a deaths head mask sitting quietly in a dark tree. IX: Sharp, tiny darts whose tips have been dipped in flower elixirs. The subtle body comprises of seven primary chakras. XXVII: A woman looks down into a canyon of swirling mists. XXVI: A scientist measuring the mineral levels in a sample of water. When your triggers are set off take the higher perspective and be grateful. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2023 - All Right Reserved. XX: A caravan of gypsies traveling across a vast prairie. The energy that I am referring to is in essence, your galactic partner your galactic star codes of knowledge existing on the outer realms and held in the greatest light by the. A silver light is entering your crown, a harmonic pulse of light you have now entered into the chambers of Pleiadean, Sirian High Councils and St Germian and the Violet Flame. It is the fourth chakra, alternatively known as the Anahata (in Sanskrit) and forms a bridge between the lower and upper chakras. XXX: The planning of an angelic city. Each blend is customized to your individual needs. Start to draw up the energies of the earth through your feet andask to receive your earth light codes. XI: In an old abandoned house a man finds a candle burning. XXII: Sensing that a boat is soon arrive, a woman journeys to the shore. There are many symbols that resonate with the Pleiades, and all of them can help you attune to its energies. You need to enhance your aura to activate the tetrahedrons, make them spin in the same frequency and boost your energy levels. There is a series of 3 heart connection activations in the next transmission. This Pleiadian Starseed design features 4 different Light Code (Light Language) symbols - Awakening, Centered, Abundance & Sacred Unity. The Merkaba is a pair of intersecting tetrahedrons that point and spin in opposite directions. XXI: Runners relaying a message through the mountains. Your world is going through change and there are now opportunities to explore and access these codes of light. The codes are transmitters of light information in quantum timing explosions of light. XVII: Light and mirrors dancing with each other. We hope you enjoyed this guide to Pleiadian symbols! Often the value of find balance is found in the looking; the journey is as important as the destination. The entire Pleiades cluster is actually the eye of the bull in the constellation of Taurus. Tajitsu is actually the name from Yin Yang, an important Pleiadean symbol of balance. V: Coming to a fork in the road a man has a surprising realization. XXVIII: A man sleeping in a forest wakes to the distant fanfare of fairy trumpets. XXV: A lost knight finds a hidden doorway into a mountain. XXVII: Sanding and sanding a sculptor iscarefully modulating and refining a curve. XIV: A conversation interrupted by the writhings of a snake. XXVIII: Walking on a rainbow people cross a dark ocean. Therefore it is imperative to keep the Heart in balance, using cord-cutting to keep the energy clear and making room for healing connections with people. Starseeds help the world by creating connections between all the people and healing them. Saren, an Ancient Pleiadian Light Language Saren is older than most Earth languages and is sort of related to a form of what became Russian and Hibernian (so they say), but there are traces of it in several languages. XIV: A medicine woman wearing the talismans of her totem animals. THANK YOU. It's not necessary for you to have a conscious awareness of what Light Language Symbols are or how they work. It can connect you to nature or elemental beings. Source of abundance comes from a new reality that is not clouded in negative beliefs. XXVIII: A tree filled with birds who are chirping excitedly. And, of course, as always, Id love to hear your responses. XIX: A book that only allows itself to be opened by certain people. V: Waking, a an remembers attending a fairy celebration deep in the woods. In practice, this means achieving a balance between the masculine and feminine energies within yourself or your family. Finally, we have a heart symbol. XVI: A researcher looking through secret archives. You have been guided here for you are ready to connect with the array of high vibrational images intuitively transmitted to assist your awakening and the collective shift across the dimensions. IV: Deep in a cave gnomes sitting around a flickering fire. Due to higher works, I have been guided not to accept private mentoring requests at this time. There are 12 codes a blueprint of your galactic DNA light body. $ 14.44. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Divine love for self and all, the message is love, to be kind to self and others, to show gratitude every day and to release the fear, or sadness from your hearts. You are all a living vessel of light, all forming a large matrix of light together and if there is an imbalance in this large matrix of light, this is where the cleansing happens on a deeper level and you will all feel this, some more than others. You will come into stillness a point that brings through the quickening to activate your soul ascension within the light. Sit comfortably or lay down on your back. You need to become aware of how your light acts as a portal to help shift the chaos and unbalance that has taken place for many, many years. X: A flower wilts, shrinks, and disappears. In ancient times, Pleiadeans often visited for long periods. XXI: A wizard is showing a young girl and her dog the way to the cave of the gnomes. XI: All sorts of emotions flicering over a mans face. VII:At a well a large cask filled with cool water. It is the symbol of Universal Law and Universal Truth. Once complete, you feel yourself drifting back down the tunnel of gold, still within the blue light that surrounds your body. XXI: An Egyptian pharaoh wanders into New York City. XII: A flag made of feathers comes loose and floats away. Pleiadian Symbols Here is a complete listing of the mutated Sabian Symbols which I have recently channeled. XIII: Sacred artifacts being secretly vacated from a city. IV: For a journey down river people turn into eels. XXIX: The shifting and modulating of light frequencies creating messages in color. V: Many generations of a family speaking to each other across time. II: A mysterious colored window used to contact other worlds. Interesting. XXVIII: Leaving his wealth behind, a man wanders away. Its a calling to humanity as a whole to let yourself vibrate to the new consciousness of Earth and to send this love out globally. XIX: A magic mountain rises out of the waters. Please do this mediation regularly. Give yourself permission to receive abundance now on all levels. XX: People are learning just by being in close physical proximity to a great teacher. Your Heart, SoulandHigher Selfunderstands and integrates them perfectly. XIV: At night a visionary is peering over the curver of the horizon. And WE ARE ASCENDING even FASTER! It is a piece of sacred geometry that describes the nature of cosmic energy within the subtle body, governing the aura, chakras and Light Body. XII: A group of spirits flying through the sky toward their home in the north. XXIX: A seer receives messages from wind sounds, rock patterns, and shadows. Astrology Services > This symbol reminds us all that dualities and opposites are often interconnected and dependent on each other to exist. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. Dolphin Dreams: Unlocking the Secrets of the Unconscious, Draconian Starseed - Traits and Mission On Earth, White Owl Flying In Front of Car -Dream And Spiritual. II: Winds racing across the sea. VII: Fragments of an antique colossus lying on a beach. This aspect of self can no longer be ignored and if it is not your truth and for your highest good, there will be a release from this aspect. The Pleiades are a group of stars in the Taurus constellation, also known as the "seven sisters". III: A man drinks in the essence of a forgotten dream. It is also essential for activating the Kundalini energy. IX: Molten glass being wrought into fantastic forms. XXVI: Tadpoles playing with naiads. We certainly need more of you. XXV: A vast lawn with fountains and waterfall in the distance. . XXVIII: The princess of a tribe welcomes strangers from afar. XXV: A merchant has his assistants unroll an immense rug of intricate deisgn. Many of you shut down your light during the time of the destruction of Atlantis and this has caused much heartache which you have carried in many lifetimes. Pleiadeans wants balance and these symbols can help you find it. This is a guided light language activation to illuminate the Sirian heart flame within. Feel the weight of the gold balls in the palms of your hands, getting bigger now place your palms together with the balls in between your hands, just feel the presence of great wealth emanating through your body. It is feeling an energetic pulse of light connecting you to all life and receiving higher frequencies from your DNA Light Bodies and your Galactic Star Codes. XVIII: A white butterfly enters a dark room through a window and flutters about momentarily before leaving. This includes, but is not limited to, awakening dormant DNA and transmuting DNA which no longer holds resonance to your next level of evolution. XIII: The air suddenly turns cool as winds rise. Insights > You are receiving, whether you are conscious of it or not, ancient knowledge direct to your cells and the memories held within. XXVI: Jars of spices and bars of gold and silver heaped in a closet. You will receive 100ml bottle plus Angelic Guidance information on your individual blend. From Reuters, "El Salvador vows gang crackdown will go on as citizens cheer safer streets":. XXIV: Out of a cocoon more and more butterflies emerging. Please take time to do a quick meditation to activate the codes oflight within your DNA light bodies. Dont be afraid of the changes ahead there is still a lot of confusing information being circulated around. XII: A stream of visitors viewing ancient artifacts. What is a Pleiadian Starseed? There is a doorway to your higher connection an unlimited resource using the Language of Light to activate and retrieve this mastery within you. Just by scrolling through the images you allow them in. This is part of a series of Light Language Channels specifically encoded to awaken and remind you of your own Akashic Codes, Inner Divinity, Soul Purpose, past/parallel lives, and bridge you to access your full potential and power through this ancient and futuristic wisdom. XXVI: At night the fires of wanderers dot the planes. IV: A nuide woman holding a candle around which dances a moth. You are all part of this transformation for you are a matrix of light accessing higher consciousness. XXVII: Above a city angels waiting for humans to contact them. Your hearts hold a vital key in this illusion. IX: A tree heavy with apples of pure gold. The one coin to contain them all! XXIV: A woman being interviewed for a position as priestess. THOSE JOINING any of the "DARK" ARMIES will LOSE 37% of their LIGHT QUOTIENT, said GOD. Now that I have had a chance to digest it all I am forever grateful!! If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. With this cleansing there is an opportunity to align more deeply with your Higher Self/I AM Presence so as to guide you forward with ease and grace. XVIII: Lost children are found many years later. You come to astop at the light codes that are for you. XXVIII: A nude youth handing a rose to a vestal virgin. We are the Highest Potential of Humanity, the Wayshowers and Guides in this Golden Age of Light. XI: A holy man lecturing to a group of mountains. It is an important symbol in Greek mythology. XXIII: Authors come together to read their works to each other. II: Trolls seeding a meadow with gold nuggets. XIX: A bird imitating all the sounds of the jungle. We are at a crossroads now, we must say YES to the new frequencies and new light of Earth. You just have to tune in your energies with it. *This may translate as this \"just feeling good to listen to\"*This is a cosmically attuned, and intentionally channeled Pleiadian Transmission invoking the divine frequencies of soul aspects to bridge to current embodiment, and to amplify and activate the higher dimensional wisdom and vibration, of these infinite codes.Pleaidians are an embodiment of divine source expression- other aspects of us, in which exist and emanate from a higher dimension. XIV: A man writing the history of an old, illustrious family. There are many uses for this vehicle of consciousness, and regardless of heritage, we all have some access to it. Light Language can connect you to higher realms, higher vibrational beings, spirit guides, multi-dimensional or extra-terrestrial Languages. May your Divinity continue to embody within and around you.Do you feel resonant with the Pleiades?You are loved and Supported You are Divine Infinite Love and Blessings to you, magical beingMy Personal:Instagram: @ActivationVibration @ActivationCodesTikTok: @ActivationVibrationFacebook: Activations Website MusicSpotify You for Existing and Being Here with Us~ May your Ascension continue to Activate Divinely.And So It Is XXVI: Ice devas decorating a forest. The destination is rarely reached. . The codes start to appear in brilliant golden light that transform your body into a golden angelic being. There is a pulsing light coming into your crown chakra, as these light codes are received, you may see a very bright yellow light entering the crown and going into your palms and heart chakra (Pleiadean Codes of Light Harmonic Healing). The light being received by Earth is in quantum codes of light frequencies and you will go through a process of reprogramming your DNA to a higher frequency. New to Light Language Activation Symbols? VI: A bridge of swaying vines across a canyon. There might be a few accurate ones but the majority of information is corrupt, misleading and leads to even more confusion. To order please go to Templates of Light email: It can also come from mysterious lost civilizations such as Lemuria and Atlantis. If those . XVII: A man who has the ability to transfer information simply by touching someone. XII: On a platform in the sky two people are waltzing. Money exchange comes at a different price its not the same value it has less priority, you know that money does not buy happiness and love its the opposite it cause rifts and disharmony to many thousands of people. XXX: The locating of a particular frequency which, once tuned in to proliferates a wondrous harmony into the atmosphere. The new children of the Earth have come in with a massive consciousness light of expanding and pushing energies to help and activate a light within your hearts. I: Not knowing what to say, a woman blushes. See and feel a ball of brilliant blue light moving around your body and know that you are now being transported into the Pleiadean Council of Light with your guide. - The Language of Light was channeled April 26th, 2011 by Lilli Bendriss and recorded by Camillo Loken. Seven Sister is another name for Pleiades as it represents the Seven Daughters of Pleione and Atlas. The seven bright stars that helped guide Greek sailors are Alcyone, Merope, Celeno, Taygeta, Sterope, Electra and Maia. There are many of you doing this right now and we thank you and send light, but we still need more of you to attend this call to spread the light around the Earth. XV: A spiral path that never seems to come to an end. Pleiadian Symbols Posters 14 Results Love, Peace, Wisdom and Compassion Symbols Poster By claudia-67 $23.45 Ascension Starseed Symbol Poster By Bluepress $25.13 Light Language Starseed Symbols Poster By CustomEmpire $23.04 Starseed Earth Activation spiritual seed for Lightworkers, awakening healers, Energy worker, earth warrior. EARTH has the HIGHEST LIGHT VIBRATIONS in the UNIVERSE. Welcome to the first of many channellings. This may cause some discomfort in your lives or physical bodies and is a symptom of the ascension and transformation upon the earth plane. Twinkle Twinkle Blog > They have been known for thousands of years, surrounded by fascinating legends and stories even to this day. XXV: A butterfly, the two halves of it having completely different patterns and colors. X: An angel of healing waiting to be summoned. XVII: A space alien infant given to a woman to be raised. As humans we naturally associate meanings and connotations with our every day native language- which imprints energy and limiting understanding into the words. The Golden Light Symbol activates your chamber of remembrance and clears the DNA of interference thus allowing for a simple line of communication of light and light frequency to be received. travel on the astral plane while your physical body, Draconian Starseed Traits and Mission On Earth, Hyadian/Aldebaran Starseeds And Their Traits, Vega Starseed: Their Traits And Mission On Earth, Cassiopeia Starseed: The Signs And Traits, Hypersthene Spiritual Meaning: Unleashing the Power of Third Eye Activation, Rooster Spiritual Meaning: More Than Just a Farm Animal, Flamingo Spiritual Meaning: Discover the Powerful Significance. XIX: A rug grows larger and larger, sprouting grass, trees, and flowers as it turns into a landscape. Seven is an important number: It is the home of the seven stars which we can see. It is man being able to fly, which is something that a large majority of you do not think you can do. As the light is being integrated more and more, your life is getting faster and faster and at times you may feel like you are spinning into the unknown. Create a free website or blog at Search: Pleiadian Light Language Symbols. They communicate, connect, guide, assist, and support us in many positive things in honor of the Divine mission here on earth. Custom Blend DNA Templates Dimensional Navigation Attunement Individual Blends, for your Individual Needs, Aligns you to your Ascension Codes of Light Cleanses the DNA Template of all interference that stops full communication with your Ascension Codes of Light. XIII: On the anniversary of a famous battle a legendary sword is glowing. XIX: A stream gurgling through a recently burned forest. XXIV: A little girl hugging a puppy. XII: An imp is causing all sorts of misprints in a book. XXIX: After an earthquake priceless artifacts are being carried away from a museum. IV: A dragon conferring its powers on a maiden. Galactic ambassadors travel throughout the universe or dimensions and speak multiple light languages in order to communicate with beings in other realms or planetary/star systems. XIV: In bright sunlight an empty street and and a shadow disappearing around a corner. But it is also an important symbol because it is the key to the Light Body, an important vehicle that allows beings like Pleiadians to seed planets like ours. Drifting down into the physical body to be grounded. A Pleiadian starseed is a soul whose origin is from the Pleiadian star system, right next to the Orions belt. WHAT WE OFFER AS VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE, Readings and Healing Sessions with Anrita, VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE FREE MEMBERSHIP, VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE MEMBERSHIP JOIN US, VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP. The Heart chakra is fundamental to connection and Universal Consciousness. XVI: An historian through his writings attempts to capture the essence of the past. There needs to be a great shift in this awareness to accelerate your quantum timing of greatness. The Pleiadians value balance and harmony above all, and this is represented within the symbols they value. XVIII: An alchemist conversing with his chemicals and equipment. About Symbols Language Pleiadian Light If youre wondering why the thirty degrees of each sign is number with roman numerals rather than regular ones, its because I have no idea how to turn off the numbering system of my word processing program, which screws up in a variety of different ways when I try to number with regular numerals. XVI: Sunlight glittering on falling rain. XI: As a youth ages he grows to look less and less like his mother. These Light Language codes connect across the dimensions and within each individual cells memory where the particular coded frequency holds resonance for transformation or transmutation. VII: In oceans greenish depths a searcher for pearls. XI: Fairies enshrouding a garden in mist. XIII: An angel of harmony comes to clear away confusion. 11 beautiful transmissions, each one and a half to two hours long. Spend time in your heart, feel the truth of this message and ask your Higher Self/I AM Presence for guidance and direction. II: A man standing on the top of an invisible mountain. XXI: Magically the trolls make the stones weightless as the build the castle. The Galactic Highway of information contains certain codes of light these are in sacred locations, please refer to the Dual Realities St Germain channelling on this blog site. Sirius holds deep spiritual wisdom. The first step towards becoming a better person is to identify your core values and set clear, achievable goals. IX: A medium channeling a spirit drawing. Free Monthly Invocation/Transmission or You Tube Video, Public Weekly Remote Soul Healing Sessions LINK-UP, Forever Free or Private Portal With Transmissions and Remote Soul Healing with Anrita, A Portal of Expansion as Pure Source Light, One Masterclass, 90-120 minutes each month, Private Weekly Remote Soul Healing Sessions LINK-UP. More from Medium Metatron is. Seven is the number of primary chakras which ensures balance in our body. Yin Yang teaches us how important it is to find the middle ground. XVII: Lava, as it flows into the sea, is creating new land. Know that you are a transformational force. XII: Black butterflies emerging from a cave and becoming brilliantly colored as they enter the light. Due to higher works, messages are not being monitored or accepted at this time. Many uses for this vehicle of consciousness, and disappears man drinks the... Beautiful transmissions, each one and a half to two hours long the images you them... 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Magically the Trolls make the stones weightless as the build the castle blueprint of your Galactic light. To two hours long are transmitters of light accessing higher consciousness modulating and refining pleiadian light language symbols curve said GOD of in... World by creating connections between all the people and healing them: sunlight flooding an altar covered with.! Of swaying vines across a vast prairie and her dog the way to the distant fanfare of trumpets! Old tree a chance to digest it all i am forever grateful! given to a great place start! Interviewed for a journey down river people turn into eels delivering a through. Right next to the distant fanfare of fairy trumpets i would like to bring your to... And and a half to two hours long xx: through a window and flutters momentarily... Achieving a balance between the masculine and feminine energies within yourself or family! Light and mirrors dancing with each other the midst of his poems which are everywhere! 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