7. AUTOMATIC RENEWAL TERMS AND CANCELLATION. Su membresa es ofrecida por el operador de la ubicacin especfica de DEFY donde usted compr su membresa de DEFY (cada uno, un Operador). Memberships are nonrefundable, nontransferable and remain the property of SKY ZONE. *In Canada, trademark(s) of the International Association of Better Business Bureaus, used under License. Usted comprende que puede cancelar su membresa por cualquier motivo, llenando el formulario de cancelacin en DEFY.COM/MEMBERSHIPCANCEL y haciendo clic en Cancelar Membresa. 6. GENERAL. MEMBERSHIP STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS Membership does not guarantee admission, especially during high attendance or other closure periods. c. you will promptly notify SKY ZONE of any change in your account information; Los cambios se pueden hacersoloactualizando su informacin en la ubicacin o por telfono. You agree that your membership will have an initial one-month term and will then automatically renew for successive one-month terms unless and until it is canceled. Please see our Terms & Conditions for more information. Further, you and SKY ZONE agree that a Dispute cannot be brought as a class or other type of representative action, whether within or outside of arbitration, or on behalf of any other individual or group of individuals. I understand that if I do not want my membership to renew, I must cancel it at least three (3) business days before the next automatic renewal date. DURATION OF MEMBERSHIP: All memberships are month to month from the Start Date. Los tiempos de salto pueden ser sin cita solo si la ubicacin particular en cuestin lo permite. DURACIN DE LA MEMBRESA: Todas las membresas son de mes a mes a partir de la fecha de inicio. PRIVACIDAD: Por favor, revise la Poltica de privacidad de DEFY, que se puede encontrar aqu: https://www.defy.com/terms para obtener informacin sobre cmo recopilamos, usamos y divulgamos informacin sobre usted como parte del Programa. Buy Membership Basic Membership - $21.99/month 2 hours everyday, before 1pm Sat-Sun 20% off Fuel Zone Discount Members Only Events Elite Membership (POPULAR) - $25.99/month 2 hours everyday, before 1pm Sat-Sun START DATE; RENEWAL. Usted y DEFY acuerdan que este Contrato afecta el comercio interestatal y que la exigibilidad de esta Seccin 20 se regir, tanto sustantiva como procesalmente, y se interpretar y ejecutar de acuerdo con la Ley Federal de Arbitraje, 9 U.S.C. LOCATION-SPECIFIC MEMBERSHIP. ELIGIBILITY AND CONDITIONS: Each Member must have a photograph of him/herself associated with his/her liability waiver on file with SKY ZONE, for identification purposes. The Rockin' Jump Wayne location is open daily and offers special activities of all kinds. 21. Jump times may be walk-in only if the particular Location in question allows it. Usted comprende que, si cancela este Contrato dentro de las primeras setenta y dos (72) horas a partir de la Fecha de inicio utilizando el mtodo de cancelacin en lnea que se describe a continuacin, recibir un reembolso de las tarifas prepagadas pero no utilizadas. Memberships do not guarantee admission, especially during high attendance periods. ASSUMPTION; INDEMNIFICATION AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY. 4. I understand that if I do not want my membership to renew, I must cancel it at least seventy-two (72) hours before the next automatic renewal date. Annual Pass is valid for one (1) Standard pass (90-minute) jump per day from date of purchase through 12/31/23. Notice to ROCKIN JUMP shall be sent by certified mail or courier to 86 N University Avenue Suite 350, Provo, UT 84601. You understand that, if you cancel this Agreement within the first seventy-two (72) hours of the Start Date using the online cancellation method described in below, you will receive a refund of pre-paid but unused fees. At this time, Members must update their photos every two (2) years. 9. You may also litigate a Dispute in the small claims court located in the county of your billing address if the Dispute meets the requirements to be heard in small claims court. The term of your ROCKIN JUMP membership in the Program begins on the date of the purchase of your Program membership (the Start Date) and continues for a period of 90 days. Al aceptar estar sujeto a este Contrato, usted (a) reconoce y acepta que ha ledo y comprende las Reglas de la AAA, o (b) renuncia a su oportunidad de leer las Reglas de la AAA y cualquier reclamacin de que las Reglas de la AAA son injustas o no deberan aplicarse por ningn motivo. Subject to the provisions contained herein, payments are nonrefundable and there are no refunds or credits for partially used periods. MEMBERSHIPS ARE ONLY VALID AT THE SPECIFIC ROCKIN JUMP LOCATION WHERE YOU PURCHASED THE MEMBERSHIP. In consideration of, and as an inducement and condition to, the operator of the Sky Zone park for which you have requested a membership (such operator, collectively with its affiliates and designees, being referred to herein as SKY ZONE) allowing you to become a SKY ZONE member, and participate in programs, events and activities conducted or organized by or through SKY ZONE, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, you agree to these Membership Standard Terms and Conditions (these Terms). PRIVACY: Please review SKY ZONEs Privacy Policy, which may be found here: https://www.skyzone.com/terms for information about how we collect, use and disclose information about you as part of the Program. ROCKIN JUMP se reserva el derecho de solicitar formas adicionales de verificacin de identificacin. Se aplican restricciones que incluyen, entre otras, restricciones de capacidad y otros cierres. EXCEPT FOR ANY DISPUTES, CLAIMS, SUITS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, DEMANDS OR PROCEEDINGS (COLLECTIVELY, DISPUTES) IN WHICH EITHER PARTY SEEKS TO BRING AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, YOU AND DEFY AGREE (A) TO WAIVE YOUR AND DEFYS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO HAVE ANY AND ALL DISPUTES ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE PROGRAM, RESOLVED IN A COURT, AND (B) TO WAIVE YOUR AND DEFYS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL. 6. I really need my money back and DEFY isnt responding either. You and ROCKIN JUMP agree that this Agreement affects interstate commerce and that the enforceability of this Section 20 shall be both substantively and procedurally governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. Segn lo establecido en la Seccin 5 anterior, SKY ZONE continuar facturando hasta que usted cancele su membresa de acuerdo con el procedimiento de cancelacin especificado en la Seccin 5 anterior, o a menos que SKY ZONE d por terminado este Contrato, segn su criterio exclusivo. Membership, Programs and benefits are specific to the SKY ZONE location from which you purchased your SKY ZONE membership. Las membresas no son vlidas para eventos privados o especiales, incluidas fiestas de cumpleaos, fiestas de equipos, eventos corporativos, grupos u otros eventos especiales o promociones que requieran una entrada por separado, como los programas Glow, restricciones y fines de semana u horarios especiales para nios pequeos, a menos que se especifique lo contrario. DEFY, DEFY PARTNERS OR ADMINISTRATORS, AND EACH OF THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY AS TO THE CONDITION, QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES PROVIDED BY OR THROUGH THE PROGRAM INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, TITLE, OR QUIET ENJOYMENT. CERTAIN LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONS: 120-minute jump time included in your Program membership cannot be combined with any other offers, deals, discounts, or promotions, and each 120-min jump is for a consecutive 120-mins of jumping. La membresa, los programas y los beneficios son especficos para la ubicacin de SKY ZONE en la que compr su membresa de SKY ZONE. BBB Business Profiles are provided solely to assist you in exercising your own best judgment. This was clearly manipulation as it pertains to kids entertainment and parents strong feeling to pay more for them. Make jump time your go-to in 2023 for less than $1 a day. You must purchase additional jump time at regular prices. (la FAA), en la mxima medida permitida por la ley aplicable. Please note that you must be at least 18 years old in order to sign a liability waiver. CERTAIN MEMBERSHIP TERMS. 11. If you and SKY ZONE cannot agree how to resolve the Dispute within thirty (30) days after the date notice is received by the applicable party, then either you or SKY ZONE may, as appropriate and in accordance with this Section 20, commence an arbitration proceeding or, to the extent specifically provided for in this Section 20, file a claim in court. Usted acepta la jurisdiccin personal, la jurisdiccin sobre los asuntos a resolver y la sede de estos tribunales. You understand that, if you do not want your membership to renew, you must cancel it at least seventy-two (72) hours before the next automatic renewal date. You and DEFY agree that this Agreement affects interstate commerce and that the enforceability of this Section 20 shall be both substantively and procedurally governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. DIVISIBILIDAD. Throughout these Terms, we will refer to you as you or Member and to us as we or SKY ZONE. These Terms are important and affect your legal rights, so please read them carefully. The young lady referred me to defy's website for my refund. You understand that, if you cancel this Agreement within the first seventy-two (72) hours of the Start Date using the online cancellation method described in below, you will receive a refund of pre-paid but unused fees. NOTE: you must identify each member whose membership you want to cancel; DEFY will NOT automatically cancel all listed members; You and SKY ZONE agree that (a) any arbitration will occur (i) in the State of Utah (ii) in the county where you reside, or (iii) telephonically, (b) arbitration will be conducted confidentially by a single arbitrator in accordance with the American Arbitration Associations (AAA) Consumer Arbitration Rules that are in effect at the time the arbitration is initiated, as modified by the terms set forth herein (AAA Rules), which are hereby incorporated by reference, and (c) that the seat of the arbitration shall be Utah and that state or federal courts of the State of Utah and the United States of America, respectively, sitting in the State of Utah, have exclusive jurisdiction over any litigation in aid of arbitration and the enforcement of any arbitration awards. EN SU LUGAR, USTED Y DEFY ACEPTAN SOMETER SUS DISPUTAS A ARBITRAJE OBLIGATORIO (QUE ES SOMETER UNA DISPUTA A UNA O MS PERSONAS ENCARGADAS DE REVISAR LA DISPUTA Y TOMAR UNA DETERMINACIN DEFINITIVA Y OBLIGATORIA PARA RESOLVERLA EN LUGAR DE QUE LA DISPUTA LA RESUELVA UN JUEZ O JURADO EN LA CORTE). SKY ZONE se reserva el derecho de solicitar formas adicionales de verificacin de identificacin. 7. Sujeto a las disposiciones contenidas en este documento, los pagos no son reembolsables y no hay reembolsos ni crditos por periodos utilizados parcialmente. Memberships are not valid for private or special events including birthday parties, team parties, corporate events, groups, or other special events or promotions that require a separate admission, such as Glow, Lock-ins and weekend or special toddler times unless otherwise specified. By participating in the Program, you waive any and all rights to bring any claim or action related to your participation in the Program in any forum beyond one year after the first occurrence of the act, event, condition, or omission upon which the claim or action is based. El rbitro solo puede realizar un arbitraje individual y no puede consolidar las reclamaciones de ms de una persona, presidir ningn tipo de procedimiento colectivo o representativo ni presidir ningn procedimiento que involucre a ms de una persona. UPGRADES; DOWNGRADES: A Member wishing to upgrade his/her membership must choose a membership of equal or greater value than the original Location membership, and the difference in prices shall be due on the day of the upgrade. EN CUALQUIER CASO, CUALQUIER RESPONSABILIDAD DE SKY ZONE QUE SURJA CON RELACIN AL PROGRAMA SE LIMITAR A LO QUE SEA MAYOR DE (A) LAS CUOTAS DE MEMBRESA PAGADAS A SKY ZONE (SIN IMPUESTOS) EN LOS TRES (3) MESES ANTERIORES, Y (B) CIEN DOLARES ($100). By participating in the Program, you assume the inherent risks associated with the operation of all trampolines, rides and attractions and should read and obey all safety signage, instructions and rules. 21. 16. Su contrato de membresa con SKY ZONE consta de su informacin de inscripcin de miembro (incluida su informacin de miembro, informacin de contacto, informacin de pago, el programa de membresa de SKY ZONE que usted ha seleccionado (el Programa) y los usuarios autorizados de su membresa) y estos Trminos, que colectivamente se denominan en estos Trminos como este Contrato. 22. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of the ROCKIN JUMP Location from which you purchased membership in the Program is located, without regard to the conflicts of laws rules of any jurisdiction. Los reembolsos se procesarn dentro de los treinta (30) das hbiles posteriores a la fecha en que SKY ZONE reciba el aviso de cancelacin. You agree that the initial one-month term will start on the date of your first payment. No long-term commitment. Any dispute, claim or cause of action arising out of or concerning the interpretation or effect of this Agreement and/or your participation in the Program, except where prohibited, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action. You agree that, on the date of each automatic renewal, the then-current membership price, plus any then-applicable taxes, fees, and charges, will be charged to your payment method on file. The parties shall attempt to agree on the single arbitrator to be appointed to resolve the dispute. More Fun. Thereafter your Program membership will AUTOMATICALLY RENEW AND CONTINUE ON A MONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AUTOMATIC RENEWAL TERMS SET FORTH IN SECTION 5 BELOW,UNTIL YOU EXPRESSLY CANCEL IT, OR UNTIL WE TERMINATE IT. CHANGES. Members are solely responsible for payment of any applicable taxes and any applicable tax reporting obligations. EXCEPT FOR DISPUTES IN WHICH EITHER PARTY SEEKS TO BRING AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, YOU AND DEFY AGREE THAT ANY DISPUTE MUST BE COMMENCED OR FILED BY YOU OR DEFY WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR OF THE DATE THE DISPUTE AROSE, OTHERWISE THE UNDERLYING CLAIM IS PERMANENTLY BARRED (WHICH MEANS THAT YOU AND DEFY WILL NO LONGER HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASSERT SUCH CLAIM REGARDING THE DISPUTE). CERTAIN MEMBERSHIP TERMS. Notice to SKY ZONE shall be sent by certified mail or courier to 86 N University Avenue Suite 350, Provo, UT 84601. Adems, usted acepta defender, indemnizar y liberar de responsabilidad a las Partes Liberadas de Responsabilidad de todas las responsabilidades, reclamaciones, daos, costos y gastos (incluidos los honorarios razonables de los abogados) que surjan en caso de que usted viole este Contrato. Notice to SKY ZONE shall be sent by certified mail or courier to 86 N University Avenue Suite 350, Provo, UT 84601. Adems, las renuncias establecidas en esta Seccin 20 son independientes de las dems disposiciones de este Contrato y seguirn siendo vlidas y exigibles, salvo que lo prohba la ley aplicable. Segn lo limitado por la Ley Federal de Arbitraje, este Contrato y las Reglas de la AAA aplicables, el rbitro tendr (a) la autoridad y jurisdiccin exclusivas para tomar todas las decisiones procesales y sustantivas con respecto a una Disputa, incluida la determinacin de si una Disputa es arbitrable, y (b ) la autoridad para otorgar cualquier recurso que de otro modo estara disponible en las cortes; sin embargo, a condicin de que el rbitro no tenga la autoridad para llevar a cabo un arbitraje colectivo ni una accin representativa, lo cual est prohibido por este Contrato. e. you understand that SKY ZONE will not charge you a fee for authorizing recurring payments, but that your financial institution may charge you a fee for accepting and processing electronic debit transactions; Memberships do not guarantee admission, especially during high attendance periods. 20. 11. 11. Members are solely responsible for payment of any applicable taxes and any applicable tax reporting obligations. You agree to the personal jurisdiction, subject matter jurisdiction, and venue of these courts. Usted acepta la jurisdiccin personal, la jurisdiccin sobre los asuntos a resolver y la sede de estos tribunales. ASUNCIN; INDEMNIZACIN Y LIBERACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD. INFORMACIN GENERAL. By participating in the Program, you assume the inherent risks associated with the operation of all trampolines, rides and attractions and should read and obey all safety signage, instructions and rules. You agree that, on the date of each automatic renewal, the then-current membership price, plus any then-applicable taxes, fees, and charges, will be charged to your payment method on file. And to us as we or SKY ZONE se reserva el derecho de solicitar formas adicionales de verificacin identificacin. The parties shall attempt to agree on the single arbitrator to be appointed to resolve the dispute the &! 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