Zetas behead and dismember four women from the Gulf Cartel. This whole dam world is got it`s shit out of kilter. There is no " valor " or " pride " in killing a tied up individual " contra " or not.The Gulfos vs Zetas thing is so played out. No; To be elegible to attend School of the Americas you have to be a ranking NCO or Officer with an impeccable servce record. I just hope that something can be done about these cartels someday if you enjoyed watching this, you need to re evaluate yourself. I live in san Antonio and this hits home w me. I remember that punish those that need to be punished leave women and children alone, baylor university and baylor medical school are two different entities now, so where is a bad medical school?? @3:32pm didnt he mean the second vid wit the Zetas in a canefield killing Golfo's..? In the usa two states washington and coloraldo has legize marijunna for personl use and u can carry up to a ounce of it, so it is a start, i hope mexico will fallow. what does it prove? The cartel has unlimited resources to have all weapons, ammunition, armored vehicles, military gear, helicopters, grenades, air support (bombs from planes). Perhaps e40 and his boys? Video mundonarco.com The gunmen used a large hammer to break down the door before storming the house shooting indiscriminately at the women and children inside. I can't even imagine. All this chaos in Mexico might be a pretext to lay the ground work for the creation of the North American Union. I've gone from being shocked to angry. Chivis, message did not appear in the video. shit, at the very least. Later, they sent her away with her mother, giving them 1,000 pesos for bus fare. so much for guns kill people. thanks for your time if you do happen to go back and answer it. This territorial/narco/economic war is a sick joke. I can't sleep after watching this. But enrique pena nieto is kind of making it good. God will take care of all you who are doing this. Juana went on to become one of the gang's most feared killers and, after. The most recent murders took place on Friday early morning when a team of gunmen . The practice of "cooking" people who are against certain cartels began to be used by the Cartel De Los Zetas back in 2010 when they separated from the Gulf Cartel and different turfs in Tamaulipas . (if there is a message in it somewhere can someone say at what point in the video it is shown?) Ending up in a execution video going out in the most hideous way? it was for the most part a success on a few hard woeking COLUMBIAN individuals. CIUDAD VICTORIA, Tamaulipas The latest heinous attack by gunmen from the Los Zetas drug cartel resulted in the execution of an entire family including their dog. These men in the cartels were born into this life so even if they are cartel members, they still don't deserve to die like this. What in the fucking world is wrong with these people. As Breitbart Texas has been reporting for more than eight months, the Cartel Del Noreste has been at war with the rival faction known as Vieja Escuela Z or Grupo Bravo. Julio Cesar Aguilar/Getty Images, AFP Show More Show Less 5 of 30 A young girl, second from left, an alleged member of "Los Zetas" drug cartel, is presented to the press by police in Guadalajara . Cartel Del Golfo interrogation 4 Zetas these bastards have admitted to raping women,killing women, killing kids. May God have Mercy upon Those who have Died,they are hyprocrites. to all the people that say that no 1 deserves to die like thiswake up .yes they do deserve to die like this and even worse.it doesn't matter they were born into the life,they know what's right and wrong is.you think this is horrible? Is this CDG executing a Zeta? your selection of posts and those you write are top notch that include every aspect of the issue, and do not come close to sensationalizing the gore. The Beltrn Leyva Organization (BLO) and Los Zetas, led by Hctor "El Hache" Beltran Leyva, kidnapped and murdered the son of Colonel, Alejandro Coronel who was only 16 years of age. so why dont you put a camera in your toilet bowl and make a video of your butthole making a shit, yes it happens but is it worth seeing , i dont know maybe youd like watching that sort of thing. feet There's no other explanation and there's no other way to look at it.And you can tell that they know they are wrong because they all, like the pussies they are and just like the muslim pussies across the sea, wear masks to hide their identities so the rest of the world cannot identify them and they can hide..just like fkn cockroaches.If they thought they were right they wouldn't wear masks.If they weren't pussies, they wouldn't wear masks.If they were true men they would speak their convictions unmaskedbut they don't because they're a bunch of sissy mamas. Fucking narcos. There is an article that talks about him picking up the family of a Zeta in Acapulco and he gets icecream for the girl and gives bus fare money to the wife. I felt it diminished my humanity. The first gruesome narco vid i watched was the manuel melendez vid, that vid left me shaking ,this was horrible but it didnt get to me as much as others are saying, but still this is awful how a paisano can do this to another paisano over some meaningls "drug war", I believe the zetas in this vid are comandante viernes and his man he controls this area they mentioned he was captured 2 days agobut for some reason realesed,What i dont get is why the blogs never follow up on the victims , interview there familys , see what they were like an if they were realy part of this, that be intrseting to see, Soon God will judge for those who done evilsouls will consume to eternal suffering..tell youu. AMEN BROTHER! According to the media, the video of its execution was broadcast on social networks. This happens everyday I'm from Laredo,tx this was goin on for as long as I can remember I was ten and it had been goin on for more than ten years I'm taking a risk just putting this comment here by the age of eleven I was in the fifth grade me and my friend rosalio reta were very good friends I remember rosalio told me that he chad meet some ppl that would help him make a lot of money and I asked what did we have to do but he didn't say nothing then he said do u want to make money or not we both grew up inane of the poorest parts I Laredo he had a huge family I didn't but my mother would struggle a lot with four kids by her self I never had a lot of things we didn't even have a car till I was fourteen then it broke down she didn't have anyone to help her with us we would stay home by ourselves so I thought to myself this is a good way to take us out of here just as I was goin to answer him my mother told us we were going to move because we couldn't afford the house we were renting so we moved to a much smaller place and my friend reta went on to being a sicario, I think to my self if I had gone to doin that I would be serving a 74 yr sentence just like my friend reta, Ps one thing I would not disrespect them because the are know to burn ppl alive for disrespecting them like that just so u know I don't approve of what they do and if the cover their face up it so they won't get caught, Motherfuckers they kill ppl for no reasonThey are hores. This is such fucking bullshit. Image caption, Gangs operating in other areas of Mexico are: Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion, Beltran Leyva Organisation, Sinaloa . I pray to God every night and Keep Mexico in MY prayers, There are alot of innocent People and Children caught up in this miss and MY heart truly goes out to them. Ya dejense de pendejadas, if your going to traffic drugs do it but stop the senseless violence against your own people.I know there is far less opportunities there but seems like never ending for these guys.Saludos. I hope the cartels can learn to work together and form a truce because they will be left alone under the current Mexican administration if the murder and kidnapping stops. It`s bullshit. accident fatigues standing behind three kneeling men. I mean "el cuarenta " is the one that needs to be taken out. KILL ALL THE ZETAS. How can we let this happen to people? It's just some baptist university texas football school, those type of schools are all over the southern regions. Travi Dude is it still CDG all the way?How visible are they,most wouldnt know on here,i mean,can you spot them now and then,not convoys an shit,just dudes now and then in trucks?They go patrolling strapped,,patrolling round looking to murk a motherfucker,and then make them video stars,crazy shit for real,,post up dude, To the Viet Nam vet: Thanks for sharing your beheading experience in Nam. If your a drug dealer you know what your getting into and that this could happen to you. I wonder how many people have these golfos or zetas have killed in this fashion now they are getting a piece of their own medicine im sorry but eye for an eye its like all these cartels are trying to out do each other all there doing is continuing a cycle that never ends and this should be a lesson to all not to get into this shit buisness you dont pay or you lose a load and you snitch its been one for you.Now you kill innocence in this fashion then you deserve to die in this or far worse fashion .Good night and peace to all . guy said no no no!!!!! and to you, why would you be dying to see some poor soul being murdered? anyways how is the u.s not progressing in life?isnt the us on planet earth, where are we supposed to progress to? 9:14 says he actually enjoyed watching the beheading video which tells me he also enjoys watching cats and dogs being tortured but more importantly obviously he's never beheaded a human being. Corts Prez, Julio Csar Corts Garca, Look here whore golfos, here we have your fucking people, this is going Why you want to support them narcos. Hookers & drugs have been part of civilization from the beginning of recorded history, and they will remain for as long as the human race exists. The axe? Nelson Mora Ornelas, Antonio del ngel Fernndez, y Edgar ! This is why god is starting to turn his back on us, because of people like the narcs who murder for stupid shit. This is somehow felipe calderon's fault. lmao. what are they going to do get white people to go undercover in the cartels. Wait for judgement day, once your souls go to hell you will be tortured non stop for all eternity. I was trying to compare your thoughts with his, same sentiment I thought. The shootout took place in San Julian Jalisco near the border with the state of Guanajuato. the Barbie post is an all time great. No they do not.if you knew anything about nature you would know that they kill for food territory to raise their young and mating rights.no animal has ever killed over a bag of crack, Well damn!! Then work your ass off, you rather get dirty money fast you are a fool. I couldn't watch the first video after seeing those fingers get cut off and the second one I scrolled down once the cutting started but the screams are horrible enough to haunt someone for a long time. We beat them down. Sorry that Mexico is having hard times right now when back then USA was going threw the same shit when they were killing Indians for land and being fucken selfish fuck dumb fucks go take a shit o something n worry that ur bitch don't cheat on your ass ha now that's something u need to worry about fuckers. It was cruel the was she used to kill her victims she was known for pealing the skin of their face. Enemies: Zetas, Sinaloa Cartel, Tijuana Cartel The Gulf Cartel is one of the oldest and most powerful of Mexico's cartels, but it's lost a lot of ground in recent years to the Zetas, who were . The video opens to a scene with eight sicarios dressed in In 2018 El Mencho and his personal security were involved in a fierce shootout against the Mexican army, El Mencho managed to escape. I will admit at the time I was OK with it but after I had a few days to think about it; I was disgusted with myself as well as my buddies. "& transparency of gov. The group was known for its violent tactics and tight organizational structure. This is LIFE people do these things and some actually deserve it. And cut it short next time. "Just because it isn't you or your loved ones, humanity is diminished. But do not think for a second that the CIA is in cahoots with the actual shot callers, they have been involved from the beginning and always will. shut up idiota. We are all the same. This was within the last decade. Me in the Executive puts straight correction to all of the stupid BS that has been going on for the last 50 years. Osiel Crdenas Guilln was competing for leadership of the Gulf Cartel, an organized crime group that . These Narco vids have proven nothing! Thats fucking scary that you would even want to watch someone get cooked alive.youre probably a future serial killer but do yourself a favor and do it in tx we all know what tx will do to your ass when you do, El chapped dose the same but he don't videoTape it, Its embarrasing to see this mex an south americans kill people an the thought that more than half r tortured to say wat they say an r innocent is messed up an for u haters I am a proud aztec warrior but its just wrong wats going on. todos los putos narcos estan matando a Mexico y tu como menso crees que uno es mejor que el otro. I turned the volume off, as I prefer to SLEEP at nights and not have bad memories. in my opinion i have never seen as much obesity as i have seen just in san antonio whole huge fucking families of sweaty fat-fuck mexicans, and thats not including houston, austin, dallas, el paso, denver albuquerque probably one of the most crappiest cities due to its latino's letting the place go to shit, filled with bright yelow tire shops. These videos are ridiculous. and this hole thing of beheading people needs to stop and posting it on the internet all this causes is anger rage for the other cartels and it is a never ending process of revenge, so i think these videos should be posted on the internet, in the usa these videos should serve as evdience to the cops not for world to see. That was the name of the guy in the first vid? (AP Photo/Carlos Jasso) Police examine the body of a police officer that was slain after unknown gunmen opened fire in the city of Puebla, Mexico Tuesday Oct. 27, 2009. The message is fight to the death for nif you may be captured by police or army or an enemy cartel you will be the star in a snuff video.The cartel members all discuss how they would be brave and silent if being executed in a live decapitation. gets embarassed when these things surface. Shortly after the brutal execution, the CDN faction of the Los Zetas struck once more. Zetas and CDG: Execution Videos Borderland Beat This is a horrific execution video, that begins with a man alive and tied. the person doing the cutting off of the head appears to know what he is doing or did it before, if you notice he does it without getting much blood on his hands or arms & no blood squirts up hahaha.funny people always blaming zee,its like they wanna make sure spotlights always on Zee,if it was a Zetas clip you'd know straight awaycause the Zee's tell it to you on the clipWhether its CDG dying or zetas or even CDS,know one deserves to die like thisunless your a pedo. Ty. I feel sorry for all these narcs that are murdering people, torturing them, yeah they probably snitched or did something else but no one deserves to die like this no matter what they did. People are numb from seeing them. This article was written by M.A. Sick, demented people kill people like this. Poor guysHow can such cartel people live with themselves and their deeds, I just don't get it. beheading Once your in your in. Take no notice of these little fools who say they like watching these videos.Fuckin idiots,this is life,this is happening in Mexico right now,,aint pretty is it?Its not supposed to be,nothing wakes you up like real life and seeing it on video.This is as informative as it gets,this is happening in Mexico right now,show the whole fuckin world,maybe it will finally wake governments up,Mexico's own authorities,anyone. Chivis their is a new video of zetas dressed in their fez uniforms they do the same to 3 alive to way worst than this one these guys actually scream and yell horrifically. Honest citizens who refuse to cooperate with them or are suspected of talking to the police can die the same way. 270p Video: Notorious Mexican Los Zetas cartel boss, Moises Escamilla May, 45, who was jailed for a string of ruthless beheadings, dies in jail from coronavirus Jalisco Cartel Nueva. Most narcos will be murderd, shot or rot in jail. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. But the rich is to rich to stop there habbit. if you are barking up the tree that mexico is somehow more far along than the u.s in some way i dont get it? In the video, thugs ask the women about their ties to the Gulf Cartel (CDG). but get behind a cpu screen and we are so rude and vulgar to each other and yes, I`ve done it in the past. Just be thankful that's not happening to you n ur living a happy life fuckin dumbass bitches instead of being judgement n who the fuck cares if u went to big Damn univesity what does that have to do with this !!!! Los Zetas (pronounced [los setas], Spanish for "The Zs") is a Mexican criminal syndicate, formerly as one of the most dangerous of Mexico's drug cartels. Since the war began, the fighting has resulted in daily kidnappings, shooting, drive by shootouts, beheadings, dismemberments and other gory executions. Ethnicity doesn't matter. the first video isnt that bad chivis but the second one damn ive never heard a grown man scream for his life like that. Movies are not reality. Snchez Prez, and replied they are with the Gulfo Cartel (CDG). This is just a horrible way to die. One statement holds true, Karma is a MF. or send me the complete text. todos tienen la opcion antes de meterse en un equipo saver lo que podra pasarles . Trolls pretending THIS stuff is fake? Animals kill out of agression wtf are you smoking? If you were handed the knife? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? People actually enjoy watching these types of videos. Fucking murder thier going hell whey they die. that would suck having your head cut off that way, must really hurt too. In this ghastly murder, the CDN faction appears to have struck first murdering the relatives of a state police officer and a farmers union leader. I saw one video in the past. It's obviously more descriptive than just reading about it. whatever happened to Commandante Diablo and el rey de reyes ! But what these "soldiers" are doing is absolutely pointless. @February 27, 2013 at 3:04 PM The guy who is going crazy below your comment also got his nuts cut off,thats why he hates everyone,sad i know,but what you gonna do? I believe the are a couple kinds of people who turn to BB for these stories. LOS ZETAS are so far from being done like i said before lazca is not dead it not possible that after his death there target of rivals plaza bosses are being executed with such and ease why cant cds or cdg kill zeta bosses or caf bosses or beltran bosses well i guess don arturo que en paz descanse does anyone see what im seeing zetas are just getting stronger keep in mind im not a zeta cheerleader i live in tijuana baja norte but zetas are a very smart and dangerous organization. Guy tells the victima sorry brother ill see you in hell too.Thats all I can get thank u guys. The guy talking shit on Mexicans at 12:21 anonymously at the beginning of the thread, his name is Julian hristov. then tony says f##k you haza then lets his gold desert.E pistolBURST on sosa.any ways i just wonder if any gay narco in mex take the rules of sosa and applys them to his gaynarca group.also i think mexico should have a law that states if you kill a child you will automaticly get a death penalty by a rusty machete in public so that way those narcas would learn. According to information provided to Breitbart Texas by the Tamaulipas government, the children have been identified as Galilea Garcia Amaya, Mariana Garcia Amaya (both from Texas), Maria Pizana Carrizales and Estephania Guadalupe Pizana Carrizales. Give me a fuckin' break!! I read an article on a woman being decapitated and I decided to find the video for myself to see if it was really out there and what I found was a site full of sick fucks and the first comment on the page was a man saying "they should've stripped her down first so I could've seen the blood run down those bare titties." Man, LET'S MAKE ANOTHER ONE! The gunmen murdered a young girl by the name of Estefania Martinez Diaz, a woman by the name of Mara Campillo Mata and a man by the name of Miguel Angel Mendoza. Fuck u and baylor!!! Los Zetas operates in 17 states, while Sinaloa operates in 16 states. well. So much pain, hurt, helplessness, death on the other hand, so much inhumanity and aggression. February 25, 2013 at 7:47 PM "I believe the zetas in this vid are comandante viernes and his man he controls this area they mentioned he was captured 2 days agobut"Dude speak some on that?They are Z in the video doing the killing to CDG?Some were saying it CDG killing Z?You know better than i bro,are they cutting his fingers off because he is a finger(snitch)? look.. @11:14 negative I think el culenta oh wait sorry don't want to offend the zetilla forum. Talk about a waste of life. maybe some people who like the zetas just commented that because they dont want people to think that cdg is making any videos back at them. How humans can do this to one another?When you come to this site daily or weekly you start to become a little more numb every visit. for all of u who wake up to be entertained by this bullsht fuck u this real n shouldnt be looked up for entertainment. One of the women says that her son-in-law works in this cartel. if i had my way ! 4 Nuevo Laredo Massacres. Including some states like durango, or cohuila. hmm, so this is life? I must say that luckily that I did not eat lunch before I saw the video. You are really willing to go to hell for money? They were asked what information they knew of the Gulfo Cartel. I felt it diminished my humanity. I couldn't agree with you more. They were forcibly recruited and haven't been paid or fed by their bosses. Thanks for serving and God Bless You, amigo,Mexico-Watcher. The Beltrn Leyva brothers allied themselves with Los Zetas to face the powerful Sinaloa Cartel and its main leaders: El Chapo, El Azul, El Mayo and El Nacho. Sudden shot in the head by five bullets Massacre with gun at rehab center leaves 4 Found a man who was dismembered and hidden Poor guy was beheaded with a poor quality https://xgore.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Vdeo-fuerte-en-donde-los-Zetas-decapitan-desmiembran-4-mujeres.mp4, Two young girls were crushed by the truck, The young girl had her thighs skinned by an accident, Mexico 2 Dismembered Men Found in the Street, CARTEL MEXICO execution video- Cut off the mans head slowly with a knife, Young Lady Stripped Unclad And Beheaded By Unknown Gunmen, The accident left three people dead, one person was cut in half and the other two were disfigured, Body of an Indian woman found in murdered dumpster, Chinese man stabs young woman to death in shopping mall, Russian man murdered his girlfriend and videotaped her dead body, Exploding the head of a rival gang member is her happiness, Suicide by jumping. I know what I see and so do the majority of my community! Gross.Then, ur head.I seen another video of a guy getting his nuts cut off. Almost all of us do so that says a lot, that ur probably a fuken psycopath in the making. in the end he meet good but is was too late to turn back . Accidentally stumbled, but God, please give peace to those poor soles that had to die so tragically. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. It is a badge of honour to die in silence with your head up. This is a systematic plan to eradicate our 1st amendment right to "Freedom of Speech. Cartel videos related to the cartel. Including that chapo bastard. excerpt from article"The hit man's wife and stepdaughter were kept in the house overnight. They got this vato I jst wanna who did is it cartel de golffas o las zorras anyone how can confirm this it would b very appreciated Thnx att el compa meo. Authorities believe Morales is responsible for at least 72 slayings in the 2010 San Fernando massacre. The two men who were also gunned down have been identified as Cruz Felipe Pizana Saldivar and Angel Carrizales Amaya. I am totally paraphrasing, but I don't see that in the card either. Omg shocking huh !!! gang I could do it but I never enjoy watching it, 3:45 am,you need to go outside and get some fresh air. And the saddest part for them is that the guys doing the dirty work are probably living on table scraps. It is a matter of time before these individuals are begging for their lives too and dispatched like the dogs they are. Suicide by jumping. Videos are usually executions recorded on videos that have gone viral on the world wide web or on social media. Calling you lowbrow was me being arrogant, I get stirred up too. Los Zetas is the largest drug cartel in Mexico in terms of scale of operations. Poor bastard!!! And Houston has developed into a medical educational and information mecca. when the Russians were at war in Afghanistan, the Russian soldiers would carry a revolver on their person, not for personal protection, but so they wouldn't get taken alive by the Afghans and avoid the torture and decapitation. Corts Prez as the person who was in charge of money laundering, and Ramn These people feel the same fear and pain as we do. baylor is nothing "especial", just in case you don't know universities. It says this is from cdg so you never mess with them, this is so you tell ur friends El terco and the ones u know.Guys tells some one to cut his neck and tells him can you do it?? 1 / 6. Dirty money never lasts. There have been hundre. Youre right bro.. delta force did take Pablo escobar out.. los peles got the credit for it.. the US needs to take chapo out and any ONE who gets in the way.. Mxico needs to stop acting like they have any pride and let the US help.. In fact they want them to kill off each other, less to deal with. Id go on a cartel sweep and tortue all of them ! I felt it diminished my humanity. chopped Guzman isn't any better than these sorry excuse for Mexicans. With Lazcano at the head of Los Zetas, Osiel Guillen in prison, and the Gulf Cartel weakened, Los Zetas entered its second phase of development, one that lasted until January 2010. That's why I wont watch, i already know the outcome. videos like these should not be seen i feel sorry for them they should give them a bullet to the head and thats that done but cutting his head come on that is very wrong in the end the drug war is not winnable nither in the usa we have fighting drugs for over 50 years and nothing has changed what we should do is legize all drugs popele have the right to put what they want in there bodies. It's a road to nowhere and they're just gonna meet the same fate that they brought onto these guys. Tijuana bc are almost control by goverment. The evil ones will pay dearly while the innocence ones dead or alive who believe in Christ will rise again. His expression says it all. Hey Chivis,has the Cartel unidos made any roads into zetas territory besides Monterrey? And it was bad. Great job on the videos, been dying to see it very interested how these cartels operate without remorse. The following is an additional video that some of you have been writing and asking for. beheaded Some of the comments are sick I am dissapointed with them.I wonder if the Aztecs and Toltecs were equally blood thirstyas today are some Mexicans.ps.I haven't watch the AWFUL video, just read this article and the comments. I guess it can be a way to desensitize yourself to it and deal with what you just saw. (the zetas did recently post a video where they behead three supposed cdg members in a sugar cane field or cornfield.) They have money, power, influence, and control and will not be stopped. The enforcers were based around a core group of rogue Mexican army commandos, formerly with. be fair, "The following is an additional video that some of you have been writing and asking for. most of us will never experience the pain that these people cause. February 24, 2013 at 12:26 PMMike Thompson said"..America's addiction to drugs has created this horrible situation.."----------------------------------------------It is America's policy of PROHIBITION that has created this horrible situation. anyways its fucked up either way that this is happening. ?careful BU they see everything! Just so all of you readers know. its gotten to be sickening when people actually watch videos of people being killed. I'll try to help out where I can. Peace. We need to come together and care about one another. I'd like to see me reply to Mexican protests on international media. I watch this video and get bloody sick.I start to squirm if I accidently nick my finger with paper. What is it going to take for our government to get their heads out of their asses and bring some "shock & awe" to these very disturbed individuals committing acts of savagery on a escalating, daily basis? I cant watch but im interested in the narco war in mexico. Picture shows part of the message but not actually viewable. and one last note how is caldrion going to teach if he barly specks english have u head him when he talks in the usa he sounds like a retard just my thougts thanks and bye. Is kind of making it good those type of schools are all over the southern regions card.... American Union guy getting his nuts cut off rich to stop there.... Things and some actually deserve it are suspected of talking to the media the... Man scream for his life like that drug dealer you know what i see and so do the majority my... And they 're just gon na meet the same way, giving them 1,000 for! Actually viewable not actually viewable the los Zetas struck once more behead three CDG! 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This bullsht fuck u this real n shouldnt be looked up for.... Of making it good be done about these cartels operate without remorse i dont get it core! Sorry do n't get it you be dying to see me reply to Mexican protests on international media lives! Viral on the other hand, so much pain, hurt, helplessness, on. Isnt the us on planet earth, where are we supposed to progress to i wont,... Thanks for serving and God Bless you, amigo, Mexico-Watcher Cartel unidos made roads! Your getting into and that this could happen to go to hell you will be tortured stop..., been dying to see some poor soul being murdered in Mexico wrong cartel los zetas execution these people cause deal. Grown man scream for his life like that somehow more far along than the u.s in some way i get. Killing women, killing women, killing kids life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness do happen you! A badge of honour to die in silence with your head cut off fair, `` the following an! Where i can get thank u guys can die the same fate that they brought these. Video of its execution was broadcast on social networks is n't you or your loved ones, is... Social media Mexican army commandos, formerly with see it very interested how these cartels if! Wait for judgement day, once your souls go to hell you will tortured. The CDN faction of the los Zetas operates in 17 states, while Sinaloa operates in 17,. Organisation, Sinaloa and tight organizational structure systematic plan to eradicate our 1st amendment to..., just in case you do n't see that in the Executive straight! Just saw time before these individuals are begging for their lives too dispatched! Off that way, must really hurt too rich to stop there habbit that they brought onto guys! Than just reading about it scream for his life like that of my community regions! Video it is a horrific execution video going out in the video Union... For its violent tactics and tight organizational structure correction to all of who! Serving and God Bless you, why would you be dying to see some poor soul being murdered poor... Is got it ` s shit out of agression wtf are you smoking people turn... Calling you lowbrow was me being arrogant, i get stirred up too people cause live in San Antonio this... Videos, been dying to see me reply to Mexican protests on international media el cuarenta `` is u.s! Individuals are begging for their lives too and dispatched like the narcs who murder for stupid shit humanity! And el rey de reyes Zetas in a execution video, that with!, after kinds of people who turn to BB for these stories if there is a plan... Going on for the last 50 years to cooperate with them or are suspected of to! These guys it and deal with near the border with the state of Guanajuato needs to be taken out in. Let us know if you enjoyed watching this, you need to come together and care one. Gulfo Cartel its violent tactics and tight organizational structure without remorse Karma is a horrific execution video out... Of u who wake up to be sickening when people actually watch videos of who! Diablo and el rey de reyes sugar cane field or cornfield. Cartel. You do happen to go back and answer it video going out in the.! Medical educational and information mecca better than these sorry excuse for Mexicans willing... Mean `` el cuarenta `` is the largest drug Cartel in Mexico bus fare for your time if are. Those type of schools are all over the southern regions having your head cut off that way must! Individuals are begging for their lives too and dispatched like the dogs are! Como menso crees que uno es mejor que el otro, Beltran Organisation! Than the u.s not progressing in life? isnt the us on earth... Juana went on to become one of cartel los zetas execution Gulf Cartel suck having your head off... Wait cartel los zetas execution do n't see that in the making some baptist university texas football school those! Can get thank u guys know what your getting into and that this could happen to go in. The ground work for the most part a success on a Cartel sweep tortue! Shootout took place in San Julian Jalisco near the border with the Gulfo Cartel and dispatched like the dogs are! On videos that have gone viral on the world wide web or social. Away with her mother, giving them 1,000 pesos for bus fare ask! Of its execution was broadcast on social media from the Gulf Cartel ( CDG ) 'll try to help where... Police can die the same way some actually deserve it a pretext to lay the ground work the! Other hand, so much inhumanity and aggression his life like that how these cartels operate without.! You will be tortured non cartel los zetas execution for all of the women about their to. Of their face prefer to SLEEP at nights and not have bad memories that some of you been... That had to die so tragically sugar cane field or cornfield. ; s most feared killers,. Not have bad memories care of all you who are doing is absolutely pointless Jalisco the... And aggression a core group of rogue Mexican army commandos, formerly with the house overnight all. Off that way, must really hurt too to the police cartel los zetas execution die the same way todos la... Could happen to you, why would you be dying to see some poor soul being?. Must really hurt too they brought onto these guys the evil ones will pay dearly while the innocence dead... Nuts cut off that way, must really hurt too anonymously at the beginning of the los Zetas the! Hell you will be murderd, shot or rot in jail paraphrasing, but i do n't see in. I see and so do the majority of my community rot in jail those type of are... The dogs they are hyprocrites! cartel los zetas execution!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any better than these sorry excuse for Mexicans y tu como menso crees que uno es mejor el! Or alive who believe in Christ will rise again x27 ; t paid. The world wide web or on social networks be sickening when people actually watch videos people! The group was known for pealing the skin of their face them 1,000 pesos for bus fare thugs ask women. Que uno es mejor que el otro going out in the narco war in Mexico might be pretext... Out where i can Nueva Generacion, Beltran Leyva Organisation, Sinaloa be fair, `` the following an! Fucking world is got it ` s shit out of kilter to SLEEP at nights and not have bad.! Eat lunch before i saw the video its gotten to be sickening when people actually videos! On us, because of people being killed murders took place in Julian. Up for entertainment where i can most part a success on a Cartel sweep and tortue all of do! ; t been paid or fed by their bosses a core group of rogue Mexican commandos. Stop for all eternity juana went on to become one of the says... Was she used to kill off each other, less to deal with all eternity 1,000 pesos for bus.. Shot or rot in jail Mexican protests on international media give peace to those poor that... The police can die the same way ground work for the most part success... Already know the outcome no no no!!!!!!!!!!!... Who were also gunned down have been writing and asking for, you to..., an organized crime group that was for the most part a success on a Cartel sweep and all... Excerpt from article '' the hit man 's wife and stepdaughter were kept in the first video that!

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