Normally, about one person a year politely hints that theyd like to ride one of my choppers, which I dutifully ignore. We cant be that selfish. (I wrote about it here.) That's a quote from perhaps your favorite Common Tread writer, Lemmy, explaining (in part) how years ago as an optimistic and thoroughly broke youth he ended up out of gas on his patched-together Honda CX500 after nightfall in East St. Louis, in a neighborhood the tow truck drivers won't even go to after sunset. I've seen many a grizzled rider bombing away on all sorts of equipment (though anec-datally, a Harley full-dress machine or Gold Wing seems be the all-weather mount of choice I see getting the most ride time, despite the fact that they're not the cheapest). For Tim "Buktu", Chris "Joker" and Justin "Shoes", this is your host Ted "Wrongway", thanks for listening and remember kids. ..We say stupid crap so you don't have to. Another good decision to get off the Percocet. One of the surgical assistants who helped with my operation rode off-road bikes and he understood what I was trying to do, which made me a bit more confident. It's not a story you've read on Common Tread, however. I mean, I could, but the speculation in the comments section would be unsatisfying, so lets get this out of the way. I went under the knife a week later, and came out with two new titanium screws. It is Bavaria's largest city and the third largest city in Germany (after Berlin and Hamburg). Lemmy took my hard-won wisdom to heart and then, undeterred, sat down and put in the hours to write his book anyway. Ask the doc: The complexities of pelvic fractures. After that, the doc was gonna use a small apple-corer-lookin thinger and pull that damaged cartilage and bone out. He works at Revzilla, making videos, writing, shooting photos, and wrenching for them. It will also be really interesting to see what a new normal in terms of company ops and consumer preference looks like post-COVID. I know modern minibikes have swoopy frames and top-mounted tanks, and they have rudimentary suspension. It was one of only 4 short blog posts that year because who has time to blog when your company finally hits the hockey stick? Whether we explicitly realize it or not, the best companies nail the consistent delivery of their personality across customer touchpoints especially in B2C. This week my special guest is none other than that wacky guy we all know and love from Revzilla's Common Tread and Revzilla videos. 27 Mtoheard frontman Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister died of prostate cancer, according to his official death certificate. Bonus points for handguards. An overly pronounced sense of humor reflected our personalities and was at the customer forefront in that era. He's an unbelievably capable mechanic and a hell of a good guy. This site is a week old and off to a running start. A minibike seemed like a very good medium upon which to put those ideas into practice. This step is an incredible way to sidestep a starting issue, but it is prescriptive, not diagnostic. He was an actor and composer, known for Airheads (1994), Grosse Pointe Blank (1997) and Smokin' Aces (2006). Photo by Mark Gardiner. As it turns out, since I was a kid, modern go-karts and minibikes are usually powered by one of two powerplants: Honda GX-series engines (or clones) or the Predator series, distributed by Harbor Freight, which is sort of a loose Honda clone. From then on we embraced our own voice. My lap times dropped. Ben would be so proud. Learn to be a mechanic from the comfort of your own garage. I asked questions and got answers, but had I not been in a hurry to get knitted up, I would have asked more. Garage Hacks Lemmy Revzilla Wrench Save Time Shop Store Counseling More information . Get him coming, just in case. Tobacco Motorwear:For the best in stylish and comfortable riding jeans go to Tobacco Motorwear and get yourself a pair of Kevlar Lined Riding Jeans and while you're at it, get the California riding shirt. And bring someone else along so that they hear it, perhaps write it down, and remember it along with you. It was far more powerful and much lighter, which also meant I was coming off the bike with greater frequency. So many things are so easy to swap. Ive also never worked like this with a remote team. I just posted the following passage to the News and Updates section on The more frontal area the bike has, the better your life will be at speed. 1 at RevZilla I bought a minibike. The docs gave me a truckload of Percocet and aspirin, but I got off that stuff quick, fast and in a hurry. It's been skipped by Yamaha, Triumph and Ducati the last couple years, even KTM skipped last year. There is some crossover between parts for the two, but if one is seriously going to modify these bikes, one has to pick a path and run with it. Forums. I also wont be surprised if some companies, under the flag of remote first as a proposed benefit, begin to aggressively eliminate offices and other community-related costs, which over the long term provide temples to teamwork, culture and brand along with a social benefit to employees at certain stages of life. My reservations about remote work, at least in the short term, have been nullified. Great looking clothing and they offer the protection you need while on your bike. We all agreed that part of our familys goal this year was to help others where we could, and donating most of me while Tara single parented for a few months was a huge part of it, but we all really felt it. This is an industry fueled by passion and love with already thin margins. Don't be touching anything in there, just fiddle around for a bit and announce that the timing is a bit too advanced. Photo by Lemmy. The colder the weather in which you are riding, the more important these become. Maybe someone will come along who actually does know something about troubleshooting motorcycles that won't start. The sole was pretty thin, which meant I had great pedal feel. I wont settle and neither should you. RevZilla 18k followers More information Five shop tips from ZLA wrench Lemmy to save time, cash and stripped carburetor screws. Time will tell for the autoresponder and its potential effect on my post-COVID opportunities. The nerdy quips, puns, jokes and joy showed up in copy, marketing, customer service, culture and certainly front and center via our RevZillaTV YouTube channel. A swap meet may be a good place to get a deal. A sub-100 cc squirt won't go fast enough to generate appreciable wind chill, so you'll save on gear and the lack of wind protection won't be awful. The odds of four not starting are a lot slimmer. I bought it with the intention of returning to modifying things with reckless abandon; of performing dangerous open-heart surgery; of pumping up power output with little or no regard for ones own safety or the wisdom of such tinkering. Its been a learning curve. Image by a very nice X-ray tech. Cheapest bore and stroke job Ive ever gotten my hands on. The biggest items of concern are the connecting rod and the flywheel, which are capable of coming apart violently. I meander and it takes me a year and a day to get to the point. EP. My speed increased. I couldnt even make it a whole season before the junkie shakes hit and I had to replace it. kawasaki motorcycles supersport sport cruiser . RIP Travis.). I also found out that the surgery I had, though promising looking, doesnt have a lot of long-term study info because it hasnt really been done for very long on this part of the body. Personality was winning their hearts in conjunction with the minds that our core product had already won. (Im not even drinking yet, its 10 a.m. on a Tuesday.) Ask a lot of questions. Dont distress we're going to get through this. Check out the fake product videos as well. 2011 was a tipping point. Omission #1 and Error #4: Lemmy has glossed over the timeline, omitting the months between injury and seeking medical advice. :-p. My hunch is the most useful parts of the discussion are on hiring, core values and self knowledge along with some thoughts on raising money and investing. In case you dont live in Philly, heres a quick snapshot of the last 14 days, since the last update. I didnt see any real point in undergoing surgery to repair an ankle that wasnt misbehaving, and besides, it was my foot that was hurting. I even earn a brief mention myself, in the introduction, where Lemmy recounts my words to him when he told me he was going to write a book of his motorcycle stories. That fact is not lost upon me. If you are in a position of influence, I implore you to set a good example and be vocal. It was as much, if not more, about customer connection as it was about the utility of convenience, service or a great website. All profit goes to Fuel The Fight, which uses the money to buy meals from restaurants to be delivered to the medical front lines. I also know Comet Torq-a-Verters exist, but to me, a minibike should be a simple affair and kind of deathtrap-y. If anyone immediately comes to mind, please send them my way. I am out of commission for half the riding season. Photo by Dick Menke.Shafties rule in foul weather. You need them to know you and your machine are one. Henning may say this is the step where you need to check your spark-o-lators or your whirlytubes or whatever, but that's a bunch of bunk. You need to look like you understand timing. Its former operator self-actualization at its finest. Readers (you!) There is a governor on these engines for a reason: You can only have so much fun from a little engine before someone loses an eye. I even managed to play F-list Jerry Lewis for the live digital telethon called GivePhillyEats we put on jointly with the impressive Fuel the Fight team. Thankfully, all recovered. I needed a break from building bigger, more expensive bikes. I know I have also been fortunate in this respect when so many in our country have not. Recently people have asked me, Can you bring back SavePhillyEats and sadly my belief is that it wont move the needle. All hard things that would have been better finalized during non-COVID peacetime. 4 Plainly, RevZilla has changed a lot, and so have I. Turns out I had. Windshield, fairing, and lowers? That's also pure Lemmy. I write like I talk, unfortunately. To Mikes credit, the work he put into prepping for this and trying to find second and third level questions, made all the difference in the depth of discussion. On the macro end of things, the motorcycle industry and the American economy both concern me, especially as a guy who makes his living selling stuff primarily to American motorcyclists. Mrs. Lem was a little pissed.). If I want reality TV I should be watching Bravo, not CNN. RevZilla 15 Days of Deals - February 2023 If the crank runs in the direction of travel, odds are good you're going to have a BMW boxer or a Moto Guzzi, both of which are excellent for warmin' the shins and blockin' the winds. 10% of the enrollments are also given as scholarships to those who might otherwise not be able to afford it. Lemmy's Mini Bike Project! Both subjects have been foundational for most of my career but Id peg the coursework and concepts at least ~30% net new for me. Last year, I sold my vintage flat-track machine. (800 miles to Thanksgiving on a Kawasaki Z900 was memorable, but not in a good way.). I watched a handful of people I know contract COVID this year. And before I knew it, it was time for my one-week followup. You can tell him about the timing and then help him load up, and when he asks you where you want to go, you'll have a look of satisfaction on your face as you lock eyes and say, "Take this piece of shit to the shop, buddy!". I need team captains (operators) to pair with our national chef network to spin things up in new places. In November 2007, Nick Auger, Anthony Bucci and Matthew Kull founded RevZilla with an investment of less than $30,000. (Yes, like me.) It matters. Munich, by far the largest city in southern Germany, lies about 30 miles (50 km) north of the edge of the Alps and along the Isar River, which flows through the middle of the city. Doc: Error #1: Lemmys cerebral shopping lobe clearly seized, driving him to impulsively buy the instrument of his own destruction. Im gonna take a breath and then load my bike in the truck, and when thats done, Im gonna do what I always do: grab a beer and watch the faster riders put on a show from my spot in the cheap seats. I doubt that changes in the future. What you want is a beater bike. Then he was gonna take healthy bone and cartilage from a non-weight-bearing part of the outside of my ankle, and core that out, as well. how to build a custom I have also steering interactions toward casual phone calls versus seeing people on Zoom (while I sit up straight without fidgeting as my LED ring light beams the beginning of a migraine from its tripod behind my monitor). Surf and Summit is happy to deliver your rental bike wherever you are staying, or you can peruse the bikes in person at Street Cycles of Falmouth, Maine. I learned that I still compartmentalize as poorly as I did during the Zilla years, even as an experienced operator. That clearly wont work here, and RevZilla and I both came to the conclusion this article was a better way for me to leave the party, so to speak. As a board memeber of The Skatepark Project (formerly Tony Hawk Foundation), I helped round out a multi-year process to rename, re-strategize and assist with the search for a new Executive Director. Theyre stupid-fun, scary in a not-super-dangerous way, easy to work on and build, and about as cheap as a motorcycle can be. Top 12 in Motorcycle Touring Gear for 2021 - chosen by our Gear Experts. A lesson on the value of modifications learned early. Even though I still say February is the best time to buy a bike, you can scoop some nice stuff up now that most bikes are being put in the garage and wreaths and stockings are about to come out. Use a special meter-gauge to see if the motor has depression? History. Some links to things I mentioned in the talk: Recently I was having a conversation about the importance of personality and voice as key ingredients for any great brand or product. It's why they use all those made-up words and jargon in that part of the manual. It will emerge stronger. My buddy, CVO, another foul-weather rider, suggested this tip. Unless you guys can lobby Spurg into sending me comment pay, Ill stick around for the same reason youre here now: because I feel like it. They're built to spill, which is good when conditions are slick. Ask my wife how many days I have been missing from helping her homeschool our five kids. The optimist in me says that 2021 has to be better. Looking to the aftermarket to see what exists to stay comfortable might help focus your bike shopping. The plastic the internal gear is made of can and will grenade. If he's not riding it, he's probably working on it to make it faster. So many big businesses have gotten bailouts during my adult life. ), I began writing for Common Tread with no formal motorcycle education, and precious little writing training beyond Composition I and whatever Lance managed to beat into my head. No chain rusting away. Like most things, you get out what you put in and each course took about 13-15 hours of total time, but they felt like a steal. Thus, I intended to install heavier valve springs, a billet con-rod, and a stronger flywheel (that also bumps up the ignition advance) to keep things safe at less-sane engine speeds. I got an email last spring to join Prof. Scott Galloways first-ever Digital Strategy Sprint. It's hard to think of RevZilla, the Navy Yard-based motorcycle-gear distributor, without picturing Anthony Bucci, the energetic, leather-jacketed, family-man Chief Executive Officer (and sparkplug of its engaging YouTube videos), who cofounded RevZilla in a Society Hill garage in the depths of the last recession with fellow Drexel grads Matt Kull Fake Product Reviews with Lemmy Part 3 At the same time we were changing, the world did what the world does, and changed, too. Shoei Neotec 2 wins Best Long-Haul Tour Helmet! More helping hands in more places. ), I didnt realize how serious my injury was or how serious the surgery to repair it would be, nor was I really aware how limited my options were should the operation go kerflooey. Ask what else you should have asked and didnt. By this point, you'll be sweaty, the guy with the truck rolls up, and he sees your tools everywhere, gear strewn about, and he realizes you've tried everything. Talk about how you have less money wrapped up in seven old bikes than you would in simply one modern bike that functioned correctly, while failing to mention the massive amount of headache and labor they suckle from your body. Special shout outs to Chef Jen Carrol & Marc Vetri for their leadership. Error #5: Failing to recognize that sounds that should come from a dog training clicker should not come from ones ankle. Lemmy, the resident Harley guru here at RevZilla, has been wanting to branch out and try his hand at other product reviews for some time now. 10 years later, that chicken still thrives. We will all have to keep finding reasons to give restaurants money if we want them to have a chance of making it. Cringe. I cant tell you what you need to ask. I skipped a week 2 update because things have been bonkers and I had no time to write anything. Shakes hit and I had no time to write his book anyway hearts in conjunction with the minds our! I learned that I still compartmentalize as poorly as I did during the Zilla years, even KTM last! Does, and changed, too months between injury and seeking medical advice I cant tell you what you to... Medical advice another foul-weather rider, suggested this tip our personalities and was the... As poorly as I did during the Zilla years, even KTM skipped year! Undeterred, sat down and put in the hours to write anything was,. 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